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Quarantine Stories 09/21/2023 (Thu) 19:18:46 No. 7804 [Reply]
Looking for story where people gain weight in quarantine, covid or something else. Here's couple stories to start https://www.deviantart.com/madelinemaple/art/Quarantine-Genes-869529232 https://www.deviantart.com/mcoddles/art/Back-at-the-Office-teaser-967888807
https://www.deviantart.com/crudeatoms/art/Quaran-ton-886136252 7 parts, starts small but reaches total blob sizes.
Holy shit sauce on pic?

Bratty Fatties Anonymous 06/04/2022 (Sat) 16:56:59 No. 4257 [Reply]
Stories about extremely fat girls who have been given everything growing up so they have become extremely bratty and spoiled bitches. Bonus: there once was an author on Deviantart who wrote many stories like these but I can’t seem to find them
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Check out "emilee's just desserts" on devaintart although the story hasn't been updated in over 2 years
Been thinking a while about a story where a bratty fatty keeps gaining weight and evntually becomes reliant on her mobility scooter. At some point she gets into a situation where the thing malfunctions and she's stranded. There's some emergency where she has to make a move but can't.
>>7311 Fatties in peril is always a good story premise
Silver Pathfinder has alot of fatties in peril stories
Stumbled across this one which kind of fits the bill, features a spoiled brat fatty, though it's more of a plot-driven story: https://www.deviantart.com/bratwurstguy/art/Support-Local-Businesses-968965670

Loli thread (New funky mode) Anonymous 02/24/2020 (Mon) 02:01:53 No. 202 [Reply] [Last]
Since the first thread got wiped in the double thanks snap on the site and no one seems to have bothered recreating the loli thread, we can post loli stories here again. Hurrah!
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>>6500 Can anybody here re-upload the Nowaya archive, please? Anonfiles is dead.
Does anyone have the big baby lilo story I can't find it in the archive on Google drive
Door has been planted
>>7504 I double this

Where do I find a writer? Anonymous 08/06/2021 (Fri) 21:05:09 No. 2725 [Reply]
Where can I find someone to write a short introduction, or a very short (short) story for me? Please recommend a site, or sub-reddit or anything... I've got some pics to go with the stories in need.
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Hey, does anyone want any ideas?
One idea could be to finish Fairmeadow Campus Capers https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=7729
Hey guys, I am looking for a wholesome skyrim story. Anyone willing to take it?
Where do you go to suggest an improved layout? I've been to many image boards and you know how a chan must look like.
try the discord server writing-commissions

Post stories written in the second person, where “you” are the one being fed (you feeding someone is also alright). Second Person POV Stories 11/05/2022 (Sat) 16:14:20 No. 5406 [Reply]
Looking for second person stories. Theres a lot out there but im betting theres stuff i havent seem yet: Stuff sort of like this is good: https://www.deviantart.com/hungrygaydragon/art/Everyone-s-Feeding-You-914913988
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>>7458 This story is pretty good. When you say you have some ideas for a darker follow-up story, what were you thinking about? I was personally imagining a story where she falls down, injures her leg, and is unable to get off the floor.
>>7478 I'm not sure exactly how far I want to take it. There will definitely be a focus on Madeleine's mobility struggles. But I don't know if I want to leave it at that or go even further with health issues.
>>7478 Oh yeah, and thanks for reading by the way! I'm glad you liked the story.
https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Sheena-484930901 I used second person POV in Sheena, yjen I continued it with its sequel Rebecca (TW, https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Rebecca-https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Rebecca-Part-2-734986312 -1-734984781/scat)https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Rebecca-Part-3-734988201https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Rebecca-Final-734988729 There's also an on going spin off called Samantha is also Second Person, to carry on the theme.
>>7458 I'm back with two sequels to this story. It was originally going to be one, but the third part gets pretty dark and I figured I was better off keeping it separate. Let me know what you think! https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Your-New-Roommate-Chapter-2-XWG-Immobile-973357945 https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Your-New-Roommate-Chapter-3-XWG-Health-Issues-973358674

Fat stories turned genuinely good/funny Anonymous 06/10/2022 (Fri) 08:14:06 No. 4294 [Reply]
Alright I’ve never experienced this before but I stumbled across this story on a website I’ve never seen before. First bit is generic gaining stuff, but about 1/2 way through it becomes extremely self aware and pretty damn funny. Boner honestly kinda gone but interest certainly piqued. Anyone else have stories like this? Seriously, read this old ass story, kinda good tho. https://fiction.live/stories/Monster-Girl-Weight-Gain-Expansion-Quest/9ypLctGrwpirQnsin/home
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>>4309 Second vote of confidence for both Apostles and Some Bullshit. Though it would be a good idea to wait. The finale of Some Bullshit is coming out soon, and Apostles has a new update that is supposed to be coming this month or ealy next.
It's not Shakespeare, but it got a few chuckles out of me and actually reminded me of the antics of Dragon Maid https://www.deviantart.com/the-sleepy-boi/art/Kobayashis-grand-plan-Dragon-Maid-WG-story-911706070
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37161559 This is BHM but it's compelling. It even made me cry at the end.
>>6357 What the fuck is this story, most schizophrenic thing I have ever read from this site.

