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Shar thread Anonymous 11/12/2021 (Fri) 15:40:59 Id:670bbe No. 67419
Old thread bumplocked For starter aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXJoZkw4N2EydTE/c3JjPWRubA==
Thanks! She' looking good. I wish we really was drinking 3 bottles of wine...
Anyone got the newest or beauty and beast one???
>>67427 beauty and beast YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1KEQzTDNUMykwYkM5MExVcG5T
>>67433 Doesn’t seem to work
goddess shar When The Devil Takes Over IMG_8522 https://ufile.io/e31p7qez I posted this in the bumplocked thread then discovered the new thread, whoopsie (this was a requested reup)
Wtf is that site. 1MB/s lmao, why can’t people just be normal
If anyone has her most recent workout vid that would be greatly appreciated!
>>67465 its the ranting sperg from the other thread, just ignore him.
>>67465 after seeing dozens of wetransfer links die in a a couple HOURS or less (not days) I'm willing to branch out and try to find links that will actually work. as an example this link in the old goddess shar thread is 11 days old. https://ufile.io/edkkz88x you actually don't want links that last eons? ufile.io wasn't even my idea, someone else started using it first :-/
i feel her gain is weird not in a bad way, i love process. but it seems weird or am i trippkm
>>67479 Dude, your trippkm
Yea. You're trippkm you fucking weirdo
>>67471 Yeah it's not too bad. Download times are kinda meh but beggars can't be choosers. Here's my contribution. https://ufile.io/w38sx5qv
>>67536 What are the videos? Just so I know if it’s worth the trouble of downloading?
>>67538 >>67536 yeah actually, protip. ufile.io is 1megabyte per second PER file. so don't rar/zip a buncha videos, upload each one alone, so people can download like 5 files at once and get 5megabytes per second instead. most sites will throttle your speed combined but ufile.io is lazy or whatever so downloading multiple videos at once massively improves speed, so that makes uploading a rar/zip of videos actually a little worse. you can drag/drop 10videos per link.
Does anyone have some older videos of her from like 2018-2019? Would be much appreciated
y'all have the Dress Fitter vid?
>>67662 reup dress fitter: https://ufile.io/gquuv4k2
>>67471 >https://ufile.io/e31p7qez reup?
Does anyone have cheat day?
>>67462 reup of the devil vid pls
Devil rep please?
Here you go my friends: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTVieVdTWVZDdnU= Anyone got Dress Fitter?
The link still works: https://ufile.io/gquuv4k2 Anyone got burps n cream cakes, thanks
anyone have "45 minutes later"? Her Hacker Video: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWFJPYWpJeVRYcFRTV3c9
Does anyone have the two new videos??
Merry Christmas aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWpYWUJ6Zm5ZeVE=
If anyone has this that would be very very much appreciated! https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/15451-i-don’t-wanna-workouti-just-wanna-eat/
>>71246 Thanks
Does she have an OF?
>>71330 Not that I am aware of
>>71246 Thank you so much!
Someone please post Christmas Feast N Burps
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS9kb3dubG9hZHMvODQ1YjA0MGZiNDg3MjI1MDRlOWI4Njk1Mjg5MDI2MmUyMDIxMTIyNTExMjkwOS9hNGY1NDk= (Christmas Feast N Burps)
>>71440 Already gone
>>71487 It's not gone
>>71494 Expired for me as well. Would you mind uploading it for us slow fucks?
>>71494 definitely is
>>71440 reup please
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW5DT2h2Y2h2d1g= New Link
>>71725 file is corrupted.
>>71725 Not going to be an ass but homie you save the file as an mp4 (music) or that’s how you uploaded it
>>71810 MP4 is video you trick ass bitch
>>71818 It might be an MP4 but none of us can get it to work
it's corrupted for me too
I shall give back to the sea that which it gave to me (last 3 videos) aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUN4VDdKU0RsZlo= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWUxVVVBSGdXeVk=
>>71879 thank you!
Whattup, sliding thru to drop this in this thread too, got a Shar comp... here ya go https://we.tl/t-0eqVEeYhNW
any chance for a reup for her bath video
https://we.tl/t-bKLk50VmUu did a little something with the compilation vid
>>74248 https://we.tl/t-vvlYdBwia1
>>74191 What’s with the obnoxious TikTok music
I know I may have missed the boat but could anyone re up the ‘When The Devil Takes Over’ video?
>>74371 I got you https://we.tl/t-b7x5u5XAhd I'm looking for her three most recent vids if anyone can help...
Anyone mind sharing some of her older videos from around 2018? Been looking for a while. Here's what I have https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dLZOWWG1uWyxvYQsfEAibsQkIqcx5u54
Can you reup the google drive, The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded
>>74649 login, it works
Absolute legends 👌 if shar did more hardcore-esque or sex content I would literally be the most broke person.
>>74723 This is an accurate statement. There are MAYBE a handful of models I'd pay more than $1/min for. Shar normally charges more than that, but she puts so much production into her videos. I don't wanna say worth, but I do occasionally buy them so....worth
it looks like her blonde counterpart in some videos has now joined curvage
Michael is that you
>>75182 Really? Out of all celebs to get plastic surgery you use Michael? No Kardashian, Jenner, or IDK someone who remotely looks like her? Anyways, here's some actual content
Does anyone have her friends new videos?
could someone pls reuploade? i've missed all the good stuff
Ye a reup would be nice I missed all her new stuff
>>75426 Yes please anyone have them?
