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Writer Request Thread Rattenkönig 08/22/2024 (Thu) 18:14:21 No. 9569 [Reply]
felicitations, malefactors. local dickhead writer offering one's services as a purveyor of salacious smut. feel free to lend your requests for any niche, extreme, or unusual prosaic filth to me and i shall abide as i can. i don't have much in the way of hard limits, save for three: - no furries (not for me) - NO MEN (not that there's anything wrong with liking men, but i emphatically do not) - no first person (who am i, narcissus?) anything else is on the table, though i retain right of first refusal. go nuts.
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>>9569 If would absolutely love if you were to write a inflation story, mainly one where it's a large area of people inflating, basically city wide inflation and then they all start popping one by one and it's a huge mess.
>>9569 If possible, I'd like a story where 3-5 girls are kidnapped by an evil organization who plan to use them as monster breeders. The girls are rescued by a mentor/ third party who grants them the power to transform into magical girls. Although the new magical girls don't realize it at first, the villains's experiment was a success and the monster pregnancies are causing them to rapidly gain weight. The girls must master their new powers, save the world and hopefully themselves before they become immobile, give birth or burst.
>>9569 Requesting a scenario where Natsuki from DDLC gaining a massive, room-filling hourglass figure thanks to a chibi Monika messing with her file size after overhearing Nat complain about being teased by the other Dokis for being the smallest of the group.
>>9571 This post gave me an idea for a story, so I’m gonna throw my idea out there A girl who’s had an extremely bizarre medical condition where she gains weight extremely easily, but is otherwise completely healthy. She’s been living with this condition all her life and has slowly watched her weight grow further and further out of control, to the point where she’s fully immobile by the time she graduates high school. The story would on her life in her mid-20s, reflecting on how her life had led to this point, having to have a caretaker do everything for her 24/7, having doctors coming in and examining her and trying to figure out how exactly she remains healthy despite being morbidly obese. Overall, I feel the vibe of the story should be something like “Its not a glamorous life, but at least its a semi-comfortable one”
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I’d love another story of Ulala Montague Debavior Hague

Ddlg Bewis lewis 06/21/2022 (Tue) 23:57:24 No. 4370 [Reply]
Is there any ddlg weight gain storys about? They'd fit so perfectly together I just don't see why there isnt more. There was on on FF but it seems too have been taken down
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>>8985 Hi! Glad someone read it! I can gladly make a continuation on here!
https://www.deviantart.com/salvador132/art/Baby-Steps-Prologue-1055012676 decided to put it in deviantart to have easier access to it, enjoy!
as a gainer/feedee and a little i agree that they go great together :)
>>9012 I’m glad to hear that you liked the story! I would love any kind of critiques and feedback to make it better as I write!
bump, really wish this thread could get more stuff

Medical Issues Story Thread 01/23/2020 (Thu) 09:59:31 No. 24 [Reply] [Last]
Post stories about unhealthy fatties. (Anyone have a link to the Emma pastebin?) https://www.deviantart.com/maverickthewriter/art/The-Wicked-Stepfather-Revisited-Part-2-314050183 https://www.deviantart.com/fatty-writes/art/A-Doctor-in-Deerfield-819509570
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Great new very dark trans SSBBW story by FC Punk https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Bridal-Weight-Death-Feedism-Trap-Collected-1043475865
Furry (Pokémon), but still. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57551721/

Wholesome WG Stories Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 20:53:23 No. 2276 [Reply]
Let's take a step back from demanding slobs and gross gluttons for fat girl stories that make you feel warm and fuzzy. I'll start: Amy's Breakfast, probably my favorite story ever https://www.deviantart.com/feed-her-more/art/Amy-s-Breakfast-134324073 The Sweet Sarah series: https://www.deviantart.com/novicefa/art/Sweet-Sarah-Pt-1-724653223 And this masterpiece of a series as well: https://www.deviantart.com/moderation1243/art/Invisibile-to-Undeniable-625982079
20 posts omitted.
