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Lost Media Thread Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 01:09:08 Id:347d4d No. 191021
THIS IS NOT A BEGGING THREAD! This is a thread for discussing and posting content that is no longer availbe for purchase and can't be found anywhere else. Here's an example: Babybee was a model on Curvage, but now all her clips are no longer for sale. Here's the three videos I've managed to save in my archive: https://gofile.io/d/UDmrNh
since the page is up and i don't where else to ask, but what happened to curvage casey? she is just gone
>>191054 Idk why she left but she pretty much lost all the weight
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I don’t know what happened to this woman but these are the only pics I have of her. I can’t find her anywhere and it’s the biggest mystery I have had throughout my 10+ years in this fetish.
>>191059 Is there pics of her recently?
Anybody know what happened to F!recracker https://spankbang.com/8za9o/video/f+recracker
Theowl100's channel on youtube was legendary
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Have no idea who this is,but it’s a screenshot from a vid under the “Lina star” curvage page. Hasn’t been purchasable in two years since the woman in the vid isn’t Lina star. Been looking for this vid since then,with no luck
>>191059 so she is skinny? this feels like my Vietnam
Anyone remember the YouTube video titled Pregnant Pretenders
“Bbwbigbootycutie” comes to mind. What a 10 she was
>>191021 youre a champ. Ive been looking for the first clip for a long while. Ill post my own rabbit hole: bbwbigbootycutie https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/11473 I am 99% sure she had videos, but ive been unable to find them. Her reddit is decently backed up on the DB.
Bethany Monroe's content. All is left is a private burping video on ThisVid, and screenshots that lead to some shady porn sites with no actual video
C@rmella B!ng’s bbw content and onlyfans content is incredibly rare and she deletes collaborations often. She deleted her face sitting video with a fan when he deleted his onlyfans, she also deleted multiple b/g scenes with other fans. Kitty Lee- bbw milf from the early and mid 2000’s she had a taboo step mom vid on xvideos where the step son helps her fix her car, this video is gone without a trace would love to find a copy again. Marilyn Mayson- while not completely lost she deleted most of her manyvids and is actively having those videos taken down.
I'm always looking for Madeline Grace's Bighotbombshells content. As far as I know the only thing out there is this stufferdb page. She was getting absolutely huge. https://cdn.stufferdb.com/index?/category/648
>>191161 She does have videos. Face reveal in a couple too.
>>191059 If I recall correctly she was trying to get pregnant through artificial insemination. And near the end of her time on her OF she made a post saying that she had a big announcement to make. Idk what it was since I wasn’t subscribed but I do recall watching one of her livestreams where she said she would quit the scene when she got pregnant
NSFW Cherrikissu/Chuberie used to been active on Onlyfans a few years back. She even posted videos and pics that were hot as hell. She made a few masturbating videos (via her hitachi wand) and once filmed an hour long "Mukbang" video which is hard to find. Some of those videos are posted on Thisvid.com but is only viewed if your friends to the uploader who posted them. If anybody can find Cherrikissu's "Q&A Mukbang video" please let me know.
There was a vid on YouTube with a similar title that featured a gal with a surprisingly cute voice for how big she was. I think it got mentioned on an ID thread a while back but I've lost track of it. Pretty sure it got taken down from YT and haven't seen it since. Not sure if the model ever got identified either.
Rip Madeline grace
>>191161 Man, same. I had all her stuff on a drive that went out on me. Been looking for it ever since. Her and datfatassdoe are two of my all time favorites
>>191079 > https://spankbang.com/8za9o/video/f+recracker I couldve sworn i had more content from Firecracker. This is all i can find at the minute sadly the same video whats shared on Spank bank, https://gofile.io/d/sqo4aL She seems to have deleted her Curvage and i assume moved on with her life.
