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fungicide12's An Example for the Family? s 05/08/2021 (Sat) 07:50:16 No. 2229 [Reply]
Some dude in the lost story thread commented that he was looking for the story and wanted to finish it. I have one of the waybacks avaliable so yeah if you wanna comment with your deviantart or something so we can communciate quicker that'd be great. I had actually sent the author the plotline for chapters 4 and 5 as well so yeah itd be cool to see the story finished
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>>6955 I would change the final weight to 500 pounds, gaining only 20 pounds in a fraction of 7 months considering Ali's gluttony lifestyle doesn't feel like enough
>>6955 Hey! Thanks so much for posting the outline for the ending! It's nice to get some form of closure. Also, any idea if this was going to be split up into 2 chapters? I know it was supposed to be five chapters total for the series and Fung only ever published 3
>>3304 I’d love to see this story get continued somehow
Any news at all?

Cave farming community. Salt crackers 04/12/2024 (Fri) 19:34:47 No. 8753 [Reply]
Novels, manga, articles, and stories about vegan farming in vast cave structures. They use rain water collection, digging canals for crop irragation. Their society is a gentle friendly culture, bio diverse with several ethncies. People swim in the many underground lakes to obtain artifacts, design their clothing, having festive events. Pet hippos, dolphins, and seals are regularly seen walking through town. Earth's crust is 9 to 12 miles deep. This crust has large amounts of minerals, soil nutrients, metals, and raw materials. Enviromental friendly Industries, factories, agriculture, and cities can be built underground. Post stories featuring group of Bbw characters.
Is this code word for “I want fanfics about super fast characters who sweat rivers”?

Fantasy Setting Fantasy setting 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:00:39 No. 8525 [Reply]
A thread for stories based in a fantasy world with magic and stuff like that, here’s some pretty good ones https://www.deviantart.com/chubbygirls12/art/The-Dragon-s-Princess-Part-1-wg-941085892 https://www.deviantart.com/chubbygirls12/art/The-Ice-Dragon-Becomes-A-Snowball-Part-1-wg-1003534905
>>8525 Whoops https://www.deviantart.com/chubbygirls12/art/One-War-Pig-Elf-And-Her-Cute-Fairy-Part-1-wg-979310098
>>8525 https://www.deviantart.com/pixiepudge/art/Weight-in-gold-Harvesttide-1036658676 this one is set in a dnd universe. cant be more fantasy than that.

Commission Writers Wanted Anonymous 02/20/2020 (Thu) 21:33:50 No. 175 [Reply] [Last]
Figured I should make this thread as a way for people(like myself) to look for writers who are willing to offer their services for written story commissions. I didn’t see a thread up, so here it is. If any writers wish to offer their services go on ahead and post here on what you like to write, your rates, method of contact, etc. Pic semi related, as I used this for a preview image for a story I commissioned.
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>>7518 Woah sorry for the late reply. Can I be blunt? I had a...bad period after the house fire and I am still kinda in it where I started making REALLY fucked up content in terms of length/plot/etc. I noticed it too and I have been fighing with my brain when I write to try and pump out content. I like comedy/jokes/and making characters more than anything but I know I need to focus on making the fetishes/kinks even better. I hope my more recent stuff is doing it for you. I'm always looking for feedback both positive and negative. Should I focus on making shorter and more kink-focused crap like I have been trying recently with "grease Trap" and the clog? I feel like anything short of 5K words isn't good enough and I try to add a bunch of content because of that. I'd like to revisit Camp Boar one day and make it better. Maybe less dark...and more of a chill romance involving a summer fat camp turned into a pig farm. Not saying I DON'T like dark but I can't be a sicko 24/7. Gotta wash my mouth out.
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Hey there. I'm Houshin. I'm just a really regular guy. Trust me. As always, I'm here to make your fantasies come true. I'm an actual limitless writer. The only thing I will not do is toddlers (because i have an actual 7-8 year old sister and i do NOT want to write babies gaining weight ok), but I am willing to do anything. Words? Don't have a limit for them either. Kinks? Nothing either. I'm your guy if you want morbid shit like eroguro, scat, hyper, inflation, blueberry, pregnancy, muscles, and... Just anything like that. You can find my Comm info here: https://www.deviantart.com/houshinproject/journal/COMMISSIONS-ARE-OPEN-00-1013574177 And some samples: https://www.deviantart.com/houshinproject/art/COMM-Touya-s-Sweet-Card-Gluttony-1011217005 (12k word fanfic) https://www.deviantart.com/houshinproject/art/COMM-Kantai-Collection-Gluttony-Arc-1-4-1010170886 (Kantai Collection fanfic. This'll be a multipart stuff, probably writing a final part by myself if i don't get paid for more) https://www.deviantart.com/houshinproject/art/COMM-Erik-and-Pals-in-Mii-Get-Fat-opia-1009697034 (miitopia fic. this one had REALLY specific instructions, so i tried my best to understand them.)

