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Lost storys Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 01:59:12 No. 32 [Reply] [Last]
Need help finding a story about an immobile cat person in the future reminiscing about her days doing things like 'exploring the ship' and whatnot before falling in love with another immobile catperson she saw. hope thats specific enough. Also this is a thread for people who just need storys found.
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Since this seems to be a "looking for" thread I was wondering if anyone happens to have one of two stories involving Violet Beauregarde's dad? One has him become a blueberry instead of Violet and the other I think he gets very fat on the tour.

Writers deleting their accounts and removing all their content Anonymous 07/19/2021 (Mon) 04:48:57 No. 2621 [Reply] [Last]
Is there anything more frustrating? I feel like I need to start making an actual archive of my favourites as more and more good content gets deleted. JUKQ17 just deleted all of his content and I missed the 1 day a stash zip file containing it was up and now I'm sad. pic unrelated
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>>8883 Thank you.
Does anyone have biggirlishere/lordbgh/thiccfiction stories archived? He’s had his most recent account deleted for awhile now. Thank you
This willbe a long shot but there was a story about the 2 main characters from 2 broke girls on DA where they both gained a lot of weight but the blond one ended up becoming massive.
>>8967 Lol. That's what I'm watching now
>>8796 sorry im askin so late, but could you plz re-up?

Greentext Threads Anonymous 02/21/2022 (Mon) 14:02:15 No. 3723 [Reply]
Whether it be from 4Chan or here, post your favorite Greentexts of fattening babes.
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>>8011 And horny text it is. Good god. But damn if it wasn't enticing. Really effective story structuring and world building, This shit was pretty tight
>>6184 Man, it's weird seeing someone else save a greentext you made. This is real. If I recall, I also posted about another girl I saw only two times in uni: >First time, met her before Physics class, we'd both show up ridiculously early. >Every goddam time she'd be talking about food. >Halfway through the semester she was complaining about how tight her jeans were and was conflicted between getting all new clothing and working out more. >Midway through class she hunched over and then rushed to the bathroom and I pieced together that the button on her jeans blew open. >Didn't see her again until a scholarship talk that we both happened to be in two years later. >She entered the door sideways. >Sat down and her ass just spilled over the sides. I think even if she sat over two chairs she still wouldn't've fit. >Her friend said, "Uhm, I didn't know whether you were still trying to diet or not, but they have free food." >She looked at her and said, "Does it LOOK like I'm trying to diet?" and then proceeded to eat an ungodly amount of tacos as people were leaving. The point of me posting those stories wasn't to create some amazing greentext fetish material (although I welcome it), it was me complaining about bbw models. I went on this huge rant afterwards alone the lines of, "Why the fuck are there models who are doing this professionally and suck money from everyone who can't seem to hold a candle to women I've known irl who aren't even trying and are a million times more amazing?!" >>3782 There was more to this greentext iirc.
>>8434 oh shit fr? I didn't know that was the true point of your greentext. I personally like it and archived it so it doesn't get lost to the sands of time. And yeah now i understand your rant
>about 4 years ago >sedentary gamer >had gotten up to 200 pounds through poor diet >then covid happened >bored and depressed it was so easy to overeat >started stuffing my face everyday >grocery cart became full of junk >food bills started to skyrocket >too depressed to care about my rising weight >completely let go >eat whatever i want when i want >appetite goes crazy >eating throughout the day >end up 290 pounds by 2021 >start a new years resolution to lose weight >one week in ive given up >a month later im eating more than ever

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>>8982 Damn bro this is dark. Do you at least enjoy some parts of being that big?

