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Lost storys Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 01:59:12 No. 32 [Reply] [Last]
Need help finding a story about an immobile cat person in the future reminiscing about her days doing things like 'exploring the ship' and whatnot before falling in love with another immobile catperson she saw. hope thats specific enough. Also this is a thread for people who just need storys found.
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>>10468 Found it right after I posted https://www.deviantart.com/jake27/art/When-It-Finally-Catches-Up-With-You-782831930

Incest & Feederism II Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 01:53:50 No. 6643 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread is done. Post stories that have incest and weight gain themes in them. Save anything from the last thread and post here if you want.
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>>10456 where did you hear this
>>10457 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/95856-vigilante/ He mentioned it this December
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>>10459 Alright, guess we'll just have to wait then
>>10461 I wonder if there is a more direct way to contact him? This thread is like the only place on the internet for this stuff as far as I know
>>10461 Its about to be 2 months since he wrote that, i hope we dont have to wait that long for an update

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Warhammer fics Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 12:13:25 No. 10 [Reply] [Last]
Post weight gain stories or ideas set in either the grim darkness of the far future or the old world.
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>>6217 Your stories are enjoyable, and the main warhammer 40k opus about Elise was a corpus of writing that brought me great joy. It had all things that clicked for me. Cheers, man. Also, I've made a character card for Elise to chat with her in sillytavern (that's merely an ui to stich and format text together gathered from the llm api). I've used claude 2.0, but I've encountered a number of issues in the process. It didn't feel as good to read as your writing, lol.
>>2889 'Perhaps discipline did have a point', Kyla mused, taking in another deep breath through her teeth. Her ankles were sore, and her face felt red and flushed as she made her slow way through the barracks. Their campaign to Agrippa IV had been costly. Dearly so. 40% losses, all the command staff, bar herself, a lieutenant, and two adjutants, dead to an assassin's bomb. The world was a backwater, a mere million or so souls, populating three meager hives, all under the yoke of the now-deceased Vorth bloodline, a 'divinely appointed' idiot tyrant, who wasn't even willing to re-arm the forces sent to his own world to secure it, so that he wouldn't lose is own personal assets. It didn't save him from retribution, when his own betrayal had come. Their astropaths and commanders dead, and with such a hard campaign, the men and women of the regiment had run rampant, and taken their spoils, pillaging the upper hive, alongside the vengeful citizenry, spilling into churches and looting all the gold and silver and fine things they could. Even the men and women of... comely appearances. Kyla lumbered around the corner, lungs burning, and slowly, deliberately, forced one leg up a single stair, thighs wrestling with the hanging weighty apron of her belly. Then she braced, breathed in, and forced it to straighten, bringing the other leg up quickly, as the first one trembled. Her pudgy fingers gripped the banister clumsily, but tightly, as she put what weight she could over it. By the second step, her thighs burnt, and her hips throbbed. But she set her jaw, found a breathing rhythm, and kept going. The mood, once the initial days of raping and looting in abandon petered away, was uncertain. Priests had been killed, churches sacked, and the Vorth bloodline, divinely mandated by the Emperor and High Lords, to rule Agrippa, had been slain by their doing. There was a tension. An apprehension in the air, in the guardsmen. They knew they'd crossed the line, that they'd let their despair at the sacrifices in the name of their duty get the better of them. They feared what the Commissar would do. Kyla supposed she could have kept them on the straight and narrow, perhaps. But there was just as great a chance that she, alone as she was, would suffer a grenade to the sleeping quarters by those men too desperate or fearful to obey. And Kyla was truly never the best of Commissars. Her hindbrain wanted to stop, to rest her muscles and catch her breath. But Kyla knew from experience, that she's never catch her breath just standing up. Standing itself was a drain on her stamina, so she willed the pain down and pushed on.

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>>12 these are amazing.
>>8889 Whats worse? Loud boyfriend or cheating husband? Enjoy your night yall
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Someone should write a story of an overbearing sister of hospitaller whose fat bod smushes into her patients as she treats them

Audio/story readings Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 05:33:21 No. 9759 [Reply]
Can't remember which board it was on, but a couple years ago there was a girl on this site who was doing audio readings of BBW image captions. Specifically I remember her doing this one and it had me diamonds. 1. Does anyone have the file saved or a link, if anyone remembers what I'm talking about? 2. Does anyone have anything similar? 3. General audio thread
I think I know who you’re talking about, they used a website with a green UI, where the files were hosted for 6 months and would then be removed. Their cover of the Zelda Saxxon story was legendary, but unless someone saved them the files are gone.
Bumping for the full "fit to slob gamer GF" audio by SICstories.