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Poems and song lyrics. Poems and song lyrics. 06/14/2023 (Wed) 19:36:45 No. 7275 [Reply]
Post your poems and song lyrics here.
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The Plight of Being a Bunny Blob We blobby buns are lots of fun We're made to squish and squeeze We can't escape, can't hop or run Just sit there while we're teased We're sensitive and very soft As everybody knows Our blubberrumps have lots of loft Our blushy cheeks, they glow Everyone who gathers 'round They love to poke and tickle Hear our gurgling belly sounds As our blubber bodies jiggle

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Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum In my tum, tum tum Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum In my tum, tum, tum “That isn’t how it’s supposed to sound,” commented Clawhauser, but he despite this change, he was getting drawn into the lyrics like it was a siren’s call. He approached the edge of the stage, his eyes were glued to Gazelle as she danced, her obese body jiggled mesmerically and it was all the more tantalizing as she gazed right back at him. I’m hungry tonight, I’m gonna get a bite I’ll just eat till I’m big and fat again I keep gaining more, till my gut touches the floor I always have room left to have dessert Clawhauser hung onto every word that Gazelle sang, despite what she was singing. He got even more into it as she approached him and brought a donut to his maw. Like a pet being given a treat, he opened his maw and bit down on it. Then with his paws, he pushed it into his mouth as he munched it up happily. His tail twisted, making the shape of a heart as he felt the greatest bliss of love he ever felt before.

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Peter “Proud Rear” Horton the Lion: Welcome, folks, to the Phew Crew! We’ve been waiting to fart with you! It’s all about passing gas, And having yourself a blast! Butte the Liger: It is a furry fart coalition Our furry fart tradition Now bend over and begin your ignition! John McDeuce the Fox: Whether you find farts funny Wolf “Stinky Fang” One-Man: Or rather find it real kinky Gaz te Tasmanian Devil: No matter what within our gut It’s fun to be stinky! Yeah! Derri Ere Fartman the Skunk: Flatulence is quite classy

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You know what would be the shit? What ff we had our own island, man? Lets trip in the sun (repeat) Violent J: I got my toes in the sand watchin' hoes play volleyball. It's summer time and I'm feeling jolly y'all. Food on the fire boats in the water and takin' time off from my serial slaughtern.Here for the weekend me and these friends sunny sunshine and blue blue skies never end. There's a mermaid wavin' me to come in, underwater on my balls she's hummin'. Smokin' on a phat one we come to have fun. I got my dick in your hot dog bun.pouring out shots for everybody that's sippin' let's get loose now skinny dippin'. Don't hate me cause the speedo I'm wearin' got your girlfriend stairin'. We out here, sky's so clear, ice cold beer, sun tan topless b!tch come over here. Chorus: (Get up y'all) On Juggalo Island we can be one. Let our nuts hang by the water. On Juggalo Island we can have fun. We can let go by the water. Shaggy: Bang! Pow! Boom!, sunny like high noon met some Lettes and they all comin' over soon. Have a louah I'm getting blew out come over here if you ever get threw out. We gotta place for ya, never will ignore ya. Gotta hot plate and a drink we gonna pour ya. Corpse on the grill plays on the one two and around here the dead have fun too. Stiffs in the water float and we see you doing flips in the air on a sea-do. No cops unless they pourin' out shots unless you're helping us smoke these crops. Surfin' on the big, one havin' big fun, f__kin' with a big fat one under the sun. Lettin' them hang doing our thang listen to them up and down the beach everybody sing. Chorus.