BagelBellyX She seems to have been gaining decently then dropped off the face of the earth. Does anyone have anymore of her stuff? This is all i have: https://gofile.io/d/l7ph5M
>>191161 I got a few videos from her. How do i share them here
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>>191392 +1 For this, sharing what I have: https://gofile.io/d/GHTdaH
>>191395 https://gofile.io/home drop the files in that website and it'll give you a link to share, make sure the folder is public when you share it
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ACTUAL SEARCH FOR LOST MEDIA! Chubby ChiChi or u/Chubby_ChiChi_x on Reddit had their content available on Reddit and Curvage from May 2022 untill August 2023. Here is a link with most of the content: https://gofile.io/d/R3UJRa Some of the videos aren't in source quality or the full duration, but its as far as I'm aware, the most complete collection of their content. One of her earliest videos was posted on May 18th 2022, titled Chubby Bikinis and Pizza, viewable at this link: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/21509-chubby-bikinis-and-pizza/ This is the only on of her PPVs that hasn't been shared anywhere, and it's currently not available for purchase. If by some miracle someone has this, the full length source videos, or anything else that ma have slipped through the cracks, feel free to share.
>>191391 yes it is such a shame
Anyone know what happened to bigbootybl0nde? She deleted everything but a while ago I saw someone post pics of her looking bigger than ever and bro never said shit about where he got them or anything….unfortunately I lost the newer pics he posted… she also went by dairy queen on OF
>>191523 Sorry forgot the pic
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Anyone happened to save FatbellygirlFRENCH's video's? https://gofile.io/d/4p5S4O
Knew i recognised her, I have the Pizza and bikini vid in question - https://gofile.io/d/JUSAOe
>>191161 Happy birthday https://gofile.io/d/p57EBz
Not necessarily fully lost media yet (I hope) but the big Mega compiling a lot of StuffedPrincess' has been...not deleted, but someone cleared it out of everything save one video and one picture. Fucking sucks, since I had all of my favourites of hers on a SSD which shit itself before Christmas.
Does someone have the google drive videos of jigglybellysoftheart / feedchromie?
>>191021 Petra's and Beccabae's fat transformation video where petra transforms into beccabae. Was over at Petra's store before she dipped
>>191592 Because no one said it thank you you are awesome!
>>191021 Does anyone know what happened to Sensual Amber? https://cdn.stufferdb.com/index?/category/14794
>>191592 I love you
>>191592 I wish I could replenish you, you are the soul of this community. Bless you
heres to you OP everything ive got on babybee https://gofile.io/d/WS2adS
>>191879 Who is that in the 6th vid?
If anybody has any vids of datfatassdoe, I’ll link her stufferdb, been looking for well over a year at this point she had the hottest button popping vid I’ve ever seen. https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/11987
>>191879 Whos the women in the white dress/trying on pjs?
>>191912 Miss magpie she has a curvage but her last video is from February of last year. At least you can still buy her stuff
>>191907 https://gofile.io/d/udXjaA
>>191907 More of her, wish she'd come back https://gofile.io/d/9MbM7k
>>191931 that button pop is magical, holy shit. did she have any others?
There is no longer any way to get Purple Wings content if it wasn't purchased before she took down her C4S page, right?
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https://stufferdb.com/picture?/525708/category/15076 Does anyone have this mykawaiifatbelly video? The one on db is corrupted.
Sofia on Curvage had a few videos with her face in that she deleted as they were being shared, if anyone has them I'd be eternally grateful, bought but never thought to save at the time. There was these 2 plus a burger and burps, cupcake q&a and breakfast stuffing... Found a few on this vid but the quality sucks. Dropping a Google drive of what else I have of her in return https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12o4Forxu29fTp_szonG4xUQuDtDLnohO?usp=drive_link
I have a real deepcut hopefull someone has it. Back in the day Gaining Goddess did a video called dancing queen. She was dancing to a lil kim song. I've been trying to find it for years. I rember it being in a yahoo group.