Ddlg Bewis lewis 06/21/2022 (Tue) 23:57:24 No. 4370 [Reply]
Is there any ddlg weight gain storys about? They'd fit so perfectly together I just don't see why there isnt more. There was on on FF but it seems too have been taken down
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Woah, didn’t expect those stories to be so good, loved them and I’ll probably do something with some of the concepts
ok, finished the first chapter, probably gonna post it later in here
“Mom, mind telling me where are you taking me? It’s four in the morning and I barely slept at all” Emily said as she rubbed her eyes, yawning and stretching a bit…but her mother didn’t answer her question, still fuming mad from what she did the other day. She knew she had broken some of the rules that her mother established when she finished high school and started to live there without any job or plans to go to college… 1. No drinking in the house (broke the rule when mom found her drunk in the front door) 2. No fucking in the house (broke that one in her first job, got lucky that she got no serious punishment due to not ending up pregnant 3. Stealing money She had just broken the third one just today, when her mom got from work early and saw her picking the lock to her safe, wanting some cash to be able to get in a party where her friends would be. “I still can’t believe it, my own blood, stealing from me while I give her home and food and without asking for anything in return! I’m still in shock!” Her mother said to herself as she banged her hand loudly on the steering wheel, making Emily jump a bit from the sound. “Please mom, I’m really sorry! I’ll never do it again! Can we just head home and forget about thi-“ “NO! I’m NOT forgetting this like the rest of the opportunities I gave you! The first time I didn’t pay much attention to it, the second time I was already angry, but now?! You are stealing from your own mother?!! You have to learn some basic things about respect and trust, young lady!!” Her mother screamed as they had arrived in the middle of nowhere….the outskirts of the town….the cold already cutting through her tight clothes and making her sneeze “Mom! Where the fuck are we?!! I thought you would take me to some place to have a lesson! Not the middle of freaking nowhere! Can we go home?!” Her mother just stopped answering, stopping the car and getting out, almost dragging her out of the vehicle and handing her a big bag filled with what she could feel as clothes.

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>>8929 Where can I read the rest of this?
>>8985 Hi! Glad someone read it! I can gladly make a continuation on here!

Morally Depraved Stories Thread: Rebirth Anomynous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 10:21:07 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
"In this thread, let's post our most depraved weight gain story ideas, and see if anyone picks them up." New decade, new board, new thread.
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Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
>>8387 Why stop there, have the guy end up courting the girl and act like a pillar from her troubles. All the while feeding and grooming her into a fat pet. Added sugar, protein powder and grease to every meal, exclude her from interactions with friends or family, maybe get her oblivious by having her watch movies or game everyday. Wait till she’s good an immobile before springing the trap, of course she’ll try and escape but by being extremely fat, her bones atrophied and dependent on outside help. She’ll inevitably fold and become submissive. Maybe even continue to take pictures of her flabby body and keep posting them to bully her. In the end the boyfriend could keep her alive, feed her till she dies or leave her to starve.
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
Story idea I’ve had for years - a man feeds his wife to death but gets her pregnant at points along the way. At one point she’s playing with her kids on the floor when she realizes she’s too big to get up. Her husband comes in to see her struggling and instead of helping her sends the kids off with the nanny and impregnates her right there on the floor.

Stories with fat traps, etc 01/09/2022 (Sun) 12:34:42 No. 3522 [Reply]
Stories with fat cute boys, fat traps, fat femboys, fat shotas. No slob please my list: https://www.deviantart.com/krabopolis/art/Two-Sides-of-a-Caramel-Toffee-899924849 https://www.deviantart.com/krabopolis/art/Fate-Asstolfo-and-Masster-836587637 https://www.deviantart.com/crazyman193/art/Holiday-party-crossover-901342495 https://www.deviantart.com/zerpz/art/Femboy-Feeder-824199986?comment=1%3A824199986%3A4866850967 https://www.deviantart.com/nickeds0/art/Your-a-Fat-Femboy-aren-t-you-804849819 https://www.deviantart.com/nickeds0/art/Spoiled-Rotten-802864857

