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Asian BBW thread II, Fat Grand Order edition. Anonymous 09/28/2021 (Tue) 14:09:31 Id:d8eea6 No. 63291
The new one is bumplocked.
>>63291 whose the first girl all I want in life is big bellied asian women
>>63360 Ran Yamagishi, I put the model's name in the filename so I know.
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@potyagohan posts photos almost every day lately
Found a huge girl https://hime-channel.com/profile/r2e5gr
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>>63948 here are some free clips from her site - looks like she goes by Mimi
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This girl is my favourite https://twitter.com/__nnyoki/
>>64042 Trying to figure how to buy her full length videos.. Can anyone figure it out?
>>64495 Seriously considering buying some of her content jfc but I know the post nut regret would be real
>>64590 >>64495 Ok so I subbed to her fantia (JP onlyfans) for 800Y/month. For some reason you have to buy content from months before subbing but once you sub anything that's posted from that month forward can be viewed & downloaded so I might have some belly play vids in the future for you degenerates. Here's something for now aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWdtNHFJdFBORXY=
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>>64598 Thanks king
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More Nnyoki/Rara belly play aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTQ3YlNoQzdXeVQ=
>>64852 Post it again pls
Anybody on here have any chonky Asian girls popping some buttons off any type of clothing?
>>65285 Not a full on button pop, but some strained buttons that fly off very easily aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWk2ampyRWNhTlk
Anyone have some Sara aikawa vids?
>>65295 Good job I'm here: https://mega.nz/folder/8yBhlIgI#JwGfidWJ8kTozTSRB_3cdw
Anyone got any good yui igarashi?
>>65284 >>64852 >>65293 do you have other videos of her?
>>65284 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTQ3YlNoQzdXeVQ It expires soon so get it quick
>>65397 Why yes I do indeed aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXdYSmZmV0duVGo=
>>65293 >>65426 man thank you so much, have a good day, week, month, year, life. thank you so much again
>>65426 dang I missed this one, any idea why it only lasted 1.5~ days instead of 7? at least this other one was still up >>65427
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>>65563 Sauce? She do be kinda thick
Desperate to know who this cutie is
>>65563 That's Japan's greatest export, Yurika.
There was this one yt channel that had a lot of clips of chinese fat women dancing and getting stuck. Anyone know the name?
does anyone know a way to download javhub and highporn vids? jdownloader doesn't work, and the inspect tool on chrome freezes, just says "paused in debugger" none of the tubedl sites work either it's fucked up!
>>65566 Itano Kotoko She was in MSBT-002 and 003
>>65623 Cheers bro
Chubby Japanese bimbo mum
>>65592 It's "ho hl"
https://twitter.com/caferedbump2016 Does anyone know what happened to this account?
>>65623 https://www.myang21.com/video/1120424/msbt-002
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Does anyone know who she is? or the source of the video?
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>>65720 >>65718 The only video ive got aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVB3WWhqZEdEbVg=
Is there a good gallery of Yurika's pics, before she deleted her accounts?
>>65746 who is this?
>>64598 Could you give us a reup please?
>>65754 Two different girls. 2nd and 4th pics are Keito https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/106/posts 1st and 3rd pic is Maigo-Chan https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/261604/posts Idk why that pic of her chin being held is as hot as it is.
>>65757 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU0wcWt6empsQ1I= Anybody else have anything?
Anyone know who this is? Her lil belly is cute
>>65563 Any vids of her?
>>66095 Looks like one of the Kimkim twins. They make videos on how to look slimmer in clothing, but they show off their tummies a bunch.
Alright fuckers, here's a bunch of new Nyoki/Rara vids. Plenty of belly play and jiggles aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWdQcHN3UngxUko=
>>66314 Thank you so much 🥺
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>>66581 What's her @? Ririka turns up a ton of different Japanese chicks
>>66719 @_o_Ririka_o_ here you go bro
>>66739 Cheers dude https://javhub.net/actor/8372e28f17/senri-nana/%E5%8D%83%E9%87%8C%E3%81%AA%E3%81%AA?page=3 This chick is literally perfect.
Sakusan https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/1180/products
does anyone have a rip of rii's onlyfans?
>>65626 Does anyone have some of her content?
Any chance for a reup on the nyoki/rara vids? I came to the thread a bit too late
Honestly a zip file of all the Nyoki/Rara stuff you got will help a lot so you don’t have to reup old stuff all the time. If you could do that it’d be great
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anybody Got any vids of her
What happened to Umi Mitoma? I can only find her Youtube account now.
>>67522 Twitter got banned I think. Not the first time that’s happened. Umi is great but she’s been shy about showing her belly as of late.
>>67523 Damn, she had the cutest tummy. My fav JAV actress is Omori Shizuka though https://spankbang.com/45edw/video/omoro+shizuka Also for those asking I’ll make a zip later today of the nnyokinvids and upload
Does anyone have any of shizuko fujiki new stuff? Or any of her in a bikini or full frontal nude photos
>>66314 Everything in Japan is super small so I'd imagine she gets stuck pretty often. Wish could see her do a video like that.
>>67540 Thank you very much, I will look forward to it
Who is the girl in the 4th pic from op?
Couple days late but here are all 4 Zips of Nnyoki/Rara stuff aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXozM1NTcHhTdTc= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVVROVNSV242dlc= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVJpa3E3MEFCVjg= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVV0SWx0c0FTOHk=
>>67762 Thanks anon!
