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Big Barbie 02/27/2025 (Thu) 00:28:57 Id:4af9c6 No. 195390
Can we start a Big Barbie thread. Does anyone know what happened to her. I have a few more of her videos I'm still trying to figure out gofile. Here are a few I have downloaded: https://gofile.io/d/CJECRf
Here are all photos I have saved. Don't have any videos unfortunately. https://gofile.io/d/9jMrGn
holy fucking shit boys we've really struck gold with this one
>>195390 A+ here's hoping she keeps it up because her little jelly roll is already so sexy to pinch & nibble.
>>195394 Thank you! She looks tall, so hot
>>195390 >>195399 >>195468 Sorry to shit on your parade but I don’t see her reappearing anytime. As I recall she got into the fetish for a partner, they broke up and she quit the scene. She very briefly reappeared like once ages back having lost weight, pretty sure to make some cash, when that didn’t go anywhere she bounced permanently. Any vids pulled from sale and account deleted.
I'm her ex, yeah basically she was gaining primarily for me, she didn't have a job at the time and I joked that she should model on curvage. Turned out she was actually down to become a model and all that shit. We split profits, I did all the editing, camera, posting, all that shit. She was crazy, I won't get into too much detail but, when we broke up for the last time, she pretty much stopped paying me any money that came in. Then when funds were tight for her at some point in 2022 she decided to post again, but she's an idiot and didn't know how to navigate the site so I'm assuming she gave up, she then downgraded and got a new bf which she's still with I think, super skinny now. Around the time we broke up, I did think about making a fake acc on social media posting all her content for free for everyone, or shared her real socials to curvage but didn't want to stoop to her level. I've got a new gf now, which I've had for 2 years almost, she's way hotter, and gained a good bit of weight for me too.
(108.51 KB 803x960 received_341342421212353.jpeg)
Here's a unseen picture of her at her fattest as well. Don't ask for more because i deleted everything to do with her. Had to dig through an old chat log to find that
>>195584 I’ve had a similar experience with a “content creator” I dated from Feabie. Complete scammer with a ridiculous amount of mental problems. Wasn’t as into the kink as she led me to believe, only cared about money, and was a literal nightmare to date. I literally felt myself becoming more and more depressed the longer we dated. I’m really sorry you had to go through all that though. There are some real psychos in this kink unfortunately.
>>195638 She knew nothing about the fetish before me. I always make it known at the start of dating etc I pretty much everyone I've dated has been down to take part in it. But yeah she had a plethora of undealt with trauma, and would blow up at me over suggesting therapy. It was I could've stayed with her and constantly been breaking up and getting back together with her, with her cheating on me, and doing all sorts, and my only plus would be she'd keep getting fatter. Not a good tradeoff for my mental health. Especially when I can get my fetish engaged without the mental warfare
>>195652 Hey man, i was just wondering. When do you propose your Idea and how exactly do you tell them? I have been dating a bunch of girls but was always hesitant about bringing it up since they dont seem like they would be into it at all. Do you mention it once you talk about sex or do you bring it up earlier? Would help a lot if you could help a bro out :)
>>195681 I've always teased the idea that I'm into something once we're both talking frequently. Most girls always want info so if you play the "Oh idk if I can tell you, it's pretty weird" card 9 times out of 10 they really want to know, then once I finally tell them. Most of them say they've never heard of it and it's not even that weird. Just be confident in the way you say everything and never be forceful into making a girl change, ive never asked a girl to get fat, they do it if they want to, but it also means you have to commit to that person. For me this fetish has been apart of me since a young age. I'm not living my life in a relationship where it's not being engaged. If you let them know earlier then if they aren't cool with it then no one's wasting their time. But for me I've gotten people to buy into it without me even asking, even had a phase where I had a few girls I was talking to that I knew i didn't want to go anywhere with but I had them just msging me shit that engaged in my fetish. If a girls into you and you're confident then you've pretty much set the groundwork. But then again it could just be a me thing and might not work for others. Let me know if you have other questions.