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You’ve eaten yourself into a new level of desperation. It’s not just that you’re so fat that it’s impossible to stand up on your own or even that you’ve long become unemployable due to your uncontrollable appetite and pitiful mobility. It’s not just that you can’t see your own dick, it’s that you can’t even reach it. If you manage to work past your gut and huge womanly tits, you can only reach the edge of your fat pad. You can’t see it, nor can you truly feel how huge it’s become, but it’s completely engulfed your cock. Not just ate up inches to humiliate you with a stubby dick, but it’s enveloped your cock completely and when you’re at full mast it’s still unable to slip from the dark, sunken hole you’ve grown from your binges. With your balls all but merged into it, you seem more a desperate fat woman than a humiliated and emasculated fat man with tits threatening to suffocate you in your sleep, hips wide enough to get you stuck in door frames and an ass ripe for some feeder with a proper cock to mount. Your chances of getting someone to get you off are rare, but your only method now is as sad and desperate as the rest of you.
>>7770 You do the one thing you are only good at doing and that’s eating. You eat to your complete limit and push yourself past that, you hit a level of over indulgence that rides the line between pain and pleasure. Only when you feel absolutely stuffed, ready to pop do you find enough arousal built up in you to trigger an orgasm. You just jiggle there as you shiver, smothered cock twitching out a watery, weak load that seeps out the hole of your fat pad like the aroused pussy it’s becoming. The catch? Sometimes gauging how full that is can vary as your capacity is always increasing and sometimes even funds wont allow you the amount of food needed for your desperate orgasm. You’ll eat yourself so full and helpless, but come up short, only ending up fatter and weaker than when you started. Only for you to build another meal through UberEats and dark feeders eager to enable you into the immobile end goal you’re all but assured of hitting. And from there? You’ll be emptying bank accounts trying to find a way to cum, you helpless, fat pig.
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"Bwwuuurrpp." Astolfo did nothing to stifle the belch that flowed through him as he stood up from the kitchen table, the emptied plates all that remained of a feast that could have fed ten people.The two chairs he had rested his fat ass on while he gorged creaked with relief as the fat boy finally spared them his weight. Even as he stood, his huge gut sagged delightfully, wobbling against the wood of the table as he turned, slowly waddling to the bathroom. It was time to do what he always did after a huge meal - weigh himself. Of course, he enjoyed the journey. Every step sent his lard-bloated frame into a fit of jiggling, from his cute double chin to his hefty moobs to his ass that was bigger than any girl's to his pride and joy, his huge, fat prominent belly. It didn't matter how full he was; the feet of lard that coated it still rippled and wobbled delightfully. He playfully lifted his maid uniform and fondled a roll of his gut, so pleased with how massive he was getting lately. "Huff... Master will be so pleased when he gets back from his trip! I'll be so much fatter than the last time he saw me~" Learning that his master was into fat boys had been devastating for Astolfo's waistline, as every meal had turned into a gorging session, every day turning into a non-stop feeding frenzy to make himself as large as he could for the love of his life.The once-lithe femboy had bloated in size several times over, shooting past 200 pounds, 300, and 400. But it wasn't enough for the obsessed femboy - he needed to be fatter! Bigger! More obese for Master! Huffing slightly, he finally made his way to the bathroom, ample hips brushing the doorway. With a lumbering gait, he made his way to the scale, feeling it CREAK delightfully under his weight. He gave his belly a few more pats and slaps before hearing the beep that signaled the results. Hauling his bulk off, peering around his gut, he saw the number - 512 pounds. His belly let out a slight growl at the results, which made him smile. Perhaps he hadn't quite eaten enough? He was a growing boy, after all.... and not even remotely big enough yet~
Damn, this is awesome. I really want such a sweet boy to live with me~ >>8596

PudgyProse Patreon 05/16/2024 (Thu) 19:10:04 No. 8981 [Reply]
Any on got any of PudgyProse's stories from their patreon? https://www.patreon.com/pudgyprose Deviantart account: https://www.deviantart.com/pudgyprose/gallery/all
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/61644179 Have fun

BBW ANDROID Nice 03/30/2024 (Sat) 13:59:25 No. 8683 [Reply]
A few years from now maybe. BBW android Models, become mainstream. There are prodcedures of women having their mind tranfered into bbw android body. Types: chubby, fat, bbw, ssbbw. LITERATURE: Post stories, novels, and manga about Bbw androids. Also. Online Articles about female androids. Notes: Physical features: artficial skin, plush texture. Big Boobs, chubby belly, Wide hips. jiggle motion. Can show her Belly expanding thicker. Breasts growth. Widening hips.
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>>8683 i made this a while ago, just recently chose to upload it. its aout a fat android https://www.deviantart.com/subjectdeltallllllll/art/1047143853
I have this idea of horror sci-fi fetish wg story An inventor figures out a way to project her conscious and feeling to multiple clone/androids at once with what ever they sense being sent back. Soon she starts pampering herself to immobility and even some of her droids. This ends up causing her to become a hive mind pleasure, where each clone/android is sent out to experience a new pleasure for mind.
In a few years when GLP1 drugs go generic and are perfected to where everyone is slim, androids are gonna be the only way for FAs to get their fat on.
>>8934 Nah, I'm betting on SJW to win this one for us. And I don't intend to slack either. We'll make those drugs look like shit and discredit slimness entirely.
>>8979 >Nah, I'm betting on SJW to win this one for us. Don't count on it. The BoPo folks are falling in line with everyone else. No resisting that magic shot.