Anyone got any newer Umi Mitoma stuff? She's really ballooned over the past year
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Does anyone have BBW Revenge - Japanese BBW Sara Aikawa Gives Odette an Asian Ass Smash?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaJTdCJ5iYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRLsWMtF2FA
>>67762 Re-up?
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCynB3zvM0TTdB96ub-3d6rw I've found the absolute gold, guys
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Chouzuki Maryou´s unedited figure in 2021.
>>68516 https://we.tl/t-aHo7RsCIPa https://we.tl/t-IQYeHtgbTE https://we.tl/t-a1o642BMRk https://we.tl/t-jwj9k4zeBR
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Do you know this one? https://www.greenporn.biz/big-tits/curvy-asian-bbw-arianny-gets-pounded-hard/
>>68513 These two were doing gravure idol work just a few years ago. And now they look like this. So hot.
>>68583 Arianny Koda
lookin for some of azn_mami from reddit aka ThickAzn vids for a long time
>>68517 holy shit how did you find this???
>>68767 I just regularly input ぽっちゃり (+weight like 110, 120 or 130) and just found this channel, i'll add some channels that i found, some of them were already linked, just linking all the related channels, have fun! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6CQUrh9m8un3PIkpbm_duw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6vOQdAbDBkuxWCbhbA5Fg (Chubby girl, shows herself in underwear regularly) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeMmxzXKu_VlyFjsAMUC1dw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbUEI2-uJygyl0CT-ZsYlA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Oib3RH9-w3rQG3Y-qe0Uw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjODRQ-NK5zBo8bu7CAefOQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6mt9RoLyKA5J06Wu5EarPA https://www.youtube.com/c/AIMOMOKA
>>68819 Man I wish I knew moonrunes. You've done an invaluable service for our country sir
>>68819 Cheers dude Chubby Japanese girls are the best. They put more effort in to still be cute/attractive than a lot of western chicks who just give up and turn into gross slobs
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>>64042 Any more stuff on her? Or where to find more content
>>68604 seems like the chick on the right is losing weight sadly
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This girl's channel is just her eating food. It's pretty great. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOKdtJqmBCa0NesOnR3PO5w
>>64598 >>64852 >wetransfer >transfer expired Of course. Can you re-up?
>>66314 Can you re-up this?
>>69512 Part1 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVZNeWU1MmxuZ3I= Part 2 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUhuekFwdTBXSFc= Part 3 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXM5aG5FSVVZNHE= Part 4 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVFtclpwdkg5SFE=
>>69548 Thank you. Really love her oil vids
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Who is this?
>>69879 reverse image search bro.
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>>68517 She makes ideal stuffing content if you just mute the music. Something about her feels so piggish and lazy, I wish she would do a bit more belly play.
>>69952 like for fuck's sake she finished half of a 7 pound okonomiyaki before it even stopped steaming and 2 and a half pounds of sushi in 10 minutes. https://twitter.com/mikepopoch
Imust say, this is one of the greatest videos of japanese girl jav type with belly play I've seen lately https://la.spankbang.com/69qli/video/icd+381
Does anyone have any of this? Ami fukumori is so fat and sexy
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New movie ICD-422. Could do without the pissing but the rest looks great. Any idea how to get his? Video sample at this page: http://www.izumu.net/s_main.htm?agesage=asg
>>69952 I like the music. It puts an interesting spin on the usual lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to trope of a girl studying in her room. Instead we have an obese girl eating several pounds of okonomiyaki in her room. Really cosy.
>>69879 https://supjav.com/116441.html ✌️
>>70222 Seconding this. Good to see fujiki shizuko is still doing stuff I thought she retired a long time ago. Also I don't see any video sample in that link
>>70222 /bbwalt/ might have a pee fetishist that can help, I don't know.
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>>70326 Thanks bro Is there another way to watch that conent (no ads etc.)?
>>70678 She needs to do more tight clothing pics tbh
>>70575 Click on the text that says "Sample", it will download the vid. Also, it looks like her uncensored vid was uploaded to spankbang https://spankbang.com/4t5kt/video/jukujo+club+bbw
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New Chouzuki Maryou bonus Rom from 2018. Yhttps://e-hentai.org/g/2094335/bc76044417/
A japanese twitter gal that I really enjoyed, but that got mad about something (google translate doesn't really paint the whole picture perfectly all the time) and deleted her tag seems to have made a comeback. Bigger as well! https://twitter.com/tensiii_tan_
>>71838 her tummy is literally perfect
>>69548 does anyone have a reup?
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i have a particular affinity for Anna Watarai she has to be the biggest of the early bbw idols in jav, love that massive double chin here are two full films i have of her, dew-12 and ahnd-01 does anyone have anything else? particularly after FDS-25 from the "horny fat woman" series, but anything would be great aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVlUTU1GZ1RIdDg=
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Does anyone know who this pretty young thing is? Incredible body and a nice fat face I don't know the video code for this one, does anyone know it? She also stars in NINE-056, but none of the JAV databases credit her by name
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>>72007 quick update: code from the video i screencapped is NKHB-012 still no name tho! if anyone knows anything else she's starred in, please drop it here
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>>72011 segueing from the NKHB series, I would love to see anything else from the actress in NKHB-010 she's credited as "aki osaka" in NHKB-010 as well as RMER-006 (which I don't have) she stars in NINE-055 as well, which seems to be lacking the credit - does she appear anywhere else look at that gargantuan gut and that cute fat face! perfect embodiment of a sexually frustrated obese housewife here's NKHB-010 : aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW9vTTFVbENQREQ=
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Does anyone actually have any japanese bbw/ssbbw porn that actually revolves around eating?
