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Looking for writers Fatty Piece 10/22/2024 (Tue) 01:29:02 No. 9887 [Reply]
I'm looking for someone to help write a sequel to this story, snakebit canceled the story,I spoke to him and he authorized the works https://archiveofourown.org/works/8316382 Preferably someone who loves one piece
Come on, there's no one here who likes One Piece?
Fatty piece is really a good project

Role Reversal Anonymous 02/07/2021 (Sun) 05:16:23 No. 1771 [Reply]
Looking for stories where the "thin" girl suddenly gets fat. Preferably stories where there is a chubby girl as well in the story. Extreme weight gain also preferred, but not a must.
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This thread needs to come back
Check these out: https://www.deviantart.com/snr6424/art/Backfired-Part-1-FWG-178432139 https://www.deviantart.com/ladderwall/art/Lisa-and-Amy-Prologue-And-Chapters-1-3-497902973
anything new?? massive turn on for me, huge interest in this type of literacy.
>>9882 https://www.deviantart.com/mistermahi/art/Field-Day-1095362739
>>9882 Hey guys, I have read this story recently https://www.deviantart.com/bswriter/art/Fit-Friend-Fat-Friend-WG-Role-Reversal-1074080292 wrote by BS Writer and I loved it. The only problem is that the remaing part of this story and its spin-off "Sam the Ham poundering about her pigginess are on the Patreon of the write. So, to sum up, can someone share them if it is possible, please?

finding story Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 15:56:13 No. 9932 [Reply]
hey, shot in the dark but i'm looking for a story that I read on deviant art a while ago. it's about a mother encouraging her daughter to eat and there's this part where they are at a denny's or something and she keeps getting her daughter to eat. any leads to where this might be?

Endgame: massive blob Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 22:37:59 No. 9922 [Reply]
Anyone else love slow-ish burn stories where a woman ends up a massive immobile blob, cut off from the outside world, living only to eat? Examples I can think of are Louise from Growing Desires’ Epidemic Weight Gain series, or this story from Springbokkx: https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Create-Weekly-Weigh-In-3-Immobile-XWG-1012077533

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Stories in polish Anonymous 01/27/2021 (Wed) 18:20:33 No. 1705 [Reply] [Last]
Zważając na to, że jest temat z historiami po rosyjsku, to ma ktoś jakieś historie po polsku? Nie musi być weight gain, breast i ass expansion też pasuje. Jak ktoś ma stronę z takimi opowiadaniami, to niech też zapostuje.
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Nowy link.
POLSKA GUROM Macie opowiadanie. https://www.wattpad.com/1464439782-opowiadania-na-zam%C3%B3wienie-wsp%C3%B3%C5%82lokatorki-feederism
Uszanowanko, jeśli jeszcze ktoś tu zagląda, to podesłał by link do tej grupy na discordzie?
>>9866 Dalej takie same jak na zdjęciu powyżej https://discord.gg/w9ZuNh4Dxn

Time travel/Reality Alteration 10/24/2024 (Thu) 23:30:17 No. 9897 [Reply]
I have been looking for stories like this for a while and im pretty sure im not the only one
Fuck i put the title in the wrong place

Massively obese POV stories Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 16:21:38 No. 4686 [Reply]
Does anyone have any stories told from the perspective of a hugely obese or immobile BBW talking about what it's like to be such a size? Like dealing with their appetite and the 1000+ pounds of fat on their body
7 posts omitted.
Here’s a sad one https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45940353/ It’s part of an episodic series
>>5645 Could you copypaste it here?
https://www.deviantart.com/stc9892/art/Mel-Lays-Down-SSBBW-XWG-866482839 This one's very good, as is this author's standard.
Does anyone have this sequence of images?