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If anybody's still using this thread and opened to commissions, I'd be interested in working with a writer on a story. The catch is that it's weight gain combined with netorare - basically someone else surreptitiously being a feeder for the main character's girlfriend. I know NTR is pretty unpopular but if you'd be down, let me know. I've also got a second idea in the same vein but withtrainer and Pokemon, so in the rare case someone is willing to write WG, NTR, AND furry/Pokemon then I'd be very eager to work with you. If you're open, the basic pitches are >Guy has a gf who's a skinny nerdy waif, but she meets this jerk of a guy at a diner who berates her for not being fat. Leads to her going there and being served increasingly larger meals as she gets fatter until she goes even further and lets him feed her at his house. The boyfriend finds out but the girl convinces him to let her keep going, even recording a feeding session for him to watch. The big ending is the girl in a group feeding session with the jerk and his friends while the guy watches. Pokemon story is >Guy is a really skilled by-the-book trainer who's very close to his Delphox, but doesn't compete in gym battles. His lazy friend asks to borrow her to travel around to gyms, and the guy agrees. Over the course of the story he sees the guys posts on social media as he travels around, and he's clearly partying it up instead of taking things seriously. The guy comes back to town a few times, and each time the Delphox is fatter and acting closer to the guy. By the last time he visits, Delphox is very fat and all over the guy (since he's more fun,) and the guy sheepishly asks Delphox's owner to trade. The trainer pleads with Delphox and agrees to allow her to give up training and stay fat, and her love of her original trainer overcomes her pleasure seeking, so the other guy agrees to let him have her back. We can work together on fleshing out the stories, of course. If either of these sound up your ally, we can talk on discord, via email, or over DA. I do prefer to pay by PayPal unless that's not an option for you. Thanks for your consideration!
Looking for a writer that can write a story or create a base for a AI model for rp,I'm looking for specific anime or game that have been watched or played like One piece Kemono friends RoR Highschool dxd Black clover Genshin impact Darkstalker Skullgirls , For the ai base one, price can be negotiated
>>3030 I can write something for just 20 bucks if thats ok.

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Fit to Burst Anonymous 10/27/2020 (Tue) 22:00:29 No. 1285 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for some good stories about fatties eating or getting stuffed until they explode, or are at least implied to I'll start with a few favorites: https://www.deviantart.com/mcoddles/art/Daphne-wins-a-prize-56800946 https://www.deviantart.com/spratfa/art/Meeting-Her-End-165116866 https://www.deviantart.com/someoneinflative/art/A-Fattening-Flirt-831085339
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>>1285 General burst thread or should we seperate fat from inflation?
I vote general burst if it keeps the thread alive
https://www.deviantart.com/sourwaffleprincess/art/Diplomatic-Hospitality-Part-1-949870717 https://www.deviantart.com/sourwaffleprincess/art/Diplomatic-Hospitality-Part-2-949884295
Corngammer11 has a couple of stories with bursting. https://www.deviantart.com/corngamer11/art/Massive-by-Moonlight-3-3-STUFFING-WG-BURSTING-984567499

Binge Queens Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 06:12:44 No. 8673 [Reply]
can someone help me track down a story from forever ago. I think it was called binge queens. essentially it was about 2 women who were friends with a guy and they kept trying to stuff themselves to get with him.
Author is InvizKing. Four parts. See bbw.wiki/stories
>>8678 thank you!

SGA Audio stories sga audio seeker 01/06/2023 (Fri) 19:09:11 No. 5914 [Reply]
was wondering if anyone had any of the SGA audio WG stories for free anywhere. the one I bought was really good but I want more and they're kind of pricey to drop money on when you're not going to be sure if you're into it or not. doent have to be the audio could also just be the scripts. https://mega.nz/folder/Oo8hSLID#KbuCYGeNmeGMH5ZTX7Y7Mw
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permanent link?
>>8646 Got that smokey rib you requested yeah you know. Now youre in love
>>8646 Changed the locks hell yeah. Sqautters think they own the place 😜
Maybe old, but can you reup?

