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Who this fatty? 3 clips free 02/27/2025 (Thu) 15:17:56 Id:cb03d0 No. 195447
Anyone know who this model is and where I can find more clips? Share if you have https://gofile.io/d/CaK5is
thats notyourfeedee, she disappeared last fall and used to post on OF and curvaceous. there was a .zip of all her content floating around, I'll dig around for it. pretty sure your clips are the best of it though
>>195448 fucking curvaceous lol. she posted on curvage. 10/10 bod but i get the feeling she was only here for quick cash
>>195448 >>195449 The zip is in her thread over on /tits/, although it doesn't have all her stuff. I tried my best though. Unfortunately I have to agree with you that she doesn't seem as into this as she'd like us to believe. Too bad, she has potential to be one of the goats. Massive tits and she's only 19-20. She's come back at some capacity recently though, posted a few clips on Curvage just this month.
Agree I get the vibe it’s a quick cash grab and not interested in gaining which is disappointing because the potential is crazy. The donut clip is 🤯 and if she kept up that rate of indulgence she’d be pretty special. Oh well thanks for the input tho!
Here's my collection does anyone have her new videos? https://mega.nz/folder/YfsiTIJK#6tQ-Qiyvjs7fc6Lv3mTKtQ
(829.66 KB 836x566 nyf.PNG)
>>195453 >>195454 found some shit and put it in a gofile, just old curvage and OF stuff. nyf is weirdly unique so more on her is always good, like the way she eats is interesting, she really forces food down. plus having ridiculous tits for her size, so big that its hard to gauge her belly unless she sits just right. she could be something but she doesn't really seem to want it, so not much you really can do on that front thanks for the heads up on her new clips, probably gonna grab those later. i expect her to nuke her gallery at some point https://gofile.io/d/jXyu8X
She posted 2 clips recently
She got bigger
>>195454 No shit you think she’s posting to entertain you lonely fucks like everyone else she’s making money you fool
alright, it's been long enough. here's the goods https://gofile.io/d/qYrkQM
W the goat
