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Stable Diffusion, Loras, Chatbots

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Stable Diffusion body inflation art Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 13:06:51 Id:3ba4ae No. 810
I'm having fun making inflation art from ai artist dream studios https://beta.dreamstudio.ai I use Dall E mini to make the art and then went to dream
$10 an image to $1000 minimum purchase no thank you that said here's what I was able to make freely
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here is how you get the best result part 1 use www.craiyon.com Part 2 use dreamstudio.ai to enhance the picture
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>>810 the text prompts in those filenames >schoolgirl >12 year old >14 year old anon please no
>>813 I think the file name is probably like that due to the input from whatever image generator they used, probably Doll-e. Still, yikes that's awful shit.
would you care if it was anime girls the same age? you guys don't seem to care if it anime ai art?
>>814 those are stable diffusion filenames. that was the input. >>815 i get that a lot of anime & illustrations end up looking borderline or ambiguous but EXPLICITLY asking for this is different. and yes, anime and art can go over the line very easily too.
I got a feeling that it's Stable Diffusion itself that was being asked for if they wanted school girls inflation pics they would put it in the OP >>816
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I tried writing a paragraph as if it was from a novel, this is the result
So permit me to give some sweet pointers regarding diffusion stuff, with some mad inflation pics to go with this thread. 1) What's good set of diffusion links for both sites and if you want to do it on your own high system or Raytracing graphics card? Well there's this nice set of plebbit threads here : 1) https://archive.ph/QhWvt 2) Web Apps : https://archive.ph/Uo3B3 3) Notebook Collabs : https://archive.ph/RnMUv 4) Resources : https://archive.ph/icf8b And so some observations and opinions
>>819 First off, what's the censorship status of some web apps? Well the more academic sites if you're an out right perv will block your generations, but some are very very subtle like Scum isn't comfortable for outright dicks, but straight out booba that's expressed through a lot of posts. Other Web App diffusers like neural blend, if you don't specify clothing for certain word chains, you'll get automatic booba right off of the bat.
Getting close bois!
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Some more diffusion inflation pics.
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More mad body infltable mayhem.
So the fun question is this what made you want to go all out and splurg for time (not money) on diffuser schtuff? Well it was because trying to muscle body inflation is a very interesting thing (next to blowing bubble gum bubbles) that a diffuser has a real hard time trying to parse and track for art generation. But by gosh sometimes the failed experiments are the most interesting ones.
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So far my best results is with this prompt. For some reason one person in a prompt doesn't give as good results. Every once in a while Craiyon will produce one that is almost perfect just low resolution.
>>813 Another AI thread, another pedo…
>>812 What are your settings on Dream Studio mate? I can’t get anything but an extremely blurry version of the original Craiyon image, or just a black square. All my settings are the same as yours as far as I can tell?
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I use basic setting, it;s how you type the prompt,
When the AI’s take over they’re gonna have all this shit over us…
I tried to make Analise Basso inflating
I have no idea who the hell Annalise Basso is but I thought I'd give it a go. This is using Stable Diffusion locally on my machine. The model is Waifu Diffusion. The Prompt was: photo of female redhead, ((huge belly)), (r/bodyinflation), white shirt, button popped off, full body shot, beautiful face and then I Inpainted the face of Annalise. The Waifu model seems the best for inflation at the moment, and it does breast expansion pretty well. I'd love to know what prompts people have been using, I'll dig through my stuff and post the best results.
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Waifu Diffusion works pretty well. Much of this ends up looking like balloon TF but works for me.
>>834 Do you have a link to the Waifu Diffusion?
How to use Waifu Diffusion?
>>836 is in-browser or complicated download?
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>>835 >>836 >>838 It's complicated >https://rentry.org/voldy Good luck.
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A few more
something different A fake comic page
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More interesting experiments from the good ol' boys of scum co.
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These ones came out a bit more "balloon TF" but that seems to be all you can do really with txt2img >>842 >>843 >>844 That's some nice work, anon
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fat pouty lips, shiny rubber balloon skin, head deflating or remixed inflation TF story by diffusion. from : https://scum.co/prompt/fat_pouty_lipsshiny_rubber_balloon_skinhead_deflating/XE9RzDp
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Some retro bits
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Quick question. Anyone have any tips/success with running Stable diffusion on a GPU with less than 8GB of Vram? I have been trying to run it on my 6GB card and it keeps crashing.
some of these came out pretty good, save for the ghoulish faces/spare limbs. I've mostly been modifying the prompt from >>833 , with varying levels of success. The last one, i swapped the clothing description for something like "princess zelda, cosplay" and got this. Has anyone had any luck with either A. other characters being actually identifiable and B. getting it to generate a girl with a hose shoved in her mouth?
Your fucking nightmare fuel suggestions got me this
>>850 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/29112180/post/71579407
>>853 Well... shoot. I appreciate it, good sir, but unfortunately as I found out the hard way, this version has a bug that affects 16 series cards and causes the program to break. So I guess I'm stuck for the moment. Again, thanks anyway.
>>851 I tried to get hoses to work in the mouth, I was never able to get it to work with the methods I tried. It might be beyond the current capabilities of the AI. Also tried to give Zelda a go, I've heard its hard for the AI to do characters at the moment. Look up Textual Inversion, that seems to be the way to train it on characters. Might work with hoses.
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A few more wild experiments
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And then you finally get something resembling perfection.
Now that we have better algorithms for stable diffusion, like waifu diffusion, maybe it's time to revisit this
So after several hours of fiddling with Standard Diffusion I think im reaching the limits of its currant version. TBH at present its far more limited than I wished but looking at how fast its been developing I think it will more or less completely replace human made art + kill commissions within a year (at least in the inflation community). The problems as they exist currently are an inability of the AI to understand what its being asked and how to present it; resulting in a surprisingly limited window to actually create the pictures we want. For anyone who hasn't worked with the system at all or for very long, basically if you type "woman" as a prompt the AI will generate a woman, if you type "chair" as a prompt the AI will generate a chair, if you type "Woman sitting on a chair" the AI will generate a picture of a woman sitting on a chair 70% of the time, and if you type a woman as a chair, the ai will produce random assortments of women standing/sitting around chairs. The Ai simply has trouble smashing certain words together, "woman as a balloon' for one almost always results in women with balloons.
>>833 >>839 Yeah, even though the hardware requirements are much more demanding, and it's frankly kind of a bitch to set up: people really should be doing these generations with local software instead of using external websites. The results are much better to the point where you can kind of tell just by looking who rendered locally and who's using crAIyon or something and it never seems to go "tee-hee that's too lewd I won't render that." >>860 Shoutout to Selena Gomez for apparently making everyone obsessed with her
>>860 Also, I don't know about "kill commissions in a year" that seems ludicrous to me....but I may never draw backgrounds again without the help of an AI. Which is something I never thought I would say a few months ago.
>>862 So id amend my statement to say, "commissions as we know them" Right now if I wanted a picture of X as Y i need to hire someone with the skills to bring that image about. This person will charge me based on the resourced used (time and effort) and as well the scarcity of the object they are producing i.e. how easily could i find an alternative to himself. However as the AI improves its fairly clear at some point the AI will be on par with even the best artists, the difference is that making a quality image currently can take, again, hours, stable diffusion takes a few seconds, meaning paying an artist to work for hours doesn't make economic sense. why would I go to "Z" artist who charges 30$ per image due to the time and effort needed to make an image when i can go to "W" artist whos art is equally good and charges 10$ for 10 images. Thereafter anyone with talent wont bother selling commissions because its just mass produced works. You could equate this to exactly how factories put cottage industries out of business. Just as an aside, with the process of textual inversion it is also possible that we could literally train AI to make art that looks specifically like certain artists, For example you could train Stable diffusion to identify and understand 100 Hellresident images and then be able to recreate them.
I still say at some point you just need to create your own ai program itself maybe because as it is now stable diffusion is fine but what happens when that no longer works or accepts inflation works so that said this is highly interesting but someone just needs to make an ai overall for inflation and stuff like it It's basis whether from scratch or built off another ai could even be improved so that way it can maybe recognize and start to learn things even faster as a result Who knows just an idea at least in the worst case scenario
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>>860 This was too damn good. I had to correct the hand and make it fap-able.