Wrote one today that's kind of wholesome? Kind of an unintentional mutual weight gain "A Night Of Pleasure" Chapter 1 A long hard day at work led Tyler home. He grabbed his keys and unlocked the door. Dropping his suitcase by the doorway. "Brenda," he called," you up sweety?" "Be out in a second darling~" She replied in a hawty south London accent. What emerged from the hallway was an immense mass of tanned, middle eastern blubber. Tall and incredibly obese, Brenda tipped the scales at eight hundred and fourty and had no intention of stopping. She heaved herself onto the couch, still dressed in her pink nighty, eagerly watching her husband. If he only knew how impossibly in love with him she was. They met on an online dating site years ago. She was a modest 350 pounds back then and had always been rather portly. She ate a lot and was tired of denying her inner glutton and liked girls that ate. They found thar beyond the mere sexual quirks, they actually had quite a lot in common. They first met IRL at a plus sized bash and they couldn't keep their hands off each other. They checked into a room and slept together, his head nuzzling her back. They'd never slept so peacefully. Two years later they were married at a court house. She'd blown up to five hundred pounds and could barely move in the tight fitting purple satin gown he'd bought her. But thar was the point. When they'd gotten to the hotel, she threw him on the bed and had her way with him. It was her day too after all. Four years later, through numerous eating regimen (and enough weight gain powder to fatten even the skinniest woman to immobilitiy) she now sat, a mountain of achievement and sexual bliss personified. Tyler sat down beside her and kissed her passionately. He could taste the hunks of her favorite ultimate devil's food cake between her beautiful plump lips. "Got you a present today." "Oh?," Brenda replied being catty," Well I have something for you." She pinned him down with all of her eight hundred pounds and buttoned his shirt and began kissing him everywhere. Sensing the moment, he massaged her engorged body with his finger tips. She moaned deeply. "Mmmm," she whispered, you said you brought something home?" He nodded, groping the immensity of her ass, sending shivers down her spine. He went to his briefcase, opened it, and put it down on the TV tray beside her. It was a large metal belt buckle with an even larger glass tube inside of it. She couldn't help but laugh, "Not a sex toy I hope? You're the only pleasure I need lover." Tyler laughed too,"No, something better. Stand up for me." Brenda heaved herself up off the couch and waddled over. Lifting up her arms, she let Tyler put the buckle around her waist and shivered, "Bit cold isn't it?" She muttered. Within moments, the buckle extended around her waist and the tube inserted itself into the depths of her belly button. "Well, enough theatrics dear," she laughed,"what's it do?" From the briefcase, Tyler grabbed a remote with all kinds of dials and switches, "Anything you can possibly imagine." He whispered in her ear. "Oh," she purred, "I can imagine a lot of things."
>>9491 Chapter 2 From within the briefcase, which at this point seemed bottomless to Brenda, Tyler pulled out an immensely thick book. "It's the Slothworks DX-80 body defier," he said, passing it to her, "wanna look like a supermodel? Wanna be the strongest woman on earth? Wanna eat like a hog and still be razor thin? The possibilities are endless." Brenda soon had a sly smile on her lips. "Fatter, I want to be the biggest, fattest woman you've ever laid eyes on. Even bigger than those girls that you drew in high school that you showed me." Tyler nodded, pressed a button, and it started. The tube began processing a slimy, yellow liquid and Brenda's stomach began making noises that she'd never heard before in her life. Sickening noises that sounded like a camel pleading for it's life. Oddest of all, she began violently belching. All around her, Brenda's body surged, slumped, and pushed forward. Rounding out to improbable proportions and then even more impossible. Soon Brenda was too fat to even stand up anymore and violently smacked her two thousand plus frame on the floor, shaking the house as she did so. "More," she pleaded, moaning in heat, her voice deepening as she expanded further,"more..." Like bread rising, her body grew more and more voluptuous and thick. She'd never felt so sensual like this before. The verbose belching and typhoon of stomach noises grew more and more prominent as she widened. Soon, she couldn't feel her hands or feet. Not wanting to make her explode, though he was certain she would have been in absolute ecstasy if he did, he stopped her at eight tons. As the system cooled down, her body lurched forward mid-expansion and she let out a belch that nearly shattered the windows. Reaching down to her belly, he unhooked the body defier, listening sweetly to all the churning and groaning that was still taking place inside her. Tyler took his time looking at his handi-work and was quietly amazed at what he saw. "Sweetheart," she moaned barely above a whisper, still violently belching,"come to me.." Chapter 3 Tyler wasn't sure how exactly to satisfy a woman as impossibly fat as Brenda currently was, but he made it work. And boy, did she gush. Later he brought a blanket and threw it ontop of as much of her as it could cover and he laid atop her, as close to her face as he could get. "That was *belch* so *urp* wonderful," she moaned, mid-kiss,"I'd love to *urp* stay this way if you'll *huff* let me." Tyler shook his head, "I couldn't imagine the food bill trying to feed you. But we can still keep it around for special time." She giggled deeply," So naughty *urp*, well, I guess let's *belch* change me back before I get used to being your own *burp* sex pillow." Tyler slid down Brenda and re-attached the body defier, gently kissing her belly as it worked it's magic. Soon, her belly began violently churning again, but it was more of a slow release this time and not as nearly dramatic. In about ten minutes, Brenda was back to just being plain old morbidly obese (give or take ten to fifteen pounds). Tyler was about to pop it off, before Brenda stopped him. "Let's see what else this thing can do, shall we lover?"