Weight gain ---> Partner Weight Loss Anonymous 02/09/2022 (Wed) 20:59:19 No. 3665 [Reply]
Looking for any stories where someone's weight gain and increased appetite leads to their partner losing weight, a very underrated niche in my opinion. An entire family or group of people losing weight also fits, no limits on how drastic the weight gain/loss can be, either. https://www.deviantart.com/expandingbellylover/art/SEB-AND-KAYLIE-Chapter-10-709379079 https://www.deviantart.com/expandingbellylover/art/Walker-s-Weight-Gain-Chapter-7-715914330 https://www.deviantart.com/expandingbellylover/art/My-tiny-feeder-684310412 https://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/threads/the-girl-next-door-chapters-1-6-by-dravenhawk-ssbbw-squashing-domination-sex.29455/
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I wish there was a name for this aspect of the fetish, that would make found stories like this easier :(
Contrast weight gain? I mean it fits in the name.
>>10010 it’s called roll reversal
Pla Share more
Hello, I was the author of "Beafeedee Buffet" and posted a "Feeder Demoness" chat on deviantart for those of you who remember. Anyway, for certain reasons I need to do things more anonymously but I will be posting full rewrites on pastebin plus creating more of such content.

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Lets write a story Booger Buttpenis 02/09/2025 (Sun) 01:19:06 No. 10446 [Reply]
I have a Redquill account for the next few days and i'm out of scenarios to jerk off to. I figured that I might as well ask you degenerates to write a story with me. Open to ideas and suggestions. I'll flick the response back to you and we can go from there. This was actually sick if you had any niche kinks, it pretty much wrote about anything that wasn't too fucked. Scenarios i'm open to/ran out of ideas for: manipulation to gain weight, force to gain weight., etc. Got any fun ideas? Im open to almost anything, but no shit or piss, or any gay fantasy elf shit
>>10447 >Anonymous The blue light of Danny’s laptop screen cast an eerie glow across his face as he hunched over his desk. His fingers moved frantically across the keyboard, clicking and scrolling, searching for something he shouldn’t be. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of guilt and excitement bubbling just beneath the surface. One more video. Just one more. His eyes widened as he found it—a video titled Grandma Latina Seduces Her Son-in-Law. He clicked play without hesitation. The moans started softly, barely audible, but they quickly grew louder. Danny leaned in closer, his breath quickening. He didn’t notice the creak of the bedroom door opening behind him. “Danny?” The voice was sharp, cutting through the sounds of the video like a knife. His wife, Rachel, stood in the doorway, her arms crossed and her expression a mix of confusion and disgust. Danny froze. His hand shot out to slam the laptop shut, but it was too late. The damage was done. “What the hell are you watching?” Rachel demanded, stepping into the room. Her voice was low, dangerous. Danny’s mind raced, searching for an excuse, any excuse, but he came up empty. “Rachel, I can explain,” he stammered, his voice shaky. He turned to face her, his face flushed with embarrassment. “Explain what? That you’re watching porn? Or that it’s… grandma porn?” Her voice cracked on the last word, her disgust palpable. Danny’s stomach churned. He had been caught, and there was no way out. But worse than the embarrassment was the fear—fear that Rachel would connect the dots, that she would figure out the real reason he was watching this kind of porn.

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Buried genitalia/fat sex Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 23:40:39 No. 10444 [Reply]
Anyone have any good stories involving buried genitalia of any kinds? Be they fupas or fatpads? Or perhaps stories involving fat sex and the difficulties that come with that. I don’t really care if it’s MxM, FxF, or FxM. I prefer humans however and all the stories I’ve found are on Furaffinity and involve furries.