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>>863 I've spent more hours than I care to admit on SD now. Anyone who thinks this is going to replace anyone but the bottom 30% of artists has never tried getting the image they were actually thinking of with it. The comparison to factories replacing cottage industries is close, but that's not quite it because that has to do with mass production vs low-volume custom work. I'm not sure I'd think of AI image generation as mass production. Although the images are generated en masse, maybe 1 out of 100 would be good and then you have inpainting and photoshop work to do to make it really work. But the really important point that's going to save art is that it's going to be a very small number of people — humans — who are actually any good at producing quality images with AI. In addition to having your own setup (especially for lewd images) and having the technical knowledge, you have to spend a lot of time with these things to learn how to "talk" to it and get something like what you want. And you have to be willing to spend a lot of time. A better comparison might be how people were saying it's all over for web devs once Squarespace and Wix came out. All you can make is cookie-cutter shite sites with those tools. TL;DR Stable Diffusion and the like will displace, at most, the bottom 1/3 of artists. Actual inflation art as we know it is currently impossible without img2img, which I'm learning but my quality level just isn't there yet: >>62790 BTW, the #1 piece of advice I can give anyone wanting to create inflation AI images to use Waifu Diffusion for your weights. More here: https://rentry.org/voldy
>>866 These are LEGENDARY AI pieces. Even down to the almost rubber like material of the dresses. I'm getting in on this AI thing. Great tips
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>>867 Wow, thank you. Here are some I'm working on, inspired by the 2013 West End musical. I don't know if I'm allowed to toot my own horn on this board so I won't post the full link, but as a convenient way to collect what I make I started a deviatnart account: hgswells9000 More available there.
One benefit of these AI's is background generation. As someone getting into art purely for a hobby/horny, it's a useful tool to have when you only care is about learning to drawn living things
>>869 Very true. For our purposes we're not trying to become artists. We're trying to create porn content for a niche fetish that's mostly personal gain. Whether you draw or not, AI is a great tool for backgrounds or the whole thing. >>868 No problem in tooting your own horn when it's of benefit to us all. Great content.
a few more highlights from today. Really excited to see how SD1.5 effects results, with a little bit of practice you can get a satisfactory amount of good results with 1.4 even if they lack diversity. Last night i attempted to run a textual inversion to train the AI to grasp inflation, it didn't turn out well but i learned a good amount and am going to try again soon.
I Remember to find this on DeviantArt God i Wish to see more like this! Girls sinking in ballon suit!
>>872 Just... How is it so good at faces? I can't get those results.
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>>874 Pattern recognition. And the right prompts.
>>875 Beautifully done. Looks like some correction work on the hand? Apparently the next release of SD is going to be a lot better at hands. I've had to go back and inpaint a lot of those.
>>875 Would you happen to have a link to more info on developing pattern recognition? I seem to be at a lose for digging anything up.
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>>875 And now the fun with the wrong prompts.
>>878 This is because you're using a tall frame. The AI is trained on a square 512x512 frame. It's fun if you want to generate body horror on purpose but for the most part you have to stick with a square image.
Getting better. Yes, I like angry mom types...
>>64392 Yes. It's rapid porn production and i can edit out the oddity later >>64393 Me of all people? Lol
>>64398 I don't know if that's me either but I appreciate the vote of confidence. I have been around here since... Probably it's creation. Used hang on InflateChan more.
No need to delete those posts. Nothing was wrong :) Anyway, speaking of wrong. This Daisy Ridley looks like Leonardo Dicaprio and I'm shooketh.
Hold the fuck up with these two pictures... O.O >>64493 I'm always peaceful and everything I produce is free. Don't worry. :)
>>64529 Attitude filled and blond with a large body. That's me!!
I'm using the stable diffusion webui with the novelai source code leak holy fuck this astolfo one is so good
>>891 Where can I get the leak and how can I use it?
Forgot to throw in the 2nd gura. Have fun lads :)
>>893 Having read the global rules, torrents aren't allowed. Someone who knows more about this stuff than me can decide if a magnet link is a torrent. Though it's worth noting that I'm pretty sure most of these rules aren't enforced regardless, as I've seen most of them broken several times with no punishment (Albeit mostly just the more minor ones like no bumping)
Sharing seasonal pumpkin girls. >>896 We've shared magnets here before. The official Web UI guide at: >https://rentry.org/voldy has the links. This has been shared many times so…
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my contribution using Balloon Diffusion
I for one welcome our new artificial intelligence overlords.
>>899 what's balloon diffusion? google gives me nothing. looks very promising.
(4.40 MB 704x704 Balloon Woman Steps Demo.mp4)
This video shows what it looks like as SD steps through its generation process. What you see here are steps 1 through 120 strung together as a video (10 fps). My opinion: Most good results for most prompts seem to come between steps 20-30. Sometimes higher steps are worth it if you really like what the image looks like at a lower step count, but when trying a new prompt I usually leave it at 26 or 28. Every 1 second in this video is 10 steps, so you see the best results between 2-3 seconds. You can see why I often publish alternates, though. Hard to choose sometimes. Full size of this one coming soon.
>>903 >>904 I'm genuinely afraid to look at this shit for too long because I feel like I could go mad. Truly the man made horrors beyond human comprehension :,(
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Getting pretty far all things consider. First image is what my trained embedding actually thinks inflation is for the set, couple images rendered using that set. Still a lot of noise in the images but getting closer. Issue is the characters pull down weight the actual image and NovalAI is a brat with nipples. Lots of noise as well, these were cleaned.
>>866 https://github.com/balloonboi/balloon-diffusion
>>906 Nice 👌 At some point I have to spend time learning how to train embeddings or however the heck that works. >>907 Holy smokes, must try… It's a new age, anons.
>>899 What prompts you using?
>>907 Am I the only one having problems downloading this? can you put it in a zip file please it keeps saying 'forbidden'
>>910 Looks like it. Checked the link it's still up.
>>910 so it looks like cause its such a big file google stopped letting people download it cause its using up their bandwidth and they dont like it. so if anyone did grab it and wants to be an awesome friend to us and upload it somewhere we can grab it? i would love to try it out cause i still havent figured out the furry model to make better images in this vain.
I've got some more results from my data set, figured out and wrote a tokenization 3 forward, 1 back, to allow high quality renders A little to high quality tbh. Left is the unfiltered with the prompt 'word' + naruto. (High quality paints are in that DB). Because I iterate back and forward 3/1 I've been getting consistent results like this. I've also (ALMOST) got a release of this embedding that you can use for training better artist. (basically it recognizes the anatomy, just doesn't have a good enough reference set to actually do well for it (we need a inflation artist who did the same 3/4ths pose like 4-5 times. The artist I used as the base was the only one). Then if I feel like it write the forward back cycle code for the SD instead of doing it manually to get the quality up. Going to train it for full spheres next in a couple days. The reason I made this was specifically so the net could be retrained on 'bigger better things' tbh. thoughts?
>>910 >>911 >>912 Currently uploading it to myairbridge: https://mab.to/t/EUcUfphdm6z Should be up in 1 to 2 hours.
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>>914 thank you swell guy, now the waiting game for 4 gigs to download was fun and learning the tags is a pain but worth it enough cause i feel potential in this model
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I couldn't figure out how exactly to make the most of Balloon Diffusion alone using prompts. But I did combine it with Waifu Diffusion 1.2 and Trinart, and it helps make girls with inflated proportions.
Will the video explanation on how to download and set up balloon diffusion up soon?
>>920 I don't know who's meant to be making one but you don't need to wait. Here are search results for installing the Stable Diffusion WebUI: >https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=install+stable+diffusion+web+ui Then get the Balloon Diffusion checkpoint file and drop it in your models/Stable-Diffusion directory alongside any other models. Or you can use this guide: >https://rentry.org/voldy You really don't need a video to show you.
>>893 Thanks for the info on the model for it
>>922 very, very nice camel toe. wonderful shape as well
Preparing her for milking. >"Just try to relax, darling, and let the machine do its work." Three variants of the same prompt. A lot of inpainting. Couldn't decide myself so pick your poison 💀
"The Sorceress' Apprentice" Maybe isn't quite inflation, more TF, but close enough. You can imagine her progression from human to pumpkin as somewhat inflation-like… Story: >Sorceress is throwing a Halloween party >She makes buying pumpkins the job of her apprentice (pictured) >Apprentice neglects to get pumpkins >Day of the party >Sorceress, seeing an opportunity to fix the problem and make sure it does not happen again, decides the apprentice herself can be one big pumpkin >Apprentice frantically demands to be changed back >Pic is her reaction when the sorceress says, "Quiet, or I'll make pies out of you."