>>9492 Chapter 4 Brenda, still belching, flipped through the manual. Playing with the dials, she figured out how to increase individual body parts, much to the delight of Tyler. She knew how much he loved the sight of her behind so she expanded herself until her bottom was big enough to expand over the sides of the couch. Reading further, she noticed the en masse "expander" and "reduction" dials and pondered a thought, "Sweetheart," she cooed, getting up and waddling over, forgetting that her breasts were still engorging themselves," what do you think it'd be like to start all over again? Drop a few sizes, let you weave your handiwork and turn me into a rotund heifer all over again?" "Well.." "Come on," she whispered, kissing him, "it'll be fun." "Oh, all right." She grabbed the remote, finally halting the breast augmentation and flipped the "reducer" dial. "See you in a couple of hundred pounds sweety." Brenda watched her all her hard earned blubber reduce in rapid succession. Her panties that were once too impossibly tight dropped to the floor. Her stomach still moaned, but not as before. Sort of like the inverse. She closed her eyes and thought of her first kiss with Tyler, their first feeding session, her first hundred pounds. It was bliss. But when she opened them back up, it wasn't so. She'd dropped to 150 and when she realized this, she gasped in horror. Tyler had tried to pull off the body defier, but in doing so, it had sent tremors throughout Brenda's frame. Individual parts swelling and then reducing. "Shut it off," she moaned, belching "I'm trying. You shouldn't have turned the dial so much. You're lucky that you didn't turn into a pile of jelly." "Don't tempt me with a good time Tyler Rogers." Somehow Tyler yanked it off but it attached to itself to his body instead. "Ohhh," Brenda purred, "tempt me with a good time Mr. Rogers.." Chapter 5 "I might miss being an obese blob, but turning you into one?" She cooed, "Now there's a thought that never entered my mind." With a press of a button and a turn of the dial, Tyler began swelling and turning round. While not as sensual as Brenda's turn, it wasn't without it's charms. Though having fun at his expense, she knew not to upset him too terribly. She stopped him at five hundred fourty. She detached the body defier and he groaned, collapsing. He woke up, hours later, chained to the bed. Brenda was feeding him fattening things that she often saved just for herself, hoping to make him even more bloated. "Funny," she purred,"who'd have thought you'd look so impossibly cute as a butter ball, lover?" "It's only fair," he belched,"I did do this to you after all." Brenda shook her head, "Tyler, I loved being fat, but more importantly, I loved being with you. Just having you turning me into a lard ass was a bonus. I'll turn us both back in the morning, but tonight, let's just have this moment, okay?" He nodded in response.