>>72042 onry weird boobjobs with 50gallons of lube arrowed!
>>72042 who is that again?
>>72085 Its not the same girl left and right, it was made by one of those fake accounts. Girl on the right is Yurin
>>72015 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVBZODNQUGd0YlE= here is rmer-006
>>72089 It's the same girl this is Urin from a Japanese TV show
>>72089 I remember her talking about that, what did she say? But I watched the episode she appears in and they showed this image on screen.
>>72113 Do you mind helping a new dumbass out and pointing me towards where I can figure out what all I need to do to get a link out of that?
>>72209 Copy n paste into Base64
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>>72113 amazing, thank you so much what a great video, she's quickly became one of my favourite JAV idols ever as an aside, those pig-nose hooks look great on her - you see a lot in bdsm JAV, but not as much in the bbw stuff. would be good to put the piggies in their place IMO
Does anyone have anything from straberry yurins fantia ? I remember her putting some stuffing vids up there would be great if we could get them.
Any korean speakers know what movie or show this clip is from? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxjvZauw4FU
>>72383 Chinese I mean...
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Anyone have more stuff from Marika Shiina?
>>69548 Can I get a reup of this?
Bumping with another fat japanese girl https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNVfrWA4UuOTHKSiLyg4Lw
>>73248 Where do you all find these channels?
>>73330 I've described the method in a post #82, btw this channel i found in twitter (scrolled the page and noticed the video from youtube).
>>73341 For whatever reason people HIGHLY underestimate how easy it is to find new japanese fatties if they use twitter, especially if you can find keywords that leads to finding other sites and youtube videos.
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>>73330 http://m-fetish.com/ssis5-aoyamamika-7871 http://m-fetish.com/pocha-friends-2-2532 https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20210810X1et5CP6
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>>73341 it's actually post >>68819 I just regularly input ぽっちゃり (+weight like 110, 120 or 130) and just found this channel, i'll add some channels that i found, some of them were already linked, just linking all the related channels, have fun! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6CQUrh9m8un3PIkpbm_duw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6vOQdAbDBkuxWCbhbA5Fg (Chubby girl, shows herself in underwear regularly) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeMmxzXKu_VlyFjsAMUC1dw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbUEI2-uJygyl0CT-ZsYlA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Oib3RH9-w3rQG3Y-qe0Uw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjODRQ-NK5zBo8bu7CAefOQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6mt9RoLyKA5J06Wu5EarPA https://www.youtube.com/c/AIMOMOKA not sure what about this post made you think of the number 82 but hey I'll just quote you :) that might clear it up for others>>68819
>>73430 it's literally the post #82, btw this number can appear with extension installed in my browser
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>>73430 missed the image, screenshot added the legitimate asian fatty channel that i've just found There is much more content with plump japanese girls, but they're gaining weight and then they losing it. Idk maybe it's a really popular format of video in Japan, but it's make me a little bit sad thay they "abuse" our feelings and destroy them afterwards lol, that's why i'm trying to look for real fatties https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEtkd8lCD-0Mrse5srXw7yA
Lol to comment on the last thing, Chinamisake created a separate channel at some point where she worked out and was trying to lose weight. I'm pretty sure she has given up and she has gained weight since.
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9.9.39 on Instagram. There's a surprising number of Thai plus models on there
>>73820 one of the cutest asians in general I've seen, wow that pear shape. Is she part white?
>>73473 Chinami has been trying to lose weight since mid last year but just seems to be gradually growing bigger instead.
>>70251 Update: @Mikepopoch and @Pokomauroyato are the same person. She's been keeping the accounts separate, perhaps to not mess up their vibes? If you wanna see her wearing cow lingerie then go check out her 2nd twitter.
>>74132 Pokomaruoyatu*
>>73820 I have heard that Thailand has this contest called "Jumbo Queen." Maybe the body positivity thing is more popular there?
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>>74730 perfect roll + navel + arms, who is she?
>>74791 it's a real mystery. if only there was some sort of clue.
>>69879 >>74729 is this from the chinese tiktok? I can't find her
>>74816 tiktok is chinese
>>74816 >>74837 >>74837 i mean, i think there are 2 versions of tiktok, like kwai. kwai has a chinese version and a global version and users of chinese version cant watch users from global version and vice versa
>>74791 @potyagohan, she just opened a fantia account
>>72113 Could we have a re up please?
>>74896 could you link to it? can't seem to find anything
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A new Chouzuki Maryou release from 2019 was posted last weekend. https://e-hentai.org/g/2126979/dfe47d2ba1/
>>73509 >Chinamisake created a separate channel at some point is it still up? got a link?
>>64495 Anyone have reups?
>>74953 https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/314692/
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instagram.com/cherry_narerat tiktok.com/@cherry_np
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Hi, how are you all? someone will have some Strawberryurin content I'm just realizing that the thread about her was deleted unu
Has anyone found any BBW models on Kemono party?