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/18898-about-to-blow/ >*Please note, there is gagging towards the end of this clip* Omg
Whos got the new vid?
Anyone have this? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/1081-magic-cupcakes/ I wish more models did this shit but i guess most people fall into fat stuff rather than plan it ahead of time.
>>75921 She’s looked the same for a year if not smaller
Enjoy! https://wetransfer.com/downloads/c844097e058fea5572c3864bae1a087b20220208224754/06f911
Wow....thank you sir
>>76043 thank you!
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>>76043 Hail to the King
Do y'all think she is close to 300 or did she maintaim weight, its hard to tell with how inconsited she post
>>76099 Watch her videos and shut up
>>76100 Her Christmas video she was literally wearing a see-through bra
>>76113 yeah, thats why am asking dumbass, i can't tell if she is still gaining
where can i find her earlier videos? did anyone make a mega for her or something
>>76179 Whatever you posted is already expired
Anyone have this? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/19085-funnel-fed-by-nurse-shar/
Anyone have any of Amy Paige's stuff?
we should get a thread going for her solo content
ya she is going to gain very quickly, especially with Shar by her side
>>76317 No cap that sounds like a great idea especially cos she seems to be gaining so fast and her content is a lot more regular than shars
who knows what would happend, maybe she will gain 20 lb and disappeared like chubby cupcake friend or actually keep going
>>76363 Hopefully she keeps going🙏🏼
>>76261 Holy shit is that Shar? What a beluga. She porked the fuck out
No. Holy moly, that is a beautiful body if I ever seen one. She has done well. Only thing she needs now is huge fake implants size triple U and I would have zero complaints. But you have to understand that I am strung up on testosterone and Yulia Nova this very instant. So, forgive me, friends.
Someone please drop Amy's vids
>>76404 ya, anyone have them?
new vids out https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/19151-phone-fatness/
The new vid looks 🥵🥵
Shes gotta be 300 by now
She's definitely in that ball park
shar is stunning and I can't wait for her to make Amy nice and big
>>76652 Speaking of Amy anyone have her vids?
Here you go my friends: YUhSMGNITTZMeVtHU105M1pTNTBiQzkwTFhoeFZtMTNkRVtQaDBuZUZhdF10dVVFRT0= Someone please drop the original "Possessed" or "Big Mac's & Shake" videos. Thanks.
>>76694 Do you have the Amy video by any chance?
>>76700 Really? No even a Thank You first before asking for more? >>76694 Thanks for the contribution.
>>76694 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoQmlnIE1hYyAmIFNoYWtlKUM5MExWTjZSbTlGVVVkMWQybz0= Enjoy dude thanks for the upload
>>76700 Stfu loser, this isn’t a fucking drive through. Go to the begging thread or post a new vid yourself if you’re going to request one.
>>76694 can anyone reup this please? it's already down :( maybe try any filehost other than wetransfer (not just ones I keep recommending really just any) in order to make this post not begging, here's some random reups of recently posted (but dead links) goddess shar stuff (8videos9gb): https://ufile.io/f/6lxfi
>>76721 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlNEM0wzVDM1MGJDOTBMVEZPVjBGMVIzQkpjWE09 I’ll take a dead link and reup over 1 MB/s any day. Jeeze
>>76729 It doesn't work for me, what should I do
https://we.tl/t-1NWAuGpIqs Anyone have Amy Paige videos?
>>76729 in my testing it's that speed per download instance, and it doesn't throttle you for downloading multiple at once, so in theory you could get 8 times the speed by downloading 8 files at once. if this is NOT working for you, then yes, ufile.io is slow and I should stop using it. most people just assume a slow filehoster will throttle this sort of attempt, so they don't try to do this? I guess?
Is that Amy in the Christmas Feast video?
>>76741 Yes it is, I want her own vids so bad!
>>76742 Me as well!
Can someone reup this
>>76794 Seconding this
>>76794 >https://ufile.io/f/6lxfi
>>76730 It does work, just look carefully.
>>76729 Same not working for me
>>76923 D3L3T3M3 = DELETEME though defeats the purpose if I have to spell it out.
Funnel Fed by Nurse Shar https://we.tl/t-jVSy79AC3I
>>76987 Thank you for that great contribution!
76987 already gone... A reup would be fantastic
>>76987 damn that got taken down fast
I don't know if this is too soon, but does some has the phone fat video?
>>76987 Already gone, reup is needed
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWtKZ2twYWJ5RjY= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXQ2eXEyZkxtd2s= Funnel Fed by Nurse Shar and the phone vid
>>76729 https://ufile.io/vl6t5cfg https://mab.to/GOKtaN2L8 https://too.lewd.se/f6e6384badaf_goddess%20shar%20with%20her%20friend%20Amy%20Paige%20funnel%20fed%20by%20nurse%20shar%20IMG_3250.MOV
>>77072 >>77068 >>77060 oops a) I messed up my reply quote b) the tuser above me posted the reup making my reup irrelevent c) all three of these links are the nurse shar funnel feeds amy paige video
When The Devil Takes Over [Original Vid .MOV 2.45GB] enjoy! YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdEM0wzVDNNM0l1ZEc4dmNXUllSRWw2TmpSdg==
>>77082 Where did she upload these can’t see them on curvage?