>>9493 Chapter 6 The next morning, Tyler woke up in bed feeling strange. He didn't feel as nearly as heavy as he once did and that was a relief, though part of him did get enjoyment out of it. "Brenda?" He shouted down the hall,"you home?" There was no response. He found the key and unshackled the chains. He walked down the hallway and found Brenda raiding the fridge. She still looked thin. "Oh, good morning," she yawned, giving him a kiss, "you sleep well?" Tyler nodded. "Well, I've been up all night thinking. And you know? As great as that thing was, it's kind of dangerous. Imagine if either of us got stuck that way. Not that I wouldn't enjoy either outcome," she giggled," but let's just say that I want to blow up on my own terms. Is that fair?" "Perfectly," Tyler nodded. Brenda got up and attached the body deifer to her stomach, "We're gonna have one last turn lover, so get the most out of it okay?" Brenda tossed him the remote and took a large bite of the chocolate cake, savoring one last moment being thin, "make me large, Tyler Rogers, make me huge!" He turned the dial and embraced her, letting her fat envolpe his body. Chapter 7 Two months later Home once again, Tyler sat down his briefcase "Brenda, you home?" He shouted. He found a note on the mantle that read 'follow the rose petals'. He did as he was told and followed them into the bathroom where he found Brenda relaxing in the bath with sparkling fruit juice and soft R&B music playing. She'd grown since that day, roughly two hundred pounds thanks to the body defier. Luckily the bath was still big enough to contain most of her. "Good evening," she cooed, "fancy a bath?" She watched him longingly as he undressed and slid in-between her, nesting his body between her breasts and belly. She sighed and kissed him, savoring the moment. "I found out something today." "Oh?" He replied. "Yes," she smiled, "I'm pregnant" Tyler rolled over in the bath and smothered her with delight. "I'm going to be a father. You have no idea how happy I am." "You?" She laughed,"I'm going to be more of a literal cow than I bargained for. I'm the one who should be celebrating" They clanged their glasses together and kissed deeply, wondering what the future might bring them.
Emma and Jack: A Love Story Once upon a time, Emma got a job at Wendy's. She was a diligent worker with some concerns about her weight. Her manager, Jack, started to encourage her to eat from the leftover food inventory. In no time, Emma developed a habit of regularly eating these leftovers, significantly increasing her weight. Soon, her weight gain became so rapid that it even garnered Jack's interest. Rather than expressing concern or suggesting she leave her job, Jack, who unbeknownst to Emma was Jeff Bezos, proposed an audacious idea - move the entire restaurant to Emma's house. Thus, Emma's life became entirely revolved around food. Soon immobile, Emma depended entirely on her manager and the feeding machine he'd designed for her. Her habits soon began subtly altering her body. Every piece of clothing she owned turned tight on her as her body widened. Her once slender arms and legs started to fill with more meat every passing day. Emma's weight reached astonishing levels, all while she lay immobile in her bed. Bezos, intrigued by the experiment, provided her with artificial organs that could cope with her increasing weight demands. He even got a crane to lift her out of bed since by then Emma was completely immobile. Food was supplied directly to her enormous body through a specially crafted feeding tube. As her needs grew, Bezos paid a horde of people to keep her supplied with food around the clock. Such was the singular focus of her transformed existence. One day, she found herself unable to consume anything solid; even being fed through a tube became taxing. Jack designed a feeding machine that would blend the food for her completely, turning everything into a thick, easily swallowed paste. The days and nights merged together, a time when she did nothing but eat. As she swallowed, caretakers and admirers massaged her body gently, touching every part of her immense flesh. It almost seemed like they were pleasuring themselves at the sight of this feedee girl, immobile and powerless on her bed. When consumption reached an unimaginable colossal level, hitting an impossible, unthinkable milestone of a million pounds, Bezos and his team decided to engineer a new form of nutrients. Waste products, previously discarded, were introduced as a high nutrient source.

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How do you cope with writer's block? Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 13:48:59 No. 9442 [Reply]
Hey, I'm a slightly popular fetish writer on DA and FA and I have a problem. Life has been sucking and I got a mental block I can't hurdle over. I try to put mouse cursor to page and all I get is the spongebob [T]he scene. My question is this to other smut/fetish writers. How do you get past it? I've tried taking breaks but people keep pushing me to do more stories. I've tried AI roleplaying, talking to friends, writing mini stories and drabbles, doing greentext. Nothing seems to work for me.
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Happened to me as well, more of a confidence issue if anything. I cared about the value of my work, which is silly considering that you're writing or drawing for the sake of fetishists on a website like this one or DA. Write for yourself and don't care what other people think about your work. I'm doing that now with a non-fetish/non-wg story now and I'm proud of how far I've come after so many years of self-doubt
>>9460 Go for it. Sometimes my best ideas come from horny dreams. Also stop drinking gatorade, it’s gross.
>>9490 Good advice, anon. I think I'll just try to turn my brain off and write what I feel. >>9495 Even frost flavor?
>>9495 Yes. That’s another good tip, think about how gross it actually is to be morbidly obese and lean into it. Gross is sexy.
