/booty/ - Booty

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Low Anonymous 01/13/2025 (Mon) 03:11:41 Id:e074c5 No. 362533
Not sure how much of this is ‘new’ new but it’s the latest I can find aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9WUmlNWlY And this because I’m too lazy to screen record and download https://es.erome.com/a/Efw5RY6d
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this GIF is in the gofile but posting it because holy shit you can see the ass-fat bouncing from the front
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>>362535 https://pt.erome.com/search?q=low_keydeadinside
I've gone back and forth on whether she's had any modifications. What do y'all think? I generally lean towards her being all natural, but sometimes I'm skeptical.
Not natural imo but who is these days
I don't see any lipo scars. Probably just god tier genetics and an appetite
Not natural. It’s obvious
Hey and females like her are ruining my fetish with their fakery. Def NOT real.
Honestly whether she is fake or not doesn't matter to me. Most chicks with fake asses and especially fake tits look terrible out of clothes, but honestly LKDI is hella hot.
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This photo proves it’s a BBL to me That is 1000% a BBL ass
Even if it is a bbl it has enough people convinced it's real. Personally idgaf because it looks natural. She looks like a friggin goddess ffs. She's a 10/10 from head to toe and her content is good too. I've seen women shaped just like her before bbls were even a thing so it's entirely possible that she's natural, which I believe she is.
>>362617 bbl or not, those are pants designed to make it look like you've bad a bbl
She's natural. Been following her for many years. Slow weight gain and she occasionally abuses filters/angles but it's real. For short women it's easier to have these proportions but yeah still 1 in a million genetics. Refer to the simpcity thread for full catalogue of leaks
L thread. Mfs arguing real or fake. We don't care here. Take that to simpcity. Share content or shut up
She got any b/g? All that ass, hopefully
>>362779 Afaik, no. Closest is doggystyle from a fuck machine with a rainbow dildo
>>362533 She is so hot, I love her.
enhanced versus real theres a difference
>>363132 They look the same guy….
>>363132 >>363160 Only an individual that's not familiar with a thick woman's body (in real life) would say that they look the same.
>>363160 literally just look how much the first one sticks out away from the body and how small the hips/thighs are, while natural goes evenly in all directions
>>363132 >>363186 >>363212 They don't look the same because people have different body structures. This argument is meaningless. The only way to be certain of enhancement is to look for surgical scars, the other signs of surgery (BBL stomach from lipo) and sudden changes. In fact, #1 looks more real because of the cellulite. #2 having that much ass and NO cellulite is science fiction. Plus she has the BBL stomach which is a dead giveaway.
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>>363213 stills from her recent videos, is the bbl stomach, surgery scars and no cellulite in the room with us?
>>363222 Wow, she looks like she is still gaining weight. Looks natural to me.
i love big tits with big areolas like this.I prefer big arealos as opposed to tiny small ones
>>363257 Yeah she’s adding weight to the BBL
She do customs?
>>363257 and she will keep gaining, her ass is already bigger since the beginning and so is her belly
Why are you so caught up on it being natural or BBL?! If it looks good, that's all that matters, but ya'll act as if you would turn her (or any other bad bitch) down if she told you it is a bbl LOL
>>363430 I second that, no need to speculate when the prize is just fine. I knew a woman about 30 yrs ago from Montreal who was built very much like low, her hips were wider, waist and chest about the same and she was in her early 40's, fuck did I love her body. I was a teenager and damn I had plenty of fantasies when I saw her at work. So to ask if it's possible absolutely, but I'm not here to perpetuate the argument. Just my experience.
>>363430 💯 If it's a bbl, idc. It looks good to me on her frame, not ridiculous or anything
