I found this quite handy:
When it came to going into details about the girls' bodies or clothing I just did "She has [adjective], [adjective] [bodypart or feature]" then a semicolon, then list the next bodypart or clothing item, going from top to bottom. You wanna get the Personality part done first, since that'll most likely take up the most space. Keep it succinct, remember: you're talking to a machine that needs small, easily identifiable chunks of information to work with.
If you want to, write out a sentence about, say, what the character does at work, and the whittle down the unnecessary details, until you get the basics (what do they do, what else do they do, maybe if they're good at it or not).
The guide will be your best friend. Try to keep the Personality part under 500 tokens - remember that after describing it as a coherent text, you'll have to put all the key details into bracket like (this + that + another thing + etc.), which can easily double the amount of tokens the Personality part will need. I averaged around 2000 characters and 450+ tokens. The greeting can be however long you want it, just bare in mind the token limit - it's good for setting up the scenario for the users, and the bot will use some data from it, and use the example sentences in the advanced setting if there's a particular way you want your character's speech or conversation patterns to sound like (I used it to inform Jesse's country accent, for example). The rest of the details are either self-explanatory or can be found by just following the guide.