>>9497 >Good advice, anon. I think I'll just try to turn my brain off and write what I feel There's a speech by Bruce Lee from Enter The Dragon that I'm very fond of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eVPIz-ziWY >"Don't think, feel. It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory"

Caption Thread Anonymous 01/31/2020 (Fri) 12:25:16 No. 77 [Reply] [Last]
Post pictures with short stories attached to them.
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Here's a little Feedee Reader x Feeder Widowmaker thing I cooked up just now. I've never made captions like this before, so I hope it's good!
https://www.deviantart.com/lovetummy/art/Weight-Gain-Curse-WG-Caption-855613157 https://www.deviantart.com/lovetummy/art/Huge-and-Horny-WG-Caption-861117333
Since this is the closest I’m gonna get: does anyone have a particular caption with light slob? Purple hair character. She talks about how you made her get into the fetish so you are going to indulge with her. Saw it on 4chan about a year ago and never again.
Does anyone have the caption that went with this? I remember it was floating around a while back.

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Tall Gal Weight Gain STories Generic725 03/11/2024 (Mon) 15:59:29 No. 8585 [Reply]
Looking for stories featuring specifically tall women that aren't fully mini-GTS, so, let's say between 5'11-7'. Can start tall or invovlve some height-growth along the way, too, but preferably not to unrealistic sizes. Let's stay roughtly in the WNBA-range. I keep a short list on my Deviantart of favourites, but I think there are lots more out there. Who are some of yours?
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>>8585 Mollycoddles "Large and in charge" or something like that. At least the first two parts, then she probably gets too big for your liking.
Damn your mom fucked your uncle.
>>8592 Do you have every story of his?
>>8860 You mean this one? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/112422/post/20212730
The house gently shook as Tonya lumbered her way to answer the door. It was a small, one story affair and to look at it one never would have guessed that the lady of the house possessed such sheer scale. Tonya Morton was big. From the day she was born at over 12 pounds she had been bigger than other girls and getting bigger all the time. Now, at 21, Tonya had attained a height of 6'6" and had expanded impressively outward in every other direction as well. A woman of great carriage and bulk, no part of Tonya's imposing body was slim. Her round face gave way to a thick double chin that engulfed her neck and sat proudly upon her broad shoulders. Pillowy arms bulged over her elbows and her wrists formed babyish rolls above her pudgy hands. Immense breasts overstretched her bra and sat atop a gargantuan belly that bounced proudly in front as it gurgled, digesting after Tonya's latest grazing session. Her purple house dress clung tightly to thick rolls and barely covered an enormous, cellulite laden backside that must have weighed over 200 pounds on its own and showed off the deep folds of Tonya's thunderous thighs and hefty, columnar cankles. The door was only a few feet away from the kitchen, where Tonya had been polishing off a two letre soda to wash down a pair of family sized bags of chips, but already she was sweating profusely. Another knock came as she ducked under a door jamb and negotiated her prodigious hips into the main room. Tonya opened the front door and looked down to see a lean young man of average height wearing thick glasses and carrying a large atache case. She opened her mouth to say hello, only to let loose a window-rattling belch courtesy of the soda addiction that had helped grant Tonya such a luxurious figure. "'Scuse me," Tonya giggled in a voice that was surprisingly soft and girlish for someone of her mass. "Is that it there?" "That's right," the young man nodded and Tonya invited him in with a wave of a flabby arm almost as heavy as his entire body. As Tonya eased herself down onto a heavy steel couch piled high with cushions that groaned in protest of her heft, the young man opened the case and took out a syringe full of pale, pinkish liquid. "You sure you're ready?" The man said as he swabbed her arm with rubbing alcohol. "I was born ready, darling," Tonya said hungrily, giving her belly and shake for emphasis. "I know," the man smiled as he injected her with the liquid. Tonya winced at the sharp pain as the substance entered her veins and the young man placed a bandage on her blubbery bicep. Almost immediately the comfortable fullness in the obese young lady's stomach was replaced with a bottomless hunger she hadn't felt since her family had unsuccessfully tried to put her on a diet.