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These (original) songs appear in a story I wrote, The Big Bird (https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/The-Big-Bird-1-912433051). They're performed in chapters 1 and 9 by an all-BBW punk trio called Queens of the Midway and I'm embarrassingly proud of them: "Hidewaway Hefty" You tell me that I’m beautiful, you tell me that I’m hot You do me in your living room with everything you’ve got We order in a pizza and I eat the whole pie But when you keep me hidden, boy, you know I wanna die You call me over baby for a Netflix and chill But all I’m thinkin’ is I think I think I’ve had my fill I wanna drink, I wanna dance, I wanna paint the town red But you wanna stay home ’cause you won’t be caught dead WITH A FAT GIRL! I’m your hideaway hefty, you’re a closet FA

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Stories which are similar to this episode Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 15:37:45 No. 6884 [Reply]
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>>6884 anyone know what season/episode# this is? I need to lookup the whole segment not just 1minute clip
>>6951 https://www.metacritic.com/tv/bridezillas/season-6/episode-2-christina-ibendahl-valerie-nieto
https://youtu.be/M1bvjJXcI6Q?t=158 Chick has a full on meltdown when her gown doesn't fit and blames the store. Measurements show she gained 6 inches around her waist....thats a good 40-50 lbs
>>6951 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcR36PK2z2g

Non-Fetish books. fetish-content in 02/01/2023 (Wed) 01:32:13 No. 6235 [Reply]
I was reading Princess Bride and in the first chapter there was a French maid that was catching the attention of the duke. The duchess found out that the maid couldn't help herself around sweets and filled the castle with them. The maid gorged herself full of so much food that she practically became a walking blimp. I was wondering if there was any more out there.
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>>6905 >>6905 Oh shit — I forgot all about this one, though it made a huge impact on my 12yo self. Short descriptions but juicy: "I deleted him," he muttered, and went upstairs to meet her in the kitchen. Lina was fatter. He had sent a woman off to bingo who weighed a hundred and eighty pounds or so. The woman who came back in weighed at least three hundred, perhaps more; she had to twist slightly sideways to get in through the back door. Elephantine hips and thighs rippled in tidal motions beneath polyester slacks the color of overripe green olives. Her skin, merely sallow three hours ago, was now sickly and pale. Although he was no doctor, Richard thought he cold read serious liver damage or incipient heart disease in that skin. Her heavy-lidded eyes regarded Richard with a steady, even contempt. She was carrying the frozen corpse of a huge turkey in one of her flabby hands. It twisted and turned within its cellophane wrapper like the body of a bizarre suicide. "What are you staring at, Richard?" she asked. You, Lina. I'm staring at you. Because this is how you turned out in a world where we had no children. This is how you turned out in a world where there was no object for your love -- poisoned as your love might be. This is how Lina looks in a world where everything comes in and nothing at all goes out. You, Lina. That's what I'm staring at. You. "That bird, Lina," he managed finally. "That's one of the biggest damn turkeys I've ever seen." "Well don't just stand there looking at it, idiot! Help me with it!"

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Not exact a book, but the life of Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel is based a fat fetish story in real life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_Christine_of_Brunswick-Wolfenb%C3%BCttel >After this, the court doctors prescribed a rich diet to increase her fertility, which made her so fat that she became unable to walk, experienced breathing problems, insomnia and dropsy and had to be lowered into her chairs by a specially constructed machine. Picrel is the actual wheelchair she used after she got too fat to walk
From "Reaper's Gale" by Steven Erikson, a fantasy novel featuring a character wearing a magical disguise that makes her appear very fat. “The woman – sudden centre of attention with most conversations falling away – seemed for all her impressive girth to glide as she moved between the blessedly widely spaced tables, and in her dark violet eyes there gleamed a sultry confidence so at odds with her ungainly proportions that Tehol felt an alarming stir in his groin and sweat prickled in enough manly places to make him shift uneasily in his chair, all thoughts of the meal on the plate before him torn away like so many clothes.” “He did not believe it possible that flesh could move in as many directions all at once, every swell beneath the silk seemingly possessed of corporeal independence, yet advancing in a singular chorus of overt sexuality. Her shadow engulfing him, Tehol loosed a small whimper, struggling to drag his eyes up, past the stacked folds of her belly, past the impossibly high, bulging, grainsack-sized breasts – lost for a moment in that depthless cleavage – then, with heroic will, yet higher to the smooth udder beneath her chin; higher still, neck straining, to that so round face with its broad, painted, purple lips – higher – Errant help me – to those delicious, knowing eyes.” It's so vividly written it almost seems like the author could have this fetish. Later in the book the character talks about how much she enjoys wearing the fat lady disguise and how she might just gain the weight for real. " In a secret chamber – what had once been a tomb of some kind – Ormly, the Champion Rat Catcher, sat down opposite an enormously fat woman. He scowled. ‘You don’t need that down here, Rucket.’ ‘True,’ she replied, ‘but I’ve grown used to it. You would not believe the power being huge engenders. The intimidation. You know, when things finally get better and there’s plenty of food to be had again, I’m thinking of doing this for real.” "
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Not literature but a published third party dungeons and dragons adventure. Hard to believe this actually happened.

