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BloatedBellyBabe Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 17:59:00 Id:324b26 No. 194773
https://www.reddit.com/user/BloatedBellyBabe2/ Thin chick who used to be a really fat chick and lost a ton of weight and got a bunch of loose skin and is how trying to regain all her weight back. Honestly I’ve never really seen this done before (baby yaga kinda but not to this level) and it’s really cool. Because she has a really skinny face but a ton of loose tummy skin that’s slowly filling back up with lard it’s neat. Usually I stay away from "permafats" and always gravitated towards Thin to Fat stories because it shows a ton more effort but this is something that I really appreciate because if she has the determination to loose that weight and then to gain it all back for a bit than I respect the shit out of that.https://gofile.io/d/brZjnV
I wonder if she ever posted photos of her being fat/pregnant?
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>>194777 Interesting question,I don't know and I'm afraid to ask because she seems like the koo koo nutter BPD type
>>194777 You don't end up with that amount of loose skin because you're mentally stable.
>>194780 Oh absolutely lol. The quality + physiognomy don't lie
>>194834 Also willingly getting the "extra from trainspotters" haircut to match the phenotype isn't helping the case either.
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Older stuff from six months ago