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The Fictional Land of Gluttony! (Brainstorming) n/a 05/22/2024 (Wed) 15:13:05 No. 9002 [Reply]
Hello! This might be the first thread of its kind here on BBWChan. (Really sorry for the poor thread that had to be archived because of this one.) There have been many videos / challenges online where people create their own fantasy worlds, complete with their individual nations and backstories. That being said, I wanted to make a fantasy world centered around the multiple kinks in relation to growth and expansion! From a kingdom that idolizes hedonism, to a society built upon the gluttony of its people. I'd appreciate everyone's input! Criticism and suggestions, or even their own fictional nations!
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>>9058 >What about Monster Meat There is good portion of monsters that aren't for human consumption but some of the most common eaten are the Pop-a-chee which are replacement for chicken, and Longhorns for beef. While having more meat on each, they're harder to kill and harder to cook for different reasons. >Does eating monster meat in turn result in the consumer becoming a monster(girl) themselves Only magicial creatures can cause some sort of effect on humans. It's the reason why a lot of potions use magicial beasts ingredients. One of the most common is Wereafaction when someone becomes a certain animal on a full-moon. When infected the process of wereafaction can be cured until the full-moon appears. If to late you can't be cured and a pact will be made with your soul. So any help in curing will result with your soul being destroyed meaning that you're dead as a human. When the first full-moon happens nothing will happened apart from the soulbinding. But the slow transformation process begins. Depending on the animal you'll start getting traits. For example a werebear might start off with being more hunger. Hunger leads to weight gain where the person gets fatter, they'll also slowly get taller and stronger. Their hair color might change to be more brown with their eye color becoming golden. By the time of the full-moon they'll already be ready with hair appearing all over the body, face morphing to be more bear like, and long claws. They'll enter into a frenzy and by the end when the sun rises they'll be back to base form almost losing all the traits. However, some traits still stick to them so they might be taller than they original were, might be more muscular than before or fatter than before. This cycle happens over and over until the last full-moon where they're full transformed that they'll permently stay in their were form for forever. >>9073 >Regenerative Meat I like that idea. Though is it consistely regenerating or slowly to where the stomach can't break it down fast enough? Since someone who has a fast desolving stomach is useless and someone who is slowly makes it virtual impossible to fully digest.
>>9055 This is awesome anon. I’m going to make de facto canon for my main fantasy world-building setting.
Hooooo boy I shouldn’t have found this thread To an island far off, nigh holy maidens lay in the amazonian nation of Evolipos. An all woman society, every woman is able to both bear a child through love and bear the weight of their burgeoning bodies through the blessing of the goddess of expanse, Mazapi. To them, fat is not just a way of life or a love or even a holy blessing: it is a holy *study.* Mazapi strengthens their body and fattens their meal to let them understand fat more. The warmth it brings and the strength they gain from it. Fat practically replaces muscle as Evolipolions grow closer to Mazapi and understand fat better. Even those in the multi ton range can waddle in comfort. Through this, they have built a sprawling capital accounting for their size. Various “schools” are dotted across the city, dedicated to furthering their study, often shaping the women who study. Those who study a certain body part may find it filling with fat faster, carrying it well. The food fans will find food all the more tasty and more filling. Gastro studies lead to gassier gals, said gas even having potent properties to the devout. Even those who study the psychological effects may have more charming words on the topic. It is not uncommon for a Evolipolite to leave for other lands, carrying their weight to study what their weight and habits are like across the world. Awkward as they can be, they dedicate their travels to seeing how their fat forms handle different cultures and how those cultures handle their own fat. These studies further deepen one’s knowledge, bolstering their goddess’ power. By the end of a normal trip, the woman either has settled down, finding their new fat based place in life, or returned, fatter than ever and often bolstered in social standings. Visitors meanwhile are welcomed to stay, temporarily or forever. Only if they prove their devotion. If they do not, or are shown hostility in anyway, they fight with the might of a baratric barbarian, crushing foes. Their final purpose is to crush the opposers of fat. They may respect those who do not act on it, but any who make effort to destroy fat across the world will often be met by Mazapi’s forces. Cloister strike teams of a megatonne of her troops are sent out when called upon by either Mazapi or her/Polipos’ allies, to crush those who would erase fatness or to use it in immoral ways. They protect information, overwrite blaspheming, assassinate or even war against misdemeanors. All to keep the ideals of fat pure and free. All of these aspects feed into Mazapi’s growth in power, which in turn makes Polipos more powerful. She and her people are not immune to threats, but they are incredibly powerful and should not be provoked, lest a flesh avalanche of lard-imbued warriors smite harassers. Despite this, they remain on their island, peaceful and mostly uninvolved in mainland issues. They will grow, never stopping, learning more about fat, loving the fat, gas, intimacy, and more. This is who they are.