Weight gain in non fetish books Anonymous 04/20/2020 (Mon) 03:51:04 No. 426 [Reply] [Last]
I was reading Princess Bride and in the first chapter there was a French maid that was catching the attention of the duke. The duchess found out that the maid couldn't help herself around sweets and filled the castle with them. The maid gorged herself full of so much food that she practically became a walking blimp. I was wondering if there was any more out there.
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>>7856 Un bon petit ogre, Claude Boujon
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Lexxxiii727 Would be hot if she would do some encouragement vid too
>>428 You mention the malazan books but forget Tattersail. "He did not believe it possible that flesh could move in as many directions all at once, every swell beneath the silk seemingly possessed of corporeal independence, yet advancing in a singular chorus of overt sexuality. Her shadow engulfing him, Tehol loosed a small whimper, struggling to drag his eyes up, past the stacked folds of her belly, past the impossibly high, bulging, grainsack-sized breasts – lost for a moment in that depthless cleavage – then, with heroic will, yet higher to the smooth udder beneath her chin; higher still, neck straining, to that so round face with its broad, painted, purple lips – higher – Errant help me – to those delicious, knowing eyes."
there has been some recommendations which are not here https://www.reddit.com/r/WeightGainTalk/comments/16qyz88/nonfetish_fiction_which_highlights_fat_attraction/

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The Fattest woman in Ireland Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 03:27:45 No. 8298 [Reply]
Has anyone heard of this book? There's not much information on it and none of the sellers of the book have anything to say about it either. No written reviews exist and it appears to be out of print too.
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>>8790 I hate asking for a necro, but I apparently misplaced or never downloaded this. Help a brother out?
>>8961 Here you go: https://gofile.io/d/RVM1AJ I cleaned it up a little in the meantime, single pages rather than spreads, dewarped the pages somewhat and fixed the contrast. I'd love to OCR this thing but the tools I've tried haven't done a great job with it.
>>8970 Thank you so much, I am not worthy.
>>8973 My pleasure. This really needs to be better known. It's the best non-fetish WG/fat fetish book I've ever read by a mile. Grand Obese has dropped to distant second. Thank the OP for bringing it to my attention. Gonna try again with OCR and hopefully make a phone-friendly version.

RP-ing Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 01:29:52 No. 347 [Reply] [Last]
I'm in the process of trying to find good people to RP with. I'm pretty flexible on fandoms, as long as someone is gaining weight. Just looking for people who can type more than a sentence or two.
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Gonna drop an ad here and see if any rp partners are interested in some long term variety kink rps. I’m looking for rp partners who are literate and don’t mind creating a plot and story from scratch. Looking for story driven with plenty of kinks to match as well. 60% story to 40% kink. If that’s got your interest then welcome! I enjoy long term rps specifically and prefer them with a good chunk of story and lore to accompany it. Doesn’t have to be crazy world building but dabbling in some creative lore building is also a hobby. I’m open to plenty of kinks so I don’t mind any degenerate kinks or if you have a grounded and depraved idea. Let’s work on it before we get to rping. I also don’t do a lot of in-canon stuff but can use canon characters. Whether it’s male or female/futa/etc. weight gain or slob, feel free to pitch in something and see where it takes us. Slob and immobility are favorites of mine so no limits. Though for a general list of kinks I’ll drop some for reference: - weight gain - slob - force feeding - filth - mutual gain - health issues - slow burn gain

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>>8853 sent you a friend request
I'm looking for someone to rp as a dominant female feeder for a FxF nsfw literate and detailed rp. Not sure of an exact plot yet but I would love to brainstorm and share ideas. Wouldn't mind also going into darker themes when it comes to weight gain and such. Let me know if you're interested and we can plan it. My discord is feed. Feel free to dm, let me know if you have any problems!
Hey I'm really in the mood for a Scott Pilgrim, DDLC, Persona or Final Fantasy 7 roleplay those are my favorites but I'm also open to Dc, Marvel, Mha and Jjba and I am both a feeder and a feedee but I do prefer feeder if you want to do bhm let me know we can make it work I have no size limits and kinks are immobile, slob, weight gain, force feeding, round belly, tight clothes/clothes shredding, belly noises, extreme jiggle physics, tiredness, laziness, stuckage, sweat, stuckage, fat body, rapid gaining, slow gaining and burping and sometimes farts Dm if interested my DMs are open and that's the easiest way for me to respond to anyone and let me know what series you wanna rp Discord is cowabungazone
[A4A] wrong room at the party Popular girl made an party where all the cool people get to party but somehow you also get an invite since sometimes you help her with the studies since you are quite smart. Party is wild and loud and you look for some quiet place to call with your best friend, as you look for any quiet place you found one door where comes food smell and you see the sign to not enter, you get too curious and you found …. 600 blob of fat that is all naked and greasy, covered in food stains while playing on her vr set all sweaty and breathing hard I can play nerdy fatty or thin person invited to party. Fatty can be any gender, same thing with other character, wholesome/romance would be mist desired road here but it can be kinky or sub/dom Main kinks: Slob,farting,humiliation,teasing,body worship, public showoff, small clothes, sweat, facesitting, immobile,stink,weight gain, overeating, hedonism, dom/sub, laziness, sex, Limits: Violence, gore, lactation,pregnancy,scat, rape, vore, incest, ,giantess, puppy play Discord : Strudel96