Wiz from konosuba becomes a giantess
anime giantess
>>866 >Actual inflation art as we know it is currently impossible without img2img, which I'm learning So what you're saying we can supply you with images you can give us art? >>904 Good one.
Hey - could someone confirm something for me - in the negative prompt ((pool toys)) and see if that actually give you a better render on Body Inflation if your using novel AI. I think cause of pornhubs fucking balloon fuckers with the term of inflation vs inflation the checkpoints badly trained.
Thick ass belly cum
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>>866 >Actual inflation art as we know it is currently impossible without img2img, which I'm learning Not true, you can get really good results with a pregnancy-sized inflated belly if you know what to prompt and what SD recognizes. Here are some ones I've made of my OC earlier this week. Using the NovelAI leak model + VAE in AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion branch.
>>933 When I made that statement, I was using the SD and WD models. >what SD recognizes That would be Novel AI, and that either wasn't out or I didn't have it at that point. I'm not trying to be pedantic here but does your statement not confuse Stable Diffusion (the model) with the Web UI from AUTOMATIC1111? Anyway, I haven't given up on img2img because you can more precisely get what you're looking for.
>>933 Very good!
>>933 Great pump work her ass is really getting it
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>>934 >but does your statement not confuse Stable Diffusion (the model) with the Web UI from AUTOMATIC1111? My guy, you can read between the lines and get an understanding of what I'm talking about. I'm using the NovelAI leaked model (https://rentry.org/nai-speedrun) in the WebUI and tinkering with prompts that the model (the actual prompts) and SD recognizes (like weight-settings, prompt editing and such). Stable Diffusion refers to the model architecture these models use and not just the SD model itself. Anyways, here's some more art.
>>937 >Stable Diffusion refers to the model architecture these models use and not just the SD model itself. OK, I see. I'm just trying to make sure I understand what you are telling me because I have no formal education about how this works. Amazing results you are getting.
Hey guys so I just downloaded the Rentry leaked AI about a day ago and spent all day playing with it. I can get some nice bodies especially after finding some of the hyper and balloon diffusion models but no matter what I do I keep getting fucked up faces where its either blank or minimal detail in the face. How do you guy get your models to have some lovely faces? Do you guys think I'm missing some kind file that helps with making faces look good or what? Heres the fruits of my labor today, last pic probably the best thing I've made on it so far.
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>>939 >I keep getting fucked up faces Inpaint the face using a model that does faces really well, like Waifu 1.2. 👍 Be sure to use lots of descriptors like beautiful face, cute face, symmetrical, etc. And use lots of negative prompts: ugly, disfigured, asymmetrical, and so on. You can still end up with goofy expressions but one can easily imagine they are "unexpected orgasm" pleasure faces.
>>940 Thanks bro, why can’t most peeps be more civil on this thread. Definitely trying that and some other advice I got from a friend. Almost contemplated switching to NaifuAI but want to give the Img2img model more time
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>>939 What I have to say about this abomination’s face and style
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Most of what I've played around with, in regards to this type of thing, is either using the NAI leak or EverythingV3. I find both produced better bellies than WaifuDiffusion, and I've not really gotten any good results with either Trinart or BalloonDiffusion. Some things I've learned that may help others: 1. custom weights are your friend! By which I mean using tags like (tag:1.5) or something like that. Generally, weights work between .1 and 2.5, though I never use anything over 1.7 because it seems to really mess up the images. 2. Be prepared to get really detailed with things. You'd be surprised what causes the models to be confused. For example, it can get good results when you tell it you want something from below and from the front, but get confused when you want it from the side or something. 3. Know your sampler's benefits. For example, Euler A gives varied results and does so between 40-50, and there's no benefit to increasing it beyond that. DDIM meanwhile, is basically only good for around 20 or so. 4. Characters are... weird, depending on the model. for example, some models list anime characters with first name, last name, some in reverse. Also, it can be useful to post what series the characters are from, whereas sometimes it'll skew your results. Beyond that, if you're using television or movie characters, actor/actresses names can be useful to add. 5. When you're seeing results, remember that anime things tend to be easier to do than photos, and that's because anime images most of the models are trained on have all kinds of proportions that photos simply don't. Also, some of the models, like the NAI one, have trained eyes and faces more than say, Stable Diffusion 1.5 has, even with the vae. 6. Speaking of which, if you've got the ability to use a vae, do so. 7. I've found that, for some reason, the models really weight breasts heavier, to the point where it's almost harder to make them generate large bellies with smaller breasts. Might just be me. I'd love for other people to add their own findings, given a lot of this is hearsay at this point.
>>932 So, having tried to use Balloon Diffusion, and found it underwhelming, I'm starting to think that I was simply unaware what tags to be using. I assumed the ones they used were the standard WaifuDiffusion tags, meaning danbooru tags. Is this incorrect? What tags did you find to be useful?
>>945 oops, forgot one thing. 8. NEGATIVE PROMPS. So I tend to use the NAI extension in Automatic's repo to just add a bunch of useful negative tags, but you're going to want to add a bunch yourself if you don't do that. Standard ones you might like look like this: "lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, ugly, man, headshot, child, closeup, deformed body" quotes removed, of course.
>>906 Question for you, good sir. I've tried training lots of embeddings, as well as hypernetworks. I find that the more 'outside' the model something is, the harder it is to train. Meaning that it's easier to train it to know what giant breasts are than a spherical body. You seem to be having some very good luck at least. So I have to ask: what are you using for tags in your training set? How many reference images? After all, I find it's hard to make it understand what such a body looks like, at least as the models are.
Used img2img for this one. Still frame from the breast expansion scene in Repossessed and placed ASR's face on it. Mild photoshop work afterward. I may do work on face swaps using movie stills. Will not do this with paid content or other artists' work.
>>949 What site did you use? I want to know how to do this but the img2img stuff online can't produce anything like this.
>>950 I use the web ui on my own machine: >https://rentry.org/voldy
>>906 >>949 I'm very curious what model you used, honestly. that's fairly good artwork wise, I think.
>>952 In this case, it was Waifu Diffusion 1.2, a.k.a. Waifu Diffusion Alpha You'll find links under the GUIDE section here: https://rentry.org/voldy#-guide- Note that I used Alpha, not Final. Final is too heavily anime-weighted for my taste, but if that's what you like then definitely go for it. Trinart also creates really good results. This gallery is also very useful when trying to pick the right artist names for your prompts: >https://rentry.org/artists_sd-v1-4
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So one thing I've discovered, along various different models, is that img2img is super helpful with generating inflation stuff. On its own, the models struggle to make certain things. But! If the model has an image to work off a guide, even if the image is not very similar to the end image you're looking for. For example! This image is based off a photo of a food baby; obviously it didn't look anything like this. But it was able to understand the general idea based on a picture. For the record, the img2img process changed the hair, expression, sizes, and clothing. the general shape was enough to give it clues as to what needed to be produced.
Started a series of pink balloon girls. Sort of TF, maybe the helium in the balloons around them are having some sort of effect on them… something. 🤷‍♂️
>>955 What model you using?
>>956 Using a lot of blended models but they are usually combinations of: >waifu 1.3 >waifu 1.2 >stable diffusion 1.5 >trinart
Been fucking around with the sd-webui for a bit and only recently have been getting some results for stuff closer to inflation/expansion that isn't weight gain focused Currently I've been trying to train a hypernetwork on full body inflation stuff, but I know it's gonna take a lot of time before it actually outputs anything close to what I've given it to train on. For now I'll share some of the expansion that has been generated so far
>>958 It is also now that I just realized that I didn't use a vae for the first five images in this, lmao
>>958 >>959 >>960 All of these are fantastic. The pool-floating one especially. Are these from something you trained or a model like Waifu? I have to learn more about training. Do you need to input text for each image so it knows what words to associate it with? I probably have enough images already to do training.