>>73248 I don't know how to break this to you dude...but I'm 99% sure that's a man https://twitter.com/debu_96kg/status/1482593268936634370 https://twitter.com/debu_96kg/status/1476202194575958016
>>75216 >>75439 Has any had any luck adding a payment method to fantia? Been trying to use my credit cards but after entering the info, clicking the “submit” button doesn’t do anything
>>75523 LOL WTF just check the name of first video on this channel, is says デブ女子のただの食事動画, where 女子 mean girl. I don't understand he just uploaded himself as a girl, is yes — he really has a girl-like moobs lol
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You can check maria usa's previews on fantia, she's growing https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/36910/posts if anyone could upload this content...
>>73861 She has a fantia where the content is appealing to FAs so i’m quite certain she’s just give up on losing weight and is just going down the chubster route. After all, it’s way easier for her lifestyle since she keeps cooking and eating, and she goes to the beach to chug beer and wolf down chips.
>>75246 Been following her for awhile now and god she’s really cute
>>75590 Link to her just in case
>>75597 https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/78674
>>75567 Yeah, I didn't suspect anything until I went to check the twitter for more pics...quite the surprise.
>>73430 >https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjODRQ-NK5zBo8bu7CAefOQ bros, she has an OnlyFans and a Fantia https://onlyfans.com/mitoma_umi https://onlyfans.com/mitoma_umi_vip http://fantia.jp/mitoma_umi if I buy a month of onlyfans, can I rip everything previous and upload it? Can anyone else do it? d
>>75835 U can rip everything but the ppv stuff, if she has any
>>75263 I did a quick search. Here's what I could find. She's a cutie, so if you find any more, please let me know!
(6.00 MB 720x1280 X7DtS7LigkiBKeY-.mp4)
>>75835 even if you cannot figure out how to rip the onlyfans (I tell people how in many other threads, but that's not really what you asked) you can provide some details (just your login session cookie information which you have to copy paste out of your browser) to coomer.party and they'd rip it for you
>>76061 >give russians your session cookie You can't be this stupid
>>76064 I mean onlyfans only does verified credit card transactions and also requires email verification for email or password changes which means the literal worst case is getting your account banned for sharing with coomer.party. Which for some is a pretty bad case, for others is just a way to go out big when their sub's expiring.
>>76090 For obvious reasons u should not be sharing your pw. Anw it’s pretty easy to download onlyfans vids on Android, just a pain to slowly click throughh each one.
>>76107 yeah, duh, that's why the cookie session information is shared instead, it's LESS information than your password. kemono.party works the exact same way as coomer.party and kemono.party is beloved over on bbwdraw :-/ alternatively I don't share my info, I just run the ripping tool myself on my own machine because I know how to install python and download a file from github.
>>75216 >>75549 I tried too, I think it needs to be a japanese credit card or something? I google translate the text and says it needs to be "3-d secure", dunno if that actually means anything.
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Does anyone know this girl's name?
>>76690 Yeah her name is "READ THE THREAD" >>75263
>>76695 Thank you!
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>>76753 Name? She's a cutie
>>76802 Fujisawa Rio aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamF2bGlicmFyeS5jb20vZW4vdmxfc3Rhci5waHA/cz1hZmhjbQ==
>>76810 nope, just juicy fat. the jiggle is real
why does fantia have to reject all of my cards I just want to spank it to nnyoki GOD
CafeRedBump's twitter is kill https://twitter.com/caferedbump2016 Why can't Twitter let me enjoy my Japanese chonkers in peace T_T
>>76839 Speaking of twitter Japanese chonkers, just stumbled upon this girl. https://twitter.com/pon_pon_panpan
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x795a4h A link to that movie Yurino Hana did. Miss her so much..
Does anyone have the classic video from the 80s or 90s of an obese Japanese girl in striped underwear with a skinny guy. Or the guy had the striped underwear, I hadn't seen it in so long.
>>72113 Explain to the newfag what kind of file sharing is this
>>76939 read the sticky
>>76992 Thanks
>>76839 What do you mean? She's pretty good btw, I love how her belly sticks out so much
>>77183 Her account was straight-up gone for a few days. Looks like it's back now though.
Does anyone happen to have this video from Kanna? https://fantia.jp/products/108896
>>77271 Here it is aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVVsNVZWUUwxdXk=
Anyone have the clip from that Japanese game show where they asked fat girls on the street how much they used to weigh?
>>76839 Anyone have any of her sets/vids?
These ladies are pretty cute too: https://twitter.com/babu_baby_bbw https://twitter.com/SACHIBBW1472 https://twitter.com/natyu0836 https://twitter.com/akihomikepo
>>78034 >cute >no face in sight
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Anyone have a idea who she is or seen her in any over JAV? Found her in ALB-203 any help would be super nice.
Mantenka hime aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG9reW9tb3Rpb24ubmV0L3ZpZGVvLzI0MTQxMDQvbWFudGVua2EtaGltZQ==
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Can anyone help me identify her? she's absolutely stunning. Reverse image search
>>78422 Damn, seconding this! I know Japanese and could find some more content of her if we know the name.
