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Stable Diffusion, Loras, Chatbots

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/bbwai/ - BBW AI-generated Art #5 Anonymous 03/03/2023 (Fri) 23:31:21 Id:f18055 No. 9
Previous Thread: >>137349 >NAI Leak Speedrun https://rentry.org/nai-speedrun | https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ | https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook >/vtai/ Resources Holomem Prompt List: https://rentry.org/3y56t | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/8nxtk | Embed/Thread Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/23oAxTLD#vNH9tPQkiP1KCp72d2qINQ >/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/hdgrecipes >/hdg/ LoRAs https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn#lora-list >Local Install Nvidia: https://rentry.org/voldy | https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard | https://rentry.org/webui-cpu AMD: Native: https://rentry.org/sd-nativeisekaitoo | Docker: https://rentry.org/sdamd | Onnx: https://rentry.org/ayymd-stable-diffustion-v1_4-guide >Cloud Hosted Install Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf >Subscription sites https://novelai.net/ | https://nijijourney.com/en/ | https://yodayo.com/ | https://holara.ai/ >Guides Prompting: https://rentry.org/hdgpromptassist Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar | https://rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD Upscaling: https://rentry.org/sdupscale | https://rentry.org/hiresfixjan23 Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum Wildcards: https://rentry.org/NAIwildcards Embeddings: https://rentry.org/simplified-embed-training Hypernetworks: https://rentry.org/HNSpeedrun LoRAs: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/HDGLoRaIssues >Old News https://rentry.org/sdupdates3 >GPU Performance Data https://docs.getgrist.com/3mjouqRSdkBY/sdperformance >Upload your images https://aibooru.online/ https://www.pixiv.net/en/ >More Resources 4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb Essentially everything: https://rentry.org/sdgoldmine Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups /g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion 5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/ Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/ | https://rentry.org/sdmodels More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link Credit to /vtai/ for the template And, please, put photorealistic gens in /ee/ or something. If we wanted realistic girls, we would be on a different board
>>9 If you need help, check out the above, or the following posts, to see if your question has already been answered: >>141927 >>141956 >>142362 >>142008
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LORA https://civitai.com/models/6638/samdoesarts-sam-yang-style-lora
I'm confused, what are some of the tags used to make some of these pictures because when I do it they're not as big as the ones on this thread
>>14 what model are you using? Normal models have very little fat training and can't do it well. Try using biggergirls or the model from the last thread and get back to us https://civitai.com/models/2664/bigger-girls-model >>13 Cute, especially the 2nd pic
>>14 I used a model that merged Bigger girls and Koto. Here were my tags: masterpiece, best quality, highres, undersized clothes, big belly, long Hair, blue eyes, curvy, wide hips, obese, hand on belly, hand on stomach, tube top, miniskirt, thighhighs, black clothing, choker, belt, belts, garter belt, black belt, nipples, classroom, teacher, glasses, chalkboard, desk, converse, shoes, 1girl, fat, bbw, huge belly, apple, red apple, in frame, full body, seductive and here are my negative tags: ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, bad anatomy, watermark, signature, cut off, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, bad art, beginner, amateur, distorted face
>>15 NovelAI
>>16 I copied your prompts all of them and the girls in the pictures i get are not nearly as big as yours, im confused, btw. what is Koto and how did you merge the two?
>>143472 Could you upload the 4th and 5th picture here https://catbox.moe/ and post the links for me please? Cross posting my request just in case.
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>>19 https://files.catbox.moe/92nkks.png https://files.catbox.moe/hj6dfo.png
>>19 oops I miss counted https://files.catbox.moe/fpneww.png
>>20 The question being how does she even got to wear a cap like this?
>>23 I bet it's actually a beanie with hard visor
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>>18 >>18 Koto is this model from Civit AI https://civitai.com/models/5245/kotosmix You can merge two models in this menu pictured. I forget if this menu came from an extension or not. Just in case, here is a list of my extensions too.
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>>27 Thank you! Also, are you the one that used that Lora? How do you use those?
Posting it again in this thread ControlNet >https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/119o71b/a1111_controlnet_extension_explained_like_youre_5/ OpenPose >https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/11cuztu/openpose_controlnet_preprocessor_options/ OpenPose Editor (get it through the extensions tab) >https://github.com/fkunn1326/openpose-editor/blob/master/README.en.md Random video that uses OpenPose >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFRdrRyAQdQ
>>9 Hey what tags did you use for that Nina kosaka pic
>>34 "(masterpiece, best quality, highres, detailed:1.1), <lora:allVtubersLora_hll31:1>, nina kosaka, fox girl, fox tail, multiple tails, facial markings, red eyes, black cocktail dress, cleavage, straps, (fat:1.1)" and negatives were "(worst quality, low quality:1.4), blurry, depth of field, (motion lines, blur:1.1)" I used the vtuber lora from here https://civitai.com/models/10664/all-vtubers-lora and inpainted the face with anythingv4
>>32 What LORA are you using for the first picture?
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>>27 Different person here, really struggling to get anything considerably big. I don't know a lot about loras, but I merged bigger girls with hll-epoch-00015 for vtubers and was struggling to get anything big. Tried copying settings as best I could but it didn't quite seem to work.
>>37 you're going to want bigger girls in the A slot on the merge. right now it's 70% All VTubers and 30% Bigger Girls. You're probably getting too much of the Vtuber model.
>>30 Here is a tutorial I used to start using LORA. Basically, you use a LORA trailed model and inject it into the base model that you are using. I'm currently using this LORA: https://civitai.com/models/6638/samdoesarts-sam-yang-style-lora But results are mixed. Going to try some different ones soon. NOTE: you need to be on the latest version Stable Diffusion to use LORA natively. otherwise you have to install it a different way that I don't know anything about.
>>37 Using the lora wrong. You're supposed to put it in your models/Lora folder and select it using the "show extra networks" button. It's better this way so that you can get the effects of the lora without watering down your model. And merging with normal models will usually make girls, smaller, yeah, since most normal models have little to no training on fats. You can use more emphasis like (this:1.2) on your fat tags, use a merge with more bias towards your fat model, or not merge at all and use loras for characters instead. Still looking good though >>36 I'm only using the vtuber lora. My model is here >>142008 if that's what you meant >>31 Controlnet is so goddamn cool. I heard of 'latent coupling' which I dont really understand but supposedly lets you put multiple prompts in one image. What else have you been able to make with it?
>>29 What kind of settings and prompt placement are you using for your LORA?
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>>40 Any tips for getting it to look...better? Kotos on its own works pretty well, especially with one of the Calliope Mori Loras I used now that I know where to properly put them, but, I'm still getting a large quantity of really bad ones. Ideally I'd really love to get some that are like the bigger ones you do, or even bigger. Also just figured I'd make sure, inpainting with anythingv3 is the way to go for fixing faces when you have a shape you like?
>>43 I got a few tips: 1) don't go above 512x in either dimension before you upscale. Models are trained on 512x512 images so when you go any larger than that the ai doesn't really know what to do and is way more likely to fuck the image. If you want a portrait do something like 384x512 or 448x512 and then use a larger upscale like 1.75 or something For example, img#1 of this post is a 1024x without upscale and img#2 is 512x upscaled to 1024x. 2) Don't use euler a. It's pretty outdated (that 'a' stands for 'ancestral'!). Use basically anything else. I like DPM++ 2S a Karras on 25-35 steps, but I also haven't used most of the samplers, so take that with a grain of salt 3) Use a VAE. If your colors are desaturated 90% of the time it's because you have no vae or it's not being used. The big ones are either the anythingv4 vae or the waifu diffusion vae. I'm on anything v4. https://huggingface.co/andite/anything-v4.0/blob/main/anything-v4.0.vae.pt https://huggingface.co/hakurei/waifu-diffusion-v1-4/blob/main/vae/kl-f8-anime2.ckpt You put it in models/VAE and then select it from the settings menu. Do not use 'auto', it's broken, explicitly select the vae you want Img#3 is a comparison of the vaes And yeah, inpainting is cool and good. If the fat model is having a hard time, sometimes i'll switch to anythingv4. In img#4 i switched to anythingv4 and inpainted her face with 'masked only', max padding, and a resolution of 768x.