Weight gain as body horror Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 03:34:42 No. 9889 [Reply]
It's spooky month, so let's have a thread about weight gain as body horror. I'm not talking about stories with magic weight gain in a horror setting, I'm talking about stories that treat supernatural weight gain as something monstrous and scary. https://www.deviantart.com/theshadowzedge/art/Bathroom-Stuckage-Massive-WG-620944042
Happens late in the story but fits the bill: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/The-Birthday-Party-708089810 Longer story, late payoff as well, hopefully worth it: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/This-Little-1-of-3-814483497

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T.F. Wright Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 23:49:03 No. 9886 [Reply]
Anyone have some of his stuff

Medicated Weight Gain Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 06:01:55 No. 7076 [Reply]
Are there any good stories about people being made to gain weight by taking various medications and supplements? Like, someone being induced into weight gain by taking appetite stimulants, metabolism suppressants, tranquilizers, that sort of thing. Bonus points if the girl (or guy) gets medicated against her will and is confused about why she's experiencing these changes.
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RL fatspo for writers: My doctor put me on prednisone (oral steroid). Data sheet said to avoid sugar, white flour, etc, which is good advice in general but I wondered why specifically with that drug. Nurse told me because of weight gain, and when I checked online, yeah, pretty much everyone who takes it plumps up. I laughed because I write WG fic and now here I was, in one of my stories lol. I was short-term, just a week, now on the last day and I don't see/feel a difference. But I saw a lot of people online who were up as much as 100 lbs after a few months. Pair it with certain psych meds and RL would be more dramatic than most WG fic.
I hope this is the correct thread, Im writing a story with the idea that a patient gets inflated with saline or maybe ensure by a very eager nurse.If you work in medical irl do they actually have like giant containers of saline/ensure in the hospital? Trying to make it realistic as possible (I know its dumb with this fetish)
>>9576 we'll take anything at this point
>>7076 https://www.deviantart.com/maggeh/gallery/69483288/x Pretty much this...
This is a pretty good one. Pokemon girls, has the medicated/supplement angle you're looking for OP https://archiveofourown.org/works/42999594

Dominant Feedee 11/16/2022 (Wed) 05:25:22 No. 5471 [Reply]
Any stories where the person being fattened is in control, and abusive/mean to their feeders?
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Instead of making a million overly specific threads for different types of dom feedees where only one or two stories might exist, lets keep dumping anything we find. A short description or tags might help. My contribution, copied from another thread: Molly is a jealous girlfriend to Nate who does everything for her. Shes seems oblivious to how fat shes gotten sometimes, but eats a lot of different realistic amounts of foods when they go out on dates, but keeps telling him he needs to avoid getting fat: https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-911746689 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-Part-2-912260583 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-on-Valentine-s-Day-952613433 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-Part-3-917271251 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-Part-4-945528444
Hey look, that's me!
>>7135 I was going to say. Even when she's a physical wreck, bedbound and unable to control her bowels, the gaining girl rules her feeders with an iron fist. It's pretty hot.
This one doesn't really have any abusiveness in it, but it has a dominant gainer. It's about a vampire queen who's being fattened up to improve her sex life. She start's getting bossy and more sexually aggressive and demanding with her maids the more she fattens up. https://www.deviantart.com/jakotsufan88/art/The-Tower-Chapter-1-913868938
Xposting a call for suggestions I made in another thread which seems equally relevant here. >>9861

Interactive stories Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 20:21:21 No. 8821 [Reply]
Post 'em here, or make your own.
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>>9645 >>9631 Well, helped me procrastinate for an hour.
>>9655 How did you do it
>>9695 Look for a json file with an array of objects with the keys "verb", "noun", "result", and "notes".
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Check out this masterpiece https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/insatiable-hearts-v0-21-0-a-monsterfucker-weight-gain-twine-game/23882
Sarah Goes to College, The Trials of Mass, and Abducted Plus are all pretty good and can be found on weightgaming.

