/bhm/ - BHM Real & Drawn

Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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>>13554 >>13556 >>13557 These are really good! Incredible stuff
>>13557 Can you do ochaco pegging him in the same positions?
>>13556 >>13552 >>13559 You are welcome and thanks. Glad someone appreciates some fat Deku. >>13553 Using Daz but the custom morph for that updated image was made in blender. >>13560 Yeah i can do that. Did you want Ochako to be a futa or use a strap on?
>>13561 Strap on please
>>13561 Can you make her nude too sorry if thats too much to ask for lol
>>13561 Idk if you are still open to requests, but if so I'd love to see a fat Deku, hard and stroking himself while either groping his fat ass or his belly
(3.27 MB 1920x1080 ochako deku 2.png)
(3.24 MB 1920x1080 ochako deku.png)
>>13562 >>13564 Hows this? >>13565 Yeah i can do that.
>>13561 How about some selfcest of a pair of Izuku's groping each other?
(3.32 MB 1920x1080 ochako deku 3.png)
>>13567 Heres another so you can see Ochaco got the big strap on for Deku today.
>>13569 Good for you, want a cookie?
>>13570 Amazing work thanks so much! Can you post some more side angles?
(3.39 MB 1920x1080 deku grope 2.png)
(3.38 MB 1920x1080 deku grope.png)
>>13565 Here you go. >>13568 >>13574 I can do these but it will have to be later.
>>13575 Wonderful work, as with the rest of these
>>13524 Got any more outfits like these you can slap onto our dearly beloved fatass Deku? The more effeminate, the better
(3.10 MB 1920x1080 deku ochako 4.png)
(3.09 MB 1920x1080 deku ochako 5.png)
>>13574 Couple of side angles. >>13586 Can do might just be a little bit before i can get it done
(3.29 MB 1920x1080 double deku.png)
(3.01 MB 1920x1080 double deku 2.png)
>>13568 Not sure where this second copy of himself came from but Deku is not going to pass the opportunity to feel up his giant ass.
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>>13531 Is it possible have him being force fed by Ochako, while she gropes and pleasures him?
>>13592 This is so fucking hot Would love to see one of them pounding the other's fat meaty ass
>>13110 Source?
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>>13597 kirakeijinx On DA
>>13593 >>13596 Can do. But might be a day or 2 until i can get it done. >>13598 No that's pretty dam hot i may have to try recreating it.
>>13602 Thnx
(3.56 MB 1920x1080 deku fishnet 2.png)
(3.57 MB 1920x1080 deku fishnet 1.png)
>>13586 Might not be appropriate to call these fishnets anymore. More like Whalenets.
(3.20 MB 1920x1080 deku cheerleader b.png)
(3.25 MB 1920x1080 deku cheerleader.png)
(3.18 MB 1920x1080 deku maid 2.png)
(3.27 MB 1920x1080 deku maid 1.png)
>>13608 and last outfit for now is maid deku.
>>13607 >>13608 >>13609 God, all of these are great. Though Maid Deku should def be tube fed
>>13609 >>13608 >>13607 These are really good, definitely complement his enormous curves really well
(332.29 KB 1100x1000 image_2024-12-14_160907522.png)
>>13609 You should make one where todoroki is jerking off to izuku in public
>>13592 You have any media to contact you on such requests or commisions? Can even be discord because that renders are hella juicy
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>>13625 Well thanks glad you like it that much. I don't have a website i upload this to currently or a separate discord setup. Not sure where i could really upload it feels like most places would probably take issue with it. Happy to do requests in here but i don't do commissions. This isn't worth wasting money on. Hope to have some more done and uploaded later this week. >>13622 Jerking it to Izuki in public or jerking Izuku in public?
>>13634 jerking it to izuku in public, maybe with people watching, also I would totally pay money for like a mega folder with images like the ones you make, it’s hard to find shit like that
>>13634 Alright, a request, a blob immobile Deku with hyper cock, with both Bakugo and Todoroki SSBHM sucking on Deku's moobs and constantly cumming
(2.97 MB 1920x1080 deku feed.png)
>>13593 Enjoy >>13639 That sounds pretty hot.
>>13640 Thnx dude. Hope you decide to do more with this scenario!
(3.13 MB 1920x1080 double dekus 3.png)
(3.23 MB 1920x1080 double dekus 4.png)
>>13596 Got some more done
(3.27 MB 1920x1080 double dekus 7.png)
(3.48 MB 1920x1080 double dekus 6.png)
(3.17 MB 1920x1080 double dekus 5.png)
can we get some kaminari in here?
(3.05 MB 1920x1080 deku remake 2.png)
(3.06 MB 1920x1080 deku remake.png)
>>13598 Tried my hand at remaking this.
>>13655 That's pretty good! Oddly specific request but can you do one of Deku sitting on a toilet?
>>13655 Can you make one of Deku but with a massive fupa? Like instead of gigacock, he's so fat that he can't even reach his dick because of buried it is in his fat
>>11953 What's the source for #2?
>>14005 Stevie-foxx
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Spoiled for fart alts