Most of the content about MyKawaiiFatBelly is corrupted on sdb if anyone have full vids :c
Here is some littlecurvydevil. I found most of her pictures/short videos she had on her tumblr but her onlyfans was never archived by coomer. Anyone happen to have any of her OF vids? Here is what I have https://gofile.io/d/C2ZfJK
I know this is a loooong shot, but does anyone remember/have these edited videos of this woman in workout apparel drinking what appears to be “muscle milk” or something similar, and then cutting to “her” rubbing her fat belly. I found them on pornhub a looooong time ago before they purged everything, but never downloaded them myself. Like I said, it’s a shot in the dark, but maybe someone has it
Curvylittledevil was on of three cute chicks that this French Canadian dude fattened up (dude had the Quebec feeder market cornered) one of the others was Curvyberardi, a personal favorite. Does anyone know the third?
https://gofile.io/d/LxfKoP I think there is some onlyfans stuff of littlecurvydevil among these
chubbytofatty (now chubbii on FF) had some old videos on FF (and maybe curvage as well), would be cool if someone has her old donut stuffing video, or anyof her old videos really, because... goddamn
>>192197 no way, that's chubbii from FF? I've been following her on FF for a while, she is the best, my type to a T. I always wondered about earlier vids/pics that she mentioned but she rarely posts and doesn't seem to interact at all. It's so frustrating when the ones who are genuinely into this and have the most amazing gains are the ones who engage the least.
I know chubbygirlvideos(cgv) has a decent collection on stuffers, but ive always wondered if there's more stuff of her out there.
>>192247 Same man, she must have some deep cuts or customs out there.
There’s some stuff on spankbang, also one of her final videos before she left, is on this vid.
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this is a loooong shot. But back in the day there used to be this girl called biggerthanzoe who would had a yt channel (now nuked) had a bunch of videos like her chugging milk. I think she went by emmabarett at one point but I remember she had other videos that aren’t uploaded to SDB. anybody, by the grace of god, have any videos not previously uploaded?
Does anyone remember PlumpFlump from youtube in the early 2000s?
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Screenshots from Cherrikissu's post-Mukbang video from her now inactive Twitter/X account "Chuberie".
>>192247 Only one I can think of is a video I saw on this vid years ago where she was in the bathroom talking about thanksgiving.Was never able to track that video down since
>>192044 por que no hacen un hilo de sofia curve, hay mucho contenido perdido
>>192044 Came into this thread to mention the lost Sofia vids but this anon beat me to it. Bumping the request. She’s legendary.
>>192247 Here's a bunch of links to videos on her old google drive. A bunch of links do not work, but a good portion should. You can probably paste it into jdownloader and it'll figure it out which links are still active YUhSMGNITTZMeTl3WVhOMFpXSnBiaS4uLi4uLi4uLi5DR1YuLi4uLi4uLi4uNWpiMjB2V1U1VVJXVm5NbWs9 >>192185 Thank you so much!
>>192419 Dammit I just realized these are private. I had saved this years ago and she must have made it so those who didn't already have access can no longer access it. I'll try to see what I can get that's not on sdb and reup
>>192414 Wanted to add that i feel like I’ve seen every Sofia video even the “lost ones” except this one. Never seen this one anywhere. Would love if someone had it or could share what she weighed in the vid if anyone remembers
Any girlybelly123 out there?
>>192425 Damn I thought I had bought this one didn't realise she took down... It's on this vid but private https://thisvid.com/videos/sf-belly-update/ Do you have any of the other lost ones?
>>191747 Second this. If any legend anon could come through for us and share anything they've got of her that isn't on sDB already, I'll upload some more babybee content I've got later today, plus a couple other models with deactivated Curvage accounts.
>>192423 Legend
>>192425 how many “lost” videos of hers are there??
>>191932 what happened to her, she was extremely hot with the best proportions and sexiest belly :/
>>192425 Available for download, hope I helped! https://gofile.io/d/q1bYds
>>192478 From memory Chocolate cake stuffing Burgers and burps Cupcake eating and q&a Breakfast stuffing All day stuffing Soda bloat They weren't up that long she took them down as they had her face in and were being shared. I had a few but didn't realise at the time Curvage models could take down content and it be unavailable to the purchaser
>>192492 God wish I could’ve seen them
>>192197 >>192220 https://thisvid.com/videos/ctf-005/ donut
I've got some old video's of sofia, enjoy: https://gofile.io/d/icikuc
>>192523 Thanks dude holy shit
>>192523 Thanks king have been looking for that chocolate cake one forever!