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feedees in charge Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 04:29:22 No. 8605 [Reply]
suddenly had the thought of dom/yandere feedees where they're in charge or take control of the feeder unlike the usual opposite. I know they're probably hard to come by but any would do
Seconding this
>>8605 Thirding this
fourthing this

Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 22:49:54 No. 8640 [Reply]
Story/advice post Talking to my gf about how to spice up our sex life and she’s mentioned that she’s always wanted to have a threesome with two guys. Idk how I feel about that. Crazy part is she told me her biggest fantasy is me watching her get fucked. Again idk how to feel about that I’m not really into that but would like to keep our sex life fun. What should I do?
>>8640 It’s over dawg lmao you have to break up
Uv-c kills covid 19

Wonka-themed stories Anonymous 08/12/2022 (Fri) 03:17:52 No. 4714 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got Wonka-based stories? Or ideas for ones?
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>>7167 Damn its been a while. I'm honestly surprised the thread is still still. >Just curious, though, how much you wanna see Violet put through the ringer as you put it No real hardcore preference. Honestly I'm just desperate for some good Violet content at this point. Though unwilling growing and some humiliation is always good. >I've kinda been getting into darker, more masochistic bad endings with Violet and turning into a blueberry/the aftermath of it Oh? You've peaked my interest.
>>8547 Does anyone have any stories where Violet is still bloated after being juiced (like in the picture) and have her struggling with her new, permanently waterlogged state?
I don't suppose anyone's written a piece on Glasgow's Willy's chocolate experience yet?
>>8563 That would be more of a cuck fetish.
>>7142 really hoping for a follow up on this. also, source on that image? one of the best I've ever seen!

Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 03:57:52 No. 5532 [Reply]
This is a bit of a niche genre, with a touch of the macabre. I'm interested in stories where a guy or a girl is being fattened up to, A: be eaten, B: eating contest, or C: just a bet where she needs to eat a lot of food. The circumstances don't matter; it can be as realistic or as fantastical as you like. It can also end as happily or sadly as you like. I love stories where the guy or girl escapes at the end, and avoids being eaten. But I'd also love stories where they win, or don't escape, and dinner is served.
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VeryFilthyThing does some great work in this field, though it's mostly food tf
A story I’ve recently been thinking about, an adventurer ends up investigating a dungeon and ends up finding the dungeons boss (it could be a fae, dragon or something else) and the adventurer is rewarded with death but is given two options. To die by eating herself to death or die by being force fed to death. If she chooses the former, she’ll return to society but it her goal to eat herself to death, be it by being unhealthy or choking. If she chooses the latter, she’ll experience extreme pleasure unheard of before but her time on earth would be shorter
>>8492 I really like that idea. It would be cool if it was a split narrative too, with one beginning that spins into two separate stories where she picks one of the two
Keep 'em coming
Has there been any news on the Desmond series?

Comics and Illustrated stories Comics 03/19/2024 (Tue) 04:37:53 No. 8627 [Reply]
Hey, if people want, since 8Muses forums are gone, I could start posting the comics and stories I've collected, unless someone knows a better place to post em?

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When you’re in the middle of writing a story and need some feedback on how to finish. Writer’s Block 03/18/2024 (Mon) 04:35:07 No. 8617 [Reply]
I was in the middle/beginning of the end of my WG short story when I suddenly lost the drive to know how to end it, wondering if anyone could help?
Sure, how should we contact you?

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Nowaya stories thread Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 18:52:17 No. 5536 [Reply]
Nowaya made a post recently and it seems he will be quiting, i'd like to archieve his stories but im not sure how to exactly also it seems there are a few missing ones, so if anyone got those it'd be cool
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oh fuck it, here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Zva9CRFe7v5x2BDlvqPtBqginR-GWxPk?usp=drive_link
>>8600 I'm assuming you're Nowaya? Thanks a lot man.
>>8601 Honestly, I'm surprised anyone gave a damn about me deleting. I turned on my old computer for the first time in two years and was still logged in somehow. It wouldn't let me log in from anywhere else and I figured the account was toast, so I deleted dA and moved on. I'm posting this as a bone to the community, I guess, but this is really, truly, the last time you'll hear from me. I wasn't lying in the dA journal when I said I wasn't into lolis anymore - I was underaged myself when I wrote most of my work (13 when I wrote my first thing ever, 15 when I started OSC) and growing up changed me a lot. If I ever do write anything in the future (unlikely, given how lazy I am) I want it to be a fresh start. Nowaya (the online identity) is dead. I'm not going to log into that Google account again, so that folder will work until Google auto-deletes the account for inactivity in a few years. Thank you all for enjoying my stories. I may not enjoy them myself anymore, but that means a lot to me. I hope you all have a good one.
>>8608 Oh, also, there's some stuff in there I never ended up publishing at all - mostly half-finished ideas, but one or two completed works as well. If anyone feels like completing or riffing off of them, feel free. I really don't mind.
>>8608 I just wanted to say, you are a pretty damn good writer. Thanks for all the stories you wrote. See ya when we see ya.

Love Live! Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 10:45:02 No. 8562 [Reply]
Any Love Live Wg fics here?
https://www.deviantart.com/homerun153 most of their work is related to love live
