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Poems and song lyrics. Poems and song lyrics. 06/14/2023 (Wed) 19:36:45 No. 7275
Post your poems and song lyrics here.
My vision narrow, an endless tunnel. I chug and chug from my trusty funnel. Every part of me touches the ground. My blessing and curse is to be bed bound. Monsterous flab grown from my habit. I think I'm more butter than rabbit. Mindlessly feeding. I'm truly a slut for the stuff that fills my belly and butt.
I'm fat... I've known this for a long while I've been called that so many times you don't think I already see that? as I stare into the mirror and see my fat self and just want to cut it all away I'm called 'whale', 'cow' and 'pig' no one would love me I know there are those who love overweight girls but theirs not many everyday at school I'm called many hurtful things my mom say's I'm beautiful but no one else thinks that I sit at a table... alone because no one bothers to talk to me I hate the tv.. do you know why? all they show... is skinny unrealistic looking people I know they do it because many people want skinny and 'beautiful' people but ask yourself this 'beauty is what is on the inside' but why do not many actually follow this fact?
100 Ramen Bowls Devored by an Imposter His Belly's A Balloon
A poodle told me with a wave of a wand We’re not all superstars He rolled my tail and put some lipstick on Myself and several other hogs “There’s nothing wrong with loving who you are” he said, “And your new name is Babe” “You should have asked for that new sports car” “Bikes tend to make you put on weight” My tail curls every which way I love to stuff my face I’m in the pig pen baby I was boar-d this way Throw my fat ass in the seat Don’t count the portions just eat I’m in the pig pen baby I was boar-d this way Oh their ain’t no other way Baby I was boar-d this way Baby I was boar-d this way Oh their ain’t no other way Baby I was boar-d this way Pig Pen baby I was boar-d this way Don’t be a drag just be a Pig Don’t be a drag just be a Pig Don’t be a drag just be a Pig Don’t be don’t be Gave myself pig slop And deep pig pens So I can wallow and root a motorcycle and some leather boots and now I look like quite the brute Being a biker is not a sin I’m a Capital P-I-G I love my life I love my motorbike and most of all I love me My tail curls every which way I love to stuff my face I’m in the pig pen baby I was boar-d this way Throw my fat ass in the seat Don’t count the portions just eat I’m in the pig pen baby I was boar-d this way Oh their ain’t no other way Baby I was boar-d this way Baby I was boar-d this way Oh their ain’t no other way Baby I was boar-d this way Pig Pen baby I was boar-d this way Don’t be a drag, just be a pig be real proud of my biker rig Harley, kawi, Yamaha, Any is fine for a biker hog Rev the bike, the tires squeal As I ride to my next big meal get even more snacks today Cause baby I was boar-d this way I’m not a regular guy I live a trans-species life I’m in the pig pen baby I have loads of stink lines no longer a whitetail buck But that is just my luck I’m in the pig pen baby I love to wallow in muck
She's got an appetite You just can't sate A plush body Make ya wanna mate I ain't seen nobody Strut just like her Belly be shakin' Hips be quakin' You better get offa her turf The way she sways Entertains me for days Belly be shakin' Hips be quakin' You better get offa her turf
Simba: "So long time since I saw her. But what will you look at that? Would she want to have me? No way! She's fit and I am fat. Nala: He's still just like I know him. I can see it in his eyes. But can he be the king, I wonder? A king that is his size? Chorus: Can you feel the fat tonight? The warming feelings within? The love tonight, in perfect harmony. The fat and the thin. Can you feel the fat tonight? The whole universe at peace? The love between two strong individuals. On healthy and one Obese.
(Simba) I'm gonna be a mighty king, I’m gonna rule them all like that! (Zazu) I've never seen a king or beast being quite so very fat. (Simba) I'm gonna have a big banquet Like no king had before I will chow it down and gobble up and end it with my roar! (Makes a small burp instead) (Zazu) What an unbelievable disgusting little thing. (Simba) Oh, I just can't weight to be king! (Simba) No one saying lose weight (Zazu) now when I said that (Simba) No one saying work out (Zazu) What I meant was (Simba) No one saying bad shape (Zazu) what you don't realize (Simba) No one saying stop eat (Zazu) But stop eat! (Simba) Free to eat around all day (Zazu) Well, that's definitely out (Simba) Free to do it all my way (Zazu) I think it's time that you faced the facts heart to heart. (Simba) Kings don't need advice from little lightweights for a start. (Zazu) If this is where the monarchy is headed count me out! Out of service out of Africa I wouldn't hang about This child is becoming a bigger burden for me wing (Simba) Oh I just can't weight to be king Everybody look left Everybody look right Everywhere you look I’m Filling up the spotlight! (Zazu) Not yet! (Choir) Let every creature go for broke and sing Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing He’s gonna be the kingdoms biggest thing (Simba) Oh, I just can't weight to be king! Oh, I just can't weight to be king! Oh, I just can't weeeeeeight ... to be king!