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Loli Stories Thread: Lardy Lass Edition Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 15:45:43 No. 7833 [Reply] [Last]
Since the other thread is bump locked, here’s another one since the old thread is gonna get either buried or deleted. The other thread >>202
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>>8910 Add some healthplay, water sports and embers of their original personality. Her meals are more fat than actual food, loaded with enough sugar of a small factory and with every gulp, you swear you can see roughly an equal amount of liquid leak out beneath her body. She eats with energy of when she was skinny.
>>8921 YES! 😍 I already planned to add some healthplay from the start, totally ruining her health as grease and sugar clogs her body, having her wheeze and breathe so heavily. Love it so much But what do you mean by "embers of their original personality?" Like getting glimpses of who she was before she got totally ruined? Because if so I also have that planned for the story. I want her manners to fade away, and to get her personality totally ruined as she's spoiled rotten 🥰 And omg I love the thought of her food eventually turning into more fat than actual food, so loaded with sugar and grease. Loved reading that last sentence 🥵 She only gets that energy when she eats, and even then its short lived as she desperately tries to get food up to her mouth... So greedy and spoiled
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Done with a obese Wonder Loli chatbot, level headed critism and feedback would be appreciated. If anyone wants me to add anything or tone anything down let me know. https://character.ai/chat/7aDO_aKvnLldEOmzAe4jcO1wEcy2lqVyh9wSojT78Lw
>>8931 It’s like her energetic personality is still there under all that flab. Say he was once excited to see “you”, now she’s excited to see the food. Or she attempts to tackle you but trips and falls over, you offer help but due to her stubbornness she refuses till she’s hot, sweaty and tired Maybe even though she’s spoiled rotten, she’s still the same person.
>>8946 omg I love that. Starting to write it and having so much fun with it 🤤

Royal Fat Tyrants Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 21:54:08 No. 8442 [Reply]
Post stories of fat spoiled royalty or fat tyrants.
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Does this count? https://www.deviantart.com/weeb-lord/art/Did-Someone-Steal-Your-Sweetroll-848397111
Does anyone have any more recommendations?

Interactive stories Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 20:21:21 No. 8821 [Reply]
Post 'em here, or make your own.
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>>8823 >>8822 Now then. Got any to share?
>>8821 With AI we can make that a reality.
Thank me later http://gaining.servegame.com/gl_build_oct_17_2019.htm
this is a great topic, I wish I had more suggestions

Visual novel weight gain/Feederism Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:59:07 No. 8793 [Reply]
I thought it'd be interesting since it technically is literature? I'll start with growth academy as the most obvious one Alice my beloved...
I know there was a small series of them. I think it was called Debutopia? I could never find a placce to buy them, but the art looked really good.
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There is a new VN called Progeria: Vae Victis, one of the girl has an ED side story and if you are an asshole you can enable her to triple in size, with changing sprites, CGs and all. You can literally feed her with present and she gets stuffed visually. Its very expensive to feed her though. Honestly havent seen all of her sprites myself and her 4th weight stage
>>8924 yooo thank you so much for telling us abt this! gonna buy it rn. any details on who the character is, and how to access her story?
>>8953 She is the first girl you will meet in the game, Galina, she looks like a tsundere at first but once you spend more time with her you will learn she is a recluse thats afraid of everything. She is in a middle of a break up with her BF that is why she started stress eating a lot lately. As a player, you can enable her eating disorder and make her eat tons of food via gifts (cakes, sweets, burgers and booze). Its a neat side arc I think
