Part 2
That girl.. she is everything i hate in this world, condenced and put together in a single shapeless and obese body, sincerely, calling that.. that thing, a girl is seriously kind for what it is, a compliment even, she is like two years younger, like,12 years old or something, and she is undeniably the vivid image of her mother, the fattest assed girl i have ever seen. She is so, so, soooo, SO FAT, that all the curves she has developed at this point are caused solely by her morbid obesity. Hell, she has had chub for tits for so long she doesnt even know she is supposed to wear bras already, and i dont blame her, im not even sure if she can call those.. those lard bags.. breasts.
God, her whole existence is just infuriating, she is unfashionable, she wears the clothes she sleep with outside, oversized shirts that can hold her body fat and keep it hiden, and she smells, no, she reeks, its like she doesnt know how to shower, an she has a CHAIR for when she is in the shower, a chair!
She cant even stand up for long enough, no, beast 2.0 needs her chair, and i have to move it everytime, and it gets in the way because she is so horizontally tall!
A pig like nose and a fat fuck face with a hangin' gut that says, that claims, that shouts to the world "I have never eaten a salad", chubby and stuffy cheeks and a double chin, an arse so fuckin obese she probably cant even wipe it herself. She is 2 years younger and she has 6 times my mass, i hate her, fuckin pig, fuckin.. beast, fuckin.. god damn.. i.. i didnt want her to move in.. i didnt want to share a room with her, god damnit!
But it wasnt my decision, mom made me come to a sushi restaurant to meet her, i was hopeful she wouldnt become my new sister, mom sure avoided the subject, i thought that meant she just wanted me to get along with her so she could fuck tai-shit guy harder or persuade him intoa threesome or something. We prettied ourselves up, dressed just well but casually enough to go to a birthday or some family meeting, she dolled me up a bit more seeing i wasnt eager to go to the meeting, she mentioned i was pretty but slender, i remained quiet through the comment and resisted the urge to say anything related to weight, she wasnt convincing me, i wasnt convincing her, under her breath i sort of smelled acceptance towards obesity, admiting it without admiting it. Damnit mom..
We waited in the restaurant, mom with one of those tight sweaters and lipstick degenerates love so much, and me, looking like i will meet a good family with good values and not the sinful mess that we were actually expecting.
When i saw her... the beast's child, moving slowly, heavily, accross the door of the restaurant, with color-off black clothes (she must have thought wearing black clothes qualified as elegant), looking down, shy and introverted, abundant and corpulent, with cloth skin-tight agaisnt her flab, wheezing slightly, i knew.. i understood... i understood why mom started to eat and reek and sweat and talk and become like a fucking hog in general.
Oh and seeing her waddle for the first time, what a fucking spectacle, at first sight i wanted to mock her out of pure hatred, disgust, make her run a few times back and forth to see if she resisted, all because of repressed desire of revenge agaisnt tai-shit guy, and while i couldnt do any of those things, atleast i was entretained to see her sit down her fatass, to see her tug her shirt down, say hi shily and put up a nice smile, and later on, finally see her eat, and i saw her stuff her chubby cheecks like a chimpmunk, so fast, so effectively, so swift, nearly as if she feared someone would steal her food if she didnt it fast, grabbing some sushi and making a two piece tower and taking a bit horizontally, as if shoving entire pieces in her mouth wasnt quick enough, i watched discretly with as much morbe as disgust, and then.. it hit me. Beast-girl suddenly asked me to pass her the soy sauce, and the momment i turned, there she was mom, wheezing, about to explode, getting fondled by that bastard while she giggled and then moaned, licking his finger as she got handfed a disgustingly cheesy piece of sushi, his hand hiding beneath the table, as if i was stupid, as if i was blind, as if i didnt see them, and i didnt! i had become so used to it.. and then.. ..the beast-girl wiped her lips and double chin with her shirt, like a savage, like a slob, and my hatred..
..my hatred.. became pity, oh i didnt want to small talk with her, not even be kind, not even pass her the soy sauce and fill her veins with sodium, but an strange sense of responsability and pheraps compromise took over me, it forced me to swallow my cruelest fantasies, those where i kicked Tai-shit in the balls or where he cheated on mom and she lost weight out of disdain, where i bullied endlessly beast-girl, where the beast came back from the grave and he abandoned mom, where i made pasive aggresive comments towards her eating habits, where i called the cops on tai-shit and made up evidence, where i went on calling her diabetus, where i told the best fat jokes, where i slapped her ass just to see how much it jiggles, where i made her run around until she fainted, it would be so good if.. it would be so funny to.. god.. if only i kicked him a little.. once or twice..
Sorrow scapes from my mouth in a sigh, i grab a tissue, and turn around to see Isabella, Isabella the beast girl, i calmly rest my hand over her belly and lend over it to wipe a stain of mayo off her cheek.
She blushes, she thanks me, and we both smile. She wouldnt wipe with her shirt again that day.