>>962 A mix of a lot of different things really. I trained a few hypernetworks on a single artist each and just used that with varying strengths at a lower resolution, then afterwards I send it back through img2img using less hypernetwork strength and a higher resolution while also keeping at least 90% of the same prompt as before, adding or removing specific keywords/changing prompt weights to get a more fine tuned result. >>959 for the pool floating one that was done by a bit of a lengthier process. I edited one of the results I had gotten in Photoshop to remove the thing the character is laying back on and turn the legs into a skintone-ish color, then ran that through img2img to get the third image in this post. I took that back into Photoshop afterwards and did some more editing, specifically making it look like she was floating in a pool
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>>962 There was one more part I forgot to mention I realized. To get the larger size in the next image, I had edited the result in photoshop again and fed it back through until it gave a decent result
>>963 Is your Hypernetwork public? I’d like to try it out
>>966 Unfortunately no, not at the moment. I figured when it comes to something that's been trained on one specific artist that it may not be best to share it around publicly, I hope that's understandable
>>965 >Shantae How good is the waifu generating aspect?
>>967 No worries
>>906 >>967 I'll be honest, while I have no real interest in the hypernetwork you used in that case, I would like to know your method for training them to get good results. I've only managed to get less than good results myself. I try to use around 50-100 images, though I've used as many as 1000 before, and I've tried training them from anywhere from 3000 to 30000 steps. I think I'm missing something, given my training rate is around 0.000005.
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>>970 Well first and foremost, I was using this guide for reference https://rentry.org/hypernetwork4dumdums Secondly, I found it much easier to prepare the images myself rather than sending it through preprocessing first, otherwise you won't really be sure of what it'll crop out and how it'll view the images. For the hypernetwork I trained I only used 241 images that I handpicked and cropped, then afterwards I went ahead and edited the tag files it generated before actually beginning the training since there would either be tags that weren't actually in the image or missing tags (no need to add the tag for the name of the hypernetwork though, it'll add that in when it starts training). Results will always vary of course, especially if it's a bit of a harder subject to try and train. Just look at what it tried doing at 31k steps for the artist focus versus 31k steps for the full body inflation attempt
>>906 >>971 Interesting. Here's a question then: how many epochs are you doing at that many steps? Are you using gradient accumulation? Beyond that, what base models are you using to train off of? The reason is, even using images I curated myself, it's very hard to get it to match any kind of style. it's quite frustrating. I know that things that are further outside the 'norm' are harder to train. But I've never really managed to get good results in general? I'm curious what artists you managed to get good results with.
>>974 I have a lot of these and I don't want to shit up the thread too much so this will be the last one. Will post some butts in the ass expansion thread though. Merry Christmas, everyone. 💙
>>976 Please don’t go there. I didn’t appreciate it from the beginning to begin with and the idiocy fueled other crackpot horrible ideas that should’ve never happened
These are amazing!! Im in love with these christmas ones!! 😍❤💚
>>973 >>974 >>975 Legit incredible, especially the faces. What kind of prompts do you use to get these kind of expressions? And how good is stable diffusion at doing stuff like burp-faces or ahegao?
You’re straight up pretending to be me still emojis and all? How pathetic can you get? “Legit” you should go actually celebrate a holiday creatively without the need for AI.
I agree but this art looks like what it is. Artificial. It's bad.
I might throttle it back because I feel like I've been posting too much. >>978 Thank you! 💙 >>979 The prompts are all rather different, but I will tell you that I go back and inpaint a lot of the faces afterward. That's why the faces are pretty clean. Try blending Anything-v3 with SD 1.5, that's the best combination I've found so far. >>980 I don't know if you're talking to me but I've had a great holiday, thank you for your concern. >>981 100% legitimate opinion, no one says you need to like it at all. Why you'd bother posting in the thread is strange, though. Don't look at it, don't give it another moment of your time.
>>982 Posting too much? Nah, you been keeping this thread alive.
>>984 NICE 💙
>>984 What prompts you using?
>>987 This is really great stuff! Her long flowing black hair is a marvel!
>>985 Thank you <3 Glad to hear you like it. Your pictures are top notch!
>>986 Well many of them start with masterpiece, ultra-detailed, girl, 1girl, illustration, 4k, high-res, best quality Then I add words like tight clothes, cleavage, gigantic breasts,pregnant, breast expansion, hose in ass, inflating from hose in ass, massive breasts, massive boobs, breasts spilling out of bra, overflowing bra, (large belly), hose inserted in ass, hose inflation, (inflating like a living balloon), inflating, ((body inflation)), hourglass, curvy, hyper breasts, hyper belly, wider hips I often keep the prompts around and just continue to copy paste words from good prompts onto promising prompts, but generally I always keep the things I wrote above in each prompt, and then add words to describe the character, like long blond hair, green eyes, their clothing, the background etc. Negative prompt has been either: lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name, deformed or (deformed stomach), (deformed belly), (weird stomach), unsymmetrical, ugly, ugly face, blurry, weird, blurry, fuzzy, disfigured, misshaped, mutant, gross, disgusting, poorly drawn, ugly, extra limbs, out of frame, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, (more than two hands visible), (more than two arms visible), extra hand, low fidelity, hand on belly, (multiple belly buttons), (several navels), weird navel, (unusual belly button), (weird belly), (multiple navels), no hands, extra heads, extra fingers, fewer fingers Not my negative prompts, found them online.
>>993 What’s a good prompt to get them to lay on their belly? It’s only ever laying on their back
>>994 From my experience, prompts like "from above" may help when also giving the prompt for laying on their belly. I'd also try adding less emphasis on the belly prompts if you add any and give more to something like hips, ass, back, etc.
>>994 I rarely achieve laying on belly images. The few I have gotten I have had the output image be wider than higher and had stuff like "seen from above, seen from the side" also being very specific with them laying on their belly causes most AIs to go haywire, its more about luck I feel atm
>>906 >>994 in my experience, when it comes to poses that aren't as common in the dataset, you'll either need to put emphasis on certain tags, like (laying on their stomach:1.3) or something like that, or you'll need to do some img2img with the original picture being in the pose you want.
>>997 It may be easier for me just to make a hyper network then?
You guys came up with a great theme here. I tried my hand at it. Anything v3 seems to understand hoses pretty well. My suggestion: I recommend mixing Anything v3 with SD 1.5 so that it's about 75% Anything and 25% Stable Diffusion. It just gives the result a little more of a refined look, in my opinion. Thank you all for your contributions to this thread 💙 >>994 >>997 My suggestion would be to use img2img based on a pic of a girl rolling on a yoga ball, or whatever those workout balls are called. Or you might try specifying that in the prompt.
Making some tutorial images to help others and share knowledge… I get asked a lot about how I get such detailed faces. The answer is inpainting. The first tutorial shows the results of inpainting and describes how to do it using the most common SD Web UI. I highly recommend it for any images you get that you particularly like. I also included one here that shows how to change skin color and texture. You need photoshop to change the color, and then what you do is run it through img2img again and ask for a different texture. Requires some experimentation but it's the only good way I've found so far of doing something like a latex balloon transformation.
>>75821 Hm… What's too much? The inflation or the faces? Because that's just the art style that Anything v3 knows. If it's the faces, do you prefer the faces higher up in the thread?
>>999 Did that slightly with img2img and worked very well. I’m currently training a hyper network for it too
>>987 Any chance if anyone here knows where I can find BiggerGirlsV1.2? I can't find it on github.
>>1003 https://civitai.com/models/2664/bigger-girls-model it's been linked a few times now I think
Recently remembered about other formatting keywords to change the appearance of the medium the AI renders it as and tried out anime screencap. I noticed it mostly generated nearly the same girl each time (though still had some other random character generations of course since long blonde hair wasn't in the prompts), so I chose the ones that looked similar with each other and ordered it like a sequence of sorts If anything it reminds me that there really wasn't any sort of body inflation or weight gain focused hentai's out there, or if there is I just haven't heard anything about them, lmao
just started using ai based on the stuff that was put here, anyone have any tips on how to write prompts good?
any shylily inflation? she is a whale and i think her outfit being so revealing and tight would be good. i think people over on the vtuber thread would appreciate it. (me, i am the one who would appreciate it)
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>>1009 The raven haired model is cute!
>>1005 Which model did you use to create these?