Where did she put these, not on her curvage
(38.27 KB 571x672 IMG_01-27-2022.JPG)
>>77087 >>77088 January 27 2022
>>77090 the file is over 2gb, and no one is forcing you to use a broken webbrowser :-/
>>77086 >>77090 D3L3T3M3 = DELETEME !!!
hopefully amy posts some new photos or a new video soon
Does anyone have Amy’s other two videos, the workout and burgers stuffing video or the pushed to my limits video?
Pay phone is best video she has done in while, wow
Patiently waiting for Amy and Shar to post some new content
>>77407 Any get this?
>>77685 what is it
Anyone have Phone Fat?
Hey guys.I am that person that made the names with the dates in all the vids etc. I recently did something stupid with my harddisc, which caused me tto delete a significant amount of athe database. I still have 127 vids, but I had somethigng around 190. Does somebody have the entire folder I once uploaded with all the ames and dates everything/ It would really help me.I didn't care that much about all the other content I accidentally deleted , but the Sharr one is really bugging mr.
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Like this is whats left
Dude please upload all the weigh in videos please!
>>78343 if you could upload the meatball mania video that would be excellent!!
>>78343 Please could you share her newest vid :-(
does anyone have the originals of these videos in .MOV format?? (Big Mac's & Shake; Possessed; Pop Chug, Burps N Belly Play; Fat Talk, Jiggle N Beer Chug)
>>78343 You thought about putting these in a mega?
Anyone have a guy from tinder please ?
>>78344 Oh god yes - all weigh ins please
>>67419 >>78343 Do you have wide?
Amy's new vid anyone?
>>78343 I've got some. Could you share #1-18 from your collection? Here's what I have of her early stuff, plus the Tinder video that one guy asked for. https://we.tl/t-aylSPg9nDH
Anybody have that beauty and the force feed one?
>>78435 You got 'cleaned out the fridge hun'?
Anybody daddies favorite?
Anyone have Amy's new vid?
>>78466 >>78467 I have these two, don't have beauty and the force feed https://we.tl/t-MebQRflXJD
if someone could drop meatball mania that would be great
is she on a hiatus again?
If someone has Amy's new vid I'll drop beauty and the force feed, pop chug burps n belly play, phone fat and Amy's 2nd vid
>>78505 she never really started posting consistently again
Has sombody the they don’t fit? If yes then pls link it. I’ll drop the beuty and aforce feed and a nother one
Guys just fuckin drop or shut the fuck up. Here is Beauty and the force feed YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlMoU2hhcik1MGJDOTBMVnBJTVRCS2JHOTBjbkU9
Someone has a re-up for Hotdogs, Burgers N Pop?
>>78756 Totally forgot to say it early but thank you very much for the drop
Hi I’m new to her and would really like her videos via an easy download thanks
>>79814 I'm new to the business and would like to be have a high paid Job in a managing position thanks. Employ me and give me a company car thanks
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As I can't find the Amy Paige thread I'll post it here https://mab.to/2dkbsjUHQ Anyone have chicken beer and burps in return
Would please like a mega link for GS as I’ve lost all my old clips
Here is 3 Amy Paige and Goddess Shar Videos Amy Paige Coke Chug and Burps Goddess Shar and Amy Paige Christmas Feast Amy Paige Funnel Fed by Nurse Shar https://we.tl/t-92XWZX24kJ
>>79911 (same user here) If someone could drop Amy Paige Fat Chat and Amy Paige Chicken Beer and Burps video that would be great
>>79911 Absolute legend for this
she is looking so big and hot in her new vid
Anybody have Late Night Piggy, Bad Beauty Blogger, Cream Special or Make me Huge?
When the devil takes over, phone fatness, and gain shake. An offering for the new video. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWEZSYjFkM1ZUSlpiRU09
https://mega.nz/folder/RJxVkJ4Q#DolF8tMrAlfvTe80r1YAJA Just some older stuff. Posting this with the hope of someone coming in clutch with the new video
https://wetransfer.com/downloads/8d502945c428ab35772ac079585e166920220416230435/0c76b1 First vids it’s Shar
Did she post a new video. I thought she quit?
>>82702 You must be still new. She only posts every other month or so. Don't expect a weekly upload from her.
Anyone have any of her vids from 2018-2019 that would be willing to share them through a MEGA link
>>82727 yes please I'm willing to share some newer vids in exchange
>>82736 >>82727 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci8zbGhFaURJQiNPcm9faXVhd25lanhxclZxc0RVUkVR
>>82738 Thought that was the new video for a sec got excited there haha. Much appreciated though
>>82738 Much appreciated aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RyaXZlL2ZvbGRlcnMvMWRMWk9XV0cxdVd5eHZZUXNmRUFpYnNRa0lxY3g1dTU0P3VzcD1zaGFyaW5n
Hope this works https://we.tl/t-qwB6QDIEmT
Thank you!!
>>82811 Dude is CLUTCH with the new video upload!!! Thanks brother!
>>82811 omfg thanks so hot
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>>82811 Top man, thank you very much
Anyone got a mega folder of all shar pictures
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Does anyone have the vid "gaining goals"?