>>78422 https://video.fc2.com/a/content/2021062535dUqMvm/
>>78448 I was able to find this one thanks to you: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20210625v6999tUT
>>78431 the name is there, 宮田ひなの
>>78469 >>78450 >>78448 >>78431 >>78422 thought I share https://we.tl/t-925DAMXGr9
Here’s some StrawberryUrin, 21 videos aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWVaVWFWeElHYkg=
>>78470 god bless you man
>>78478 >>78470 two legends right here, thank you for the giant pigs
>>69548 Re-ups of these?
Anyone know this girl's name? https://www.tiktok.com/@weiqiaobaby/video/7059705621238582574 https://www.tiktok.com/@syon588/video/7058037613395070210
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iRwPlQRFH9k Any clue who? I know it was on TikTok ar one point
>>78740 MantekaHime https://www.reddit.com/r/MantekaHime/
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Judging by her recent twitter posts chouzuki maryous gonna have a visible double chin real soon.
>>78470 thanks! This is her too? https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20210709Bn61WND3 Are you able to get this one too?
>>78961 Can't just say that and not give us an image of things to come, brother
>>78470 >https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20210709Bn61WND3 Reupload?
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Would anybody have Shizuko Fujiki or Shizuko Araki's newest videos from Izumi? ICD-402 ICD-411 ICD-422 I can't find any of these new videos online sadly.
>>78478 Can we get a reupload of her stuff? I missed it this time around
>>79109 I'm dying to get these too. I found a download link for ICD-411 but it requires a premium account on this site. Anyone able to get this? https://file.al/c8lue5m8dce4/vod-3967-71.mp4.html
>>79206 usually there's leechers for those hosting sites
>>78680 Liu Wen
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A few days ago I stumbled across this YouTuber. She's called honeyfritzie and she's a self-described foodie/closet feedee who has apparently done dozens of videos over the years of her stuffing herself, but made them all private until just recently. I'm not sure what's inspired her to slowly making these videos public one by one, but she seems like she's cautiously trying to get a feel for if people like it. She's super cute, with a fantastic body and appetite to boot, so check her stuff out if you agree. Fair warning, she's used this account for everything over the years, so there's also a lot of more personal stuff on there about her religion, travels, and social life. We should probably be careful we don't scare her off of the scene.
>>79404 She's HunnyBunnany on Fantasyfeeder, she's been around for years
>>79404 Recently found her too she’s very lovely
>>79418 Ah gotcha, I'm not familiar with FF so that makes sense.
>>79404 Fuck she's hot man, she looks amazing in those tight shirts. What video is the on from the picture?I can't seem to find it
>>79470 Seems like she's made it private again, but she had a two part stuffing video. I was worried she'd delete it so I saved it ahead of time, enjoy! https://we.tl/t-20uStvfUm9
>>79486 it's on her ff in one part
>>79404 >>79418 Also used to go by Sugarface, I believe
>>78470 Could i get a reupload of this?
>>79549 reup: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUJHZ0xRMmZzczY= can anyone get this? https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20210709Bn61WND3
Hi was wondering if anyone has any chinamisake content or could point to some already posted, just discovered her and honestly having a bit of a hard time looking for stuff since I'm used to looking at just English based content
does anyone remember a japanese housewife who used to do solo mukbangs? she used to be on youtube and pornhub a few years ago, but i cant seem to find her. i think she got pregnant and stopped with the videos, but does anyone got her old vids or know if she has a new channel?
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9rVW9GbkM0QyNTSDBFdkJITFNERzFfWm5oV3M3N3ln Here's some other FC2 vids. There's a lot of good content there, if anyone's willing to buy more and share.
>>79844 https://stufferdb.com/index.php?/category/5507 ^This woman?
>>79889 what tags do you search for?
>>79951 https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/pochakawa/ This seller's got some good stuff. I usually search for ぽちゃ, ぽっちゃり, 激ぽちゃ, デブ, and BBW/SSBBW, and bookmark decent sellers. Generally have more luck searching for デブ(fat) compared to ぽちゃ(chubby) because asians tend to be rather liberal with their definition of chubby and stick it onto any girl that isnt underweight. Be careful though, there's a lot of sellers that just resell JAV or other content from other sites.
>>79889 what's the name of the girl in these? I like adding models names to all my folders or filenames in case I reupload them later.
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Seen a couple new ai de da momo vids floating around. Anyone know her social media??
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Does anyone have new content from nnyoki? any hero? 🙏
>>80254 Reminder that she posted this in March of 2020, just two years ago.
Her only social is Damomo0325 on Kuaishou. Btw, if you want to get kwai to follow her and other chinese bbw there are only 2 ways to get the app. If you have an iphone it's on the appstore. But if you use android you have to download it unofficially from an apk.
Also damomo quit the whole feedee thing and does karoke now which is a shame because she would probably weigh close to 450 if she didnt stop T-T
https://www.jav-movies.com/bar-003/ Does anyone know the name of this actress or was this just a one-off?
>>80386 afraid i don't know her, do you have the full vid? insanely hot mom-bod
>>80386 >>80419 Took fucking forever to get my hands on this https://we.tl/t-xAjGXtTvVb
>>80419 https://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javmezia6i don't know who she is but another one of her vids is here. Can find streamtape links in the comments
>>80494 https://we.tl/t-KrlffeZyAK save you guys some time
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We got a new one bois and the biggest japanese lady I've ever seen with 200kg!! https://twitter.com/ssbbwwbbss?s=20&t=tbYWCq-5a9zfIZrybk6T8w
holy fuck, good find bro
>>80569 You absolute legend, wow. She looks like loving fetish art. This is probably the heaviest younger native Japanese lady I've ever seen and her legs are beyond belief. I would marry instantly. Thank you for finding her. Where will she end up next...
