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Kirby Thread Anonymous 06/04/2020 (Thu) 21:35:17 Id:0f780c No. 2308
>>58802 This is literlaly called the Kirby Thread, so i wonder why there's not a lot of stuff here of kirby himself
>>58808 Because male does not belong on this board, retard.
>>58830 There magolor, meta knight and taranza art here, if that's the matter, why don't anyone want to make a thread of male kirby chars? Probably since males are in here too
(22.29 KB 496x357 FHB36VUT5- JND4VF4-H32IE9.jpg)
>>58808 If I had to guess, it's just most people in this business don't have the heart to fetishize the fucker in this way. One could say he's too vanilla given the character he is. The dude's already eating everything in sight and getting fat in the games, so why bother drawing it unironically when you could make Taranza or Susie fat instead? I'm sure there's other reasons but that's my two cents.
>>58905 I get what youre saying. Godiva coming off as pcv
Kirby is cute enough to forget he's a he(there's plenty of art depicting them as female, and it's only their genitals, and it doesn't look off(assuming you even have the heart or stomach to see Kirby with genitals)). Their gender is only really mentioned a couple times semi-officially anyway.
>>59652 Yeah but i wanna see jiggly fat kirby or kirby water inflation anyways, btw keep minin for the diamonds that are art of taranza and magolor and meta knight
(2.54 MB 7900x6000 susie_and_taranza.png)
>>59678 As you command. I hereby order any artists in chat to make Taranza fucking huge right now.
>>60719 I said probably
(2.81 MB 5000x3000 (2024-06-02) Susie 1.png)
(2.96 MB 5000x3000 (2024-06-02) Susie 2.png)
(2.70 MB 5000x3000 (2024-06-02) Susie 3.png)
(2.02 MB 5000x3000 (2024-06-02) Susie 4.png)
(3.91 MB 5000x3000 (2024-06-02) Susie 5.png)
(5.66 MB 4250x4250 (2024-06-12) Drawcia.png)
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>>61518 >>61519 Absolutely godlike sequence.
>>61570 >>61518 >>61519 Indeed, and does anyone knows the artist?
>>61618 Shweetmagnet.
I wish there was more of the random Kirby 64 fairies
I would ask for more male characters, but now i'm asking for a male version of the thread
>>61847 Male content isn't allowed on alt and even if it was there's no justifiable reason to make a second thread. Post activity here is slow enough as is, a second thread would most likely languish with barely any posts which would just make it a wasted thread slot. You could you know, actually think before making these kind of pea-brained suggestions.
>>61878 You know the possibility i was talking about a thread on the bhm thingy
>>61878 I'll hope and cops and seethe like m&l fans
>>61882 *Cope
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Special 6th Part?
>>61968 technically no but why not!
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>>62406 sauce?
>>62450 /kdg/ on 4chan's /vg/, anonymous artist
>>46292 banger
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>>62992 He looks kinda like a shadow, it's probably because you can't see his eyes
>>63002 that's a girl named Claycia. Not a he.
>>63002 > Fake Kirby fan
>>63009 As it seems you have fallen for my trap >>63032 And you too, i know about the secret 30 up goal game trick and the dreamland 2 goal game super jump
>>63063 What? What trap? Nobody cares that you know minute details about dreamland 2. You still called the MAIN VILLAIN of rainbow curse a guy. (Note that the original image doesn’t include dark crafter claycia anywhere) what “trap “ are you talking about?
>>63086 Idfk i knew she was a girl and not a shadow and my mind was like "spread misinformation non the internet even though they're gonna think you're the dumb one" and then i was like "okau", i don't even know why i did this, anyways tip for rainbow curse, if u wanna go faster make a loop platform for kirby to do like a special spin
Can someone like. I don't know. Post fat fetish porn or something
>>63120 here’s an inflated fumu. it’s crap, it’s a character that’s a bit more bbwalt than something like susie or the mages, but it’s something
>>63136 Holy moly i went so off rail i practically send the gain train (dreamland edition) to space and you sent it back
(2.75 MB 4000x1800 Ribbon_WG_1.png)
>>65098 >o is one
>>65098 >Male >Furry >Diaper Fuck off.
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The boys…