>>33 What on earth was the prompt/setting for those first two?
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>>44 Didn't even know my VAE wasn't enabled, I had installed one and threw it in that folder but didn't know what was going on. Ended up baking in anythingv4 VAE into my bigger girls and Kotos mix because the colors were washed out thinking that was the solution, thanks! And, any advice with inpainting? More often than not I get image 1 over image 2, and even when I do get image 2, they turn out...not the best (think this was best of maybe 12 that had just her face? Ran a few batches) One last thing, any advice for more bigness other than just messing with models? I'm in love with how yours usually seem to turn out but I'm getting lots of different shapes and not much is that appealing, really. Is it lots of trial and error, and a few loras? Image 3 is how most batches turn out, it's rare that I get anything really good
>>45 https://files.catbox.moe/zzk4yh.png https://files.catbox.moe/gaci5d.png I based an openpose off of a roundersofter image. The bones are placed pretty poorly.
>>21 >>22 Thank you. >>44 Could you catbox that 4th Nina please? I don't think you posted it on vtai.
Are we allowed to make requests?
>>46 That inpaint issue you got is because your denoising is too high or your padding is too low. Try a denoising of no more than .6, and max padding. There's a more in-depth guide here >>142362 but 0.5-.6 & max pad almost always work well And if you have trouble getting something specific, it might help you to go through the tags for your model. Biggergirls comes with an artists & tags list that i've attached, go through it and it might give you an idea of what to use. But base BG doesn't do wide & thick very well so I'm using the version here >>142008 instead >>49 yeah Your other stuff is cute, at least >>50 https://files.catbox.moe/eplld9.png Damn I wish the userscript worked here >>51 Yeah sure, just ask nicely
>>32 can you share the tags for the first 2?
>>52 Ok ty. Is it ok if someone makes one of the mario princesses with ahegao and nude. Or just vare breasts in general?
>>52 how many vtubers does your Lora or whatever have? which companies and does it have indies? it's just it would be foolish to request someone you don't have at all haha
>>143938 yeah wrong thread, it's a VAE not a Lora model in this thread, anywho, question still stands
>>143940 i was asking >>52 how many vtubers his model could do, he showed nijisanji and hololive, but if i requested an indie it might be impssible. anon also said he would do request if asked nicely.
>>52 Thank you.
>>59 I actually have no idea. It supposedly understands vshojo, hololive, & niji, but certain characters are completely unrecognizable (like, they even included dudes, but not ironmouse? are you serious?), and the page doesn't have a list of tags. It apparently has some indies although the only one i've tried is shylily and she came out alright >>53 https://pastebin.com/ewyajkeP
>>70 forgot the shylily & lora link https://civitai.com/models/10664/all-vtubers-lora
>>71 if its not a hassle, could you try if buffpup exists? if not i would also love a shylily that's bigger than this one, looks decent. thanks for the lora
>>67 Thank you alot also rosa is the best girl. I just wanted to leave it open so people could make what they wanted. Is it possible to do proper ahegao with tongue out. Just curious. I dont know much about this but find it interesting
>>81 I'll set the render to go overnight and see what I can get
I have more I will be posting later. Anyone know how to make what happened in the fifth image not happen? The multipanel thing managed to infect a ton of images in my later generation runs.
>>97 I managed to exceed the size limit with the fifth image. Here it is by itself.
>>98 You could try a combo of controlnet pose references, emphasizing a 1girl prompt, and negative prompts for comic and panels. could also be a seed issue if you're using the same seed.
Be great if there was a ai image of a fat naked Mary from walle
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Doing some preliminary testing with controlnet open pose. This absolutely rapes my gpu/vram though.
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>>105 It's much faster if you don't click low vram, but you are significantly restricted if you don't have over 8gb of vram. All of these were generated using the bbw model, or a cleaned version of the bbw model saved in fp16
>>109 Wow. This has got to be some of the best art I have ever seen. I'm impressive
Fellas, is there a good ai for dubbing bbw comics and whatnot?
>>112 The only thing that really comes to mind is eleven labs but I think that's a paid subscription
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>>113 It's $5 a month for like 30,000 words. Plus you can generate your own voices. First month is only $1. The free version has a bunch of good stock voices, but you only get like 3,000 words a month.
>>113 Thanks anon, worked like a charm. Now all I need are some stock burp sounds.
>>117 Can anyone tell me which AI program is used? It's a page? or is it directly a program that is downloaded?
https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/137349.html#141927 >https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-ema-original/resolve/main/vae-ft-ema-560000-ema-pruned.ckpt Most vae files I find are .pt and this ema vae is a .ckpt, which makes me wonder if it's really a vae or just another checkpoint? anyone know?
>>128 It's a normal vae, you just have to put it in your VAE folder for it to be recognized
This thing is pretty good...
>>129 That's what I did, I just had trouble telling if it was overwriting the builtin vae on my main checkpoint or not and I was wondering if I needed to alter the file extension too or whatnot
>>130 wow amazing wet effects! AND somehow 2girls despite the ai almost always getting confused when 2girls touch each other, very impressed
99.9% of the sounds in the free version tell you to upgrade to pro in order to export :( was really hype until I noticed that
>>132 Yeah, alls I mixed was biggerGirls and anything v4 (3:7) and then that with Kotos (3:7). No baked vae, and it sort of takes whatever one you choose even though biggerGirls generally freaks if you donʻt give it the anything vae. Then I gave it the 2girls and group pose prompt.
>>49 How do you guys make this? Is this all from the same page (NovelAI), or are there multiple sites for making AI art? Sorry if I am bothering, I dont know much about this subject.
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First time playing around with the NovelAI leak
>>135 I've had the most success with google colab. Here's a copy I made of the one from AUTOMATIC1111. Follow the FAQ from https://rentry.org/sdg_FAQ#how-do-i-setup-the-leaked-novelai-model. You will need to add the animevae and hypernetworks models. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1duniuatVisudX25R0Qz7vWwMr59-fSI6?usp=sharing
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good results with low pov, looking at viewer
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The BiggerGirls model likes to turn every thing into cameras Also, wet gets some interesting results.
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Adding "belly button" to the negative prompts ends up with a more subtle look.
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Here's some after a checkpoint merger of novel ai full and bigger girls v2. The results are a bit noisy, but you can have more things in the scene.
>>138 Could you catbox the 5th image please? 095.jpg?
>>146 Pardon,Just curious as someone thats not knowledgable about ai art how much work went into the first image?
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Trying and failing to upscale, but sharing anyway
I tried and failed to download and set up the NAI leak but I'm too boomer to understand GIT. So can I make a request for naked princess peach ahegao like the rosa ones?
>>146 The next time you do a regen/merge of bbw-step-30k could you use HoloKuki as a base? It has much better background, and allows for much higher cfg scales than Anything v4. It's also much more compatible with various embeddings and LoRAs. Definitely something worth looking into if you are looking for a new model to base the step model off of.
>>137 can you clarify for me please, is novelai just another checkpoint that competes with things like biggergirls anythingv4 etc etc? or is it something other than a leaked professional checkpoint?
>>152 Its the cktp used for NovelAI.com. Its probably out of date to what they use now, but its the best (imo) general purpose anime generator. Like NovelAI knew what to do with "carnival" and "crowd of people". whereas biggergirls seems to have lost some of that with their focus. Supposedly Anything v3 is based off this leak, but I haven't been too impressed with my comparisons. Still tweaking my merge, it would be nice if I could make a "run and gun" Google Colab file that would just "work". For example, the one above breaks doing some of the extras (I've fixed on another private file).