Fatty Fluff/Romance Anonymous 02/28/2023 (Tue) 21:54:40 No. 6522 [Reply]
Looking for stories with emphasis on cuddling, romance, and comfort. There can be saucier stuff too, but that's the most important part. An especially good plot would be for a calm and cool feeder comforting their feedee who either needs them to help them move or can't move on their own at all.
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>>6522 https://archiveofourown.org/works/36715729/chapters/91589437 all of byutane's stuff is really good (FFA/BHM). my absolute favourite is katzchen https://archiveofourown.org/works/36715579/chapters/91589116 but its currently unfinished and looking to stay that way, praying every day that she updates it
This might fit what y'all are looking for. https://www.deviantart.com/inanissins/art/Daddy-Dom-Growing-Girl-943862486
>>6565 Glorious, lovely!!! Sad they haven't updated in a while.
This story might have some elements you're looking for. Feedee and her feeder have to talk about how to proceed when confronted with her gain. https://www.deviantart.com/marorbust/art/The-Talk-Part-1-955179793
Check out "Roll change" on dimensions although half of the story is missing

AI Generated Stories 03/15/2023 (Wed) 05:08:19 No. 6702 [Reply]
Most of the AI's out there struggle with weight gain content, but the new Alpaca model has a great demo that seems to have way lower restrictions than ChatGPT and Bing Chat https://alpaca-ai-custom2.ngrok.io/
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And this: Mary was a gluttonous and very fat woman who lived in a small town. She ate all the time, never stopping to even take a breath. Her stomach was always growling and her hunger was never quenched. She ate until she was stuffed and then some, often going back for seconds and thirds. One day, Mary ate too much and suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She doubled over in agony, grabbing her stomach as it grew larger and larger. She could feel herself getting taller and fatter as her stomach swelled outwards, stretching her skin and forcing her to the ground. The townspeople came to see what had happened and gasped in horror as they watched Mary balloon in size. They tried to help but all they could do was watch as Mary continued to grow until she was the size of a small house. The townspeople had to find a way to save her, but all they could do was stand and watch as Mary slowly burst. When she was finally gone, all that was left was a small pile of dust. Moral of the story: Eat too much and you will end up like Mary, a fat and gluttonous woman who burst from overeating.
I had some pretty epic 4+ hour AI sessions today, I just copied the text to notepad, where should I upload the text? I think I got autobanned for linking to a text upload site.
>>6764 You can directly upload text files to this site.
Been playing with carefully manipulating chatgpt to produce erotic weight gain fiction and got this: Foxy Roxxie lay on her massive bed, her body covered in layers upon layers of luscious lard and blubber. Her immense belly stretched out before her, reaching towards the floor as it heaved with every breath. She watched as the monitor displayed her ever-increasing weight, the number climbing higher and higher with each passing moment. Her arousal grew with each pound that was added to her already colossal frame, and she found herself unable to resist the urge to touch herself. But as she reached down, her hand was met with a wall of flesh that had grown so thick that she could no longer reach her own sex. Despite this, Foxy was determined to find release, and so she continued to watch the monitor as her weight skyrocketed. At last, the number on the screen reached her highest recorded weight yet: 2000 pounds. As she reached this mind-blowing size, Foxy's body quivered and shook with pleasure, her massive thighs and belly wobbling and jiggling with each wave of ecstasy. She moaned and gasped as her body continued to grow and expand, her skin stretched to the limit with the sheer amount of fat she had accumulated. Finally, she could take no more, and with a shuddering breath, Foxy came with such force that she felt as though she were going to explode. Her entire body shook with the intensity of the orgasm, and she could feel every inch of her massive form quivering with pleasure. As she lay there, panting and gasping for breath, Foxy knew that she was now completely and utterly addicted to the sensation of growing larger and fatter. And so she would continue to gorge herself on the rich, decadent foods that had brought her to this size, reveling in the pleasure and bliss of her immense body.
>>6702 I think the AI is down

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Stories in spanish Anonymous 05/21/2022 (Sat) 22:22:17 No. 4177 [Reply]
Si los polacos tienen un thread, nosotros (la tercera lengua más hablada del mundo) deberíamos tener uno también. Veo muchos comentarios en español en este sitio así que asumo que habrá gente entendida. Lo ideal sería recopilar algunas historias, cuentos, novelas, cómics, todo en castellano. Sé que hay unas pocas historias en Wattpad pero en general son muy pobres, encima tienen una prosa horrible y una puntuación vomitiva. Si consideran que alguna vale la pena, coméntenla acá igualmente. Inicio el thread con una novela en epub. La novela es Pandora de Liliana Blum, se publicó oficialmente en editoriales, por lo que tiene una extensión considerable y está bien escrita. Dejó acá un link: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU1ZSmdzMlNnMHM=
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alguien sabe como conseguir las historias borradas de baron von lowenstein
>>6580 Si, latinos patos
>>6581 no entendi
>>6582 No. Muy pato. Patos locos latinos.