[spoken] Ever since I was a young girl There's been a message drilled into my head "You need to behave, make your vices a slave Or you'll wind up in HELL once you're dead!" But who's to say Hell's such a bad place? It's for people who let passions run free And those who inhabit have no inhibitions That's the kind of people for meeeeee~ [music starts] It's good to be baaaaad~ It's good to sin and revel If good's up for debate, I'll gladly advocate For that poor Devil It's good to be bad Old Scratch is very gracious If there's an urge to slake, no need to pump the brake Just be salacious! It's good to be a cad It's fun to be so fiendish Don't try to be so pure, so precious and demure And don't be squeamish It's good to go mad It's quite illuminating 'Cause when you realize, that morals are all lies It's liberating! They promise if you're good that you'll be Heaven-bound But why would someone want to end up there It's just a bunch of priests, preachers, monks, and nuns I can't imagine such a group of squares I'd hate a modest Easter brunch that's packed with saints I'd rather have a Bacchanal with sinners I'd leave every night filled up to the brim And I'm not just talking 'bout the dinners! It's good to have some lust No need to be a prude You'll get some confidence, no need to stay so tense So just act crude It's good to lack restraint It's great to be a glutton So if you want to glut, pack more right in that gut And pop some buttons It's right to do some wrong It's wrong to be so righteous It's really not a flaw, to want to break the law Don't try and fight it It's good to be ambitious And never satisfied Contentment I abhor, for if I say "no more" It means I haven't tried! And when I stomp on through those fiery gates My sight will make Lucifer swoon! He'll tell me "I knew someday you'd be by my side, But not so beautiful or so soon!" So if you look at me and tell me "go to hell" I'll tell you that I'm gladly on my way No one on Earth or Heaven dares to slow me down I can hardly wait for this infernal day! This daaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ [KEY CHANGE: D minor -> F minor] It's worth it being wicked It's valid being vile To be a reprobate, to loot and desecrate It makes me smile Don't bother being normal Don't idolize the meek If you're not happy in your underwhelming skin Than make some tweaks! [KEY CHANGE: F minor -> G minor] It's worth it for this power! It's great to be this grand! I'll gladly pay the price, to end up at this size And always in command! You all would LOVE to be a god And rule for all eternity! But your work here is done, there's only room for one! And that, one, will, be, MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
♪ Grow grow grow grow grow Grow grow grow grow grow Grow grow grow grow grow Grow grow grow grow grow I'm dressed up tonight Even though I'm so wide Exhaust myself whenever I'm movin' I keep swelling out My butt's draggin' on the ground My curves building up my body's convex Blimps don't just fly they get round and blow up My body churns hope dessert isn't long I can't get up Go raid more kitchens Till my gut distends and then I'll eat again I'm too fat to leave I wanna try eating everything I wanna try til I'm fatter than a whale I can't get up Go raid more kitchens Till my gut distends and then I'll eat again I'm too fat to leave I wanna try eating everything I wanna try til I'm fatter than a whale Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything Grow grow grow grow grow How fat I've become, I've filled my gut with love Baby it's not enough Go get a chef Don't stop this warm up I've got like a ton of mass I finish meals last what I'm not obsessed I can't get up Go raid more kitchens Till my gut distends and then I'll eat again I'm too fat to leave I wanna try eating everything I wanna try til I'm fatter than a whale I'll keep on eating those numerous cakes I'll keep on eating them every day Those numerous cakes Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything Grow grow grow grow grow Try everything ♫
The Plight of Being a Bunny Blob We blobby buns are lots of fun We're made to squish and squeeze We can't escape, can't hop or run Just sit there while we're teased We're sensitive and very soft As everybody knows Our blubberrumps have lots of loft Our blushy cheeks, they glow Everyone who gathers 'round They love to poke and tickle Hear our gurgling belly sounds As our blubber bodies jiggle Some of us have perky ears For others, they're quite floppy To tickle them brings us to tears Especially since we're blobby Some of us are gassy too We belch and fart non-stop Stuff us silly, fat accrues We lie back with a flop The scents that we produce can vary Some can be quite sweet Keep our tormentors feeling merry As they tickle our helpless feet A comfy, cushy, cozy life Is what we must endure No tedium or pointless strife A bunny blob is demure Sacrificing dignity In exchange for blissful pleasure Filling up the vicinity It's worth it by any measure
