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Loli General IX Uknon Paricha 12/09/2023 (Sat) 22:54:05 Id:d9adb6 No. 48459
A thread for all the fictional half pint porkers, wide beyond their years. The place you post at when a series has too few pictures to start a thread with; this includes video games and all other things, though we shall respect the sovereignty of the western and slob threads. Thread question: Would you like have a loli angel to fatten up who's innocent, kind, and always trying to be helpful no matter how stuffed she is and cares so much about you that if she hears you get hurt while making dinner, she'll rush over to check on if you're okay even if she needs to drag a chair along with her from her large ass being too lodged in to get out of; would you rather have a demon loli who teases you in any way she can think of involving your interests and her fattening body, self absorbed princess type, and will always try to be lazy and make you carry her whenever she's too stuffed to move and cares about her next meal so much that if you're taking too long to make dinner, she'll stop being lazy long enough to use her wings to fly over to you with the chair she's lodged in handing off her large ass and doing a quick flip in midair to break the chair over your head before wrapping her meaty thighs around your neck with her big butt resting on your back before complaining and whining while trying to coax you into moving faster by slightly squeezing your face between her thighs while rubbing her plump tummy against the back of your head?
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I enjoy and envy all the fat loli pics Blue Archive gets. >>55608 I can't tell what's going on in that first pic; does Mary not being in a blind rage mean she took the yuri route but with her rage having evolved and fused with an interest she found while living in Youjo Senki Merica, into a yandere feeder who's completely obsessed with fattening up Tanya so that she'll be too fat to do naughty things or pretty much anything beyond being Mary's pet to feed and cuddle with, while unknown to Mary, Tanya took all the free time filled with nothing but eating, sleeping, and getting groped, that's been forced upon her to think of a way out of this predicament by way of developing a spell with no need of any tools, that'll slowly transfer as much fat as possible and any future calories back into her warden? >>55613 >Because Adorabat counts If someone fried her up and stuffed a loli fatter with her. >>55669 There's still people in this thread that still can't peg a baqua7 pic at the drop of a dime? >>55697 >They fused loli and shota together Fucking degenerates.
>>55698 Scammer alert. 🚨
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>>55699 >Scammer alert
>>55698 I thought it might've been but he doesn't usually draw sizes that big so I wasn't sure. Thank you.
>>55608 Sauce for both pics?
>>55736 First is baqua7, second looks to be exponentialmass.
anyone know if pkmshn/teratogenesys has a new account yet? also anyone have his teratogenesys works?
>>55697 It got deleted
>>55752 We don't care.
>>55752 >>55753 i cared, the cool edit guy was there :( >>54762 something something that's older than most of the cute characters here >>53688 gosh i love this edit for lookin so comedically casual and comfy, oblivious to that massive belly
>>55697 >>55752 Yeah, I tried to start it back up, but it barely lasted a week, guess they bumped up moderation there.
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This took a while to find But i got it
This board is proof that most kids should be 300+ lbs tbh
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>>55859 >You'll never get a new Warioland >You'll never laugh at how everyone in this thread are completely unable to beat it because they refuse to play as anyone but their favorite Warioware loli and end up like moths to the flame whenever the force feeding enemy shows up. >>55863 >most What loli are you against?
>>55894 True lol, make all kids obese
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>>55863 >kids ...um, fictional, right?
>>55918 Yeah
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>>55918 >Fictional right? That's what I'm hoping everyone means when they say stuff like that. It can be hard to tell sometimes tho. Unfortunately, not everyone on this site is able to have seperate attractions for reality and fiction. Extra unfortunate if said IRL attractions are for children. The loli literature threads get a concerning amount of inspiration from IRL events, even if the characters they are writing are technically fictional it's still something I'm not a fan of. . On a lighter note. Obese loli handholding gives me hella neuron activation.
>>55921 Wait wtf people write loli stuff based on actual pedo crimes???
>>55921 Also yeah obese loli handholding is incredible
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>>55924 I should of worded that better. I was referring to people that use documents and papers and like TLC shit involving kids as inspiration for their stories. Not to say that people that do that are outright pedos but it is hella eyebrow raising IMO. . There are definitely people that act really weird about that stuff even more so Tumblr. I've even seen tumblr thots reblog pictures and videos of fat children and be all like "I want our kids to look like this! This is the society I want!" and it's very pedoish. Like sure they're just saying their fantasy, but it's worrying when they say that in response to seeing an actual child. Kink stuff should not be the response one has to seeing a kid. . Lolis are based though 😎
>>55931 Oh okok, yeah that still sounds not good, also tumblr's pretty bad yeah. Fat lolis are great tho, fr. Do you imagine lolis at any particular age?
>>55932 >Do you imagine lolis at any particular age? What do you mean by that exactly. Are you asking what age would be considered loli?
>>55894 Source of the last two images?
>>55934 No I'm asking what age you imagine like, a generic loli if you picture one, since I know Anime loves to make loli characters and make em like 2000 lmao
>>55937 When I think of an average loli, I think of the characters sort of in the 6-11 age range. I don't really think of the lolibabas or the legal lolis or the tween lolis or the teen lolis or the extra young lolis because they're all just different categories/subcategories. If I had to pin an exact age for a generic loli then, like, 9 maybe? Smack dab in the middle of elementary school. That's at least what sort of comes in my head. I think people over-exaggerate lolibabas and act like every character is one.
>>55940 Goated age range tbh, 9 years old specifically is pretty good, loli waddling through the halls of her school lol. Do you have like a favorite specific age?
>>55941 IMO when it comes to lolis, I'm more partial to tween lolis, like 12 or 13. Basically early middle school. Puberty more than likely started but not developed much. Might still have a training bra. Early stages of the development of a womanly figure. IMO Younger does not equal better. T-con is a little too much for me, but weirdly enough I think older-but-still-underage girls wearing pacifiers are kinda cute and hot? Very rarely does content involving characters younger than 6 interest me (For instance, Anya content is quite hit or miss for me). Though in expansion content there comes times where the girl is so fat/expanded that it sometimes doesn't really matter anymore, like with many of Itaneto's stuff. I guess it's a thing where I like it when the girls are old enough where "kid" isn't their potential main personality trait. I'm not intolerant to other loli age ranges and types though, I just think thats the range I kind of find the most appealing when it comes to lolis.
>>55945 Neat, I think my fave age range is like 6-8, it's just a really good range tbh. Also yeah I guess with some art where they're blobs it doesn't matter anymore, closer to a mattress than a human lmfao.
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Does anyone have this comic?
Tried telling you those office white boys is cowards. They have problems with colored ppl and non irish associates. But want black and spanish votes lets not forget indians they just as cover ups to not seem racist. Their union lawyer is another idiot.
>>56041 They forget they work in a area where everyone knows you. They better cut the bullshit.
>>55894 OG Poster here and you've miss the mark Hard Cus went and typed "This took a while to find" its because i only had the first pic and the Twitter account was Dead. but then I did find it... in low quality BUT my ass doesn't like low quality images so I went to "https://saucenao.com" AND THEN I FOUND IT and if you want to know the link is https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98230670 Did I go a bit overboard on this message? Yes. But was it worth it? Probably not. Also >You'll never get a new Warioland What made you think I wanted a Warioland +kat and ana are originally from warioware and this happened in Warioware Gold ya bum (second pic)
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>>56123 Is it the gloryous and immortal Mistystuffer?
>>56135 No those are from ロジョLEA, thankfully not Mistystuffer
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>Mistystuffer It’s over
>>56210 Go back to long island
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