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Blubber boys, Fatty pants, Bears

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SSBHM OnlyFans and Patreons 02/03/2021 (Wed) 01:26:18 Id:428ff3 No. 429
Anyone have any SSBHM content? I am especially interested in PearShapedBear, GrowingTogether, HighCalPal, Fatterigrow, PhilTron, Maketheworldjiggle and Femalefeederheaven. Also, he isn't on Patreon (I think), but NCBelly94 is another legend who I would love to have some videos of. Anyways, here is something to start us off: aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vV2ZlOVc5Tmwz
>>12335 He has had thoughts about it, used to chat with him on Whatsapp for a while before he ghosted and decided to lose weight. But yeah, I'd imagine he'd want to gain again, cause look at the pics, he looked incredible
>>12306 This guy is incredible. Does anyone have more of his videos? Sound does not work for some of these.
>>12340 Yeah the one video is a shitty screen recording I found online. As far as I know those are the only recordings that exist though
>>12347 Tragic
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yay! more AI trash!
Anyone have anything of this guy? akingdomofthieves, old Instagram was twunkwannabe and I think he used to have a patreon too. He's on grommr and has a six pack now but got to 220lb like 2yrs back. https://thisvid.com/playlist/44338/video/too-fat-for-his-clothes/
Anybody got anything from Bongbelly? Started skinny and is closing in on 400 now.
Who has videos of Fattybeardo? Thanks!
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https://x.com/bellyanother?s=21&t=JqfE1TbxS7CR5__L5XUSTA He's so cute!!!! Does anyone have a video of him?
These two used to have an account on pornhub awhile back. Been deleted but I found these two videos. https://gofile.io/d/mcp0yH
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Anybody got any content from BeneBjornAD? Their OF content isn't on Coomer Party.
>>12588 >https://gofile.io/d/mcp0yH wow, sincere thanks for this anon i had watched both of these on pornhub bitd and figured they were forever lost to the sands of time its rare to see straight ssbhm content, rarer still for it to have a femdom aspect
>>12571 I really really love this guy 😍 unfortunately there's no video anywhere :(
Anyone have notorious pig videos to share? This one: https://c4sremix.clips4sale.com/studio/14798/28552129/notorious-pig-my-recent-visit-to-the-doctor-mp4-4k
>>12745 https://onlyfans.com/anotherbigbellyboi
Does anyone have the jock and coach video ?
anyone got the password to the videos of johnthegainer? :)
>>13160 Yup, it's justsubscribe
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Anyone who follows PearBear please listen to me and listen good. He has been targeting people on what their beliefs are on Twitter and Bsky I ask all of you to report both of his account he is just constantly asking for money and think it is okay to bully people who they voted for. Yes I know Trump sucks but this is seriously rediculous so please I ask all of you to report and get rid of his accounts. I am sick of people looking down on others and If you call me a Trump supporter for sticking up for someone who voted Trump shame on you for thinking its okay for someone who just wants to be on Bsky
>>13163 Not your personal army.
>>13163 Don’t tell me what to do assclown. I’m here to jerk off not fight your battles
Then yall are a bunch morons thinking its okay that a 32 man child have all rights to attacks someone beliefs just master bate to some fucking porn. That's just retarded honestly I am ashamed what if that person killed themselves because of that. Are you that hyper focus if someone takes away their life what the fuck. I'll report him for you!
>>13182 Yes, I will continue to master my blaster thank you for your concern.
>>13182 Just going to assume you’re too young to be on this site or you’re a more politically conscious version of Savvy. There’s literally no other way to explain why you thought begging a Chan Board for help with your moral crusade or the guilt trip you tried pulling would work
Cute you think my Autism is a big joke to you all. I am so sad I'm crying real tears boo hoo wo is me for asking a simple human being to actually do the right thing but instead I am getting back lashed by probably 30 maybe 40 year olds who probably still live with their parents.
So sad in this world people can still be delusional as fuck enjoy your death bed fetish porn hope you all some day move out your parents basement instead spending your life savings on your weeboo dolls and giving people money who just bully others and their beleafs
That's nice dearie, have fun making dummy accounts to mass report that guy you don't like!
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Anyone have any onlyfans content of benebjorn
>>429 >>474 Who is this
>>13052 Can someone please post this on the coomer party?
Why is it so hard to find good videos of superchubs getting FUCKED
anything on dutchchub? please
How does this work >>435
>>13505 Just click the button and smear ass cheeks hairs in your favorite cubicle
>>13505 Squeeze your balls reeeal hard and say the code aloud as if it were a spell. Best of luck to you x
does anyone have the updated password to johnthegainer videos?
>>13663 yes, it is: frame enjoy! ;)
>>13677 The password doesn't work
Someone has the new Tomsnack videos?
does anyone have johnthegainer’s new password for his videos?
new fattybeardo vids?
>>13163 dude seems to just be an asshat in general, hit like on one of his twt videos once and he blocked me out the blue lol
>>13677 thanks, do you have the updated password by chance?
anyone got the password to the videos of hefty rossa?
Does anyone got videos of xjock/swedish gainer from Hansis by any chance? Thanks! ;)
We can create a Google Doc and keep the passwords updated
>>14508 Good idea! Im down for that