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum In my tum, tum tum Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum In my tum, tum, tum “That isn’t how it’s supposed to sound,” commented Clawhauser, but he despite this change, he was getting drawn into the lyrics like it was a siren’s call. He approached the edge of the stage, his eyes were glued to Gazelle as she danced, her obese body jiggled mesmerically and it was all the more tantalizing as she gazed right back at him. I’m hungry tonight, I’m gonna get a bite I’ll just eat till I’m big and fat again I keep gaining more, till my gut touches the floor I always have room left to have dessert Clawhauser hung onto every word that Gazelle sang, despite what she was singing. He got even more into it as she approached him and brought a donut to his maw. Like a pet being given a treat, he opened his maw and bit down on it. Then with his paws, he pushed it into his mouth as he munched it up happily. His tail twisted, making the shape of a heart as he felt the greatest bliss of love he ever felt before. I don’t just eat, I also put on weight Someday I will pack on over a ton Her tiger backup dancers than made their way into sight. Like Gazelle, they were so fat that their normally strongly built bodies were covered in flab. Their guts hung down to their knees and their rears stuck out of their spandex shorts. As they moved their bodies about, rolls of blubber bounced and jiggled on their arms and legs. Their guys swayed to and fro and their multichins slapped against their moobs. I won’t lose weight, no I won’t diet Till the buffets end, and then I’ll binge again I need to feed, I wanna eat everything I wanna eat till I can’t see my feet A couple more of Gazelle’s backup dancers than appeared. They both pushed in carts stacked with donuts and brought them onto the stage. Gazelle then gestured Clawhauser to come up too. Without hesitating, he climbed up and was led to the donuts. Without even needing to be told what to do, he began grabbing the donuts off the carts and stuffed them into his maw, eating them up ravenously and then grabbed more. I won’t lose weight, no I won’t diet Till the buffets end, and then I’ll binge again I need to feed, I wanna eat everything I wanna eat till I can’t see my feet After a couple dozen donuts were downed by the hungry cheetah, it was clear how fattening they were. His gut bulged out bigger than it ever had before as did his rear. His normally toned body now had at least a couple layers of pudge on it. Even his face was looking rounder with plumped out cheeks. Despite this being what he always dreaded, he couldn’t help smile. He smiled even more as Gazelle then approached him to rub his gut and hand feed him more donuts as her song continued. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum Yum yum eat everything In my tum, tum, tum Yum yum eat everything Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum Yum yum eat everything In my tum, tum, tum Fatter and fatter, Clawhauser continued to gain, his gut and chest swelling out. If he had on a shirt on, it would have burst off of him by this point. The same would be true for pants as they’d be straining to hold back a growing pair of thunder thighs and an ever widening buttocks. More donuts were devoured, making Clawhauser plump up over his entire body stretched his underwear to their limits till finally the elastic snapped and the fabric tore apart. Clawhauser now stood there, in the buff, his gut hanging down to his knees and a rear too wide for anyone to be able to hug it from one end to another. Gazelle rubbed the bigger and rounder cheeks on his face as she gazed deeply into his eyes that seemed smaller on his fattened head. He blushed, the bliss of this moment beyond anything he had ever fantasized. This all might have been a dream and somewhere he probably still realized that, but it didn’t matter to him in the slightest. Look how fat I’ve become, I’ve clogged my heart with lard Belly so big, now too heavy to lift Just let myself go, become a hungry beast Then have a huge feast, cause fat is the best “It certainly is,” murred Clawhauser leaning over to kiss his idol, but two of Gazelle’s tiger backup dancers unexpectedly lifted him up while a third slipped some spandex shorts on him. He blushed in embarrassment for a moment, but as he saw them start to dance, he began to join them in doing so as well, shaking his rear and slapping his belly. I won’t lose weight, no I won’t diet Till the buffets end, and then I’ll binge again I need to feed, I wanna eat everything I wanna eat till I can’t see my feet “Oh, this brings back so many memories,” sniffled Clawhauser as he danced. “All the eating and dancing to music I did back home. My mom always said I was such an adorable butterball. I was always so happy back then, but when I got picked on for being such a