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Gainer stories 10/14/2024 (Mon) 07:54:05 No. 9850 [Reply]
Post stories that overwhelmingly focus on the person that is gaining weight, and the consequences and rewards with that. Thinking about the gainer either staying single, feeder not being that prominent, or that the pov is always from the gainer's perspective. Male or Female, I don't care. I prefer realistic wg, but go wild.
>>9850 I am bad at decriptions. Please avoid slowburns. A personal favourite of mine is this little 5 part series. You can acess the sequels in the story description, so I am not sending in 5 links just one. https://www.deviantart.com/bobothehobowrites/art/Little-820566186 Here are some others https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=2166&rowStartComment=0&rowStart=0 https://www.deviantart.com/extrabaggageclaim/art/Complaints-of-a-Midwestern-Vampire-BBW-XWG-1069682449 https://www.deviantart.com/leedstwo/art/Mobility-in-Retrospect-772203939 https://www.deviantart.com/extrabaggageclaim/art/The-Weight-of-Genius-BBW-SSBBW-XWG-Light-SF-894279866
Shameless self-promotion: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/Seeing-Shadows-829104720 https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/Muffins-1-of-2-June-Story-800800919 https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/Elle-s-Belly-1-994020564

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Nowaya stories thread Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 18:52:17 No. 5536 [Reply]
Nowaya made a post recently and it seems he will be quiting, i'd like to archieve his stories but im not sure how to exactly also it seems there are a few missing ones, so if anyone got those it'd be cool
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>>8600 I'm assuming you're Nowaya? Thanks a lot man.
>>8601 Honestly, I'm surprised anyone gave a damn about me deleting. I turned on my old computer for the first time in two years and was still logged in somehow. It wouldn't let me log in from anywhere else and I figured the account was toast, so I deleted dA and moved on. I'm posting this as a bone to the community, I guess, but this is really, truly, the last time you'll hear from me. I wasn't lying in the dA journal when I said I wasn't into lolis anymore - I was underaged myself when I wrote most of my work (13 when I wrote my first thing ever, 15 when I started OSC) and growing up changed me a lot. If I ever do write anything in the future (unlikely, given how lazy I am) I want it to be a fresh start. Nowaya (the online identity) is dead. I'm not going to log into that Google account again, so that folder will work until Google auto-deletes the account for inactivity in a few years. Thank you all for enjoying my stories. I may not enjoy them myself anymore, but that means a lot to me. I hope you all have a good one.
>>8608 Oh, also, there's some stuff in there I never ended up publishing at all - mostly half-finished ideas, but one or two completed works as well. If anyone feels like completing or riffing off of them, feel free. I really don't mind.
>>8608 I just wanted to say, you are a pretty damn good writer. Thanks for all the stories you wrote. See ya when we see ya.

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BBW Harem Stories Anonymous 01/02/2021 (Sat) 00:44:19 No. 1583 [Reply]
Any stories about a thin man and a bunch of fat women?
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"Roll change" has the man end up with two fat woman one tall and one short
https://www.deviantart.com/crudeatoms/art/The-Full-Weight-of-Her-Office-849747698 https://www.deviantart.com/crudeatoms/art/The-Full-Weight-Epilogue-852466974
https://www.deviantart.com/stuffedwaves/art/Slobbi-Slobbi-Literature-Chub-Part-1-840825799 https://www.deviantart.com/stuffedwaves/art/Slobbi-Slobbi-Literature-Club-Part-2-843168390 https://www.deviantart.com/trmtum/art/DDLC-Huge-Hungry-Harem-Part-1-843292874 https://www.deviantart.com/trmtum/art/DDLC-Huge-Hungry-Harem-Part-2-843568801 https://www.deviantart.com/trmtum/art/DDLC-Huge-Hungry-Harem-Part-3-845096451 https://www.deviantart.com/trmtum/art/DDLC-Huge-Hungry-Harem-Part-4-Finale-852239385 Be forewarned, these stories do have slob elements
Damn a fucking year has passed and no one has posted a new story? That's sad