>>152 Some words: The first two images I posted in this thread are from the NovelAI leak unmodified. It's an uphill battle to generate anything but small waifs or beach balls without curves. Next I tried the biggergirlsV2 cklt. The issue there is that if you wanted a scene or props, it often failed. I personally feel the anatomy is a bit off, but that could just be my prompting. Stable-diffusion-webui has a feature where you can merge ckpt files. So I merged bgv2 with NovelAI @ 0.65. I may try bumping it down to 0.5 to increase bgv2's weight. But even at 0.65 if I don't mention weight at all I still get some thick middles on like 3 / 10 images. I tried merging bgv2 with Anything v3 and it just wasnt as good. I know bgv2 is based on Anything v3 so there might be some stacking weights going on - especially with the faces.
>>148 This has more or less always been my workflow >>142362 Generate many images, pick my favorite, upscale it, and fix any errors with liberal inpainting. Doesn't take all that long but depends on luck and how difficult the prompt is. That 1st image in particular actually took closer to 30 cause I kept rolling shit faces & hands on the inpaint, but if you aren't as picky as me you could easily do it in 5-10 >>151 I will absolutely look into it. The hll mixes are pretty and have the additional benefit of not needing a lora to generate most vtubers. Although, my concern is that no matter what model I choose to train on fats, I'll still get low quality output because most fat art (and by extension my dataset) is low quality. This is especially apparent when you try to compare a non-fetish pic from a fat model vs a normal model- the fat model gets blown the fuck out pretty much every time. I want to tweak my training settings, or try making loras, but it'll take some time
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Here are four comparisons. 1. NovelAI Leak 100% 2. Novel AI 65% - biggergirlsv3 35% 3. Novel 30% - BG3 70% 4. biggergirlsv3 - 100% Just as a comparison - the only FA keyword thrown in was "bloated". IMO, bgv3 makes it harder to fine tune the fatness overall. It caters to more extremes. On the flip side, the NovelAI leak makes it difficult to make anyone more than 50 Lbs soaking wet. The two in the middle are the merges I mentioned from stable-diffusion-webui's Merge tab. Personally (deformities aside) number 2 sits better with me. I can always throw in more emphasis braces or add more fat descriptors to increase weight. Nothing against the other models if that's your cup of tea. Just trying to crave more of a niche in the AI space to get things to stand out a bit more.
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Here's one I massaged in the #2 ckpt
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>>147 https://files.catbox.moe/nwaqsp.png That one is just a lucky seed, controlnet was off at the time.
>>158 Thank you.
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Have also been playing with prompting for just a regular scene and then tweeking in img2img. This is just using the NovelAI ckpt. Got the thin one on the left, then moved into img2img, running about 20 queries with 10 batches. Luckily the open shirt was a pure accident. The best approach is to start off without any weights in the prompt and then increase things from there to get a composition you can live with. Then take it to img2img and work on molding. Want to experiment with some inpainting next.
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I've got a question more for OP since I have been wanting to experiment with a lot of things they've been suggesting after seeing it in the last thread and this one, but how do you go about making sure the Latent nearest exact doesn't always end up with pixelated results? I've never really used the setting before and even with the same exact prompts and models I still find it getting heavily distorted around certain parts. I can understand it being a hit or miss sometimes, but it feels like it's hit or miss a bit too much for me at least And on a bit of a side note, do people still use the Eta seed? I've found just setting it to 0 gives a lot more variety, but I guess can sometimes give a bad variable that doesn't work or makes certain seeds inconsistent. Wish it would display in the output files honestly
>>164 Continuing off of this post, since I haven't had too much luck with Latent (Nearest Exact) I've been using ESRGAN_4x for upscaling the images I've found to be the better outputs. I normally keep it on between 0.6 or 0.7 depending on how much detail I want saved. I also completely forgot about sending the prompt and other stuff that probably matters too for anyone that wants to try replicating this. Prompt: (masterpiece, best quality:1.2), <lora:hyperfusion100k_v4:1.2>, cat girl, cat tail, cat ears, inflation, immobile, bloated, latex bodysuit, (gigantic body inflation, inflated arms, inflated legs:1.1), (puffy cheeks:1.2) Negatives: (worst quality, text, low quality, multiple characters, multiple views, clone, clones:1.4), error, blurry, depth of field, speech bubbles, out of frame, cropped, monochrome, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, artist name, empty background, ocean, 3d, simple background, cum, cum on body Seed: 1189432184, Sampler: DMS++ 2S a Karras, Steps: 25, 512x512, 1.75x upscale resolution, AnythingV4 merged with 80% Bigger Girls V2, plus 1.2 of this LORA (seen in the prompt) https://civitai.com/models/16928/hyperfusion-100k-images
>>164 >>165 > how do you go about making sure the Latent nearest exact doesn't always end up with pixelated results? Depends heavily on your prompt, model, loras, and resolution. I don't know the intricacies, but for latent upscale, what I've personally found is that: Tags with less training artifact harder. For example, in my model, "fat, hose in mouth" artifacts earlier than just "fat" because 'hose in mouth' does not have many training images. This also applies to loras and how they've/their tags have been trained, and can also be more apparent when you use emphasis on a problematic tag/lora Different models artifact at different points than others, presumably because of their training, dataset, and merges Higher resolutions artifact hard. Upscaling above 2x is unusable, and a pre-upscale resolution above 512x is finnicky. If you want a higher res than that you should consider using the upscale script in img2img (although this isn't your problem, looking at your settings) So, shitty latent upscale is just the price you pay for using that model and lora. Besides making your own model & lora, your only real options are to use a different upscaler or up your denoising, which you've already figured out > do people still use the Eta seed? not really? It doesn't do anything that controlnet/img2img/lora/higher cfg scale/emphasis/better prompting doesn't > Wish it would display in the output files honestly Every image you generate is embedded with its generation data, like its seed, model, prompt, etc. Not normally viewable unless you have the img browser extension, which is really nice to have. But you could also just google an img metadata checker and upload your image and see its info from there
>>163 what do you mean it only does faces? the clothing looks pixar style to me? or are you saying you asked another model like anythingv4 or whatever for a pixar style outfit then only used the pixar style model for the face inpaint?
Been getting into loras.
>>168 What lora did you use here? Or was this one you trained yourself?
>>168 Could you catbox 2, 5 and 6 please?
(654.72 KB 768x768 00029-1785030817.png)
Started up a DA for the shit I've been making: https://www.deviantart.com/fulforget85/gallery
Anyone have any good cat girls?
(591.45 KB 768x768 00001-1080187319.png)
(594.30 KB 768x768 00000-1196708599.png)
Only NovelAI. Found that if you base your prompt around "small belly, early pregnancy" you can tweak in img2img to flesh out the output a bit.
(616.03 KB 768x768 00015-705243234.png)
>>172 Just for you anon
(710.39 KB 808x808 00009-2322047010.png)
>>172 and another cat
(531.63 KB 800x800 00023-1924789901.png)
Thick Thighs Save Lives
(2.60 MB 1152x1152 00013.png)
(3.52 MB 1792x1792 00004.png)
Leg is a little messed up, but, I thought this Calli turned out pretty well. Also, a Shenhe.
>>179 Also, I've been adoring every Nina you put out. They're all wonderful
>>180 Could you catbox that Mori please?
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>>183 Now you have to do stocking, it’s principle of the thing. I don’t make the rules
>>177 Cute, but one thing though make her bigger
(798.39 KB 1024x1024 00094-1566374557.png)
This is one way to get $$$ from the ATM
>>187 Emberassing.