>>192017 >>192072 I noticed some corrupted files a while back but unfortunately don't have anything to offer because I never had her catalog saved. I think there was some stuff that isn't even on there. I've also long wished Sweetsexy Feedee had a complete collection on Stufferdb. She had a few vids that never got archived
>>192493 >>192470 Still starting the process of uploading, but the videos will be here when done https://gofile.io/d/KWA4FR
>>192582 holy shit ur clutch. I was the one who originally posted about her earlier in the thread. I think I had access to some of the links you posted earlier. on a pages document or smth. but yeah they went private a while back. she still had a good amount of stuff on stufferdb and and some other sites but I knew there was shit missing.
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Whatever happened to pics related? Most of her good vids are gone now too :(
Ella-Jo deleted everything about a year ago. Here's everything she had on her OF https://gofile.io/d/yEWQNH
There was a video of Jae that I found on SpankBang about 2 years ago, had it downloaded then deleted it. It was a sex vid where it was a dark room with only purple mood lighting. She started on all 4s then rode the guy. Iirc it was titled something along the lines of "thanks be to our leaker" or similar. I checked all of her clips stores and OF and couldn't even find a reference to it.
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>>192602 Here ya go bro https://gofile.io/d/7lMqXU
Does anyone remember the stuffer MissMellyBelly?
This used to be her OF page: https://onlyfans.com/fatfetishprincess Not on coomer, and I can only find bits and pieces around the web. Anyone have her OF stuff? Here is a video that is still up: https://thisvid.com/videos/pizza-stuffing19/
Sadie Stone is another. Lost OF, and Insta actually. Her insta used to be sadie8088 and "theoriginalpawg", and her OF used to be sadie.stone, and at some point "sadieslime". Now some other person is sadieslime.
Sadie still has a Tiktok though, here's one: https://www.tiktok.com/@notsadiestone/video/7277540984274259246?lang=en
>>192321 >>191267 Used to fap hard to Cherrikissu's belly and boob photos/videos when she was active on OF and her defunct "Chuberie" Twitter account from years back. Hope somebody finds her missing IRL content and Mukbang/tummy video.
>>193068 Only clip of it I could find https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6yC4o5VfT_c
>>193068 I second this! But forever I guess if no one has it directly from the site from years ago, it is lost forever.
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>>193104 Yeah I think it is tbh. Since I can't even ask about it without the Jannys deleting it
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Can barely find anything good on her anymore. The closest is this video, but i wish it didnt have the obnoxiously large words on the bottom of the screen, sometimes blocking your view. https://youtu.be/1U2A7ppWFFY?si=h2Iec2uq_kaibxte
>>193168 What's her name?
>>191061 I chat to her every now and then - like many feedees she was in a bad place when she was gaining - drinking and drugs, when she got clean she decided to lose the weight and she's a lot healthier and happier now I'm happy for her, but it does still suck a bit since she had one of the best bellies I've ever seen. She sent me a lot of private stuff but unfortunately my phone was stolen and I lost it
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Lots of feedees came and went without a trace, most of the hottest content I ever saw is lost now. Ones who had the most insane bodies but only ever uploaded a few things before vanishing. This was catcatcurves on fantasyfeeder, she had probably the most perfect round belly I've ever seen (these photos weren't even at her biggest but they're all I have left)_ It's a longshot but does anyone happen to have any more of her?
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Also littlebellygirl was sexy af but vanishes into the void after a few months - there's some of her on SDB but she had a lot more content that I guess is gone forever
>>193168 Definitely a legend that some say started making gaining more attractive. Is it CurvyDreamer? I just remember her and Kelligrl being staples of feederism at the start in media.
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Looking for anything from AccidentalGainer on tumblr. She apparently used to sell videos through email when she was active. I could only find one video, which is in the gofile along with all the images I could find of her. https://gofile.io/d/a8ZJcG StufferDB (same content as gofile): https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/2119 Shes identifiable though her incredibly round belly, her tattoo, which she sometimes censors, and her belly piercing. Tried starting a thread for her a while ago, but it didn't bring in anything. This is probably a better fit for that sort of thing anyway. Thanks in advance!