fat sissy… I never thought I’d end up like this again. For the first time in forever… I think I feel… truly happy.” I won’t lose weight, no I won’t diet Till the buffets end, and then I’ll binge again I need to feed, I wanna eat everything I wanna eat till I can’t see my feet The area beyond the stage then lit up and as far as the eye could see, it was like an endless ocean of donuts. Seeing this, Clawhauser drooled with delight. He couldn’t restrain himself anymore from eating donuts. He didn’t want to. The gluttonous beast that he had locked away for so long was free once more. Roaring like a wild cat, he pounced at his prey and vanished in the sea of pastries, gobbling them up and munching them uninhibited. I’ll keep on putting on tons of weight I’ll keep on putting on more every day Ten tons of weight Clawhauser soon emerged from the ocean, fatter than ever. He continued to gobble down all the donuts in reach, his body a gargantuan tub of lard that only continued to visibly grow bigger with each donutswallowed. Tons were added onto him like it was nothing and he kept on devouring more and more with no sign of stopping in sight. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum Yum yum eat everything In my tum, tum, tum Yum Yum eat everything Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum Yum yum eat everything In my tum, tum, tum Eat everything
Peter “Proud Rear” Horton the Lion: Welcome, folks, to the Phew Crew! We’ve been waiting to fart with you! It’s all about passing gas, And having yourself a blast! Butte the Liger: It is a furry fart coalition Our furry fart tradition Now bend over and begin your ignition! John McDeuce the Fox: Whether you find farts funny Wolf “Stinky Fang” One-Man: Or rather find it real kinky Gaz te Tasmanian Devil: No matter what within our gut It’s fun to be stinky! Yeah! Derri Ere Fartman the Skunk: Flatulence is quite classy And we are proud to be gassy! Rumpus the Rat: But if you don’t like it, run to your daddy Reeko the Raccoon: Farting Furever! Deal With It! Henry the Elephant: Stephen and the Phew Crew, A wind-breaking venture! Hips the Hippopotamaus: Fun for fart lovers Squeak Cheeks the Squirrel: No matter what gender Seismic the Striped Hyena: Stephen and the Phew Crew, Drop a booty bomb some more! Aadil the Brown Hyena: Lift your tails and let it soar! (Brnt, Frrt, Prrt!) Beef the Buffalo: It all begins with Stephen Ramos Emily the Ermine: Who created a time machine as he vamos Firehole the Mole: Unfortunately, there was a glitch Jonny Cutone the Horse: Instead, it warped Stephen in a pitch Homer Simens the American Badger: Thus, he came to a new dimension Olaf Washington the European Badger: Where he found the furry fart coalition Peter “Proud Rear” Horton the Lion: Hello, Stephen, you must be new Welcome to the Phew Crew! Stephen Ramos the Badger: In the Phew Crew universe There is so many to explore! Batty Bum the Vampire Bat: Big booties… Queso the Chihuahua: Cute hooties… Tickletush the Foxcoon: And fat bellies to adore! Patootie the Border Collie: Furry farters ‘round the world Betsy the Cow: Made this coalition a pearl Augustus the Ox: So, come on down and give Phew Crew a whirl! Mr. Brown the Bear: And even though we may have scat Vladimir the Red Wolf: We know you furs can deal with that Vladimir and Mr. Brown: We can tell some species Are into some feces! Yeah! Crapper Jack the Beaver: If you enjoy bombing commodes Terry the Kodiak Bear: Especially dropping wide loads Hank the Longhorn: Then toot your horn ‘cause you’ve found the mother lode! Bryant the Bulf: YEEAAAAAA-HOOOOOO! Rottentail the Rabbit: Stephen and the Phew Crew, The farting cast got class! Barney Hooligans the Old English Dog: Dropping the bass except Rottentail and Barney: Straight from our ass! Pika P. the Pikachu: Stephen and the Phew Crew, To you furs that are new Gruntler the Arcanine: Let’s go and meet the Phew Crew! (Frrt, Prrt, Brrump!) Titan the Rottweiler: Peter Horton, the founder and admin He is the one lion that made it happen Buffy the Pitbull: Lycoperdon gets back to twerkin’ While Pootsie Cat here is rehearsin’ Puffy the Shiba Inu: Rottentail, Shart-Tooth, Crapper Jack Penelope, Emily, and Quaker the Yak! Chaz Chandler the Alexander Archipelago Wolf: There are more members for you to see Stick around and stay with me Fumihiro the Kitsune: Raise your booty in the air Ryan the Mouse: And cut the cheese like you don’t care O-ring the Ursaring: Back draft here, Herbert the Beartic: Back blast there Bamboozle the Pangoro: Stink it up everywhere! Mrs. Puffington the Poodle: As you’re hanging with us now Bhraghad Armstrong the Scottish Terrier: You’re gonna say to yourself “Wow!” Fani the Giant Panda: I’m glad that I found it! BumBum the Giant Panda: I’d never wanna leave it! Penelope the Pig: This is where I will fit! Phew Crew members: There is no need to feel blue We’re with you You’ll come to Start a-new The Phew Crew! YEAH!!!