(1.15 MB 1024x1024 download.png)
>>190 Those came out great! Here's what I used for my prompt, it was pretty basic. I think the Lora did most of the work because it's Calli specific. Prompt: best quality, hires, high quality, pink hair, red eyes, calliope mori, <lora:calliopeMoriHololive_v10:1>, obese, gigantic ass, huge thighs, wide hips, Negative prompt: (lazy eye), (heterochromia), lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, bad feet, extra limbs, (multiple navels), (two navels), (creases), (folds), (double belly), thin, slim, athletic, muscular, fit, fat face, blemished stomach, rash, skin irritation, blurry, bad face, Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2S a, CFG scale: 8.5, Seed: 1152647543
>>182 https://files.catbox.moe/1ltcs8.png What's the point of catbox'ing?
(14.37 KB 1566x100 notepad++_2023-03-14_23-35-08.png)
>>192 Thank you. As for why, iploading your generations to catbox allows other users to see your prompts and settings. It's the most convenient way to share prompts since you no longer have to copy past everything yourself. Catbox'd images also allow WebUI to read the metadata directly on the PNG Info tab so it's convenient for the receiving person as well.
(886.70 KB 1024x1024 00040-1070617858.png)
I think I'm getting the hang of this
(975.19 KB 1024x1024 00094-261363544z.png)
settled on this beauty
>>190 Can you tell us which model you used?
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>>9 >>184 You're right, here's some Stocking
>>179 that elira is great, inspired me to make some bottom heavy eliras.
(1.24 MB 1110x900 72110841_p0.png)
Could somebody try to make Graf Zeppelin from Azur Lane? I'm still trying to figure out how to use the AI. Make her as big as you wish :)
how can a beginner start with ai? id love to do something with cindy from full night nanny but I had no idea where to start or what to do. how does ai even work?
>>201 Best bet, follow the "novel ai speedrun" guide in the OP. This will walk you through downloading the software and a basic model and thats basically it. Then follow the guides also linked In the OP for prompting, inpainting etc and they'll show you the ropes. Once you've done this you're good to go as a begginer. Have a play around then you might want to get better models such as those linked the /vtai/ resources links in the OP. Just remember those models (since they come from the vtuber board) are specialised for making vtubers. But don't worry about that for now, just follow the novel ai guide and then use the guides in the OP to learn to prompt and feel free to ask for any more advice.
>>198 Could you catbox that please? >>199 I'm not the one who asked but that gofile link is dead so he can't get it, just so you know.
>>203 sure! https://files.catbox.moe/sk079p.png
>>199 yeah, here's one of the wider ones from that batch.
>>204 >>205 Thank you. And great stuff, by the way.
Also prompted some chubby elira in an onsen. Not sure why but I love having these detailed backgrounds.
>>130 3, 4, or 5 but even fatter would be *perfect*. These turned out really well!
[mod edit: keep ai in this thread] Hi, has anyone tried to use AI apps like Midjourney to create content? This is the result so far using this promp: (((ssbbw))) woman with straight bright ginger bangs, photo, head to toe picture, pretty, confident, round face, obese, happy, (((very fat))), ssbbw, slinky black evening dress, goth, black boots, legs showing, character sheet, concept art, full body, centered, dynamic pose, facing directly at the viewer, comic style,simple studio dark background, analogous colors, stunningly beautiful curvy half-sheep anime girl, perfect anatomy, huge belly
Edited last time by judgeandjury on 03/16/2023 (Thu) 17:14:48.
>>9 No, absolutely no one has tried at all
Trying out inpainting
(3.21 MB 2048x2464 00013-1440645103.png)
I give you more plump elira, this time on a train
>>207 So cuuuuute, thank you
>>215 Great stuff as usual. Could you link me to what model you use or tell me how to make it myself please?
>>217 yeah sure, its a 60/40 mix of grapefruitjuice-pruned and bbwstep30000. you can find bbwstep30000 in this thread a few posts up form the other elira poster.
>>218 Ah, yes I saw your post on /vtai/ too, forgot I asked in both threads. Thank you!
>>218 This the grapefruit model you're talking about? https://civitai.com/models/2583/grapefruit-hentai-model
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fat squirrel
>>222 I'm so glad someone genned this peanut butter pudger. Would lamias be possible like Miia?
I wonder if anyone has tried bunny girls
Does anyone have a copy of the BiggerGirls Real model that was on CivitAI a while back? I have a slightly blended version saved, but not the original and it's not on CivitAI anymore (at least, that I can find).
>>225 I just have the biggergirlsv2 and bigger girls golden. Though, tbh, I've had better luck popping the image intp clip studio paint, dropping a nougat colored blob on the belly, and running it through with any model with a low noise diffusion. 0.5 is plenty with the "fat" or "plump" tags. The problem with the big girl models is that they just remove all the skinnies from the dataset. I mean, that's all well and good, but it trims a good amount of background ambient data out of the set. It's why a lot of these BBW AI tend to look the same.
>>226 This was done with the dalcefo painting model. https://civitai.com/models/5396/dalcefopainting Started a general prompt with some skinny bitch, and added paint to it (not even good looking paint, just solid colors) and added (fat:1.4), (big belly:1.5), yadda yadda yadda. Additionally the BigGirls models are all based on Anytingv3, which at this point is several months old. A lot of advancements have been made in the last month alone with quality.
>>218 anyone know where to find bbwstep 30k? I searched this thread for elira step 30k and 30000 and didn't find it....
(2.91 MB 2048x2048 00175-617635830.0.png)
Made another one
https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/137349.html#141927 I am trying the guide for dummies but I ran into a problem: It says that Python could not be found. I have python installed. Do I have to move it somewhere? I also received a message of something being on the wrong path but i cant access that message anymore. What do I do?
>>225 I had a copy on my pc. It isn't a great model. https://anonfiles.com/r9J9eaf6zb/biggerGirls_irl_ckpt >>228 I found this merge labelled as 30k step https://civitai.com/models/11141/biggergirls-anythingv4-buns-and-thighs
>>231 Cheers, thanks! Definitely agree the Real model isn't great, but for clothed, photorealistic BBWs I find it much better than ForTheMasses. I usually do inpainting manipulations, but I was able to tease out some decent txt2img shots with a BiggerGirls Real 80 + BiggerGirlsv1.2 20 mix. Wanted to play around with it and some Lora's, but obviously couldn't find it anymore.
(667.07 KB 1024x1024 Noel 1.png)
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(1004.67 KB 1024x1024 Noel4.png)
(479.81 KB 702x702 Calli1.png)
>>231 Nice of that guy to upload it, saves me from making an account >>228 https://mega.nz/folder/WFk13apa#WvCEO8IoqgSaeoKQILeIqg >>230 I'm only guessing because I'm not on windows, but did you enable "add to PATH" when you installed it? And is your venv set up properly? If the venv is the problem you can delete the venv folder and it'll make a new one on run
>>233 >>235 Could you catbox the third image of both of these posts please? I don't think either made it to vt.
>>232 And the fingers don't look crooked, would be possible to photoshop bbw models with bigger massive bodies?
(985.93 KB 1024x1024 00013-3637954043.png)
(1.26 MB 1024x1024 00092-2554836465.png)
I like these
Could someone credible by BBW-Chan standards post the Bigger Girls model? I’m not going to make an account for a single download.
>>239 >>231 Ah, it appears someone has posted one. Thank you! Has anyone tested it too?
Since this morning, my images are all black, have you ever had the same problem?
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>>241 Ok, it's good, it's my ckpt file that has become defective
I have a mighty need for fat tomboys
>>244 Would it be fine to also ask for one of those IRL BiggerGirls models?
>>248 I misspelt this post. It’s supposed to be “(an anonfiles of) one of those non-IRL BiggerGirls models.”
(1.93 MB 1280x1280 xey360.png)
another onsen Elira
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>>256 Love those bellies!
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Let's see if you guys accept these B)
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Let's see if you guys accept these B)
(1.13 MB 1024x1024 00069-3879835127.png)
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sorry for the double post, here's some more
>>261 How to delete non-realistic shapes and fat?
Has anyone tried to generate Filia from Skullgirls? I'd like to know what tags to use on her. The hardest thing to nail is obviously the Futakuchi-onna aspect of her.