>>193207 >>193198 Yeah curvydreamer
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Anything from that girl guys? Couldn't find anything more on the internet
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I wonder if these Sunny Bombshell videos that were on her website before it closed were ever archived (and i don't mean the other Sunny videos that are preserved.) I've been hoping for atleast these 3 to see the light of the day someday. https://web.archive.org/web/20130314234548/http://www.supersizedbombshells.com/Sunny/videoclips.html
Curvy Sharon and Cajun big ez took their website down recently
Looking for any old Lux BBW videos: https://web.archive.org/web/20180507180830/https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/113678/lux-bbw Especially interested in burping, stuffing, or health issue RP ones. Here's some Babybee and Amber from curvage: https://gofile.io/d/unuSZ9
I’m trying to find this bbw with a raspy voice doing a blowjob scene. Does anyone have any ideas who the model might be? The scene is probably from the early 2000s but I haven’t been able to find it
Curvy Sharon drop. Get it while its hot! https://gofile.io/d/8b9PfV
I tried posting in the main IDing thread, but that shit is worthless. I think this falls under lost media, because I genuinely can't find anything anywhere. I found this video on ThisVid and fell in love with her shape and mentality on gaining. I've tried everything to try and find out anything about her. I tried asking the person who posted it, but they don't remember where or when they got it. I tried reverse image search on individual frames of the video, nothing came up. I tried searching the fucking transcript of the video, still nothing. There is really nothing identifiable about her at all. I have the impression that there has to be more out there, just based on the way she talks in the video. Does anyone know anything about her? Or can someone help me figure out a way that could get me closer to finding anything else from her? Here's the original video I found and a gofile with the stuff I've put together. Thanks in advance. https://thisvid.com/videos/teen-asian-feedee/ https://gofile.io/d/W5ux4U
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Two bigcuties models, Lyla and Cass. Never seen either of their content posted, but both seem to have all of their content purged from the internet.
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Her name was apparently bungakun and she was on curvage but its been deleted? Did anyone ever find her content?
The curvylittledevil stuff was fantastic to see again, thanks! On that note, does anyone have more curvyberardi? Maybe even the video to the pictures with curvylittledevil? These chicks are so much my type. Crazy to think one lucky basterd made both of them fat.
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Bbwhippychick, who used to have her own website and for the last 10 years only been able to find one clip of a lesbian tape with another bbw “pambam” possibly the greatest lesbian clip ever, the whole video needs to be found https://www.tnaflix.com/bbw-porn/Hardcore-lesbian-69/video866990
>>194501 i’ve also been looking for her. tough to find anything. here’s one from stufferdb’s misc.- unknown video folder https://stufferdb.com/picture?/379314/category/589
>>193034 Wanted to mention her too. She used to be really into gaining weight. For all I know there is just some stuff left on sdb. No idea if her OF stuff ever got shared. https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/10459
>>191592 Thank you very much.
>>195092 https://spankbang.com/40s6y/video/hippy+chick+very+hot+bbw+mature+fucked+by+black+after+interview https://spankbang.com/40s53/video/hippy+chick+hot+bbw+mature+interracial+sex https://spankbang.com/7mwu1/video/hippy+chick https://spankbang.com/73ebt/video/hippy+bbw+in+hd https://spankbang.com/3y7ul/video/big+butt+chick
It’s crazy that seemingly nobody ever bothered to save any content from fantasy feeder over the years considering it had some of the sexiest feedees. I don’t know why I never really thought to either aside from a handful of screen shots Also weird how a lot of feedees there never made accounts on curvage or feabie or anything
>>195140 Need the one specifically with pambam more than anything, I believe it was only buyable on her website which is obviously offline now
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thiccjayebbw i wonder whatever happened to her but i cant seem to find any of her socials. She was right up my street and i used to sub to her OF. Has anyone got any of her videos? I know its a long shot. Heres all i have: https://gofile.io/d/opHLFO
>>195252 Here is some Porcelain fox because i accept the the offerings in that Gofile are a bit crap https://gofile.io/d/qnOcSd
Did anyone manage to hold on to any of Bloated Barbie's stuff? Any of the stuff that doesn't pop up regularly on sites anyway. She was so hot and I loved how into gaining she appeared to be. Too bad she became a born-again lol
Deedeethefeedee was a good one on tiktok a while ago but her content has been voided as far as I can find
>>193394 Her previous name were fatgothangel fatgothfevil and fattyapple, to me she was the greatest model of all time but she let years ago now couldn’t find anything ( i’ve been trying for 2 years :/ )
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>>195262 Here's her OF videos I was able to download. I'm currently uploading her longer vids to gofile as we speak but check these out in the meantime. https://gofile.io/d/zKOX9r
>>195307 Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You. Begging. Cunt!!!
