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Eishiban thread Anonymous 11/22/2020 (Sun) 01:18:16 Id:8e4928 No. 5347
>>64679 How is that possible?
>>64694 try Deviant Art DM then if that's easier
>>64695 I don't think Eishiban is still active on DeviantArt, as he's probably still active on Twitter, so I think DM that user on Twitter is still the way to contact them
(2.24 MB 2169x1383 IMG_2119.png)
(2.26 MB 2169x1383 IMG_2118.png)
Is there anything about sora
>>51888 I wish I had known sooner. this some abiding by some dumb shit or something? why some pieces hidden by region???
>>65574 You ask this while living in current year?
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(4.32 MB 7000x2917 75910083_p3.jpg)
>>27252 It is among the art region locked on Pixiv (had to compress)
>>64645 Did he ever finished this?
(1.67 MB 2011x1587 122355667_p0.png)
(1.62 MB 2011x1587 122355667_p1.png)
>>67554 Alright!
Anything for toshiko
>>67554 These junior trainers and champions really need to watch out for Alcremie
A bunch of Digimon stuff is region locked. Anyone have those saved?
>>68438 That's all what I have
(1.70 MB 3960x3600 76212141_p3.jpg)
Found this
Thank you all!
>>68586 You're welcome!
(3.45 MB 5333x4320 IMG_2166.jpeg)
>>7896 Bump
(498.68 KB 3138x2829 GYDo6Z4XgAAJtPk-1.jpg)
(3.12 MB 1698x2424 videl_fat2.png)
(2.55 MB 3309x2160 93276029_p0.png)
I like to play Sparking Zero in between looking at Eishis DBZ stuff
Who has a link to their pixiv? I can't seem to find em when I search them up.
Anybody got eishi's windwaker pics? With both clothed and nude alts?
>>72700 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/530956
>>73851 Page 3 of their pixiv should have what you’re looking for
(3.00 MB 2230x2438 tube fed rika1.jpg)
(2.95 MB 2230x2438 tube fed rika2.png)
(9.84 MB 5346x4332 tube fed rika3.png)
Any good butt focused pics?
>>73855 I looked at their pixiv, and found nothing. Is this a case of region locked art or something?
I remember Eisbi doing a pic of GT Pan that used to be on Deviantart and it isn't any of the other Pan pics that have already been posted here.
(2.01 MB 6226x5487 Blob Aryll (Regular).jpg)
(1.96 MB 6226x5487 Blob Aryll (Nude).jpg)
(1.65 MB 5760x4032 Fat Tetra (Regular).jpg)
(1.60 MB 5760x4032 Fat Tetra (Nude).jpg)
>>73851 >>74443 I bet this is what you're asking for
>>75701 Care to elaborate about it? Like, give some details on what she looked like
>>75738 Going off of memory she was in her usual outfit, standing, maybe holding a bag of chips or something like that, very fat but with the more so evenly distributed than some of his newer ones where she's a blob and/or most of the fat is in her belly.
(404.30 KB 1599x1713 fat_tanya_by_eishiban_db39e0j.jpg)
(216.56 KB 1046x1532 Fat Misty by Eishiban.jpg)
(128.37 KB 2048x2048 DzdOoPJXcAAHJWa.jpg)
>>75760 Decided to check and see if maybe the image I'm thinking of was actually still on DA after all and I just misremembered or if it was one of those image that he also posted to Twitter around the same time (like this Ed image that seems to be Twitter only and not on Pixiv or DA) but both were a crap shoot
>>75703 This is the stuff I was talking about, thank you!
>>75909 You're welcome buddy. I just went straight to Eishi's Pixiv and found them there. All i needed to do was make an account.
(81.98 KB 348x1068 SXSG_Maria_Render.png)
Do you think that Eshi will draw Maria now that there is a good render?
(4.81 MB 4275x3012 fat tron bonne and roll2.png)
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(401.02 KB 3328x3308 E7B0mxTXEAEz9sn.jpg)
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(147.72 KB 900x1200 media_GJwDOyJasAAs4pw.jpg)
>>77399 Miu is the strawberry to Chika's marshmallow. The fuck caused Eishi to gain an interest in doing this?! Thought this series was damned to MS hell.
>>77399 Just as I was watching that scene I was thinking "I'm genuinely surprised someone like Eishiban hasn't drawn an edit of this where she's obese". Love it when my prophecies are fufilled.
has eishi ever done any yuri yuri characters? feels like they'd be up his alley so a bit surprised I couldn't find any from him. could be because yuru yuri weight gain is pretty rare in general
(4.19 MB 4273x3238 67563567.png)
>>78611 Makes sense in her being by far the fattest with how long that series has been dead.