>>80569 grotesque
>>80569 Goddamn, she's got some gnarly-looking diabeetus feet.
>>80611 not diabetes, more likely lipedema or lymphedema
Is there a site for custom videos, like a japanese manyv ids or clips 4sale type of website?
Here is a new Japanese SSBBW channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCynB3zvM0TTdB96ub-3d6rw/videos
hi guys. i hope you can help me out. i'm trying to sign up for nnyoki's fantia.jp page, but i live in the US and i can not find out any way to process the payment. i do not have access to a card that has 3D secure payments, and the other options seem to be a dead end. if anybody can guide me through the process and help me get signed up, i'll gladly post the content in this thread as a reward thank you!
>>80715 I had the same issue, I added the card on my phone and that seemed to work >>80254 Anyway here's everything she uploaded in March YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV3hhWVZReFVsRlJlbVE9 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVmhYTlRST1lXMUJiVFk9
>>80782 Excellent, thanks.
I miss rika
>>80804 Me too bro At least she didn't scrub her accounts or anything
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Anyone know what happened to bbw sakaki? https://peing.net/en/bbw24791095 She had a huge and fast gain and then one day I can't find her accounts anymore
stumbled across a FA japanese blog https://xn--edk4a626w.net/archives/4149
>>80782 thank you so much for the drop! do u have any of her stuffing clips? she seems to be one of the only japanese girls making paid stuffing content
>>80569 Has anyone been able to follow her? Tried on 2 Twitter accounts and pretty sure 1 of them she's rejecting the follow request.
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>>79944 yes thank you friend
>>80991 Big Angel I think there were 5 of them originally but only 2 are left. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbtxf9rq3XE
Who's the best asian gainer atm? I used to follow Rikarika but she's sadly out
>>81203 What happened to her? I´m not gonna lie, probably, the cutest and hot asian BBW of all time, I really wanted to see more from her
Anybody have any of their videos? https://twitter.com/nyamacp https://video.fc2.com/a/account/67296723
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She's not a gainer but she posts about her belly most of the time https://twitter.com/taakoCC?t=05trmScqmdQzv8ZoGhhxqw&s=09
Anybody having problems trying to pay for movies and clips on xcream? I've wanted to buy JAV there without paying over paying extra for bitcash codes and translating them just to buy and watch a single movie. Now I've tried using my cards including my cash app one and it keeps declining my card. Too embarrassed to ask my bank about the issue. I've bought some other short clip from there using bitcash and you cannot download or watch the movie without xcream download player. You can't download or play it in another video media player at all. And I'm kinda too impatient buying from akibacom.jp. People have waited two years to see this, and what I was finally trying to set my eyes on and finally fap to was was this: https://en.xcream.net/item/239088
>>81253 Holy shit I'm gonna cooooooooooom
Oh god Usa Maria is so fucking fat, she has started to post actively ~2 months ago, she has surely accepted her bbw status If someone want to spend a bit money on content - she's a good choice, at leaast her prices aren't fucked up as Chinamisake's (Maria's most expensive subscription costs 5000 yen (other optio is 1000 yen plan), Chinamisake's most expensive subcscription costs ~30000 fucking yen), so Maria definetly worth it to check out, and none of her photos earlier were leaked anywhere https://fantia.jp/posts/1210147
>>81430 $300?? bruh at that point you seriously have to look at yourself and ask what you're doing
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>>81260 She posted even more, there's a tweet of her stuffing herself for April fools
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>>81434 Lol i haven't said that i've even spend a cent on her, i'm saing that Maria Usa's photos are much cheaper (1000 and 5000 (i can'tbuy anything now because visa/mastercard are blocked for me). Idk who even would spent 300$ for a fucking photos
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>>81430 She's so hot >>81430
>>81434 That's 30 dollars
>it's 30 dollars It's not mate. 30,000 yen is about 300 dollars. I wouldn't pay 30 dollars for Chinamisake personally. She's over thirty for a start. I mostly get videos from overweight NEET streamers on NicoNico (surprisingly large amount of them are willing to entertain requests from viewers to show how fat they are or do prolonged streams with their stomachs out), but there are offerings on Fantia at a more reasonable price. This girl hasn't updated recently (perhaps she won't again), but you can't really go wrong with 500 yen considering she has videos included. https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/306018
>>81459 Ignort the message about Chinamisake, everyone is saying that it isn't worth it at all, i've firstly said that Maria Usa's content (should) worth it, it costs (for a chap plan) only 1000 yen, and what i can see from her free preview foto — she's not even trying anymore to hide her fatness
>>81443 Talking about whatever dudes are paying that, not you personally. Idk why a ton of Japanese models have these $100+ plans tho, I guess it's for more of a personal experience but at that point why not just hire an escort??
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Just look how slim she was, and how fat she has grown, so her contet worth it to check out
>>80782 >Anyway here's everything she uploaded in March >YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV3hhWVZReFVsRlJlbVE9 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVmhYTlRST1lXMUJiVFk9 They're already down. Can someone please re-up? Also for those that don't know kemono.party is a good ripping site that can rip Fantia content.