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Didn't check back on this for a while because I kind of cracked it, got bored, and moved on. But should probably answer a couple of questions that people asked that I never got back too. (I hate it when people leave shit hanging). Here's some examples of where I'm up to again(I did a bunch of generations here, all of these used no image to image). I included 1 that isn't inflation as well just to demostrate on the High quality ones that I've made some progress as well (basically pretty close to proving the original annon who said that 'these at best would match the quality of the shit the community draws - and other then a few errors I'm within the ball park of 'good' artists in general. I can get realistic to artistic (close enough) in everything but completely spherical quality - the other anon figured that out already so I won't bother unless he wants to share some info. >>948 Nearest neighbors. train half your model using the match to get it to understand a loose concept - then move it towards the specific. The idea is if you have a big belly, you seed the model with pregnant in the tags then, switch it out after a couple of training steps to a lighter weight (stop the model, redo the tags, resume training). What the training model is doing is it's actually (removing) the things that you list in the model, but also looking for similarities at the same time. Basically it's a balancing act towards that. For example, in the standard model of SD you'll list "big breasts" that always leads to 'voloptuous hips" the trick is basically you do a step wise training to move the embedding slowly to an 'isolated concept'. This is caused by 'concept bleed'. You'd (if your using the NovelAi / waifu diffusion model, a funny thing happens whe if you use the oppai tag, and the boobs tag together you'll end up with 4 breasts because of this, as they tag them as seperate items due to oppai loli (thin hips, big breasts)). Basically - be VERY specific in what your training it for... the more you describe the model, the better it will be as a training image. It's good to glance at the dictionary of terms - then get very specific. if your curious - read up on how the tagging section of the model works for recognition of tokens in the language phase. People are focusing on the images - not the 'words' section. basically what you list in your model will be related to what you get out. >>952 this was done via the novel AI leak. Use DIIM for best results. 32 sampling steps and a custom embeddings that I can't remember for the life of me. I used several and alot of options. Right now - as a major aside - that's important is people haven't checked the 4chan work that's been done on this - the hyperpreg model actually contains flags for (belly inflation) (body inflation) and if you merge it and train (slightly) retrain the model with other models you can actually get pretty 'realistic' results without actually having to train a whole new model from scratch - you can actually get models that are NEARLY in range of good models that can be trained further with a leep start. (you can litterally save do hundreds of thousands of dollars of stuff on a few bucks). Otherwise for general embeddings - it's better to have 4-5 images that are almost identical, rather then 500 that are disimilar. You use about 2/4 embeddings for a concept (things), 16 for an artist 'style'. link for their model database: https://rentry.org/sdmodels - worthwhile checking out. >>970 I didn't, this was done via soft seeds of embeddings. Because if you check how stable diffusion works below the hood it's a noise algorithum. What your looking for is basically stuff that creates a large 'circle in the noise' of what will be generated at an early step and transition that into a real model. Basically in the above cases I was using a micro embedding trained of a few artists. When I do training, I have an early 'soft bail' - if the embedding doesn't look like I want in 3-4 steps at a low go at only something like 0.05/10/10k I bail on training the model. The reason is std will hard pull if you've gotten the concept correct 'isolated' (see above) into what your training it for. also another trick that I've learned recently as a side note - is you can actually train a hypernetwork in something 'better to 'learn' it - then a different network to 'apply it'. this is worth it's weight in goal - especially if you merge (say hyper preg, balloon diffusion, 1.4, and other models). also never use STD::1.5 - it's trash - they removed the titties for it. >>972 I honeslty have no idea, usually what I do is run the model and see if it does a 'hard swing' on the outputs (a new epoch every 100-200 steps) and a test image. The algorithumn should hard filter towards the target if you've set up the data / embeddings correctly in the setup. A GOOD data set normalizes fast, very fast, then will move away again. In the first 1000 steps you can see generally if you're getting 'what you aimed for'. Generally you want to use images that are similar for simply stuff and low 'noise' (similar). So a single pose of 'inflation' only requires 1 image. (also make sure you name you keyword nonsenes not to get overlap as well.
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>>1013 Dropped some images on submit just to show the range I can get now.
If yoi guys wanted to draw young girls pregnant why didn't you just pay a professional artist? A commision?
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>>1015 Because it's fun? Has productive value? and at the end of the day, minus the errors, because of the fapping I can pretty high quality concept art for other uses? Are you stupid?
>>1016 >I can pretty high quality concept art for other uses Judging by this statement alone I have to conclude that you are indeed a whole lot more stupider than I ever imagined. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stupider. Maybe my mom was right. Maybe I am much more intelligent than you guys.
>>1017 Right... Let me guess, arts degree and a minor in chemistry relating to acid / base reactions results?
>>1018 No that's too old school for me. Let me guess, do you enjoy watching Netflix Originals? Honest question though, what are your thoughts about microwave ovens?
>>1017 About the same amount of thought your going to be getting in commissions.
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>>1020 I see these jagoffs have migrated here too. You guys really that frightened of AI that you have to roam the internet, harassing people wherever you find them?
New recommendation: try the Deliberate v1.1 model: https://huggingface.co/XpucT/Deliberate These are all done using that model alone. I entered no artists' names in these; it's the model's default style. Note that you have to turn the number of steps way up for this model. I'm talking like 90 to 120 steps.
I should also point out OrangeMixs even though I haven't tried it yet: 🔗 https://huggingface.co/WarriorMama777/OrangeMixs The version to try would probably be the NSFW or even "Hard" version of AbyssOrangeMix2. Try blending it with SD (yes, even 1.5) if you want a touch more photorealism. I haven't tried it yet but if anyone wants to, it looks promising.
Wanted to point out some posts in another thread: >>77328 Also Deliberate v1.1. Amazing the level of photorealism you can get from it with enough steps (90 to 120).
>>1022 sir, this is absolutely unbelievable, really great work, hats down happy to share more results? or some hints on the prompts you used?
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>>1026 so you want us to inflate your crush, anon?
>>1007 As much as I want to do one with Shylilly, The model I'm using is having a hard time making an accurate image. I only have 6gb of vram but I'll try my best.
>>1028 any attempt is appreciated. thank you, anon. maybe try using img2img as well
>>1020 >About the same amount of thought your going to be getting in commissions. Relax, dude. Nobody even said that this is good art. In fact, it's technically not even art.... because it wasn't made by a human.... Duh. It is a process of mathematical similarities. And actually it's technically not even "artificial intelligence". lmao! And, like I said before, I don't understand why anybody who does get commisions would be afraid of these things. You can give them 20 years and they will be almost indestinguishably as bland as yhey are now. I believe your problem is that you confuse actual great art with mediocrity. You haven't seen a young art prodigy in his 10th year of life, have you? It's almost remarkable what some of these kids can do when they are talented. This is a tool that eats and regurgitates "art". It isn't even an art "generator", because it uses other art as its guide. At least in the sense that I think it does its "AI" program. Nobody should be upset by this. This technically can't "draw" or "paint", and it isn't possible for it to use it's "intelligence" for something new, beautiful, or exciting. Artificial intelligence only ever uses "intelligence" as a communication vehicle. It's no different from an advanced computer recorder/repeater that just happens to record and repeat art.
>>1031 This sounds like someone trying to convince themselves to ignore the evidence of their own eyes. I remember when I was told all this same shit about Photoshop.
>>1032 The thing about is truthfully, a lot of the good artists have already begun learning the technology. There will always be a niech and a need for 'hand drawn art' - always. But like photoshop - either you'll be smart and adopt it early and learn the tools, and use them to improve your production pipeline - OR - be left behind like what happened when the animation/art industry changed. There's still a nieche for people who can draw like old school disney - but it's shrank to where it's more of a relic that comes up every once in a while. this is the same, it'll become a part of production chains, and that's it. This whole thing, reminds me like exactly what you said with the anti-photoshop people back in the day. Honestly, the thing that bothers me, is frankly we already know the guy who's bitching wants 100$ commissions on his near stick figure art - and that's why he's concerned, it's going to put that out of business. It's a case of skill up, adopt, or get a new job. People never like that and fight it tooth and nail.
>>810 With how much progress has been made in terms of development, and how much we've seen is possible with things like biggergirlsmodel, I wonder if we could make a model that could do blueberry/inflation stuff. The maker of BGM already said they're not adding blueberry things, so I'm curious if that sort of shape could be done or trained, given the further away from 'normal' you get, the harder it is to train. I know we can just use the img2img photoshop method for blueberry stuff, but I'm very curious if it could be trained into a model.
A couple more from the same set. >>1025 Many thanks. I've been thinking about writing something up about how to get better results. You can read in lots of places about the sort of prompts people use but I can probably come up with a list of keywords that work well. One I always recommend is >((thicc)) Most models understand that term well. If you counter it with a negative term "fat" then you tend to get ballooniness without so much fattiness.
>>1035 honestly, just posting your model, your prompt, and what training/embeddings you're using if any would be a big help. Once we know that, we can compare and contrast with our own results as we make modifications.