Greentext Threads Anonymous 02/21/2022 (Mon) 14:02:15 No. 3723 [Reply] [Last]
Whether it be from 4Chan or here, post your favorite Greentexts of fattening babes.
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>>10421 Mostly city scenery that i thought would make a sick photograph or wallpaper, i try to go for strange angles, but its hard because i cant bend nor rise my arms for long, but i manage im still barely coming back to it, but i honestly think ive still got it Dont think what i did could be considered gaining on purpouse, but.. >Be seriously big boned from the start >Bad eating habits >Get humilliation fetish one day >Somehow get into feederism shortly after >Still mostly dislike being fat, try multiple shitty diets and fail, get bigger >Make a fetish tumblr to roleplay and post pics with kinky captions during a period where i was blimping >Gain weight from giving up on dieting and eating whatever i wanted, and to make content for tumblr >Develop truly terrible eating habits >Sporadically binge eat and go outside wearing tight clothes because it made me horny >Keep sort of going back and forth with weight lost, succeeding some times, but then slowly gaining back and reaching new milestones every year >600lbs this year, 570 last. I still remember when i was all bummed out about reaching 500.

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>>10425 Have you tried using a selfie stick? Could help get those angles without the effort. Of course if you use an actual Camera it won't work - maybe there's something similar? Sorry to hear how stressful it's been. Some of that sounds so mortifying. >dang, i shouldve used the greentext format, otherwise this would be more of a /gen/ thing True, I don't really want to fill up the thread with a thousand questions for you. If you feel like adding me, my discord is worstwhims
>>10431 I dont think itd work well, because you cant see what you are taking a picture of, and if your hand shakes you are screwed . I struggle plenty with shakiness from my pulse and breath. And i think i would need to rise my arms eitherway, which beats the purpouse, the issue is my arms getting tired, and my clothes moving in compromising ways when i do raise my arms, can be kinda hawt but its not much fun if you are in a park or something anyway, sent fr
Sincerely hope this is real - you seem interesting to talk to. And I'd love to discuss your future in college. communistplaybot on Discord
>>10437 If you would like another person to chat with as well, gordon3437 on Discord. I am on when I can be so if you like to chat you can find me.

what erotic writers have stories available on kemono? 900 02/07/2025 (Fri) 20:36:28 No. 10442 [Reply]
I decided to just screenshot my favs Would love to see what accounts I've failed to become aware of.

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Loli Stories Thread: Lardy Lass Edition Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 15:45:43 No. 7833 [Reply] [Last]
Since the other thread is bump locked, here’s another one since the old thread is gonna get either buried or deleted. The other thread >>202
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Does anyone have the full Zoey series? It's gone from Pixiv
No it's not? Just search up "Miss Becca" and you can still find it. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/67396252 You probably can't see it because you're either not logged in or you need to switch your location to japan. Pretty sure the loli tag is banned everywhere else. I've got the stories saved for if they ever are fully taken down though.
>>10427 dude please just post them.
"Dude" they're literally not even deleted. They are STILL THERE on pixiv.
>>10433 I got that. after making an account, going through verification checks, hunting for the option to display 18+ content etc I was able to access it. If you had the story accessible as a document and tossed it up, that would have been appreciated. I don't know if that was too great a request, or you were simply more inclined to post your unhelpful condescension instead

Fat universe stories Anonymous 02/05/2020 (Wed) 11:09:10 No. 107 [Reply] [Last]
Stories where everyone in society is fat, or the norm of society is to be fat.
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Does anyone know the DeviantArt story where a girl wishes that the average weight was 20lbs heavier. By making the wish every woman around the world gets heavier by 20lbs trying to reach the new average weight. Can someone please type up the link.
>>9827 That is a paid story by CrudeAtoms
>>9827 >>9839 It's not a paid story. https://www.deviantart.com/crudeatoms/art/Bounded-gains-846945989
>>4358 >"you decided to hang out with your old co-captain while watching first a horror movie (it was a weird one, Slither)" I see what you did there, excellent choice OvO
https://www.deviantart.com/chubbers27/art/Hey-Girl-1149528600 https://www.deviantart.com/tmaximar/art/A-Week-of-Weight-1149430285 https://www.deviantart.com/chickenshack/art/Grappling-With-Gravity-Ch-1-1146000412

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Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 21:49:45 No. 10432 [Reply]
Any stories of someone getting a future reading and being told or shown they'll get fat, and then it coming true? A bit niche, so not expecting much, but I'll take anything.
>>10432 https://www.deviantart.com/shrubberylogistic/art/The-Number-of-the-Feast-819156985 I feel like this somewhat counts? Maybe?