You know what would be the shit? What ff we had our own island, man? Lets trip in the sun (repeat) Violent J: I got my toes in the sand watchin' hoes play volleyball. It's summer time and I'm feeling jolly y'all. Food on the fire boats in the water and takin' time off from my serial slaughtern.Here for the weekend me and these friends sunny sunshine and blue blue skies never end. There's a mermaid wavin' me to come in, underwater on my balls she's hummin'. Smokin' on a phat one we come to have fun. I got my dick in your hot dog bun.pouring out shots for everybody that's sippin' let's get loose now skinny dippin'. Don't hate me cause the speedo I'm wearin' got your girlfriend stairin'. We out here, sky's so clear, ice cold beer, sun tan topless b!tch come over here. Chorus: (Get up y'all) On Juggalo Island we can be one. Let our nuts hang by the water. On Juggalo Island we can have fun. We can let go by the water. Shaggy: Bang! Pow! Boom!, sunny like high noon met some Lettes and they all comin' over soon. Have a louah I'm getting blew out come over here if you ever get threw out. We gotta place for ya, never will ignore ya. Gotta hot plate and a drink we gonna pour ya. Corpse on the grill plays on the one two and around here the dead have fun too. Stiffs in the water float and we see you doing flips in the air on a sea-do. No cops unless they pourin' out shots unless you're helping us smoke these crops. Surfin' on the big, one havin' big fun, f__kin' with a big fat one under the sun. Lettin' them hang doing our thang listen to them up and down the beach everybody sing. Chorus. Violent J: And when the sun goes down we up all night. Dance of the dead boogie woogie in the moon light. Fuck the rules right? The dead do bite. Listen to the wee-gee board we can only do right. Can't do wrong, fatty in a blue thong everybody can't be together with you gone. Come get with this wicked ridiculous this world is ours every bit of this! Shaggy: Get you a burger with cheese enjoy the breeze I'm choppin' coconuts outta palm trees. And we all in a free ballin' see me shore side surfin' on a dolphin. Grass skirts, dead hola girls, hatchets, and whatever your fishing hook catches. We don't leave without you so lets hang boom pow bang lets do the damn thang. Chorus. Let's trip in the sun. (repeat) Chorus
These (original) songs appear in a story I wrote, The Big Bird (https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/The-Big-Bird-1-912433051). They're performed in chapters 1 and 9 by an all-BBW punk trio called Queens of the Midway and I'm embarrassingly proud of them: "Hidewaway Hefty" You tell me that I’m beautiful, you tell me that I’m hot You do me in your living room with everything you’ve got We order in a pizza and I eat the whole pie But when you keep me hidden, boy, you know I wanna die You call me over baby for a Netflix and chill But all I’m thinkin’ is I think I think I’ve had my fill I wanna drink, I wanna dance, I wanna paint the town red But you wanna stay home ’cause you won’t be caught dead WITH A FAT GIRL! I’m your hideaway hefty, you’re a closet FA You don’t even care that your friends think you’re gay What’s the big deal, dude? I really wanna know Ashamed to be with me BUT YOUR DICK DON’T THINK SO! Let’s go see that band you like, let me meet your bros Take me to a restaurant or else I’m gonna blow Not another night inside, dude I think I’m done I’ll find myself a real man and we’ll go have some fun Lose my number lover ’cause you know I gotta ghost Gonna call it over, this relationship is toast Yeah you love to feed me but my heart is underfed Jerk off to your phone if you won’t be caught dead… WITH A FAT GIRL! I’m your hideaway hefty, you’re a closet FA I won’t stay a secret, boy, not another day What’s the big deal, dude, I really wanna know You’re ashamed of me BUT YOUR DICK DON’T THINK SO! "Jiggle Jihad" Jiggle Jihad! Jiggle Jihad! The bigger the better, the closer to god! Don’t you tell me what to wear Sure I’m round but you’re so square Everyone looks, I don’t care Wanna talk shit? Better not dare! Outgrow my clothes, well that’s just fate Eat some cake to celebrate Lick my fingers, lick my plate Buttons pop, chairs will break Jiggle Jihad! Jiggle Jihad! The fatter I get, the closer to god! Standing in line, Chinese buffet Feeling big and in the way Everyone looks — what’s on her tray? My money’s worth, yo I don’t play Owner’s mad I took too much Too bad, I don’t give a fuck Fried rice, noodles, ribs and such I’m here to eat, not ‘look, don’t touch’ Jiggle Jihad! Closer to God! Jiggle Jihad! Closer to God! Jiggle Jihad! Jiggle Jihad! Jiggle Jihad! Jiggle Jihad!