>>195684 Yes different person here but I would love to know how to even pull a damn girl that hot, I’m literally about done looking for a woman
>>195703 If I remember correctly she was 6 foot tall so like yea how did you pull her lmao
>>195707 I'm about 6 ft 1 and a half. Muscly, broad shoulders so I made her feel smaller just by that aspect. I definitely wouldn't go for a tall girl again though, smaller chick's are so much better. Way more feminine as well. My current girlfriend is like 5ft 5 or something, fat distributes so much better. Mostly every girl I've pulled has come to me first.
>>195591 How much did she weigh before and after her fattest? if you don’t mind me asking
>>195770 Somewhere in the mid 80kg zone I'm pretty sure, definitely could've got her to 90s had i stayed. Maybe even 100s. She started rail thin around the mid 60 kg area
>>195390 How can i open the vids?
>>195810 Rename and add '.mov' to the end
>>195390 https://gofile.io/d/jaxSDy
>>195684 As someone who had my ex gf and current gf both engage in this type of fetish I can agree that just being confident and comfortable about it is all you need to do. My ex when we first started going together was pretty thin. Enough that her mom would tell her she should “put on a few pounds” so she didn’t look so “skin n bones” so I just rode the coat tails of that when telling her I found that idea to be a huge turn on for me. She gained like 10/15lbs. We ended up breaking our relationship off. But my current gf when we started going together quickly informed me she was almost the smallest she’s ever been in her life. (Life style change, walking to and from work everyday) and warned me when I started always bringing over her fav candy that it wouldn’t take much for her to “start to blow up” again. That’s when I told her I wouldn’t mind that at all and that I found bellies to be attractive and that’s when she got interested and started asking me more and more questions about it. Which let to her gaining almost 50lbs during Covid and even dabbling in curvage for a min. She’s since lost most of the Covid weight but still always makes sure to engage my fetish side while we fool around in bed. Lots of “I just want you to make me bigger baby. Stuff my belly so full and round baby” so yeah. Sorry for rambling but just read this and wanted to share. Because back 10 years ago I always thought to myself “how tf will I ever tell my partner I’m into this”
>>195875 I think it's good for people who have the fetish to hear this sorta stuff. I feel like a lot of people that have this fetish just sort of expect a girl to put on like 300 pounds ASAP for them and it's just not realistic. And even then shit like that takes time. When I was with Sarah (bigbarbie) I never put pressure on her to gain. But I made her feel secure and loved in many departments, which just led to her naturally gaining and purposefully gaining to make me happy. You've got to put in effort to your girl and make her feel wanted. Treat her so that no one else could treat her better. I think that's why my success rate at getting girls to indulge in this fetish has been so high. Heck I've even had a girl I dated say she doesn't know if she wants to gain because she wants to lose weight, and I said that's all good. I'm not sure that'll work for me. Then a year or so later she's packed on a decent bit of weight and still wants me. Even though I've been in a relationship for near on 2 yrs. Just remember how you treat a woman will dictate what you get out of relationships with them
>>195935 Exactly. It’s all about realistic expectations unless you meet the girl through this fetish, she probably isn’t going to just dive right in blow up 100’s of pounds. Like bro said, just treat them well. Make them comfortable & don’t push too hard and most girls are gonna get a little bigger once they have found their man anyways. Once that happens all you have left to do is tell her how you really feel about the new weight and see how she takes it from there!
>>195935 Didn’t work out so well for me. I would tell her I liked curvy body. Then she saw my porn of Ladysub and freaked. It’s like all the compliments about her body didn’t count now because my taste in what a good body is disgusting.
>>195584 pics of your new GF?
>>195975 Probably because you showed her porn? Bro that isn't going to attract a woman at all. And definitely not going to make her feel wanted. You need to vocalize what you're into bit by bit. Don't show a girl porn or pics of other fat chick's and be like this is what I like. No girl likes being compared
>>195996 Tbf, he didn’t actually say he showed her the porn, just that she saw it, could have been unintentional. Also worth noting that saying you like bigger ladies still has a disconnect for many norms as to what ‘big’ is. The only way they’re going to find that out is by actually having an actual visual reference. There’s a lot of women who’ll put on stack of weight without trying as long as their in an actual stable and happy enough relationship, they’d probably be less comfortable if they realised exactly size what rocks your boat. Full legit feedee relationships can happen, but are pretty much unicorns.
https://thisvid.com/videos/barbie-s-hot-belly/ (Private)
