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Peni Parker / Spider-Loli thread Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 19:17:24 Id:851c6f No. 37225
Someone on the bbwfat board mentioned wanting a seperate thread for a certain Spider-Loli to easily find more Peni art
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>>55739 Artist?
>>55854 Got married. Month later her ex bf flexing her out. Stay Dangerous
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Possible wg partner for Peni? I must say I didn't know she existed until a few minutes before making this post but she's pretty much the same idea for a character >>55854 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/54271218
>>56380 >Octopous Girl The guy who wrote the Vigilantes spinoff of My Hero Academia, wrote that, and it shits all over Marvel right now and actually feels like something from at least the early 00s era of Marvel. One of her friends is also fat. With how fat Doc Oc stayed while gaining muscle from all the fights he got in with Spiderman, it's only a matter of time before his inhabiting Otoha's body starts changing her beyond the terrible haircut he forced upon her and it's only become even closer now that Otoha has given him a taste of her families Takoyaki that she made.
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>>57443 This thread is only for Peni Parker.
>>37415 >>52992 You sure?
>>56385 >and it shits all over Marvel right now You need to be more specific, because shitting on marvel makes it better than the last 20 years of garbage the company has churned out by default.
>>57703 I always feel like a good chunk of any thread that focuses on Marvel, still reads their trash. I also include Soynys films since Spiderverse is boring more often than not and the current stint of live action completely blew short of the last one where it was actual Spider Man instead of some random sidekick who happens to have powers like Spider Man.
>>59366 seriously?
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>>51646 I miss this thread so much but especially this, it made my whole fucking year, someone feel free to make an edit aging her down even more
>>60753 Why are you even here if you don't like that?? You're wasting your life. At least the art in other threads will jerk you off for a few minutes where your life is worth living
Now someone should make that cute edit...
Why don't you guys shut up and keep posting more Peni fat art?
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Ok, we gotta start rationing because there isn't much left
>>62343 *insert Ghandi change quote*
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>>57689 Regarding this image, the hugeness of it and its surprised expression make it a very good image. In fact, I think it's likely to expand even further, that would be interesting to think about.
>>62842 What the hell are you talking about?
Anyone have pics from TheBoxOfPizza?
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>>57443 Is that fucking Peter's baby from Across the Spiderverse?
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>>66798 It is
>>66818 babies don’t exist in NSFW, mayday’s infant cunny is 999 years old, peni snuck her an ID, hope this helps 👍
>>66819 Mayday is not even 2 years old. She can't even be considered a loli. She literally acts and looks like an irl baby.
>>66819 Kill yourself
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>>66819 Pic related
>>66798 >>66817 >>66818 >>66827 >>66828 >>66859 Anons will need a nice comfortable pillow for their Peni mattress.
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The schizo's have found another thread. If it icks you out that much just hide the images, or the thread.
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>>67731 sauce on that cute Peni berry please?
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Made her younger for that one anon