>>1036 As mentioned above, it's Deliberate v1.1 >https://huggingface.co/XpucT/Deliberate No trainings or hypernetworks, just prompt work.
>>71984 >>1037 True, but what 'prompt work' means varies considerably from model to model, and there are lots of things that are not particularly intuitive. for example, it never occurred to me to use 'fat' as a negative term, because I figured the model would just throw out everything of a certain size tagged with that.
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>>906 Certainly been having an interesting time with inpainting. It's slower to generate things and takes a bit more effort to make it work right, but when it works I think you get good results.
>>1039 These look great 👌
>>1039 Fun question, what sort of prompts would be required to allow pool toy nozzles to show up on the bodies like the tummy or breasts?
>>1041 I've never used any of the AI software. But probably what you need is a picture with a pool nozzle to be available to the program, preferably along with the inflatable pool toy. Then the AI should be able to easily put the nozzle on a human body. I don't know about positioning it. You may need to type "nozzle for a nipple". But like I said if the AI doesn't see the nozzle then it means that it's not in its program. You should instead try "human inflatable pool toy" because it's much simpler for the AI and see what it results to add the nozzles as nipples.
Sorry about the watermarks on some of them. Some jokers on other sites had been reposting my work without attribution. Most of the time I don't care but sometimes I spend enough effort on a pic that even for me it's too much.\ >>1042 What I would do is create the pool toy girl first, then draw something that looks like a nozzle on her in Photoshop and then inpaint it. That's how I got these hoses and pressure gauges going.
Anyone attempted to generate art using the Skol Baiacu commercials as an image prompt? Would be interested to see the results.
>>71984 >>1043 I confess, looking at your work and seeing you post it, I've been tempted to post my own generations on places like dA, but I don't want to upset any of the creators or anything, since I mostly use the biggergirlsmodel for things. But your work is always creative and interesting.
This one is actually based on a very Photoshopped image of a woman in one of those full-body balloons. I wish I had the original image but I can't seem to find it anywhere. If I find it maybe I'll publish a demo showing the steps. >>1045 Thank you! 💙 There was a short period in which it was hard to tag properly because if you used normal tags the people who hate AI would get mad at you, and if you posted using AI tags the AI people would get mad because you were posting fetish content. I started #fetshai and people can use that to filter if they like. So don't worry about what others will think. Just use the tag and you're good.
>>1047 Sorry to cross threads, but this is a pretty close setup to a blueberry girl, how difficult would it be to inpaint some hands and then put your blueberry skin on her?
>>1048 That is a damn good idea. I should try that. Thank you.
>>1047 So I've been thinking: how hard would it be to train a LORA or the like to do blueberry stuff? I'm not too familiar on the process, despite trying to learn. I can't do dreambooth on my home PC either. But I feel like we could train a LORA for this and have it output blueberry content.
(561.14 KB 1200x1000 tumblr_o2ylg5pbng1sg16ilo1_1280.jpg)
Could someone try running this pic through Stable Diffusion and share the results? I saw someone did one with the Repossessed scene, and it looked really nice, so wondering if the same can be done for this.
>>1051 What is this from originally?
>>1052 Behind the Scenes shot from one of the Skol Baiacu commercials.
>>1049 Any luck with this yet?
(43.99 KB 512x512 descarga (1).jpeg)
How do you guys get so amazing stuff? I barely get something recognizable as huma
>>958 Like, these can't come from the same website where the image i posted came from
>>1055 Specifying a style really helped me. However, I still can't get some basic stuff that other people seem to. Style guide: https://proximacentaurib.notion.site/e28a4f8d97724f14a784a538b8589e7d?v=ab624266c6a44413b42a6c57a41d828c
(1.76 MB 1200x1664 tmplf70_l80.png)
(154.60 KB 905x1280 tmplf70_l800.jpg)
Experiment from using ControlNet on some old favorites
(1.52 MB 1086x769 unknown 1.png)
(1.00 MB 584x1167 unknown 2.png)
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Where were you when AI art can now closely duplicate show styles?
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>>1060 >>1061 What model and how the hell did you get it to do this?
Any new inflation LoRAs or models yet? Balloon Diffusion and the Hyper_ models seem to be it.
Skol thread: Fetish Fuel is gone.
>>1061 Now make the rest of her fat
>>1064 can you link the Hyper_ models?
>>2564 https://civitai.com/user/throwawayjm
>>1062 These are amazing, I ask for a model?
>>2781 Started as NAI generations, then revised using a 60/40 merge of LucidsMix and BBWstep
>>2603 Is there a way to use this on any online text-to-image things? I don't have the patience or storage space for figuring out how to work any of that stuff on my computer.
(437.08 KB 720x512 00210-2873150813.png)
Still working on this, but I'm getting some good round bellies with a bbw mix
(1.18 MB 960x960 tmpr6coa1_4.png)
(1.13 MB 1024x1024 tmp4vkx5uc0.png)
(1.27 MB 1000x1000 tmp4c209bo6.png)
>>3229 These are beautiful, can you catbox them please? I want to start contributing to this thread
(463.07 KB 1024x800 00529-3547504795.png)
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(687.88 KB 1024x800 00528-3547504794.png)
Got some interesting stuff prompting slime inflation
(885.43 KB 1024x800 00546-3773985951.png)
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You can make a short sequence by keeping the seed the same and only changing weights for belly/breast/etc
The metadata on them isn't too useful unfortunately because I made them initially in a different model than the final refining passes. The base poses and size I got from NovelAI's furry model (forcing it into humans gets good pose variety), and then I used Flat2DAnimerge_V10 from civitai to clean up and apply the toony art style.
(978.30 KB 960x960 tmp_phwc8c7.png)
(1.06 MB 960x960 tmpn_5mogr0.png)
(1.08 MB 960x960 tmp0njtrxv0.png)
>>3363 (missed the reply hook)
(793.03 KB 1024x800 00569-369570212.png)
(735.88 KB 1024x800 00570-718969342.png)
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>>3396 Your backgrounds are cool too. I've figured out some inflation for myself for now, but I'm sure more models and loras will release sooner or later. I appreciate the response either way
(756.99 KB 800x1024 00660-753427048.png)
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(808.47 KB 800x1024 00654-2109184557.png)
All I wanted was an exercise ball and it gave me this
(851.31 KB 1024x800 00749-1139025885.png)
(798.95 KB 1024x800 00730-3831186177.png)
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>>3398 The bbw_hll3 model I'm using has inflation by default, so if anyone else is interested, it should be in the guide thread
>>3396 could you catbox these? or at least the first one? they are fantastic
Found this lora It's hyper stuff - but you guys probably want it - gives good results regardless of the set you use it with. https://civitai.com/models/16928?modelVersionId=19982
Body inflation, helium tank, air hose in mouth, balloon girl
>>3397 I could never figure out how to keep the clothes over the belly when going for rounder shapes or even some fat shapes at times. Would you be able to catbox the first image and the last two? I also don't know if catbox shows what checkpoint was used if you can also share the details of that please
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>>1063 Copying over from /vp/ >didn't use a lora for that, just the anime screenshot tag >open these files in notepad https:// mega (.) nz/folder/K1gUHYTC#14oaQxiod5QZJbBfaoVfSQ for my prompts >use AOM3 for the base model and this May lora, that's about it for anime screenshots >civitai (.) com/models/11532/pokemon-may-haruka-sd-15-character-lora >colab (.) research (.) google (.) com/drive/1zDGEzxZmjgtdheW8GUvps3TZuxXmowU6 >imgur (.) com/a/fd4APle >in short - nothing special, just AOM3 for the base model and (huge breasts:1.2) >colab (.) research (.) google (.) com/drive/1Rp26Yd5OGS6iRjwQ4ZI3Phk4OEJX9cir >github (.) com/lllyasviel/ControlNet-v1-1-nightly >zhuyu1997 (.) github.io/open-pose-editor/
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(816.63 KB 800x1024 00276-2395840037.png)
Really big balloon catgirl. Might work on some smaller inflation, but for now, this is making me happy
(2.09 MB 3072x768 unknown.png)
(1.66 MB 1086x769 unknown.png)
(1.34 MB 615x1229 unknown.png)
(1.31 MB 1535x518 unknown.png)
(908.75 KB 510x832 unknown.png)
Can we give you Lora models and you give us deliveries?
hello my friends
(1.56 MB 1440x1080 00245-1536125852.png)
(1.62 MB 1440x1080 00246-211560212.png)
(1.72 MB 1440x1080 00239-259546655.png)
(1.83 MB 1440x1080 00237-4093297762.png)
>>5808 Might as well, nothing much else going on here. Can always request in the request megathread as well
(747.87 KB 1024x1024 tmp56ephp3t.png)
(1.03 MB 1024x1024 tmptd2i7tsk.png)
(888.22 KB 1024x1024 tmppx3w9b7w.png)
Some more space gals
(492.39 KB 640x720 00064-3494006722.png)
(286.73 KB 640x720 00055-744562392.png)
(454.42 KB 760x600 00045-1251886152.png)
(1.42 MB 1280x1488 00039.png)
Sime image2image gens featuring various fat/inflation artists' works
>>6313 >image2image Teach me.