>>82738 King. Thank you. There's old vids in here I've never seen posted anywhere from 2017-18, much appreciated. >>82983 https://we.tl/t-nhXSG3sjWt
>>83004 could you reup the vids that were new to you? I saw a lot of old videos and just assumed they were already in my collection and now that the link is dead there's no way to chekc.
>>83009 yup, here. Chronologically the first ~25 or so. I'm still missing a few. https://we.tl/t-YFMDMycB4c
I'am looking for those vids. Can provide any other video in return. Just tell me what you are looking for specifically. 2021_08_08_Cream, Fat Talk N Belly Play 2019_11_07_Vacation Burgers & Fat Swing (my favorite, just watched 2 days ago) 2019_10_02_I Ate The Buffet 2019_08_07_Embarrassing Moments & Gaining Talk 2019_07_11_Stuffed at the Beach Hut 2019_05_04_Cream Makes Me Fat 2019_04_17_Shower Fatness 2019_01_07_Milk Chug, Belly Play, Measurements 2018_11_05_Fat Tutor 2018_10_28_Bad Beauty Blogger 2018_10_09_Birthday Workout 2018_07_07_They Told Me I Gotta Lose Weight 2018_08_13_Mega Fat Day 2018_07_24_House Chores Pt 2 2018_07_13_Caught on Camera 2018_05_18_Dumped by my Boyfriend 2018_02_05_Shar Hates Salad! 2017_12_16_KFC Binge 2017_11_04_Cake Night 2017_10_28_Burps & Bloats 2017_10_05_Late Night Piggy 2017_09_27_Busted Hotpants Part 2 2017_09_14_Shar Gets Funnel Fed 2017_07_17_Morning Weigh-In 2017_07_09_Shar Steals Cheesecake 2017_07_04_Marshmallow Mayhem 2017_06_21_Peanut Butter Jelly 2017_06_19_Cream Special Part 3 2017_06_03_Ripped Tights 2017_05_18_Chubby Bunny 2017_05_12_Pasta Friday 2017_05_06_Cream Special part two 2017_04_23_Busted Hotpants 2017_04_21_Cake Fix 2017_04_15_Oops 2017_04_12_Cream Special 2017_04_11_Booty Rub Teaser
Please share the weigh in videos!🙏
Here you go my man YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVShHb2RkZXNzKVF6U1UxaGFXd3pka2c9
>>83231 threads likely to see frequent dmca claims should be using more obscure filehosts like gofile.io ufile.io transfernow.com etc etc threads unlikely to see frequent dmca claims can easily use googledrive or mega.nz and I guess for threads somewhere in between there's wetransfer? I guess? personally I just use wetransfer when I don't give a fuck at all
How often does shar upload
guys does anyone have cream special series videos ? would be really happy if someone shared the first part video here
https://we.tl/t-7Mr9b09SyV here you go cake fix and shar gets funnel feed dont have any other you requested would love to have anything from 2018-19 or the recent ones OR any blond vids i have a fetish for fat blondies :p started my own archive and i downloaded everything from past week posts
One of the best figures I've ever seen
Does anyone have the link to Shar's MEGA?
For all you blonde fatty lovers ;) https://we.tl/t-HWa2ttz6mr
>>83920 Delicious
(3.23 MB 640x360 20220511_234927.gif)
(3.32 MB 640x360 20220511_235057.gif)
(8.15 MB 640x360 20220511_235224.gif)
New video out!
This looks like a good one
>>84693 Anyone got this vid? Looks hot lmao
I don’t think the new video looks that good so I haven’t bought it yet! Anyone got it and thinks it’s worth it?
>>84977 I seen it on spankbang before it quickly got taken down. The usual transitions and things but her burps are amazing in it and she eats a shit ton so I suppose it's a standard video but it is a standard SHAR video
>>84981 Thanks! Can’t believe I missed it! I think I’ll give this one a miss, I don’t think that last couple of vids have been that good.
YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MChHU0hBUiliQzkwTFc5TE5IbDBNMVY2YjBRPQ== heres the two latest vids
(146.03 KB 558x600 1641764970461.jpg)
>>85019 Absolute legend thank you very much
>>85019 BASED But damn I feel like she hasn't gained a pound in years, o well it's still hot af
>>85030 IDK dude, i think she is gaining really slowly
Thanks! Glad I didn’t purchase this video! I didn’t think that was very good at all and yes her gain seems to be very slow at the moment! Best videos for me lately are the devil and Xmas vids.
>>85067 Yeah her effort level has really gone down the past couple years
grr 2 day expiry, just missed it
>>85167 Bullshit
>>85167 I agree. The camera quality is the best on the site, but when it comes to "belly play" she barely does it nowadays it literally feels like I'm watching a gif when she touches her belly. If she decided to remake her old videos(like the "belly drops" vid) I will actually pay again. anyways here is the re up of the latest two vids. Salute to the guy that payed aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXpFQzNyZkkyOVU=
>>85171 Don't deny it. She hasn't gained any weight and uses video editing to make up for it.
>>85190 When was her biggest?
someone has the donut video
>>85837 Yeah, you're probably right...
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWtjdnNTeW44cnc= God bless you all :)
Legend for the donut video 🙏🏼 Could anyone re up about to blow / daddy’s favourite?
