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She is in Deviantart and patreon Caliwriting /cali93 11/02/2024 (Sat) 13:00:28 No. 9943 [Reply]
Does any of you have her patreon and share her stories in here, Thank you

Weight gain ---> Partner Weight Loss Anonymous 02/09/2022 (Wed) 20:59:19 No. 3665 [Reply]
Looking for any stories where someone's weight gain and increased appetite leads to their partner losing weight, a very underrated niche in my opinion. An entire family or group of people losing weight also fits, no limits on how drastic the weight gain/loss can be, either. https://www.deviantart.com/expandingbellylover/art/SEB-AND-KAYLIE-Chapter-10-709379079 https://www.deviantart.com/expandingbellylover/art/Walker-s-Weight-Gain-Chapter-7-715914330 https://www.deviantart.com/expandingbellylover/art/My-tiny-feeder-684310412 https://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/threads/the-girl-next-door-chapters-1-6-by-dravenhawk-ssbbw-squashing-domination-sex.29455/
29 posts omitted.
I wish there was a name for this aspect of the fetish, that would make found stories like this easier :(
Contrast weight gain? I mean it fits in the name.
>>10010 it’s called roll reversal

Looking for writers Fatty Piece 10/22/2024 (Tue) 01:29:02 No. 9887 [Reply]
I'm looking for someone to help write a sequel to this story, snakebit canceled the story,I spoke to him and he authorized the works https://archiveofourown.org/works/8316382 Preferably someone who loves one piece
Come on, there's no one here who likes One Piece?
Fatty piece is really a good project

Fat universe stories Anonymous 02/05/2020 (Wed) 11:09:10 No. 107 [Reply] [Last]
Stories where everyone in society is fat, or the norm of society is to be fat.
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My first story I made. It’s about a growing job called OnlyFats, basically onlyfans to a point. While it doesn’t highlight everyoje being fat you can tell that more and more people are indulging in being fat for money. Includes Slob elements MxF mutual gain and immobility at the end. Let me know what you guys think because I want to try and become a writer. (This does not reflect my best work.) https://www.deviantart.com/piggiestprince/art/My-Huge-Roll-Model-Mutual-gain-MxF-Slob-1105912361
Does anyone know the DeviantArt story where a girl wishes that the average weight was 20lbs heavier. By making the wish every woman around the world gets heavier by 20lbs trying to reach the new average weight. Can someone please type up the link.
>>9827 That is a paid story by CrudeAtoms
>>9827 >>9839 It's not a paid story. https://www.deviantart.com/crudeatoms/art/Bounded-gains-846945989
>>4358 >"you decided to hang out with your old co-captain while watching first a horror movie (it was a weird one, Slither)" I see what you did there, excellent choice OvO

Role Reversal Anonymous 02/07/2021 (Sun) 05:16:23 No. 1771 [Reply]
Looking for stories where the "thin" girl suddenly gets fat. Preferably stories where there is a chubby girl as well in the story. Extreme weight gain also preferred, but not a must.
11 posts and 1 image omitted.
This thread needs to come back
Check these out: https://www.deviantart.com/snr6424/art/Backfired-Part-1-FWG-178432139 https://www.deviantart.com/ladderwall/art/Lisa-and-Amy-Prologue-And-Chapters-1-3-497902973
anything new?? massive turn on for me, huge interest in this type of literacy.
>>9882 https://www.deviantart.com/mistermahi/art/Field-Day-1095362739
>>9882 Hey guys, I have read this story recently https://www.deviantart.com/bswriter/art/Fit-Friend-Fat-Friend-WG-Role-Reversal-1074080292 wrote by BS Writer and I loved it. The only problem is that the remaing part of this story and its spin-off "Sam the Ham poundering about her pigginess are on the Patreon of the write. So, to sum up, can someone share them if it is possible, please?

Dimensions Archive Deleted Anonymous 01/03/2023 (Tue) 04:10:14 No. 5878 [Reply] [Last]
Welp it’s happened, the web archive link for the entire Dimensions Magazine library is gone. Is there another source floating around online? https://web.archive.org/web/20150124111715/http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/Weight_Room/stories.html
51 posts and 8 images omitted.
>>7580 Just want to say how thankful I am to whoever manages that wiki and the corresponding archive. Even the so-called "sloppy wget" was an act of true heroism. A few months ago when I saw the Weight Room get scrubbed off the Wayback Machine I did some research into how a website could lose its internet archive. Outside of things overtly criminal, the manager of the web domain is the only one who can issue a request that their website be exempt from the archive.org crawler. For posterity's sake, literally, I can't fathom why this is even an option, given the ephemeral state of the internet, but them's the legal breaks. But knowing that the domain name holder is responsible for its removal makes me seethe. It was a true betrayal. I'd never thought to look here, so thanks again.You're the best.
Anybody happen to have Sarah's big change saved anywhere?
>>7892 Can someone just attach a txt or png of the story to their post? I will finish the story, which I am dying to read, as a reward.
>>7609 Do you or anyone, has Special Diet by Karl?
Does anyone have the 3 part story of "More 2 Love, More 2 Gain" by Big Chris? I've looked everywhere and for the life of me cannot find the 3rd and final part.