(1.14 MB 960x960 tmpo58ed_wy.png)
(1.68 MB 1280x1280 tmp2ccd5euc.png)
Food summoning gone awry
>>7453 >"Boobs" in name, "Tsunade" in subject, picture of "Ino", "busty" in text WHAT DOES IT MEAN
>>6813 What model is this?
(933.27 KB 1024x1024 tmp0z0yil__.png)
(1.00 MB 1024x1024 tmpu8y2kyz3.png)
(818.94 KB 920x920 tmp_nvuq3ad.png)
>>7680 based66 model off civitai, along with kipteitei lora
Can someone who's using hyperfusion confirm something for me? I think "body inflation" is actually classified as a 'pose' - rather then a 'body type' in this lora (and maybe the models overall). upper group (just before you describe body type). (inflation fetish:1.3). (very pregnant:1.5). ((Huge round torso:1.5). (bloated body:1.5). (colossal belly:1.4). //takes advantage of the models base. near the end of the prompt where you define pose. (body inflation pose:1.2). (wide stance). (outstretched arms). //last values just 'help' slightly and are not really needed. //loras used. <lora:epiNoiseoffset_v2:0.4> <lora:hyperfusion100k_v4:0.7> //lower values work better. Use 0.7 just for testing purposes. I was using experiancev8.0 when I stumbled into this - base model. Seems to give some 'rather good results'. Seems to give some very decent results.
(595.27 KB 720x720 00088-4107408902.png)
(620.74 KB 720x720 00092-4107408902.png)
>>8349 I have now idea what you're talking about. Here are two images with the same seed using a similar prompt, but I took out the pose line on one. Using hyperfusion and rainbbw model
>>8371 Right - has to be on my end then.
(1.36 MB 1080x1080 00129-2665511405.png)
(1.45 MB 1080x1080 00130-2665511406.png)
(1.34 MB 1080x1080 00106-1582784515.png)
Some floating experiments.
Has anyone made combined list of all the good models/Loras/etc for use in making inflation generations? Would love to see what everyone has found in one place.
>>8437 These are some intriguing results
(1.09 MB 896x1200 00637-1592267238.png)
(1.07 MB 896x1200 00636-1592267237.png)
(1.06 MB 896x1200 00641-2139374325.png)
(1.25 MB 1080x1200 00656-1392087253.png)
(1.13 MB 896x1200 00642-2139374326.png)
(1.22 MB 896x1200 00653-2755920134.png)
Inflatable dolls lora on civitai gave some promising results so far. I really like the big and shiny look and the transparency gives a water-balloon feel to the image. Hopefully the author continues to improve it
Crazy question: has anyone managed to do popping/bursting with SD?
>>8659 Lovely look
(964.45 KB 896x1200 01008-488565043.png)
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Made some balloon cheetah as a test. Not sure if they should go here and I didn't want to make a new all-furry inflation thread since hardly anyone posts either topic. Spoiled for furry, though it is rubbery
>>8803 really nice. Can you try making more realistic looking and human like?
(1.15 MB 960x1200 00589-2101690865.png)
(1.17 MB 960x1200 00591-2101690867.png)
(1.44 MB 960x1200 00598-1220565565.png)
(1.18 MB 960x1200 00586-3880738038.png)
(1.24 MB 960x1200 00599-1220565566.png)
(1.11 MB 960x1200 00596-4247060338.png)
>>8879 Realistic and human-like isn't really my forte, but I gave it a shot. I think it started thinking I wanted Samus, but I did not intend for it even have a blue outfit
(1.28 MB 960x1200 00607-1925113380.png)
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(1.31 MB 960x1200 00605-1925113378.png)
(1.35 MB 960x1200 00606-1925113379.png)
Couple more with slightly more effort put into the prompt
>>8885 >>8884 thanks a lot. I'm surprised you got such good results with RainBBW model, really good prompting btw
(149.31 KB 1920x1080 Fyvr4XpaAAEjTf5.jpg)
I have an idea: Download and use Koikatsu, then use AI.
(1.34 MB 1152x1152 00373-3797500150.png)
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Inflatable shark taking on tons of water in the bathroom
(1.52 MB 4096x6272 00001b.jpg)
(3.31 MB 2048x3136 00002.png)
>W-what the hell? How can someone cum so much, and how did I manage to swallow it all?! It doesn't make any sense, I just kept swallowing, but shouldn't I have popped like a cum balloon? I can't even see straight right n- >-urp-Shit! Something's coming up! Is it just a burp, or am I actually going to vomit cum?! Fuck! I have to keep it all down and go clean myself up... >Wait, how am I supposed to walk now? Maybe I could crawl, but my belly might drag on the floor ... No! That would be so degrading! And why am I getting wetter thinking about this?! I guess I'll try to waddle my way to the bathroom. It's so heavy and full... >This dress is ruined, but at least he offered to buy me a new one. I wonder when our next date is? He hasn't even tried out my other holes yet. sorry these aren't super consistent, I made them at pretty different times and just created a rough "before" version for some flavor
Been a while since there has been a post, how about a few prompts for anyone who's up for it? > about to burst > one pump to many > bored inflation > floating into the sky > room filling > struggling to walk
(1.07 MB 1080x960 00227-3366368724.png)
Pooltoy lora just dropped, not everyone's cup of tea but I like the shape
Can your fancy AI turn this into a 2d waifu?
>>13059 I mean, I can try. Lemme img2img it.
>>13060 Please do?
(1.81 MB 1440x1440 tmpgeb8fxvk.png)
>>13155 Not the original person, but I gave it a shot
>>13157 Yo. Great work. I am assuming you used controlnet? If so, what settings did you use if you can recall?
>>13162 I used the realistic linework controlnet to get it most of the way there, and then a bit of img2img and inpainting to clean it up
>>13157 Great work! Do you think we can afford to let this thread devolve into a this-pic-but-ai'd thread?
(93.20 KB 700x508 3596417.jpg)
>>810 IMPORTANT QUESTION Can you tell an AI to take one waifu and insert her into another image? For example, replace Sailor Moon with another sailor, or Asuka from NGE
Big Latina girl inflated in the air with a round body and bikini
(993.52 KB 1080x1080 00079-396592653.png)
(1.03 MB 1080x1080 00076-396592650.png)
(1.12 MB 1080x1080 00078-396592652.png)
(1.08 MB 1080x1080 00077-396592651.png)
Nijisanji's Scarle, flying lora, and hyperfusion on rainbbw model
>>13198 Seconding.
(304.34 KB 512x512 cover-05085064410250506.png)
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Try Prodia.
(2.35 MB 2072x1328 1696388391134.png)
(2.40 MB 1632x1632 1696388427187.png)
/trash/ is a gold mine if you're willing to wade through.
>>7623 Really want to know how this one was done
>>14132 Never mind; literally sat up in bed just now realizing how stupid I was
(99.49 KB 972x972 OIG (19).jpeg)
you should try it on Bing
>>13060 Do you take more requests?
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Dump with the ship, dump with the crew
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>>15596 holy shit these look great. especially 1st and 3rd. would love to see more like this
Why should the bitchy businesswoman pay for her car to be fixed when she can just shove an air compressor hose up the cute mechanic's butt and pop her like an overinflated tire?
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Pics related showcase what normies can do.
So I wanted to ask if anyone have had the same problem. As I have been using the free version of Stable Diffusion on this website. https://stablediffusionweb.com/#ai-image-generator But recently I have had the problem of putting a prompt and getting a restult, but then I change the seed, but it alwasy trhows me the same result. It happens on multiple browsers, and clearing the caché doesn't help.