Can anyone help me, how to use this code? Please
>>85947 At some point there has to be no one left who hasn't yet visited this site. https://www.base64decode.org/
>>85910 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUVUMWNKN3NKUTY= Here's Daddy's Favorite :)
Thank you!
>>85910 About to Blow in here: https://we.tl/t-HxnOQtG24B
Anyone have her older videos from when she was under 200lbs?
can someone share her new videos? it would really be appreciate it
About to blow https://we.tl/t-HxnOQtG24B?src=dnl
donuts reupload if possible ? :D
>>86883 >https://we.tl/t-HxnOQtG24B?src=dnl Expired after a day? Someone shooting these down or what?
>>86886 yea could someone pls reupload the donuts video?
>>86981 Here you go, grab it fast aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXZrN3FOellMMXI=
And something else for you all aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LURaUDlFbmZNS3U=
>>83181 I can’t find it anywhere, reup would be nice
Damn, I bet that fat pussy is perfect. Wish she would do nudes
>>87231 https://mega.nz/file/T5NwELIL#FXypYbMs0LCOhOIwP22iE19kl1jVPwcRnhfpPPhUJSA
>>87231 just sent the complete wrong one, my bad here you go https://mega.nz/file/wZozBS6I#Y7LZs0O2amrGxsjjoV54-YgA4nYOAIGnNvhHD8WY02Y
Bumpin this thread. Can we get a re-up of the latest vid, feed me donuts? In return I'm posting my absolute favorit vid of Shar, Your wife got fat. The last 6 minutes are especially epic. YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MCh3aWZlZ290ZmF0KWJDOTBMVTVyUmxOSGJFbHRhbmM9
has anyone got any amy paige vids goddess shar vids in return https://mab.to/9hgyXRb4d
Does anyone have this one "Swollen in Camo"?
I have. If someone could drop some Amy Paige as well would be cool. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWYzRDd1NWpscm0
>>91736 Thank you very much, you're the best! Sadly I don't have Amy's contents
The pig is back with a new clip
She's like if NadyaBBW wasn't tall and actually had titties and an ass.
She looks bigger than ever, jesus 🤤
Honestly I wouldn’t mind if she stayed around this size
do y'all think she passed 300 yet?
>>93293 dunno. didn't she state that was her goal weight for now.
>>93217 She's been the same for the past 2 years... You need glasses or lasik.
>>93320 agreed
3 Day Shake https://we.tl/t-9dpcKj5zxJ Also, this likely isn't the place for this but... Anyone remember MercedesBBW Diamond? (an oldie) I'm looking for anything of hers I can get. There's a few vids I have found online, just hoping one of you can produce the goods!
Vacation Belly Play https://we.tl/t-yRlTIogNdQ
god damn
>>93325 Diamond was the best... I have a few low-res and short clips if that's any good?
>>93325 What the actual fuck is all the rustling noise in this one?
>>93359 That’d be awesome, thank you.
Anyone got “about to blow” thanks
>>93696 https://we.tl/t-cZWbLdrPuE
Anyone got through the window
>>93710 https://we.tl/t-3HAxsbd7LW
>>93732 Anyone have "I can't stop growing"
>>93737 https://we.tl/t-ZeF9xTUwWF
Any have 'Fat Club'
Anyone got a mega folder with vids
>>93773 thanks for all the drops dude, you're a real one
Anyone got Cream, Fat Talk, N Belly Play?
Here it is https://mab.to/fSsSVH33e Anyone got Swollen in Camo
>>96485 enjoy https://we.tl/t-9u1OrXW21U
Anyone got the naughty santa?
Anyone have Delivery woman
https://we.tl/t-yL4if68rlS here you go >>96624 >>96625
Does anyone happen to have 3 day shake?
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Does Anyone have the videos "gaining goals" and "Pop chug, burps N Belly play"?
>>97083 https://we.tl/t-kIBvBwsxYs
does anyone have the "Drunken kebabs" video? Thanks
Anyone got this is what it looks like now?
does anyone have pizza over girlfriends?
Anyone got the fat tutor?
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does anyone have these movies? The Curvage Catwalk REMAKE Ripped Tights Marshmallow Mayhem Shar Steals Cheesecake Morning Weigh-In GS Takes On Kyra Kanes 3Layer Cake Challenge Growing Pains Supper & Hot Flushes Kitchen Pig KFC Binge in case someone has, I can exchange in the pictures there are examples of films I have
Yes i have the curvage catwalk, can we trade to the they don’t fit? https://mega.nz/file/V0lngLwB#G35kUDkoEe5gUK9a-H-Lh_ixBF9lUVo7YiU4audn95E
>>97343 >>97343 Do you have pizza over girlfriends?
>>97347 anything else?
>>97337 u tryna share the mega?
>>97346 Goddamn dude, fuck off with all this begging and be grateful for what he's sharing. >>97347 You deserve at least one thanks since nobody else here seems to want to do it.
>>67419 Anyone have feed me doughnuts?
