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Konosuba thread Anonymous 01/30/2020 (Thu) 05:23:58 Id:b3a239 No. 351
The old one was gone but this new one is here
>>47687 Well, there IS sort of a harem, its just very downplayed. Kazuma does start dating one of them, and another he won't take as a mistress but he will accept it if they manage to force their way into the relationship, and its made clear the thief girl is genuinely into him, while the friendless ones relationship with him borders between very close friends and genuine love.
>>48427 I've only watched the anime, though I've been thinking of starting on the manga (been more focused on trying to read the mangas for Kemono Michi and the world domination scifi isekaid into fantasy world mangas he did to see if they get any better), so the most I saw was Darkness wanting him because of how shit he treats her, and then there's the homunculus in the chuuni village movie. To me everyone else softened up to him to the point where they're buds or acquaintances
>>48452 It's light novel stuff I'm talking about. I was trying to avoid spoiling who it was he ended up with though out of respect for the anime onlies here.
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>>48455 >I was trying to avoid spoiling who it was he ended up with though out of respect for the anime onlies here Why are you bothering? Animes never make a quarter of the way through a light novel and web novel series before they stop making episodes, and when I say quarter, I'm being extremely generous. I do wonder how many in expansion actually goes and reads the light and web novels after they finish with the anime; only really hear people jumping on them once in a blue moon.
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>>351 Please check other boards, too.
>>52806 AI does not belong here.
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Any yun yun
>>56286 Tor & rogue love me. All the semen.
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Any yunyun
I wanna see fanart of Kazuma waterbloating the ladies like he did with Mitsuragi.
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>>63804 Stop posting AI here.
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This is the alt forum. The point of this place existence is precisely to be able to post all kinds of stuff. >>63817
>>67297 Stop being retarded. AI belongs in the AI board. Inflation (With the exception of the Loli threads) belongs in the Inflation board. Stop treating Alt like the dumping grounds for everything.
>>67304 Who the hell cares?
>>67333 I do! Posting AI on alt will burn down my crops
>>67333 People who don't want to see AI slop, same as the people who don't want to see fur or male shit. That's the entire point of having seperate boards for different niches.
>>67351Where do people find time to be toxic even on this type of forum? Seriously, people who can't chill even while looking at porn, should reasses their life.
>>68312 Its not toxic to say "Hey, you have your own board for generated slop that has bad hands and even worse anatomy than your usual fat artist." If anything the toxicity is to ignore the rules and then whine when people explain them to you.
>>68312 It's a chan, this behaviour inherently comes with the territory. If you really didn't understand this before coming here you are greener than grass, honestly the fact that you consider this 'toxic' is kinda hysterical considering the shit-flinging that occurs on this site on a daily basis. Anon was just pointing out the rules, they exist for a reason. The entire reason there's seperate boards is to regulate content and ensure users only see the content they want to see, this really isn't hard to understand. If ones goes to a straight strip club, you'd expect to see women dancing around the poles. Not men, shaved orangutans or a lifeless holographic projection in place of the real thing. There's a lot of people here who think they can be smartasses and blatantly flout the rules even when being asked not to, the Vhite9 was full of absolute geniuses like that. Lo and behold as of just over a week ago that thread ceases to exist on this board, funny that.
Someone really wrote a wall of text for this argument... I won't bother with reading that.
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>>2198 Where's the 9th image
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>>60664 Sauce?
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>>71193 pivk00
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