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Clearly a feedee. Very cute. Profile says 180kg girl
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>>80782 >>81628 I keep missing nnyoki stuff too... I know it's annoying but a re-up would be greatly appreciated! also praying Rika is fine and healthy, she's been MIA for a good while...
>>81459 How do you find those streamers on NicoNico? Do you have any in particular you watch? Is there a way to make requests without knowing Japanese?
>>81799 Where do I find more? Deffo willing to pay for and share
>>81867 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW-SMcVwzs0f5MWgh6_9hyg/
>>81867 Her tik tok channel is good. Funny how deep is her voice is, allmost makes you wonder if..... 😅
>>81799 I've met her, she works at a bar in Osaka. Super nice, seems to be popular with the regulars both guys and girls
>>81459 PLEASE tell me about these neet streamers
>>81924 Very well, since you asked nicely. But heed ye this warning, there's something of a tight-knit community and insider culture with these Nico Nico streamers. I would advise against trying to contact them in any way. I'll also say that a lot of their videos aren't saved anywhere and you basically just had to have been recording them at the time of the NicoNico stream to have a copy. Anyway, here are some videos which have made it to Youtube of some I like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ukBsScg5k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQhDHuJoR6w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPhsFKYFgMU
>>81902 It's another guy in a fat suit? The Japanese have burned me this way before.
>>81957 Pure neet energy, love it! Shall have to invest more time in this area.
>>80569 Just noticed that she appears to have huge tattoos on her thighs and shoulders. That's very rare to see on a Japanese woman yet alone a 200kg heifer.
Chickity China the Chinese chicken!
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rate these girl and above please
>>81957 Top quality stuff, anon I remember some anon posted a link to a niconico stream of some hyperactive girl with a chubby belly wearing cat ears while she smoked, drank, and ate. Wonder if anyone knows what I'm talking about
>>82056 I happen to be an expert on this subject, so I know what you're referring to. That's 加瀬ちゃん, she's actually the woman in the second video I linked. I believe this is the video you're talking about: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31112820
>>79282 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8lxMsAOOsk any more of her unlisted vids?
>>82064 Truly, we are not worthy. Here, have these cute chubby thai girls twitters as thanks https://twitter.com/kana_plastel (chonky) https://twitter.com/jidapa_kkcat (not as chubby but still has a belly)
anyone know this video code? or possibly the actress?
>>82380 https://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javmezzhzy dandy-752 Makimura Ayaka
>>80782 Can you reupload the links?
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Do you know where I can get it or who is she?
>>82745 Wasn't hard to find, she's a model on Izumu named Masae Omori.
I'm pretty sure this is a video of her too, care though the site may be sketchy, I don't use it myself. https://javhub.net/play/BH4wRh6lv7hry-pDrTdYDWNRWUtHzGe8pLFOQUDvLeY/icd-62-mature-slut-of-204kg-big-in-japan
Lmao I think it actually got taken down just now
>>82752 Nah, it's just that whatever streaming host it is javhub uses sucks ass. Been on that site a few times for some older movies and it constantly goes on and off. These days javs are at least uploaded to a plethora of decent hosts in HD, but the niche content is rarely there. The GAS series are the only one I see pop up every now and then.
Here’s 22 Strawberryurin videos aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWVJNGRSOFkxRkI=
Somebody has an of these: https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=h_758pmsd00044/?dmmref=video.movies.popular&i3_ref=list&i3_ord=5 https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=h_758pmid00025/?dmmref=video.movies.popular&i3_ref=list&i3_ord=4 https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=h_758pmid00026/?dmmref=video.movies.popular&i3_ref=list&i3_ord=3 https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=h_758pmid00027/?dmmref=video.movies.popular&i3_ref=list&i3_ord=2 https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=h_758pmsd00012/?dmmref=video.movies.popular&i3_ref=list&i3_ord=1 Give these in return: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOXpOVVpxUTBONVdTTnplRTlEZVU5eFZIWkZRbWxyTlhnMVlYbE5aeTFu
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I've brought 2 new youtube channels for you! Also i'm continuing to advertise Usa Maria for you, look at her cute belly and breasts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFYBo16mAEwyChvwyDkh0A/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbGnMYw1qeVNDhMSRsQbr2w https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/36910/ - Usa Maria
>>82421 thanks legend!
Forgot her name but does anyone remember that one Japanese girl who would get stuck in the booth at her local sushi place? She's one of the biggest I can remember
>>79304 Couldn't find anything related to the thicc girl in the tiktok video. And that name leads to a runway model. Did you have a link to her social media?
>>79889 >>78422 Pochakawa's having a 50% sale right now, if anyone's interested in picking up some uncensored amateur BBW JAV. Might buy a couple to share. https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/pochakawa/articles?deal=1
Maria Usa is such a fatty https://fantia.jp/posts/1247689
Lol i’ve just post and next post from her has arrived https://fantia.jp/posts/1247687
And another one lol https://fantia.jp/posts/1247699
>>83709 >>83710 >>83712 >>83716 Wow, she's cute. And going off her twitter pfp, she used to be thin. when did she gain?
anyone got sara aikawa vids?
Bummer that fantia won't take my money for nnyoki
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>>83860 What heaven is this?
>>83860 Sauce?