>>97337 Can you share this colection with us pllllzzzz
https://mega.nz/folder/xyoETJIQ#XjKsnamGW5eXpGQDeo6bsw and I'm looking forward to this movies again Ripped Tights Marshmallow Mayhem Shar Steals Cheesecake Morning Weigh-In GS Takes On Kyra Kanes 3Layer Cake Challenge Growing Pains Supper & Hot Flushes Kitchen Pig KFC Binge
>>97436 Dude, where are you getting these names from? Is there another platform she posts on other than curvage? Because im pretty sure i havent heard of many of these.. BTW does someone have in any chance 'waffles, cream N burps'? thanks
anyway, i got beauty and the force feast and 'vacation belly play'. If anyone's interested i can upload those
I always laugh when I read these emo bitches complain people are asking for content. That's the hole point, everyone share what you got. NO need to start crying !
Anyone got barbie got fat ? That one is rare material !
>>97532 cheers! https://we.tl/t-tgLOgMss2K
>>97444 https://we.tl/t-zDtG15fmA3
Anyone got the naughty santa?
>>97601 https://we.tl/t-8wfQDvA28v Anyone have I Wanna Be 300lbs or Burps N Cream Cakes?
>>97641 Here ya go M8 https://we.tl/t-4docQJUmmt https://we.tl/t-JRzCiP1qZE
Anyone know what video this is from? thanks
>>97683 https://we.tl/t-E7ZCgOs4W8 anyone got I Ate The Buffet or Pasta, Pizza N Ice Cream?
>>97769 I'm also looking for Comparing Sophie, i'll keep lurking and uploading what I can in the meantime
>>97436 I only got two of them https://we.tl/t-RxuCT329hC >>97803 https://we.tl/t-LgfsheIV2W >>97770 https://we.tl/t-vscMd1yhGg Reup of Daddy's Fav?
>>97809 thanks bro, here u go https://we.tl/t-UuDr1Tbi6F
>>97108 Gaining Goals https://we.tl/t-aE9HLUNAev >>96484 https://we.tl/t-uH5mzQlPAA
Yo anyone have these clips ? Weight Gain Talk Measurements, Gaining Shake, Belly Play Late Night Fat Talk & Gaining Shake Fat Flirt Make me Huge ???
>>97884 https://we.tl/t-CpE9GiZxj8
Anyone got these? Pasta, Pizza N Ice Cream Funnel Fed Pop Chug, Burps N Belly Play I Don’t Wanna Workout..I Just Wanna Eat
is she retired?
>>97894 How should we know?
She has life bro she's still active and fatter than ever and she not like thicccollegegirl who ghosts everybody for months and shows up out nowhere on curvage with a new video and it repeats
Recent pics of her on September 4
>>97894 It’s interesting it seems like she only does this for a hobby cause she seems well off. Which explains she goes months on in maybe posting couple photos
>>97907 Or she has a regular job like everyone else and only posts a video when she wants to go on vacation or needs a new purse. No way in hell she's making enough with Curvage alone when she's only posting sporadically throughout the year.
>>97903 Such a delicious looking fat pussy and a tidy pair of tits on her. Wish we got to see more of them. >>97913 I've always thought this too. She clearly likes to buy branded accessories and holidays in the sun. A video here and there will certainly get her the latest bag or a couple of weeks in Spain.
These are all the vids I don't have. If anything, I would appreciate the one above, then if someone is feeling holy, one of, or all of the five below. And the rest, would be appreciatited if you have, but not essential:) I Can’t Stop Growing - Weigh In When The Devil Takes Over Wide Wild Thoughts Tight Shirt N Gaining Shake Chug, Burps N Tight Skirt House Chores Pt 2Pure Belly Play Just Shar Pt 2 Fatter from Vacation I’m too Overweight for This Hotdogs, Burgers N Pop I Ate The Buffet Midnight Gains Possessed Gaining Shake, Fat Talk & Thighs Pasta & Gaining Shake Popcorn & Soda Slutty Susan PT 4 Popcorn & Soda Fatter from Vacation Give Me My Donuts! Tied and Force Fed Pasta N Measurements Fat Talk, Jiggle N Beer Chug Stuffed at the Beach Hut
Oh and the file called I stop growing in the mega folder isn't the one. Thats a different name, forgot the name for a sec.
Anyone got Shake N cream chug They told me I gotta lose weight Mass gainer Food baby Big 200 Fatter from vacation
>>97939 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUFMbHl6OEpwSGcKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXAweGNDR1ppdmwKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWlyajBCTkVyVEQKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXNJMnBsd1k3WVIKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUJoR3RURVZzSVcKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU9pR2JpYXcyVDIKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWliemdHc3l4MEQ= There's most of them. If you could upload anything in >>97887 I'd appreciate it
>>97972 Mass Gainer + The Big 200 https://we.tl/t-9cvzwCd77r
Anyone have the dress fitter ?
Yoo anyone have these clips? Through the Mirror Fat for Christmas Fat Talk, Gaining Shake, Weigh In Cream Makes Me Fat ?? Plsssss
Does anyone have "POP 2" and "By The Pool"?
>>97987 https://we.tl/t-NMnGLXMyzo >>97999 https://we.tl/t-ZaZbBJ62Pa
I don’t know the exact titles, but does anybody have the video where she is eating burgers in a green bikini, and also the one where she’s eating pasta in dungarees
>>98002 https://we.tl/t-L6ZKg3H7mK These?