ITTThe least Asian-looking Asian girls ever
>>227 dalcefo doesn't have his stuff up on civitai anymore, you can download it for free on his kofi https://ko-fi com/dalcefo_artworks/shop I haven't been having much luck inpainting with dalcefopainting, but it's been going okay with a dalcefo (0.7) + biggergirlsv2 (0.3) mix honestly
(386.07 KB 512x512 orignalCopy.png)
pretty inexperienced user here, managed to come up with this and I'm pretty happy with it - though I was wondering if anyone would be willing to uprez / refine it a bit, keeping mostly intact
>>262 These are pretty good, especially the bar one. >>265 Asian-americans exist
(3.04 MB 2048x2048 tmplph9m1q9.png)
>>267 Had a go at it
>>269 came out looking pretty great imo, thanks a bunch also do you mind me asking what programs you used? doesn't have to be super in depth or anything, just curious - I only used nkmd Stable Dif UI and bigger girls to start with originally
I'm using a 60/40 merge of LucidMix and BBWstep. I used a depth controlnet for revising your picture to try to keep it as similar as possible. For the pictures I posted earlier, I use the same model, but the base images are from NovelAI. I basically force the furry model to generate humans, which tends to result in a lot more diverse and interesting poses, imo
>>271 thanks for the insight, you've been very helpful - now I have a few areas I can look into further to improve on the generations, much appreciated
>>197 What models and settings did you use to get stocking? I've been trying for a while now but she always comes out looking really bad.
>>274 i wonder if there's any way to tell the AI to not add 3 million skin folds in places they shouldn't be. other than that, stellar results anon
>>274 Thank you.
>>274 >That looks super interesting, what extension is that? Two layers of controlnet. Add multi-controlnet in settings->controlnet in the ui. Open pose editor for the pose, depth library for hand images https://github.com/fkunn1326/openpose-editor https://github.com/jexom/sd-webui-depth-lib
>>146235 What looks alien about them? The faces, body proportions, shading/style or all? I've been trying to achieve bigger but realistic proportions
(1.04 MB 1024x1024 Mumei2.png)
(1.51 MB 1024x1024 Mumei4.png)
(484.54 KB 1024x1024 Mumei1.png)
(1.20 MB 1024x1024 Mumei3.png)
(1.14 MB 1024x1024 Mumei5.png)
Some mooms. Also struggling to get any kind of serious width from the front view. How are you guys doing that?
Hi, I've got a question (please don't bonk me), which programm/software do you need to generate these images? I dowloaded a "ckpt" file called "biggergirlsAnythingv4_bbwStep30000.ckpt" which is the "model" used to make/generate those plump/fat Elira images, but Im not sure of what to do with it. Is there a tutorial for this?
>>251 These are the Elira images Im talking about
>>207 MORE
(853.95 KB 816x1024 tmp2sk77zum.png)
(788.22 KB 816x1024 tmp_h37hf2t.png)
(857.63 KB 816x1024 tmp2_fqn1i7.png)
>>273 Stocking was generated with this LoRA: https://civitai.com/models/19416/artraccoonee-stocking-anarchy-panty-and-stocking-with-garterbelt The model is my own. But it's basically a mix of biggergirls + my own model + grapefruit + abyssorange + kenshi Prompts: <lora:ArtraccooneeStockingAnarchy_ArtraccooneeStocking:0.6> 1girl, stocking_anarchy, black_dress, aqua eyes, purple hair, colored inner hair, pink hair, choker, bangs, blunt_bangs, bow, cleavage, dress, hair_between_eyes, halo, looking_at_viewer, smile, solo, stocking_\(psg\), halo,lolita_fashion, long_sleeves, striped, striped_legwear, (plump:1.4), (fat:1.4), big belly, round face, (obese:1.2), masterpiece, high quality, highres Negative prompts: painting by bad-artist, easynegative, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name Upscaling and inpainting to fix any oddities with hands/faces if necessary
>>275 Glad you like it The skin creases & folds are pretty easy to prompt or inpaint out. But I like them, so unless they're particularly bad I don't bother >>279 Those are some NICE mooms. Love 1,2, & 5. > struggling to get any kind of serious width from the front view. How are you guys doing that? There's a few things. First is prompting- all the mooms of this post were done on unmixed bbw30k with (wide hips, thick thighs, fat legs, fat hips, fat thighs:1.1). Wider aspect ratios would also make her wider because SD will look to fill the empty space with more Mumei. If you really wanted to you could also just stretch her hips in photoshop or something and as long as it looks vaguely humanoid, you can use it in inpaint or img2img (nice for sequences, too). Post a prompt or catboxed image so we can see your gen info >>280 There's a few guides at the beginning of the thread. The program is AUTOMATIC1111 stable diffusion webui, and >>141927 and >>9 will get you started
>>285 Could you catbox 1, 4 and 6 please?
>>285 excuse me for the silly question but what model was this? I desperately want results like this and have a vae, knowlage of how to use loras, and goldenchubbygirls aswell as some other models. the massive hips look AMAZING!
>>280 As someone else has said, follow the guides in the OP to get you set up (the novel ai speedrun will get you to download the basic software and a very useful vae file) If you'd like to generate images like those eliras you'll need my model which is in the "/vtai/ resources: model mixes" link in the OP, scroll down the list till you find "BBWgrape" and that's the one I used. Just note it's specifically tailored to generate vtubers hence why I've been making a bunch of eliras
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Experimenting with a more "cartoony" style. Mixed results.
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>>280 Could you post it?
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(1.05 MB 1024x1024 00188-842200651.png)
I gotta hear elevenlabs feederism audio
What's the best model for generating real fatties?
What website do I need to use for real life ai generated images
>>299 >>300 >>295 >>260 >>261 >>262 https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwalt/res/21273.html https://bbw-chan.nl/gen/res/26545.html >>298 https://bbw-chan.nl/gen/res/25890.html
>>300 https://genshin.hoyoverse.com
>>274 If you dont mind could you share the BBW30K lora used on those Kronni's please? also does it just enable you to prompt the BBW30k shape on an unmerged model? if so thats really useful.
(443.93 KB 560x560 00016-1463125432.png)
Can someone help me figure out what is causing the colors to come out like this? While it's generating the colors look fine but when it finishes up it comes out looks crusty and oversaturated. Using the Hasanblend 1.5 model
bbw jean booty
>>306 Could you please catbox the 2nd and 3rd images?
(415.43 KB 512x640 tmpw30fdtpi.png)
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>>277 are there listed here? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-extensions/master/index.json I only know how to install extension via the built in web-ui for installing extensions and there are lots of extensions mentioning control net and depth... and even some mentioning open pose's but I am not sure which ones you mean specifically? (the names don't match up with the githubs you linked precisely....)
>>308 Cute!!! What models/lora/prompts did you use?
(17.93 KB 512x512 table canny2.png)
(20.96 KB 512x512 pose(170).png)
>>307 https://files.catbox.moe/5956vx.png https://files.catbox.moe/3gc46w.png There was a canny and open pose controlnet used for making them. The model was >>289 Cropping the hips/legs off the pose made most of the outputs a bit weird. >>309 'OpenPose Editor' is in the master list. There are a lot of extensions/tools that can do the same thing. 'sd-webui-controlnet' is also in the master list. Models: https://huggingface.co/webui/ControlNet-modules-safetensors/tree/main The depth library needs to be installed from url. 'Extenstions'->'Install from URL' in the automatic1111 webui.
Fta gardevoir
(3.56 MB 1920x1344 100lbs.png)
Freshman 100
(1019.90 KB 1024x1024 Botan2.png)
(1.11 MB 1024x1024 Botan3.png)
(1.03 MB 1024x1024 Botan1.png)
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(1013.15 KB 1024x1024 Kanata1.png)
You can pry my "gigantic breasts" tag out from my cold dead hands
>>311 Thank you.