finding story Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 15:56:13 No. 9932 [Reply]
hey, shot in the dark but i'm looking for a story that I read on deviant art a while ago. it's about a mother encouraging her daughter to eat and there's this part where they are at a denny's or something and she keeps getting her daughter to eat. any leads to where this might be?

Endgame: massive blob Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 22:37:59 No. 9922 [Reply]
Anyone else love slow-ish burn stories where a woman ends up a massive immobile blob, cut off from the outside world, living only to eat? Examples I can think of are Louise from Growing Desires’ Epidemic Weight Gain series, or this story from Springbokkx: https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Create-Weekly-Weigh-In-3-Immobile-XWG-1012077533

STORY MAKING REQUEST Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 09:00:23 No. 9911 [Reply]
could someone made a story based on this prompt "A vulgar angry white haired swordswoman gets defeated and stuck in an arctic facility and then decide to work as a mercenary in day and a breeding stock at night in the high tech futuristic facility so that she could come back to her home"
>>9911 You could always just make it yourself using ai.

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Stories in polish Anonymous 01/27/2021 (Wed) 18:20:33 No. 1705 [Reply] [Last]
Zważając na to, że jest temat z historiami po rosyjsku, to ma ktoś jakieś historie po polsku? Nie musi być weight gain, breast i ass expansion też pasuje. Jak ktoś ma stronę z takimi opowiadaniami, to niech też zapostuje.
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Nowy link.
POLSKA GUROM Macie opowiadanie. https://www.wattpad.com/1464439782-opowiadania-na-zam%C3%B3wienie-wsp%C3%B3%C5%82lokatorki-feederism
Uszanowanko, jeśli jeszcze ktoś tu zagląda, to podesłał by link do tej grupy na discordzie?
>>9866 Dalej takie same jak na zdjęciu powyżej https://discord.gg/w9ZuNh4Dxn

Audio/story readings Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 05:33:21 No. 9759 [Reply]
Can't remember which board it was on, but a couple years ago there was a girl on this site who was doing audio readings of BBW image captions. Specifically I remember her doing this one and it had me diamonds. 1. Does anyone have the file saved or a link, if anyone remembers what I'm talking about? 2. Does anyone have anything similar? 3. General audio thread
I think I know who you’re talking about, they used a website with a green UI, where the files were hosted for 6 months and would then be removed. Their cover of the Zelda Saxxon story was legendary, but unless someone saved them the files are gone.
Bumping for the full "fit to slob gamer GF" audio by SICstories.

Time travel/Reality Alteration 10/24/2024 (Thu) 23:30:17 No. 9897 [Reply]
I have been looking for stories like this for a while and im pretty sure im not the only one
Fuck i put the title in the wrong place

Massively obese POV stories Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 16:21:38 No. 4686 [Reply]
Does anyone have any stories told from the perspective of a hugely obese or immobile BBW talking about what it's like to be such a size? Like dealing with their appetite and the 1000+ pounds of fat on their body
7 posts omitted.
Here’s a sad one https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45940353/ It’s part of an episodic series
>>5645 Could you copypaste it here?
https://www.deviantart.com/stc9892/art/Mel-Lays-Down-SSBBW-XWG-866482839 This one's very good, as is this author's standard.
Does anyone have this sequence of images?

Weight gain as body horror Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 03:34:42 No. 9889 [Reply]
It's spooky month, so let's have a thread about weight gain as body horror. I'm not talking about stories with magic weight gain in a horror setting, I'm talking about stories that treat supernatural weight gain as something monstrous and scary. https://www.deviantart.com/theshadowzedge/art/Bathroom-Stuckage-Massive-WG-620944042
Happens late in the story but fits the bill: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/The-Birthday-Party-708089810 Longer story, late payoff as well, hopefully worth it: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/This-Little-1-of-3-814483497

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T.F. Wright Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 23:49:03 No. 9886 [Reply]
Anyone have some of his stuff