Yes Bro!! Your doing gods work, I don’t suppose you have the “feed me donuts” video
Wait that isn’t the pasta video, it’s one where she’s wearing denim dungarees and is on a swivel chair eating pasta. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have it tho no worries
>>98013 https://we.tl/t-GJAqhczKxE I'm still looking for these, if anyone has them pls upload Pasta, Pizza N Ice Cream Funnel Fed Pop Chug, Burps N Belly Play I Don’t Wanna Workout..I Just Wanna Eat
>>98001 Thank you so much!
>>98017 Here are 3 of the 4 https://we.tl/t-xQqFOVdSZI https://we.tl/t-XGNSsIgMpg
>>98042 Sorry I meant this funnel fed https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/11084-funnel-fed/ But thank you, the other 2 are big scores
Does anyone have these vids Fat Talk, Jiggle N Beer Chug Cream special pt 6 Rounder than ever
Anyone have 'Fat Club'?
where is this pic from?
>>98049 https://we.tl/t-CmGSphsvLD
>>97973 Hey mate, legendary. I would love to, but you don't happen to know any alternatives to WeTransfer or whatever. Since im like kinda lazy and making hundres of those links. Anyway, then i just have to do it, otherwise I'd feel bad. Might care to give me some preferences?
anbody got one of those? 1. Booty Rub Teaser 19. Extreme Stuffing 37. Just Shar 43. KFC Binge 44. A Christmas Special XX 46. The Curvage Catwalk REMAKE 52. Shar Hates Salad! 69. Caught on Camera 75. House Chores P279. 99. Pure Belly PlayXX 101. Just Shar Pt 2 104. Too Fat for My Family 145. I Ate The Buffet 146. Pizza, Gaining Shake, Fat Talk & Thighs 163. Wild Dreams 186. When The Devil Takes Over
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>>98143 If you make a list of 10 I'll upload those, and if I don't have them, I'll add another. Cool?
>>98146 You don't gotta go to the trouble of adding any, outside of these I got everything I want already Funnel Fed (Jan 2021) I Don’t Wanna Workout..I Just Wanna Eat I Ate The Buffet Milk Chug, Belly Play, Measurements Embarrassing Moments & Gaining Talk Stuffed at the Beach Hut Wannabe Popstar Through the MirrorVacation Burgers & Fat Swing Thanks in advance
Daddy’s Favourite 2021 Chug, Burps N Tight Skirt 2020 Shake N Cream Chug 2018 psycho gem 2018 Marshmallow Mayhem 2017 Burps & Bloats 2017 Shar Gets Funnel Fed 2017 Pizza Twerks and Burps 2017 Shar Steals Cheesecake 2017 Cream Special Part 3 2017 Chubby Bunny 2017 The Curvage Catwalk 2017 Cake Fix 2017
>>98105 Here's what I got https://we.tl/t-L6LD2zCwSU https://we.tl/t-JjPCJxX3lI
>>98155 Does Anyone have these videos?
>>98155 >>98225 https://we.tl/t-WjRkeI1lwd >>98153 Anyone got these?
get it while it's hot aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9OdGxXRGI1SyM2WjFtQzlnQ0p4UHAwcElheHNyR1JR
Question, how do you decode the URL?
anyone have the old sharr content? like when she was only chubby and not fat
Shes hot but her vids are terrible, she does literally nothing. She barely shows her ass, which is much better than her belly and in 4 years there hasn't been 1 nip slip, she needs to ditch curvage and go full nude
Hi guys, do you have any of these videos ? Please. 09- Chubby Bunny 12- Ripped Tights 19- Chubby Moment 26- Shar Gets Funnel Fed 31- Late Night Piggy 37- Cake Night 44- KFC Binge 51- Shar Hates Salad! 75- House Chores Pt 2 83- They Told Me I Gotta Lose Weight 92- Bad Beauty Blogger
Does Anyone have "Shake N Cream Chug 2018"?
>>98324 >she needs to ditch curvage this, one of curvage's biggest flaw is not allowing nudity
>>98324 if she made an onlyfans I'd be all over that
I'm not sure what they've got against it FFS it's a sexual fetish clipsite !!! Their rules are getting very weak - they allow nipples with pasties or wet t-shirts basically leaving nothing to the imagination - it's almost there - why don't they just go the whole hog ? Who are they protecting ? Their 6 year old audience ?
>>98449 Because Jason (I assume that's the site owner's name) is a complete tool who treats porn as art or some b.s similar to that. Curvage is literally the only fetish site to not allow nudity. Even Stuffer31 has the occasional titty shown. But Shar seems like the boojie type to not even show a nipple or pussy if she was on another site.
>>98449 >>98443 >>98433 >>98324 That's the thing, she CAN leave Curvage if she wanted to, or even pull double duty and make an OF or her own site on the side. She's only into the fetish for some extra pocket money anyways, and been half-assing it for years.
>>98449 It’s about payment processors if there’s nudity than companies call it porn wont let them take payments The whole site is a tax audit wet dream
>>98456 That doesn't explain how other clip stores are able to process payments Manyvids, C4S, Stuffer31, ect.
The Stuffer31 guy lost his buisness license back in 2011, and his site is still up and running. No excuse for Curvage other than Jason being a tool.
>>98463 They have totally different payment processors, that’s why you can use PayPal as a payment option on curvage but not other sites
>>98467 If I can use my Visa card on MV as I can on Curvage, then there isn't an excuse that I can't see Shar's tittes.