>>313 And +300
Does anyone know how to make an immobile girl in Stable diffusion?
>>303 > does the lora just enable you to prompt the BBW30k shape on an unmerged model That was the plan, but somewhere along the line I fucked up and so it only really does thighs. Really nice thighs, but still. Fats using it look disgusting. If you still feel like playing with it I put it in the mega with everything else https://mega.nz/folder/WFk13apa#WvCEO8IoqgSaeoKQILeIqg >>318 Download the biggergirls model off civitai and prompt immobile & hyper fat
>>317 and add more plz. want see how far she can go
>>304 you're missing whatever VAE that model uses.
>>294 oh hey! thanks for posting those two of mine, glad people like them! The hinata ones, I mean.
>>319 yeah honestly I've mostly been prompting bottom heavy and mildly fat at best lately so this is perfect, cheers man.
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To the anon that's generating all of these vtubers, do you think it would be possible to give Juniper Actias a go?
>>327 sorry anon, I've tried but none of my models seem capable of generating her, even the allvtubers lora doesn't seem to work. you could try asking on /vtai/ though.
>>230 >>235 So I started all over again and enabled PATH when installing python. I still get the red text that says I dont have python installed. Apart from that I got a text saying "Installing toch and torchvision" and my laptop started going slow. 10 minutes later I got this yellow text and then this green text. What do I do now?
To bbw-step anon. I given that you based your model off of Anything v4.5 I was able to do a merge and come up with something that is much better at backgrounds. I am currently looking at other merges to see if it can be improved further, but the following pictures were all generated using the half version of the custom merge. Note the images have not been inpainted, so there is some strangeness that hasn't been cleaned up. All of these have either had hires fix applied, or have been upscaled using Ultimate SD to 1024x1024
>>330 Also, I noticed that sizes tended to drift towards the smaller end, but it should still be possible to generate pre-merge sizes with very little effort.
>>330 I did two more merges. The first image in the original post is being regened in the first and second images of this post. Same prompt, same seed, same settings. First image is the merge, merged with Cocoa. The second image is the cocoa merge, merged with tea.
>>332 Prompt for the three I mentioned are the following: (extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, masterpiece, best quality, ultra-detailed, best illustration, best shadow, an extremely delicate and beautiful) <lora:allVtubersLora_hll31:1>, ouro kronii, hololive, headband, crop top, jeans, muffin top, belly tucked into jeans, too tight jeans, wide hips, fat, huge belly, table, hands on belly, stuffed, helpless, sitting down, too full to move, wavy mouth, looking at viewer Negative Prompt: (worst quality, low quality:1.4), (depth of field, bokeh, blurry:1.4),(monochrome, greyscale, monochromatic) ,(multiple views, comic, reference sheet), motion lines, error, bad anatomy, by (bad-artist:0.6), midriff, (fat legs:1.1), sketch, 3d, flat color, extra digits:1.2, fewer digits, deformed, extra limbs, fewer limbs, collar, brooch, necktie, bowtie, necklace, bad-image-v2-39000, EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t
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Tried my hand at this and got some decent stuff
>>329 > I got a text saying "Installing toch and torchvision" and my laptop started going slow thats normal, torch & torchvision are several GB large and take a while to dl and install > I got this yellow text and then this green text you can disregard the yellow text- it says that it failed downloading torch, but in the fourth screenshot it says torch installed just fine, so it probably just pulled from a different source. And as for the green text you can update pip if you want but it doesn't really make a difference, so it's up to you The fourth pic would suggest that everything installed fine and it just isn't picking up your graphics card. By default the webui doesn't work with AMD cards on windows so if your laptop is AMD then you have to follow the guides on this page https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs or the AMD install guides at the top of this thread >>9 . If you're on intel graphics, it doesn't work with intel graphics, so you need to enable cpu mode to get it running. and if youre on nvidia, then i don't have a clue. it should recognize your gpu out of the box. reinstall drivers?
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>>325 Could you catbox that please?
>>336 this isn't AI shit it's just traced
Here it is. The merged bbw models. Pic related is a comparison between all of the combinations I made using a prompt that some might use with this model. Kuki needs more work, the model I merged with needs less aggressive weighting on certain blocks of the unet so that bbw-step isn't diminished too much. https://gofile.io/d/AzRqHS (All of the models here in the above link need to be pruned. ) Some general notes regarding the model: The model (and the original bbw_step model that the merge is based on) is based on Anything V4.5, which means that this should be compatible with most LoRAs and embeddings. If you want to get backgrounds that are even more detailed, using the token "detailed background" will activate dpep3 much more aggressively. As for negative prompts, go for whatever you would use for an Anything v4.5 or AOM2 based model. Some notes regarding the Cocoa and Tea Merges: These two have some oddities introduced from Cocoa which causes the masterpiece keyword to create some weird results, although not consistently, so experiment with it in your prompt and with it not in your prompt. I have had good results with and without it. Additionally, make sure your clip skip is set to 2, otherwise you might encounter some oddities. Recipe for the merged model First, merge dpep3-chillout into bbw_step_30000k (when I say this, you should make bbw_step model A, and dpep model B) (find it here: https://huggingface.co/closertodeath/ctdmixes/blob/main/dpep3-chillout.safetensors ) with the following Merge Block Weights (you cannot use the default checkpoint merger, use supermerger, or another extension that can do MBW) 1,0.9,0.7,0.5,0.3,0.1,0.4,0.4,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,1 (You can start from the half version in the above link if you want, the fp16 and normal version did not have any hash differences) Then merge the previous model you just made, I would call it bbw-dpep3-chillout, with Cocoa at the following block weights: 0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.31,0.3,0.3,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15,0.15 (NOTE: FOR ANY MERGE INVOLVING SPECIFICALLY THIS MERGED MODEL, ONLY DO MERGES WITH THE FULL SIZED MODEL AS THE HALF SIZED ONE HAS A DIFFERENT HASH FROM THE FULL SIZED ONE) Then merge the previous model you just made, I would call it bbw-dp3c-Cocoa, with Tea at the following block weights: 0.35,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.1,0.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.35,0.35,0.35,0.35 (You can find Cocoa and Tea here: https://huggingface.co/andite/desserts/tree/main Cocoa is most likely a mix of YohanMix and Blossom-extract, but I have very little information on Tea ) Anyways, let me know what you think, I feel like the merge managed to really fix a lot of the issues the base model had. My favorite is either cocoa or tea, I haven't done enough prompting with either to really come to a conclusion.
Alright fellas, as we approach the bumplock for the 5th thread, I gotta say: damn. This is one of the most successful repeated threads ever. Are we all ok with just archiving the bumplocked ones and making new ones, or is it time to make a cyclical thread again? These threads move so fast it's a bit difficult to get all the information in one place, a cyclical thread that I start where the OP can be edited as we go might be easier than having 5 archived threads of information to sift through. Just a thought.
>>335 I looked it up and realised I use Intel Graphics (I should have looked that before, Im a fucking moron) So how do I enable cpu mode?
>>340 That sounds like a good plan.
>>9 genuinely didn't know animation generators were this advanced already. I expect good things!
Does anyone know on Stable diffusion how write a specific character prompt with out a checkpoint/model like if I wanted to make Yor from Spy x Family
It's nice to see all of these people come together and bond over AI generated images in harmony. I know it's a fucking meme phrase at this point: but I am actually proud of this community.
>>339 I gotta say I really appreciate your help in making this scuffed model usable. How did you figure out the weights to use with supermerger? Do those specific weights control mostly backgrounds or something? >>340 welcome back. I was wondering where you went. And yeah, that does sound like a good idea, as long as we link back to these archived threads >>341 open your webui-user.bat and add --skip-torch-cuda-check to COMMANDLINE_ARGS. Idk if theres anything else to use cause I don't use cpu mode, there's a guide for it in the op
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This whole multi-character openpose stuff is wild my dudes I'm really kinda of floored how fast this tech moved. For the average layman, to absorb the last 6 months of updates/changes/extensions/controlnet/lora/textual inversion/inpainting/etc must be RIDICULOUS if you haven't been following it the whole time. Can we start collecting some vital links/resources for the cyclical thread? I don't just want to post the /vtai/ blob of text again, I want something more...us.
