The first part of a Fatty Sororitas story.
Will post planet and Order details later, if anyone wants to contribute ideas or characters for me to eventually continue the story with.
Alko was a weary man.
At 17, many civilizations would still call him a boy. Yet upon Uaza, life was harder, and by the age of 16, when Alko had set off from his nomadic tribe in pilgrimage, he was as much a man as any could ask.
That had been near a year and a half ago now. A year and a half of near total isolation, broken only by the rare occasions he’d crossed the path of another tribe. There, he’d had to hide, while their warriors passed, and resist the urge, the temptation, to chance into their camp and steal some meat. He was not the biggest of men, and he was alone.
Alko was not unable to hunt, over his travels. But for all his manliness, he was still young, and there was only so much one lone hunter could do by himself.
At first, he had set off singularly fixated upon his goal, only catching game by opportunity, when they passed him by. He had withered then, lost weight. He had had to adapt, set snares, take time to kill animals, and then to properly prepare their meat to last.
People didn’t always come back.
The Pilgrimage of Manhood, was made alone, to the Shankt, the heart of Imperial faith upon Uaza. The other men had deliberately spoken little of it, and Alko knew precious little, save that he was to travel norwest, and that he was searching for a settlement that did not move.
He was to find the Shankt, and pray before it, under the watch and blessings of the Sisterhood, the Daughters of the All-Chief.
It was to be a mentally and spiritually enlightening feat. In journey, and in destination. To pray with the very Daughters of the All-Chief himself. To go to their dwelling place, to see them.
But he did know that survival was not guaranteed, even before he set off.
He was so very weary.
The ground was not difficult, but the several months had taken their toll on him, and each day he felt he walked a little bit less.
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