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INCEST & FEEDERISM Flesh 01/27/2020 (Mon) 05:12:32 No. 48 [Reply] [Last]
Did anyone manage to save some of my disgusting stories about boys fattening their mothers into obesity from before the great purge?
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>>6865 Alright, bet. Check the newer thread.
Anyone have access to that one story and it’s sequel where two lesbian moms, a non binary child, a daughter, and son all get fattened up during the pandemic? It was on deviantart, but I think it got deleted.
>>2722 If I had a cousin that kinky I'd knock her up first then fatten her up during her pregnancy
Bruh who is this btw. she looks great.

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Make your own stories Make your own stories 10/28/2022 (Fri) 00:56:35 No. 5291 [Reply]
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>>5344 I'm like them, you mean.
>>5345 I'm not nanocarbs, however.
"Her belly screamed at her as she made her way through the potato wedges, Drip huffed as she struggled to keep bringing food to her lips. Her entire body feeling tight all over, she could feel the throb of each heartbeat pulse over her dangerously thin skin. The last potato wedge in her hand, she took a deep breath and pushed it into her mouth. Chewing a few extra times for good luck, she prayed it wouldn't be too much before gulping it down. The wedge of potato, bacon, and cheese hitting her belly, her toes curled as she let out a loud moan and..."
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"Sorry, I broke your girlfriend" Two roomates live together: one has a girlfriend, the other doesn't, but has a hobby of collecting old magical paraphanalia, cleaning them up, and selling them at a local shop. One night, the magic roomate and the girlfriend are sitting at the apartment waiting for the first, when the girlfriend accidentally touches something and ends up expanding into an enormous blob. When the first roomate comes back, they find the second trying to clean the place up, and the title comes into play. Temporary mind-break, as the expansion causes her nerves to become super overstimulated. The bulk of the story is them trying to figure out how to turn her back as she's cumming her brains out. Ending A: she's shrunk back down, but has now developed a wg fetish Ending B: they cannot fix her, and so she just becomes a staple of the house

Boys I need it Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 06:31:23 No. 4765 [Reply]
I have seen enough talk of huell eating her. I need to see some weight gain fanfic of Kim Wexler as soon as possible. I’m not even gonna cum until someone finally makes it. I want a really in depth, incremental, psychological story of Kim gaining weight. Can take place during any phase in her life. I. Need. It.
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>>4880 Please please do!
"Your honour, the defence has made the very reasonable request that the plaintiffs produce their medical records- or, barring that, a signed HIPAA release so that we can examine the records ourselves" Mr. Reese glanced over at Kim as he spoke. He was one of the defence attorneys at Schweikart & Cokely and the opposing council for the current trial. Kim tapped her pen to her notepad, examining them- Reese wasn't alone, he was being backed up by Rich Schweikart himself, one of the heavy hitters at their firm and a co-founder no less. Kim was alone… HHM had sent her here without backup. Howard never showed up. At first she was excited at the prospect- her first real big assignment. Her first time as lead on a case. At first she thought Howard was just running late, it wasn't until opening arguments that it dawned on her. This was just a formality at this point, she was only here because someone had to be here. She stood, ignoring the uncomfortable tightness of her pant-suit as she did. Ever since that night with Jimmy she had had this hunger she couldn't ignore- Maybe she had been overdoing it. She was obviously aware that her clothes had started to cling a little too snugly to her waist, and of course she had noticed a softness where before there hadn't been. She wasn't unaware, it was just… now wasn't the time. She would have to cut down a bit, but she could think about that later. This was her opportunity to show her grit. She had worked her way out of the mail room, out of doc review- now she would work her way up from here. "Your honour, our clients medical records have no bearing on the merits of this case" Here is a taste of part 2, which is now up on my deviantart page along with part 1. https://www.deviantart.com/therdmguy/art/Kim-Wexler-Attorney-at-Large-929103991 >>4765

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>>4932 Forgot to say something before. This is still fantastic, I’m checking all the time for more! I love how close you’re sticking to the story and character
What are the odds of a part 3?