Edited last time by admin on 03/24/2023 (Fri) 19:08:29.
>>344 depends on the character, and ranges from 'annoying' to 'basically impossible'. Easy way to go about it is to just pull up gelbooru or danbooru and copy the character tags, and if your character is popular (which would mean they have more images on the boorus for SD to be trained on) then they'll probably show up. But it's only for anime characters, and it's pretty hit or miss even if your character is popular. and if they're not, you can forget about it (RIP buffpup & juniper anon). Loras can help with making characters but if you don't want to use them for some reason or if one doesnt exist then you're SOL. Yor has a nice one on civitai
>>346 >>348 Could you catbox that IRyS and that first Yor (36776) please?
Very fat Lumine genshin impact, ripped letter black jeans, huge ass
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Thick girl big boobs
is there any way to get bbw step 3000 to generate dark skin? i've put in all the tags related and it doesn't really do much
>>350 >>351 I don't think you understand what this thread is
>>350 >>351 ESL bois or pre-teens have found the thread.
>>347 >>347 I'd keep the guides for newbies and the installation guide, add links to the BBW3000 mega, the new tea/coffee merges and any other merges made (perhaps even make own rentry for models), a guide to prompting bbw stuff in particular, an updated guide for generating prompts, upscaling and inpainting etc - basically walk a newbie through how to generate a high quality image. Perhaps a personalised FAQ, eg what bbw models exist, how to prompt etc. a general FAQ like why we use catbox etc. There's just a few examples of stuff that might be useful but I'm sure there's more I haven't thought of.
Does anyone know any models/loras for both all bleach girls or all total drama girls?
>>105 >>106 Damn, I need to try this. Liara in the style of these super thick, bottom heavy hourglass ones would be fantastic
An attempt at training a big belly lora. Not very good since it ignores most of the trigger words I tried to add and occasionally does an extreme close up of a face or feet. Will need to adjust the tags again and retrain it. My amd gpu caps at 640x512 for training. The trigger words are supposed to include >1girl >solo >round belly >flabby belly >skinny >fat >one leg hidden >both legs visible >full body >sitting Really only responds to "round belly". Square aspect ratio usually gives a front view. Side view more often with a wider aspect ratio. Clip skip 2 is slightly better. Looks terrible most of the time. Gets okay results if you don't use the lora at full weight and upscale 2x at low denoising with r-ersgan anime6b. https://anonfiles.com/i1f8M1gazc/blobv3_safetensors Sample catbox (model is 65% 30kstep, 35% anime2.5d): https://files.catbox.moe/kgnhhe.png
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Thanks to LtBarclay's guide in the 4th AI thread, I was able to get the web UI running. Big thanks for creating such a helpful guide! My AI model was created using biggergirlsv2 70% + barronmix 30% and mixing the result with 3moonREALSkin model at 30%. I was also using misty LoRA at 0.7 for these images. I've found that very painterly effects could be achieved using DDIM sampling, 8-12 sampling steps, and a CFG between 3 and 6.
So anyone know of a safe place to get ? animefull-final-pruned animevae.pt Sorry if this is a dumb question I googled it and couldnt get any of the downloads to work.
>>361 Thank you for including the tags.
>>349 https://files.catbox.moe/detvw0.png https://files.catbox.moe/wyhb8m.png >>360 i think they should still be available via torrent in one of the links in the op. Don't remember which one, maybe nai speedrun? >>355 really good suggestions, especially making a new rentry. Basically everything you need to know is here but it's in bits and pieces over 5 (massive) threads so consolidating everything into a rentry or two would be great >>352 works fine for me? "dark skin" works as expected. adding emphasis to it or using it in tandem with 'black skin' makes them darker. Although it is a little random, as always https://catbox.moe/c/ord80b
>>363 Thank you!
been testing out the style lora's someone uploaded to /vt/ here's a Nina using the bamboo ale lora for example. MEGA link for anyone interested: https://mega.nz/folder/sShj1LpS#Zh5ZxGO3uwK4QEaZ2X6z1w
>>365 Yes, artists who hate AI must have loras, based on their arts
>>365 Do you use nai or this can be work with other vae?
>>366 Not like they can do anything about it anyway. Imitation is the purest form of flattery
>>363 oh yeah thanks, realised all i really had to do was emphasize the tag and it turned out fine
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I'm starting to think actually making a whole new /bbwai/ board. Maybe a wild hare here, but think about it. Our own stickied threads for the basics. A requests thread. A model compendium and review thread. A promptsmithing thread. Specific threads for specific vtubers. A thread for guides. A thread for sharing wildcards and textual inversions. A thread for collecting and testing Loras. I mean it just goes on and on. The reason I bring it up is because, I've been more active modding the past 3 months than the past 3 years because of AI. Maybe it's time to give it it's own little space.
>>370 Please do make a board for AI.
>>370 I'm not necessarily sure its big enough to warrant an entire board just yet. There's around 60 unique posters on this thread and sure more will be drawn in by an entire board being dedicated to the subject but will it be enough to sustain itself? Its hard to say imo although it would be very cool in theory. I think a decent amount of stuff could simply go into a rentry for this thread eg: guides, models, model reviews, LORA archive etc. but thats just my two cents, it's definitely a cool concept.
>>372 *possibly ignore the part about 60 posters, was going off of the "unique posters" at the bottom of the thread but that doesn't seem to be accurate / consistent across threads.
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>>370 the biggest problem I see right now in both the current state (isolated ai threads on different boards) and a single ai board is where should niche things go. As it currently stands, things like loli, furry, etc. get shunned out of the general ai threads to /bbwalt/, but then those threads there say to go back to the ai threads. If a new board is made for ai, the rules for that content need to be made clear so no one complains later. Will the ai board be all inclusive (all ai pics go there) or just /bbwdraw/ level stuff? realistic? Or should there be a general ai board with another one for alt stuff like a /aialt/? I don't know what the real solution is but as long as the different alternatives are considered and then clear rules are made, I'd be good. Also in the current state, I don't know if there are even rules for where ai can be posted.
>>370 Please do this!
>>372 >>373 I agree. Across the whole site there's maybe ~5 active ai threads and they're all slow as hell. This is the most active thread by a long shot and even then, of the 60 unique posters, maybe a a third have posted any images, and even fewer post consistently. But maybe there should be a board anyway? If you don't care about what a tiny and slow board it would be, it would certainly help keep things organized, since the ai threads are scattered over 3(?) different boards, and people keep coming here for real & voice. And I would bet that people who aren't into ai would still very much appreciate there being an ai containment board and just banning it on the rest of the site, since it's universally despised by anyone who doesn't make or consume it. >>370 > A requests thread. A model compendium and review thread. A promptsmithing thread. > Specific threads for specific vtubers. A thread for guides. A thread for sharing wildcards and textual inversions. > A thread for collecting and testing Loras. Even if the ai threads were 100x busier this would be excessive. I think it would be best to have a thread for drawn, another for real, another for furry, then loli, then voice, etc. And then guides & loras & models and such should be in the OP of their respective thread, and requests can just go anywhere in their respective thread, maybe onto a request anchor.
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>>374 If we don't make a cyclical thread here, in furry, and alt, then the next best option is a giant catch-all board. Regular, SSBBW, Furry, Alt, Text/Chatbots/Voice: if it's AI-generated, it would go there and everyone would just need to get along..lul. >>376 >But maybe there should be a board anyway? If you don't care about what a tiny and slow board it would be, it would certainly help keep things organized, The lifeless husk of /preg/ should show we don't really care if a board is slow. And yeah, mostly what I'm thinking with the board is consolidation, just getting everyone who's interested in AI in one place, while at the same time appeasing those who wish it would 'go away' or be shunned to it's own area.
