/bbw/ - BBW Real

Thick, curvy, plump - In the flesh, no cartoons or morphs

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Angelique Winters Anonymous 03/03/2025 (Mon) 22:53:50 Id:51035b No. 195963
She used to be an old c4s model back in the day. Can’t really find too much about her these days. https://gofile.io/d/Q2ywmR
>>195963 I think mods need to make a new section called slighty chubby cause why is this on bbw real omg lol
Fr though. Like she's hot don't get me wrong but most people wouldn't even call her fat. She's just wearing tight panties.
>>195964 >>195965 No I agree 100%. Just didn’t know where else to post. This seemed like the closest section in my opinion.
>>195964 get real. so every bbw must have been born a bbw and never went through a chubby stage? stupid comment. I happen to like seeing the potential of a chubbet getting actually fat and believe most with the fetish do too. wish though, this really cute Angelique girl had continued before leaving us
I agree, the best part is watching the progression not big blob women
>>195974 I mean yeah no shit if they actually get chubby/fat then cool but if they don't then it's just a bunch of slightly chubby girls filling up the threads. There's already a few.
Funny story: when i was discovering porn and fefishes i came accros this woman. It was the first time in my life that i nutted by porn (i was like 12 i believe). Its a shame she isn’t active anymore. She will always be in my memories as the first woman i saw on the internet i found hot xD. https://thisvid.com/videos/girl-talks-about-weight-gain2/
Here's my entire collection of Angelique. Definitely one of my OG chubby girls even though she never really got big. Still super hot. https://gofile.io/d/axBTjP
>>196160 You are the MAN! I predict your vault may be considered the G.O.A.T. if we were privy to its contents. Thank you for your continued service
