/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

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Fat forehead 12/11/2021 (Sat) 04:46:54 Id:aaff29 No. 15357
I dont think Ive seen a thread of fat forehead in blob faces here. (The spoilered pic has medical stuff btw)
(2.69 MB 2323x1586 1711419441.milkmeats_ruheface.png)
(5.73 MB 8336x5141 ruhebuffet5alt.png)
this fetish is getting completely out of hand
>>55695 i'd say its not out of hand just yet, this is fucking great
>>55766 I meant that in the best way possible. Its truly a great drawing
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(561.93 KB 2643x1394 1685721522.karubaru_karuych_jpeg.jpg)
im pretty sure im the only one keeping this thread alive
>>56317 No. I'm here. But I'm not the one posting unspoilered furry/male content.
>>55469 Source?
>>57321 Sunny3257
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>>59132 sauce for the first?
>>24399 source for the second?
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>>59722 I think its dfb but i could be wrong
>>60339 >Dimmerrolls Goomba Porn in the thread :|
>>60361 Grow a fucking pair anon, it's hardly any different from the swathes of anthro art that have already been posted in this thread.
>>60339 Where IS dimmerrolls uploading all of their stuff nowadays, anyways?
>>60502 https://x.com/vjemsecretzone/media They changed their handle, their artwork is now split between this profile and the one used for their cringe fattuber endeavour.
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>>60521 Can someone post some of dimmerrolls’ art here?
>>60532 Post what exactly? The majority of their art has already been posted here already seeing as they were one of the first artists to popularise this niche, they produce art at a snails pace now so there's fuck all they've put out over the past few months that's relevant to this thread. That Goombella was their most recent post and I can almost certainly gurantee you it will be an entire month or longer before we see anything similar to that from Dimmerolls again.
Personally, I hope to not see more from Dimmerrolls 😎
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>>60395 It's like wanting to fuck a sentient cock head
>>60521 Can't imagine anything more insipid than a 'fattuber'
>>60907 It’s a mushroom, dumbass If you can’t tell the difference between that and a dick, get glasses
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(430.83 KB 2576x1932 Extreme_Catwoman_BlobFace.png)
>>62369 Source?
>>62370 https://x.com/1Alien01/status/1806369115671531715
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(25.72 KB 1271x893 GS3kdfjWMAADBlw.png)
there should be a thread for this in bbfurries, getting kinda tiring spoilering all these
I think this counts
(1.58 MB 4096x3128 GUrQY7iW8AAlN07.jpg)
(1.58 MB 4096x3128 GUrRBPoXYAEUTXx.jpg)
>>65417 sauce?
>>65465 https://x.com/Softboxfats/status/1822498880958681326
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(2.25 MB 1876x1964 1723566618.fayse_lycaonblob.png)
(1.65 MB 2208x1669 1723588847.fayse_doostrade.png)
(2.14 MB 2139x1723 1724518028.liepard_vonlycaon2.png)
>>67080 sauce?
>>67080 source?