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>>365 Thank you, i use bamboo lora, sorry for not uppscale
>>368 >Not like they can do anything about it anyway. Imitation is the purest form of flattery Heh, artists must go out from our society
>>370 number1 reason imo is that like 90% of people hate on ai art and want it to go away and if it had it's own containment zone that would hopefully end the bickering about it as it would all be contained in a place the haters didn't visit. same argument for why /ssbbw/ was created
>>370 Strong agree. Also allows us to spread out into some other territory, like realistic work, without spilling it in here. And if it's slow to start or only has one or two main threads, that's far from the end of the world.
>>380 I agree with this logic, there's been a lot of people on this board who've complained about AI appearing on other threads, so AI getting it's own board should stop that from happening provided people are responsible and stay in their spaces.
>>374 The Furry board already has a welcomed AI thread so Alt will just have to grow up unless there’s going to be an AI Draw and an AI Alt. BBW Elite is inactive precisely because it’s a hellhole akin to Alt, the place for the exile of people who can’t control themselves, being the only board.
>>383 I’d rather stay in a thread here people complain about than ever step foot in any variation of Alt.
>>382 This thread already does that, if moderators were to pin this thread, or hell, pin two threads labeled as “AI Generals” and made it a rule to where you could only post AI content there, there wouldn’t be much to complain about. The original AI thread was pinned for forever.
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Got these in 1 day following your posted guides. Thanks everyone. Just using a 50/50 model that's BiggerGirlsv2 into abyssorangemix2NSFW. Trying to find where to get 30k step everyone here is talking about. Thanks if you share that,
>>374 Alt users should have no stable argument on the integrity of something, if people want to throw AI threads into the mix, that’s nothing.
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and here we have exhibit A >>387 on why if an ai board were to be made, a separate ai alt board is a good idea. there are some people completely unable to control themselves when confronted with content that they don't like and need to let everyone know it. just chill out dude
>>370 >>378 I liked these pics a lot, hope you don't mind the upscale >>386 https://mega.nz/folder/WFk13apa#WvCEO8IoqgSaeoKQILeIqg If you scroll up you should be able to find a gofile link to where a nice anon made a bunch of merges on this model, if you're interested >>377 > The lifeless husk of /preg/ should show we don't really care if a board is slow hey, then I vote for an ai board >>388 Agree but we should probably see how a single ai board handles itself before we introduce another on top of that
>>389 Thank you for upscale
>>388 Which promp on first image? Thank you
>>386 >50 model that's BiggerGirlsv2 into abyssorangemix2NSFW You just merge and upscale or how can you use two models in one art?
>>388 We’re talking a serious change in the website that could make or break AI content on it, and I wasn’t who started that discussion. For discussion to work, it’s got to be honest, and for it to be honest there's going to be people you disagree with. I’m sorry if that was rude, my point is applying morality to art all of a sudden based on something as comparatively little as whether it’s lolicub made by an ageless AI or an Adult Human isn’t a great starting point for an argument the way I see it. I don’t see it as fair to preach about freedom of expression and then backtrack to only if an AI isn’t the one doing the feral fart inflation. Besides that, you say “chill out” when this is the reaction to a post not personally directed at you in any way.
>>393 I say “stable argument“ because the way I see it, once there is one exception to “everything goes” the door is opened for more until gradually it’s this and that until it’s your interests impacted, why should it matter if Alt just has AI threads? If that’s the only reason to make a board, I fail to understand it, especially since that’s one board’s complaint in comparison to two relatively fine with it, if all it’s going to be is a second Alt under a different name for a topic that could’ve been condensed into two threads, that doesn’t sound worth it.
>>394 I have been here since the first AI threads and I don’t believe AI images are a problem to here or the Furry Board in the slightest. Whenever there is an active AI thread, it stays condensed to there outside of rare exceptions that usually get redirected and the examples I’m talking about were without moderator intervention. Even Elite has its own thread people stick to free of issue with AI content, the only people who have complained, outside of the initial distrust when the content had just started, which is natural, have been people going to the designated threads in bad faith solely to cause arguments. Which, again, would happen no matter what and aren’t the demographic to be listened to in my opinion regardless.
>>395 An AI board gets complicated when each board ranging from Draw to Inflation, outside of Elite, all appeal to a specific audience. And with how these boards are all geared to catering to just that one audience, overlap alienates by design. Currently, there are AI threads in effectively each major board that while all consistently niche all remain largely successful because of how the boards are designed to appeal to said audiences and what interests them in the AI. People in the furry board, from being there are at large not interested in the AI for the Anime Characters it replicates, but Novel AI’s fat Anthros. Vice versa. If one board tries to appeal to everything it will appease largely nothing for the price of alienating many. If one board tries to appeal to one thing, it achieves something at the cost of leaving out the rest. It’s a lot to figure out that I’m not sure is worth it in the first place if only one board would significantly benefit.
>>396 And even then, are we only talking about a loud minority who wouldn’t even use the board out of disdain for AI content regardless? I apologize for the considerable amount of text, my original posts were indeed lacking so I wanted to both be more understanding and clarify myself to avoid being needlessly negative. If what’s wanted is a board dedicated to interest solely in the AI, that’s fine, just at that rate I’d prefer for these specialized threads to still exist in other boards not as devoted to the sole concept of AI.
>>397 Still exist as in coexist with a board like that since a board like it in my eyes would largely appeal to only a specific niche audience interested in just the fact it’s AI regardless of what it is, and therefore wouldn’t be all too fair for everyone else not as devoted. Curation is important. Even here, It’s what ensures the main arguments are bad faith arguments, leaving room for true discussion.
>>388 How do you get Kemono Friends results so well? Did you train it yourself? Even with the exact prompts others are using, the AI even with the resources provided here continue to fall behind on that front even with popular characters even if the end results are still close. Even in the non-fats department.
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So uh is there a guide on how to get the stable diffusion to work/modify a existing image?Or do you just train it?
Banned for posting fat vtubers. Annoying but not surprising >>401 you use the img2img and inpaint tabs of SD. img2img works on the whole image, inpaint works on a smaller, defined area. There's guides in the op and here >>11 >>399 He most likely used a lora or custom model because SD does a horrible job at making preexisting characters otherwise. https://civitai.com/?query=kemono+friends Or he's just really good at inpainting.
>>402 That's BS, guess they really do hate architecture.
Is there a realistic model for bbw, out of for the masses and bigger girl realist?
>>402 No way, theres one jannie notorious for hating architecture which is why the original architecture thread is now in /d/, they'll take the entire /vtai/ thread down some day, if a fat vtuber doesn't constitute a vtuber then half the stuff on there doesn't either.
>>404 Too retarded to scroll, Ctrl+f, use bbwchan search, or use Google. We need that ai board bad >>147591 >>147595 Is this bait or are you a mouth breather? ESL, maybe? You barely make sense. > It doesn't matter when what's needed is not new pics, it's better pics, and when there's a big difference. Who are you talking to and what point are you trying to make? > Why can't this be a BBW board for genuine BBW connoiseurs and producers/artists? Do you guys remember? It still is? What the hell are you talking about? Are you crying about ai art? Is what's being posted not fat enough? Or do you not like the 4chan/bbwchan double agents? Use your big boy words, anon. God damn.
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just got this up and running yesterday so still learning a lot, here's some of my favorites I made so far
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I'm not sure that my upscale was good, but also i edit bad things from upscale and firsts generation. I used bamboo's lora in original image and in second prompt
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>>391 https://files.catbox.moe/nbt0nw.png >>389 >we should probably see how a single ai board handles itself before we introduce another on top of that fair enough
>>409 Sorry for bad question, but how to see metadates from this?
Looks like we got our own board after all. Check the catalog