Dimensions Archive Deleted Anonymous 01/03/2023 (Tue) 04:10:14 No. 5878 [Reply] [Last]
Welp it’s happened, the web archive link for the entire Dimensions Magazine library is gone. Is there another source floating around online? https://web.archive.org/web/20150124111715/http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/Weight_Room/stories.html
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>>7892 Can someone just attach a txt or png of the story to their post? I will finish the story, which I am dying to read, as a reward.
>>7609 Do you or anyone, has Special Diet by Karl?
Does anyone have the 3 part story of "More 2 Love, More 2 Gain" by Big Chris? I've looked everywhere and for the life of me cannot find the 3rd and final part.
Can someonr reup Tank Ass please

Slob stories Anonymous 02/14/2020 (Fri) 17:31:59 No. 156 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any good slob or weight gain with gas mixed in? I have one that is a high elf’s slow decent into becoming a huge messy slob. Don’t be afraid to post stories with scat or other disgusting bodily functions as slobs are usually gross and disgusting. https://www.deviantart.com/quantativeeesing/art/Dungeons-and-Slobs-Slob-Uglification-Kink-RP-755208614 Another slob story I found https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/art/A-Slob-Girl-s-Lover-587373303
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Here's a few stories I wrote that have slob elements in them. Wonder Woman: https://www.deviantart.com/persondudemanguy/art/Wonder-Woman-Uncle-J-s-Pudgy-Pies-Part-1-1026979989 Karlach: https://www.deviantart.com/persondudemanguy/art/Baldur-s-Gate-3-Infernal-Insulation-Part-1-1069487011 Vanessa (FNAF Security Breach): https://www.deviantart.com/persondudemanguy/art/Five-Bites-at-Freddy-s-Night-1-998454330
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Does anyone have these supposed Elsa stories (or any Frozen fanfics in general)? I'm assuming that anon meant this site by "the forbidden chan"
>>10257 It's old, but I remember it https://pastebin.com/n2zAqF4M
Some Slob GOATS: My New Roommate: https://thechangingmirror.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4895 Recent, Annabelle’s Alarms: https://www.deviantart.com/dartista1/art/Annabelle-s-Alarms-Part-One-1134708379 Marlene’s Diet Failure: https://www.deviantart.com/haxcall/art/Malene-s-Diet-Failure-595279511 A Summer of Slob: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/art/A-Summer-of-Slob-594341650 Courtney’s Weight Gain (shameless self plug): https://fantasyfeeder.com/weight-gain-stories/view/title/courtney%E2%80%99s+weight+gain/author/Longname12345 I’d also echo the pinned thread that I miss ‘Flabby Little Sister and would appreciate it if anybody has that saved. Cheers!
do you mean the story by kairuk- that's no longer online? Makes the hours I spend saving stories to word docs worthwhile I suppose. https://gofile.io/d/sYav29

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Weed/Drug related weight gain Anonymous 11/12/2023 (Sun) 09:15:10 No. 8063 [Reply]
I know theres a medicine related wg thread already but i figured this was adjacent but original enough to warrant a thread. Looking for stories of ladies gainkng weight from smoking pot or taking other kinda well known drugs. Ill drop what i can find here but figured it was worth a shot here, much appreciated! One about two cousins, not weed focused but it plays a heavy part in the gain: https://www.deviantart.com/tedruck/art/Porking-up-my-cousin-907097987
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Op here again, found another good one https://www.deviantart.com/tedruck/art/The-Taming-of-the-Step-daughter-992923804
There has to be more than ten fat girl stoner stories. Every other fat girl I meet IRL smokes at least semi-regularly, and the connection between smoking and over-eating is so obvious.
Likely AI slop, but there’s some in the middle of this story https://www.deviantart.com/weightgainlit/art/COMM-Big-Fat-Fraud-BBW-WG-Humiliation-1045703754
>>10401 I KNOW RIGHT?! As OP i thought maybe i wasnt looking hard enough and needed help to find diamonds in the rough but it really is that barren out here and for a drug that is so synonymous with eating too, it blows.
>>10402 Dawg anything helps in these trying times, its a nice story much appreciated
