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(857.43 KB 720x960 OnlyFans.webm)
SONIC2011 Presenta Graciebon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 22:12:58 Id:e24145 No. 344789
Anyone want the Vid ?
>>344880 i record 40 Min, no the 1 Hour Vid i dont have, i only bought Sex BG Couple Vids !!!
>>344885 Any chance you have your photo sets or is it just the movies you have?
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Her ass is nasty as fuck….and I’d fuck the shit out of it 😭
>>344920 My dick always big tall & hard.
Wait, he only touches her ass during the entire video? He doesn't fuck her?
>>344939 he only touches her and licks her, he doesn't fuck her, and he couldn't even fuck her because the guy can't get a hard-on, the guy puts his finger in her ass hole, and he doesn't get a hard-on, I I really don't understand how this is possible
Yes mofo Sonic I wanna see everything from this bitch now that she injected 25lbs of silicon in each cheek
>>344952 Pretty sure it was a fat transfer and not silicone. I normally don't go for the whole bbl thing but she somehow managed to keep/get her thighs fat to match that giant ass and it looks amazing. I really don't get how she managed to thin and sculpt her top half while keeping the bottom fat...
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anything real about her? :-\ i don't know her story. but it could be the story we've heard a thousand times: pretty girl from a poor country, scrapes together all the money she can grab, or takes a naive sugar-daddy. invests her savings in 123 beauty operations and loses sight of reality. hopes to be able to sell her body for a few years and become rich. also relies on manipulated images to reel in even more gullible customers. ending open then again, why should we care, as long as everybody is "happy".
>>344973 Why should we care as long as we see her ass, xxx content Unless you wanna marry the bitch
>>344804 Dawg. Upload that shit to a faster sharing site. Dafuq is that 983mins to finish downloading bullshit ????
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That scar
Fat transfer isn't deadly right? Unlike silicone
>>344804 For the love of god, use gofile/bunkrr/pixeldrain
>>345009 Well, she's still fat, so she's unhealthy to begin with, secondly it depends on how well was the procedure done. You can kill a person by injecting it with its own blood, its all about how its done. She got used to cutting corners so its obvious she aint following a decent diet, i mean she cant, she would lose her ass/legs fat if she tries to eat healthy, so in the end she's just gonna die the same way we all fat fucks do.
>>344973 same ol' story: "She a ho."
She needs to be in a movie. Like a horror and drama. I hope she doesn't die
>>344955 I think she got some ribs removed + lipo
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>>345008 nicely observed. i didn't notice that before. speculations may be futile, but the scar is in a position similar to that of a pendant. and to me it looks more like an accident or a severe allergic reaction rather than a skillful operation.
>>345013 Can you imagine the reaction the average person would have watching her ass wobble as she runs away from the killer in a horror movie? I would love to see their honest reaction as those cheeks wobble, jiggle, and fight for space... most would think the average person would be disgusted but probably more like dumbfounded... would be a sight to behold on the big screen.
>>345022 I just downloaded this, the link is fine.
>>345027 The tiktok vid of her on the plan really puts the size into perspective. In clothes in a random setting she looks like she's skinny from the top and obese from the bottom half. Just looks fucking odd in that scenario.
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building the bridge. here's the two videos of >>344804, but in mp4 / h265 / 1080p and on a decent file host: https://pixeldrain.com/l/114dBmsP only download when your system can play h265 / hevc.
>>345008 that's a keloid bro
>>345021 Perhaps this scar is the result of her ex-husband's failed attempt to kill her. Maybe that's why she separated from him. I know cases of crazy people who would rather their wife die than see her giving it to others.
You have proof she was abused? It looks like a surgery scar.
She was married?
>>344789 I thought she looked good before all the work. Bigger, obviously but still very attractive. I don’t think she necessarily looks better post op but I’d still absolutely get after it.
>>345008 She posted that she had surgery to remove an abnormal growth. It was right below her thyroid.
Abdominal? Like appendix?
Oh nevermind. I liked her when she was a BBW.
>>345298 She still is a BBW!
Yes, but a fake one
>>345307 >the hate on her in my case, it's just disappointment. another lovely looking girl (at first sight) that turns out to be severely faked. that sadness kills the mood for me. yes, instead of plastic and fakery, i prefer the real thing, naturally grown and cute.
>>344789 I’ve been a fan of your work for years, Sonic2011, don’t ever stop uploading wins Godspeed
>>344789 the third frame, where the guy opens her ass, is not in the download
Does anybody have the leaked videos from her onlyfan saved
So is it silicone or fat transfer?
>>345639 Definitely bbl. Botched..
>>345639 It looks to be a fat transfer with a BBL on top of it to round it out more. You can look at her older pictures and tell that she was mostly hips and never really had an ass until recently.
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>>345695 Its in the spankbangs
>>345739 link?
Is her Onlyfans expensive?
that light skinned hispanic is the same one that appears in all her video, he even appears in a boat zoomeout video, he is her sugar daddy, thats the only dude she makes videos with of course bitch will deny, he pays everything for her
>>345739 mind giving us a link? or are you just typing bs
someone send a better non risky link of the 2 lives
>>345801 too lazy to open the website yourself?
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Isn't that anal video on Spankbang?
>>345923 HD fellas aHR0cHM6Ly94eHhkb21pbmljYW5vLmNvbS9ncmFjaWVib24tc2V4by1hbmFsLXh4eC8=
No this is new this year
https://www (.) erome (.) com/a/rrkQIW23
Damn, the only thing missing is the anal video of that big ass
(7.43 MB 220x275 IMG_3683.gif)
Found a gif of her latest anal vid but couldn’t find the actual video
>>346158 Go to asso holics and type in her name. When this pic shows up just right click and use google image search. It will take you to a few of her new vids from the links.
>>346166 Did exactly that, got this download link from thothub https://dua.thub.lol/remote_control.php?time=1711646231&cv=bd79237a33177785f0f94bdda8eb7366&lr=0&cv2=0aeeba1c7e7e49deac7f56318b1bf6af&file=%2Fdua71%2Fcontents%2Fvideos%2F985000%2F985166%2F985166.mp4&cv3=880ddd1572a48baa2cabb27761881c81&cv4=52a8b63ba78d0abc47f9fffc78960d9b
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Surf's up
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>>346428 this hole seems to be very fragrant
>>344973 I swear you hop on every thread using the same red text to talk crap about people lol you have no life bro
>>346508 You have to admit its pretty funny how he goes in depth on these girls lmao, atleast theres somebody doing the work for us.
I thought she was way hotter when she was a bbw
>>346512 one of those is from a video though, and her ass looks just as big as it does in the pic
could a kind & lucky Anon post the reel of her fending off a perverted drone w/ an oar while "riding" (really just sitting on) a surfboard?! ...it was removed from IG quite some time ago. :'(
>>346166 Is there a way to do this on your phone
>>346179 Link doesn't work mate
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Alguien lo tiene?
>>347887 pls share this vid
>>344804 That's a different video I think
>>348466 Nope one posted yesterday. Her big black ass
drop the new vid pls