>>1015 They're too expensive relative to the work they put in.
(2.06 MB 1024x1536 [booru.plus]+hinata91919.png)
(2.06 MB 1024x1536 [booru.plus]+hinata92037.png)
Friendly reminder that preg gens look nigh indistinguishable from belly inflation.
(894.17 KB 1856x1280 1703733872215601.jpg)
You have no excuze not to use 4chan.
>>18587 Same tired worn out dialogue from a tired worn out hack like yourself. What, get tired of starting shit in the slob threads?
>>18591 I'm glad it bothers you
>>18617 With your level of narcissism I doubt that. Let's not pretend now.
>>18622 content is content is content bb, whats the negativity about
>>18622 Also wtf is a "slob thread"?
(1.10 MB 1408x576 00099-4255544616.png)
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Random attempts
>>11394 How are you getting that semi-realism, really nice effect here
>>18882 All really good but the last image is fucking incredible. I almost thought it was a render
>>18934 Cheers! The living inflatable flora and hyper fusion are the main factors, when I'm back at PC later I'll post the prompt bb
>>18934 here's the settings <lora:inflatable-v1.3:0.7> masterpiece, 1girl, ginger hair, round glassses, Huge breasts, Giant belly, Balloon belly,glossy skin, shiny skin, pink skin, transparent breasts, blue skin,, big breasts, huge ass <lora:hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7:0.7> Negative prompt: lowres, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, (worst quality, low quality), jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, monochrome, motion lines, [3d], speech bubble, ((multiple navels)), (multiple Navels), (too many nipples), (malformed breasts),(malformed arms), (malformed limbs) ,ng_deepnegative_v1_75t Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2929667571, Size: 736x512, Model hash: ce30feb9a1, Model: realcartoon3d_v11, Denoising strength: 0.51, Clip skip: 2, NGMS: 6.66, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 10, Hires upscaler: R-ESRGAN 4x+, Lora hashes: "inflatable-v1.3: 6049efd1740e, hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7: 66d481cf230a", TI hashes: "ng_deepnegative_v1_75t: 54e7e4826d53", Version: v1.6.0-2-g4afaaf8a
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Hot take, realism is eh. Atleast for me. Anyway, big Frisks. Must've ingested something their body didn't like...
>>15053 Seconding.
(790.24 KB 768x768 Maya1-101223.png)
(659.63 KB 768x768 AmberAtHome-11-6-23.png)
Using locally-installed Stable Diffusion and BiggerGirls V2. I write, and I use AI generation as a way to play with ideas and get some images and inspiration back. So I haven't gotten deep into LORAs or anything more complicated. Just trying to get reasonable images out of SD, and then do some cleanup runs with a little inpainting or going out to GIMP. I'll drop a few here. I post to DA as joemonday.
(702.72 KB 768x768 Stretch-101423.png)
>>21628 Sometimes SD's glitches can do fun things. In this one it looks like she's grabbing her stretchy belly skin and testing how much more room she has. Turned out to be one of my favorite images.
(414.09 KB 512x768 00294-3097322078.png)
(517.89 KB 800x600 00196-4089721591.png)
(793.34 KB 848x848 00009-2716894991.png)
(2.76 MB 1648x1568 00126-3077298058.png)
Few from the last wee while i liked
(768.48 KB 824x784 00185-2681481579.png)
(793.14 KB 824x784 00198-2681481579.png)
(699.39 KB 824x784 00240-3675786599.png)
(803.46 KB 832x784 00067-873992702.png)
You don't need much. Big belly, pink nipples, maybe a hose and a pump.
(2.24 MB 1344x1728 1712067146050176.png)
(1.78 MB 1248x1824 1712068154273575.png)
(2.01 MB 1344x1728 1712062765327982.png)
(2.26 MB 1344x1728 1712063525690726.png)
You absolutely need to try the AI generals on 4chan.
>>22377 really looking forward to see your latest gens
>>22949 Will be posting some later but I have the majority of my stuff here, it's a range of fetishes but I'll post some blooms for you friend https://www.deviantart.com/eddoevil
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I will never understand why some users will never try 4chan.
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One has to wonder how much pudding you can pump into an attractive asian friend until she bursts like a waterballoon... Well, only one way to find out.
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And of course, having one of your other cute friends test out your new tire pump...
Requesting real life-ification of pic related.
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Pic related is an attempt on 4chan.
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Can you run this through your magic machine and give us a couple of different styles, please?
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Hello from PonyXL with InflationXL LoRa.
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>>25824 yeah that's the one I use but it can be a little hard to get working with RL models sometimes. What model is that?
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>>25848 I've had good luck with these two: - Pony Realism: https://civitai.com/models/372465/pony-realism - 7of9: https://civitai.com/models/341631/sevenof9ponyrealmix These are mainly merges imo, but the results start looking impressive, getting closer to realism with Pony prompting adherence and anatomy details
>>25897 Thank you! I'll have to give these a try later.
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flux.dev is the tits. since there's no negative prompt, it's more about avoiding certain tokens and letting it fill in the blanks. this was nothing more than the GGUF and a boobs LoRA, with some suggestion about where the gas was going.
>>26967 agreed that flux is a huge step forward. Which boobs lora? A specific one or just one of them? I'd still like to know what your prompt was for this, mainly because I've found that trying to prompt one part of the body, namely the belly, results in it generating a larger person overall, even when you specifically tell it not to. The lack of a negative prompt is a problem, but it's still a major step forward overall.
>>27097 "belly" generates fat, and "pregnant" has too much weight on the pose and composition. avoid them. flux understands terms like body, stomach, abdomen, and flanks, and modifiers about size, like swollen, bulging, distended, spherical, stuffed, prominent, huge and very. it also has some action state recognition, like expanding, especially when there's a token aligned reason for it. each token has a weight based on the training corpus, and when prompting, we have to intuit those weights and balance them, usually with weaker supporting prompts. I don't modify attention, but I will blend tokens. it's like tuning a piano; each change you make is with respect to the final state you want to achieve. if you try to bring each string into tune individually, they'll all pull each other out of tune. only lora was big_boobs. don't remember the prompt, but if you play with the above, it should happen pretty easily. the only annoying thing was figuring out how to subjects them fully clothed. "dressed (in)" is as good as I've gotten.
>>26967 How do you even get it to work? ComfyUI is a pain in the ass to use so far and attempting to install the stuff for FLUX has completely broken it, even when following all the instructions.
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>>27203 read this: https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/flux/ it's got a slightly higher bar to first gen, but once you get how it works, the node/workflow system is significantly easier and more flexible than automatic1111. if you want to share your hardware, workflow, and errors, that might help.
>>27209 Managed to get it working, any tips/prompts/etc. to help folks get started making amazing stuff like this?
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>>27212 prompt in concepts and short sentences for the content and regular tags for details, like SDXL. less is more. the aspect ratio and pose determine a lot about the gen, so squatting, kneeling, and sitting are most likely to give "room" for the subject of focus. all images were base flux.dev, the anime image used fca_style lora, and the villainess used big_boobs, which seems to be pretty good at enhancing large round things. the cfg range was 2.0-3.0, 16-20 steps - defaults for dev. experiment with samplers: https://civitai.com/articles/6582/flux1-dev-sampler-scheduler-comparison try the prompt guidelines I listed above. I don't want to set a pattern for prompting, because I'm not an expert (and there's enough sameface crap out there); the model is really just that good. get creative, post results!
>>27226 Do you need flux specific loras or will any work with it?
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>>27226 Thank you, definitely getting some good results so far now that everything is working!
>>27227 yes, check civitai. there are like 50 new ones a day, and they're small compared to sd. >>27228 naisu. i've been using dpmpp_2m + sgm_uniform. ddim also gives great results but triples gen time. sometimes lowering the quality via prompting (a crappier camera, adding grain) improves the realism.
Curvy blonde female on a beach in a bikini
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Barista bursting, gotta make sure to save the footage to enjoy later since she won't be in one piece soon.
>>30651 Awesome, any more?
Here's one I made of catwoman inflating her suit to get away from the cops, would really love to see an animation of it
>>31125 Well, pixverse's very good at making inflation vids, maybe we can
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Didn't see an uber inflation AI thread thought I'd pop them here
>>31712 Horrifying, never fucking make this again
>>31712 Agreed with >>31715 , never do that again and cease everything about your life.