>>195262 Here are all the longer videos of Bloated Barbie as well. Enjoy!! https://gofile.io/d/X8YYeb
>>195322 I've deleted his shit hundreds of times already. I'll make sure he never gets that fucking video. Even if someone actually post it. I will delete it. As for the retard. Stop fucking spamming. Every fucking real board. Eat a fucking dick. Do it again and I will make you go away
>>195322 Sorry I think this was me. I’m new here I wasn’t sure how these threads work
>>195376 Nope wasn't you. But Don't beg unless it's in the beginning thread
Wondering if anyone was able to snag any of Ivy Mars stuffing videos off curvage before she locked her page from purchases. Been looking for legit years would appreciate any help. Here’s my contribution: https://mab.to/t/WqLFXeiZQN0/us2 Looking for these specifically: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/26033-fat-feedee-craves-more/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/24434-big-bbq-stuffing/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/23934-eat-til-your-shorts-dont-fit/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/22967-sexy-cow-facestuff-weigh-in/
Stacy did some really great videos on C4S, stuffing her very fit and toned belly and later while more curvaceous. Oddly, it's only one of her latest that is no longer available. It's this pizza stuffing vid (link is a preview), which I would gladly buy if it was still buyable! Maybe someone's seen it? https://gofile.io/d/3P8ecM
Anybody here a Chubbydumpling7 fan? She's fairly new and wouldn't technically be considered lost media, just hasn't been active due to health issues. But I did notice that six of her recent vids were listed as 'not available for purchase'. I do have five of those missing videos so this is my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/jnzwkG I'm still missing one: - Telling my Boyfriend I'm Gaining Weight😨❤ Role Play❤ She has a few of these RP vids but this was her most recent one from Jan. 22, 2024. If anybody has it I would greatly appreciate it.
I feel like i'm losing my god damned mind. A few years ago I had a full rip of a woman named Iona's webpage, she's a scottish ssbbw and I swear to god I cannot find anything on her anymore to purchase and I lost the data in a hdd failure and now I feel like it was a hallucination. Any leads?
>>196981 Are you sure it was Iona and not Ivanna? I know there's a stufferdb page for Ivanna who's from the UK. https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/5526
(2.78 MB 2532x1170 IMG_3924.png)
Looking for any biggsoftie videos, here’s a picture of at least one that I haven’t been able to find anywhere. Here’s a mega with what I’ve compiled so far https://mega.nz/folder/k9YlDIqB#lXl_9S7Oz5fqqRnpsCq1hw
(399.09 KB 455x700 found this eyy.jpg)
>>196988 unfortunately no. Managed to find this if anyone recognizes here, and at least now I know i'm not crazy and it was indeed vavavoombbw
https://gofile.io/d/44cZFU https://gofile.io/d/E2tqGT https://gofile.io/d/B15wzz https://gofile.io/d/BehOLD https://gofile.io/d/7M3kvS https://gofile.io/d/2nPf9E https://gofile.io/d/MkmlFa https://gofile.io/d/zDyqwZ https://gofile.io/d/nS0hLj https://gofile.io/d/VE97qx Here’s some chubbydumpling7 videos that have already been posted on the site. Don’t know if the video your looking for is in here
