Okay, hot take incoming. I bit the bullet and got myself a copy of Plump Fiction. I'm most of the way through it. It's fairly decent, but not great. I don't think it's nearly as great as it's hyped up to be. First off, the book (at least the physical copy) has a LOT of grammar and syntax errors and odd spacing and formatting choices -- this I can overlook, but it is VERY distracting. Secondly, the main character is portrayed as ditzy, self-absorbed, attention-seeking, somewhat manipulative, lazy and shallow. She is also basically addicted to cigarettes and alcohol. Now, if that's your thing, you're gonna love it. But if you're like me, where ALL of those characteristics are a major turn-off, the book is gonna be much harder to get into. What's worse, I don't even hate the main character, I just find her unlikeable and boring as a result, which is much worse. Thirdly, the book seems to fail at its job in the erotica genre -- that is, there's not much erotica in it. There are sex scenes earlier on, but they're only there to inform you that the characters are having sex -- they are not descriptive, they do not stimulate one's senses or imagination, and they are rushed. The first actual sex scene where the author actually describes anything is 194 pages in. It's a well-written scene, but it's tragically late in the game. And even when you arrive at a more descriptive sex scene, it's more descriptive than the last few, but it still leaves more to be desired. (I rolled over in bed to tell my partner about this, and they played a small part of their own audiobook with its own sex scene, and it was way, WAY better than what I was reading). To the author's credit, this book is spread over a longer timeline, which probably makes it one of the more realistic weight gain stories out there. But I cannot get over the fact that I paid actual money for a physical, 350-page novel which was ultimately mediocre, and I have gotten more enjoyment and satisfaction from a 10-page story I've found on the internet for free. I broke my rule and I got burned for it and now I'm a grumpy mess. Now I'm very hesitant about paying for anything I read in this genre again. I sincerely hope the author improves or has improved. I know writing a whole book is hard. The intent and idea was there, but there needed to be at least a couple more drafts, and at least one editor involved.