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Blondiee.18 Anonymous 02/26/2025 (Wed) 17:36:24 Id:414405 No. 195337
https://gofile.io/d/gDluaO https://gofile.io/d/M0DqXn https://gofile.io/d/jK5knQ https://gofile.io/d/e0Hwmz New Blondiee thread since old one is bumplocked, enjoy
God she's so hot
thanks nigga
Man she looks like a deflated balloon in her new update pics, I hope she keeps gaining but tbh, this is probably as big as she will ever get.
She's hot but the gaining has definitely stopped, I wonder if her family is giving her shit for the weight gain in the first place.
>>196036 Unfortunately, you could be right
Will there ever be a new lmbb
>>196137 never an equal - she must return
>>196056 she said in a live tonight that she is moving back in with parents, and has been suffering some mental stress which has affected her (lack of) gaining. had to leave it so don't know if she expanded on this, but certainly opens questions about her and the future. in part I saw she also intentionally avoid questions about bf. wonder if he is still around, which could also be part of this
She just viewed my profile on feabie a few weeks ago so it looks like she may be looking for a new feeder around her age.
>>196156 >>196166 interesting. Good Luck!
Here's her latest live stream that was today https://gofile.io/d/23Adi8
>>196178 Big thanks Mr. The Man
She is young, and ofc her parents are probably playing an important factor. She is really into the fetish, but it's difficult to gain if the people who Raised u since u were a baby tell u to lose weight everytime. Hope she is doing well with the mental issues
(54.32 KB 554x794 blondie1.JPG)
Recent pic
That's about as perfect as a woman gets - I'd hit it
If she has indeed broke up with her bf/feeder that would explain the lack of gain in the last months. Let's just hope she doesn't go away after this (lots of feedees stop gaining after they break up with their feeders).
(43.67 KB 582x741 b3.JPG)
(46.77 KB 581x744 b2.JPG)
(50.92 KB 567x736 blondie1.JPG)
New pics
New vid from OF https://gofile.io/d/KYkibf
>>196361 I think it is more likely than not the bf is history. Likely a good thing to be back with parents for a while. She shouldn't have much trouble finding new male attention, but feabie is probably not the place to be looking for it. She still seems committed to gaining and just said her goal for 2025 is 250.
>>196377 Thanks! How are you busting her drm encryption?
>>195337 >>196141 That would be amazing she was really starting to gain too
>>196381 I paid for a special software that bypasses the encryption. You gotta pay to get the good stuff :D
>>196439 Where can I buy the same one?
>>196538 Should be the first result in this search. i don't directly list the name since I don't want it to get banned or OF to find a way around it. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=buy+yt+saver