>>83876 >>83877 https://twitter.com/WhunterBb/status/1520659143702441984?t=hAwpOZcSCr0x6jf9JCHm0A&s=19 Sause is in the 3rd tweet
>>83758 She used to be a gravure idol, slowly got fatter as her career progressed. She retired and got married, from then she truly balooned in size. She posted pictures of herself eating sticks of butter once, so there's def a feedee vibe going on here.
>>83876 >>83877 ダイエット・ヴィレッジ~全員で100kg痩せろ
>>83905 for those of us who dont understand the language, is there a place to download episodes?
>>83964 That's literally just the name of the show, just google it
Anybody have any Yurui?? https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/24521 Get paid tom so might get some of her stuff
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>>83888 >>83905 >>83964 yt-dl can rip this website but uh, hey, anyone know of a set of english subtitles for this program? I know it's a long shot but it doesn't hurt to ask temporary mirror of the rip of the program from bilibili: https://we.tl/t-Yx78ph3ref (I haven't watched it through myself, so please feel free to post more screenshots and/or timestamps)
>>83888 lmao that fat camp is so tough they're gonna gain it all back once they return to their normal lives
>>83897 Gravure to fatty, eh? If she posted videos of her eating straight butter, then that does sound lke a feedee thing. Does she post feedee-esqe videos? or are they more bloggy tyype ones?
>>83991 On the one hand she has made (at least earlier) more bloggy-style videos, but on the other hand most of them were fat-related (like measuring the percentage of fat in her body), and she has ballooned over time. She was teasing with photos on Fantia like for a 3 years, she has firstly censored them (in preview), but as her weight grown up she has gave into it, she doesn’t even hide her fatness (momose momo tries to hide her fatness, for example), but Usa Maria is a real lard-ass now, and she’s continuing to grow
Can't find nnyoki content anywhere and fantia won't let me pay for it
>>80782 Hey, I wanted to ask whether you can re-upload it. I would be grateful
>>78422 >>78470 Holy.. any chance for a re-up, she's truly stunning
>>84002 Whos in the yt vid
>>84484 The yt account name is literally the name of the girl
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I'm a fan of Big Angel, the fat idol group (the one on the right as since left the group) but they always post pictures like this on their twitter. Their usual content is pretty tame and mostly just idol/vlogger stuff. Does anybody know the source on this?
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>>80569 She appeared in a music video a couple years ago. Its good that she posted about it cause I had no idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbtl83eEGCo
>>84637 2nd pic goes hard
Is there a good site to download jav films? i'm looking for the bbw erika ones
>>84819 xbbwx.com
Every time I see this thread get a post i sigh and say to myself “this better be good” before I open it to see. It’s not good.
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Surprised no one mentions @pkpk029 on twitter, doesn't post pics regularly but she has a fantia with lot of content
>>84864 Same smh (Sorry)
Jesus christ this girl is so cute https://www.tiktok.com/@a1_fuwa.tiktok/video/7069918841060543746
>>84899 she has a kemono
>>84950 >158cm weighing 100kgs I think that's the reason Asian chicks make for the best fatties. It's simply too much fluff for such a short stature.
>>84950 How do you even find these profiles?
>>84952 where is??
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>>84950 Got some of her stuff, might upload later
>>84960 https://kemono.party/fantia/user/345905
>>83998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaJTdCJ5iYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRLsWMtF2FA You weren't kidding, these guest shots with Koshihikari Mochida really show it off. Speaking of Mochida, she has a gravure vid too. I know the code is GUILD-174 but I've never been able to find it anywhere. Shame, really.
>>84965 any chance we are getting that upload?
>>85029 Here you go boys aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWJHeFZmU01hZlU=
>>85058 based
>>84957 Recently I've noticed a lot of fat Japanese girls on Twitter with #みけぽ or #ミケポ (both spelling mikepo) in their bios. Apparently it's an abbreviation for "3-digit chubby" aka their weights are above 100kg (mittsu keta pochari). Anyway, I searched that hashtag on Tiktok and found her profile
Anyone got any links to her stuff. Doesn't have to be new, can be old as well, and what links you guys use?
>>85058 amazing, thank you uploading all the videos I have of these models; she shot these 7 with one studio aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVBrek9hbWhWZlE= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTVMSTdTSmxLNks= IMO she's absoutely gorgeous; cute face and just a perfect body. izumu ICD material she appears in these other three f2c vids from big beautiful bondage https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/1819836/ https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/1888044/ https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/1972602/ does anyone have those? or has anyone found anything else from her?
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The one fucking time I actually want to pay for porn and they don't accept my credit card https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/314692
>>78478 Could I get a reup please?
>>78470 >>78422 Wow I missed out on this beauty real hard! Could someone please do a re-up of the full video or videos please, please & thank you!
anyone has more of her? https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/70997
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>>85309 Same! Tried so hard but they wont take my money. Anyone have her vids?
>>85554 Craziest thing is that these girls can look small and skinny until they take their clothes off in bed, such an insane body type, wish we could get the vids
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Anyone know who this is?
Recently downloaded 2 RARs with ICD 404 and 411, any idea on where I can find the passwords? Turns out they were protected
Is Rii_c5 still around?
>>86404 Where did you find this? Also it's iiniku0729 on twitter. She is insanely cute but has changed her profile and deleted stuff a few times.
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Maria Usa is fucking MASSIVE
>>86490 If you figure this out please share!
