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Fat Genshin Impact Aiden 08/18/2024 (Sun) 11:10:57 No. 12057
Hi I make new Genshin Impact line
Does anyone have the Google drive of all of plumpy_bread's art?
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does anyone have the entire Professor Zhongli sequence from Plumpybread? or just an archive of his art? there was one of him before he gained a ton of weight and I cant find it
Don’t tell a soul I gave you guys this. It’s dilucfckr69’s art since they locked their account https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-4Qu_sJCKzuyGAxOk9iv2jeWfSzoD3pQ
I remember accessing two folders plumpybread’s art. I have the images but i cannot for the life of me get back to the folder. Can anyone help me with this? Link 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dO3IsrqUguAqu9IwGc_05jIVF_5sTQvy/view?usp=drivesdk Link 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D8vL6LSKpChCdFy9hV8l7IECpZGfP5Zt/view?usp=drivesdk Link 3; https://drive.google.com/file/d/11_bIoSo-2Hvq2JXIdZ-m8GIpcF2Pbe70/view?usp=drivesdk
>>12974 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1kN_ehsyzRbaz5aNjiK9aa4xwZZq9eTXL This is most of it, someone posted it before they took the last thread down
If someone can point me to the source of these, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>>12990 First three are Porfirik on Twitter https://x.com/porfirik?s=21 Cannot find the last three at all, unfortunately
Has anyone seen this? Curious about the story.
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>>13007 It's not a real story. From what I can remember, the creator made a fake anime with a fake plot for one day as a joke.
Made a folder for itto pics, add any if you have https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-7FLrblU267lDBkr8ey7hiBhkwatQ8sx
>>13027>>13027 Thank you. Do you have the website of this video or where you can see it? I really want to see the story.
Can anyone upload any fat Xingqiu art?
please does anyone have the art dilucfuckr did of diluc with a dad bod at a grill, i cant find it anywhere and im going insane
does anyone have Tiramisuee's arts pieces?
>>13129 Here’s a folder of all the art I could find from them, I’m unsure if it might or might not he here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-4Qu_sJCKzuyGAxOk9iv2jeWfSzoD3pQ
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>>13186 any chance you have one of tiramisuee_ drawings aswell?
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>>12372 Artist for the Aether pics?
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>>13219 Unfortunately no, this is the first I’m hearing of them
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Big itto for crimbo
>>12133 Does anyone got the chongyun version from this artist?
well i seems 2025 is off to a great start
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>>13911 The hell, if wasn't me this time xddd
>>13910 Plumpy stills alive?
>>13919 It seems so, someone gave him the idea to gender bend the girls to have more males to draw for the obese genshin impact au
>>13920 >Genderbend ftm YESSSSS
>>13920 Thats smart considering there's only like 12 male characters in genshin
does anyone know if geep-mcbeep is still making fat fetish content?
plumpy dropped male navia
>>12973 hey I wanted to ask you if the artist of these ones is still active? cuz it's literally so good and i would really like to have more from him
>>14295 World needs more Bennett and Razor, tbh
Moar fatties (no venti, zhongli, aether or neuvillette) + another day for the albedo/heizou/kazuha/nari/gorou/lyneyfags having MID content
>>14308 Too true.. Especially Lyney.
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>>14309 based, fellow lyney fren
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>>14337 I need to draw gorou
>>14308 Tbh… chongyun and heizou is rarely seen
>>14347 mds, br?
>>14453 Ñao ñao
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