>>98470 I mean I know this for a fact but right on dude it’s a porn board I’m not pressed
>>98471 tbf, there's nothing else to do here besides wait for someone to content drop.
>>98453 I mean this was his stance on LTC and when curvage died and he ressurected it he imported LTC's philosophy rather than restoring curvage's rules. of course the alternative to his views is that the curvage store was never created at all. also tasteful topless nudity doesn't bother him, although it's sort of technically against a rule, that's why they don't crack down on it like they do hardcore porn links being shared.
Does anyone have Comparing Sophie and When The Devil Takes Over?
She shows her tits in bathtub video. She pulls up her bra and lets them flip out, if only for a second or two.
>>98464 Stuffer31 is on life support though, even Mandy seems to have finally dropped. The Brazilian girls are best looking ones too
>>98788 I've been seeing this ever since Aileen left more than a decade ago. As long as there's 3rd world countries to poach, that site's going to exist. Looks like he's slowly making his way from Asian countries to Colombia and whatever fat/pregnant woman is around his area.
Does Anyone have "Shake N Cream Chug 2018"?
Hi,can someone post another link pls.all of them are not working pls pls pls
Probably where shar peaked for me around 210lbs
Can you people quit fucking bumping this thread unless you're sharing something? Geez....
Anyone got a collection of pictures of shar?
>>100738 bro do it yourself, all her pics are in curvages. fucking lazy bastard
Anyone have "Through the Mirror 2" ?
Does anyone have feed me donuts video? In exchange I've uploaded her latest video from august, 3 day gainer shake YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQyhndXJnbGluZ1RVTU1ZKTlUTVhWWE9IVkVXbk4yWVE9PQ==
Link doesn’t work after decoded
Anyone got a bunch of shar vids don’t have any?
Does anyone have ' Fat Club' I have all of her recent connect if you want anything in return for it.
>>100773 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWtVTDVzejdZT20K there you have it ;)
Anyone got the big 200, they don’t fit, shake n cream chug
what do y'all her current weigh is? is she close to 300?
Has she deleted her profile? I can’t view it anymore...?
Think shar is gone her profile has been deleted
>>100773 reup pls
I panic bought a couple videos I've never seen uploaded in case she removes them from curvage. If anyone has/wants to buy "Milk Chug, Belly Play, Measurements" and "Vacation Burgers & Fat Swing" I'd appreciate it https://we.tl/t-naeyX0o4Te
>>101553 Here are the links since they can't be accessed from her profile https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/1649-milk-chug-belly-play-measurements/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/4138-vacation-burgers-fat-swing/
whqt is her fattest video?
>>101594 hero, thanks
Anyone got a link for a bunch of shar vids
Does anyone have 3 Day Gainer Shake? I can post pretty much whatever in return
Anyone got the one where she was trying on the wedding dress? I don’t remember the exact name
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So I am that person who said I didn't feel like uploading the videos. I felt bad about it. SO I made multiple em mega accounts. Some folders might have similar videos, since I didn't bother to check properly. Anyway, I think most of them are there. Some files are still uploading, tho, so I am not sure if I'll extend free 20 GB. If that's the case, you can ask me to delete something and another. Below are screenshots of the ones I have. So if I missed uploading one, you could ask me to do it. Some of them are not of great quality, tho. I bought a recent amount myself, but not close to tho majority. I am still missing these: 1. Booty Rub Teaser 19. Extreme Stuffing 37. Just Shar 43. KFC Binge 44. A Christmas Special XX 46. The Curvage Catwalk REMAKE 52. Shar Hates Salad! 69. Caught on Camera 75. House Chores P279. 99. Pure Belly PlayXX 101. Just Shar Pt 2 104. Too Fat for My Family 145. I Ate The Buffet 146. Pizza, Gaining Shake, Fat Talk & Thighs(very bad quality I liked a good one, since I love this one). 186. When The Devil Takes Over Especially the last one would be appreciated. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9yTkFYeVJxYSNaSkxMbWRTa2xjN3FFUHMtVjh6RmJ3 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9xM3dtQ1JxQiNxWU1HMVZoSXNyQjlhRW0yQk4zOW5R aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9MaVkyallESyNGQUN5ZElCVlpIZEI0c09tTFh0aXdn Well hopefully it worked.
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>>102450 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9jYWN3RUl5QSNVTWstZ2FoZDNGajIyZVNEUXJIdEF3
>>102450 I appreciate the uploads, boss. I can't find these 3 in the megas though, would you mind uploading them again? 72. Pasta Thursday 137. Embarrassing Moments & Gaining Talk 185. The Dress Fitter Thanks again brother
>>102450 >>102456 aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9KWEVna1lTTCNBa0R2aG1RaHJBLWJmRjBPSDJxSVBn Thank you for your sharings I need two of your videos: 83- They Told Me I Gotta Lose Weight 92-Bad Beauty Blogger And I also need: 09- Chubby Bunny 26- Shar Gets Funnel Fed 44-KFC Binge 51- Shar Hates Salad! 69- Caught on Camera 75- House Chores Pt 2
Can anyone send us a mega folder of shar Vids ?
>>102450 How to open those links/vids?
>>102450 can u make a folder with her last 10 vids?
Old video starting out with Shar in a wet t-shirt posted in the begging thread along with a bunch of other old content from different models