This is more of a question but it fits the thread and I’d like feedback if possible. I’m trying to work on a story with the dark atmosphere and tone of a Soulsborne but in a setting where the big world changing event initiates the weight gain for everyone (i.e: The Shattering somehow causes everyone become big slobs while keeping their ye olde prose and attitude) Does anyone have any ideas on how to tailor this event to keep the tone of the world without trivializing it by the ample growth and what not?
>>9324 (Orc inspirations from the Prince Division) Orc society is much like how you would think, the biggest is usually in charge, both for the males and females. However there is a clear distinction, orc race is 80% male and are usually born in litters, meaning there are rarely a bunch of females, so they are treated with much respect. Occasionally there can be an All-borne but that’s very rare(1). To keep up the numbers most females are fattened up and turned into icons of the tribe, many are respected adored and loved. The biggest usually becomes the one who mates with the chief. Many clans purposefully fatten their females to show of their clans bounty, like “Look upon chiefs mate, if we can keep her constantly fed then what chance do you have in taking us down”. When ever a certain male wants to rank up in the clan, they can either challenge another female in competition or they can out grow them through becoming the fattest. The large known female ork Gray Skins, many mistook her for a mountain with how gray her skin was and how she towered over most kingdoms. Elven society is…unique. From an outsider’s veiw most elves you will see are lithe, skinny humanoids and rarely do they have any pudge on them. This is because the elves most people are seeing aren’t really elves but wooden dolls puppets by the real elves who are most likely under a tree and extremely obese. Due to how long living most elves are, they attempt to keep their bodies lithe in the first few decades, but sooner or later they’ll discover the wonders of food and inevitably become obese blobs, ever expanding delving into more alluring levels of debauchery. Still with their prideful nature, they hide themselves away in little caves beneath their trees and animate wooden dolls wrapped with illusion spells to look like themselves. Made so they can feel, see and even experience all the things these dolls do. Some elves have dozens of these dolls, peppering them to do chores or to feed/pleasure themselves, they can pilot these dolls even when they are in other continents. Others use them to reach higher levels of gluttony and pleasure. The elves are run by a council, each elf in the council comes from a different type of subspecies, each with their own cultures and methods (1) an all-borne is when a litter of orcs are fused into one singular orc, stronger and bigger than usual.

"Danganronpa S: Ultimate Sumo Camp" Prompt A. A. Non 05/19/2022 (Thu) 13:52:49 No. 4168 [Reply]
"Danganronpa S: Ultimate Sumo Camp": A rather peculiar glitch during development results in one copy of "Danganronpa S: Ultimate Sumo Camp" turning every Danganronpa girl (excluding Towa and Kotoko, but including Chihiro) into a SSBBW sumo blob trying to compete for the "heavily" lauded title of "Ultimate Yokozuna". Inspired by Darkfireballz' artwork and Novasfatshack's sumo Chihiro story. Who wants that to happen? That is the million dollar question...
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Some edits done by some discord friends

Writing Ideas FaFreak256 03/18/2024 (Mon) 17:56:08 No. 8625 [Reply]
I’m back from a long hiatus to write once again, but I figured you guys would have the best ideas for a good start.
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Less for requests and inspiration and more so tossing out ideas I have that I may write myself. One focusing on an aspiring and obese guitar soloist, very skilled but shut out from any producers or talent due to her weight. She’s then contacted by an agent representing Overcharted, a music company focused on taking “musicians who are too big to make it big.” Supplying support, agents, housing, training, and more specific resources like custom made instruments for size and ways to direct their obesity towards places it can be admired. From there, she meets plenty of flabby musicians and assistants as she makes friends, finds love, and rises (alongside her weight) to stardom The other: fatties thriving in the apocalypse. In the wasteland of the post-apocalypse, one province, through Valut-Tec style equations, has seen sporadic changes. The area is almost entirely populated by impossibly obese woman, able to be stronger with their fat, using it to survive. The value of food is bigger than ever, Mad Max cars are used in abundance, if only so they can go faster than a waddle, and various factions of vary fatsos wage and debate for top meals. Focusing on a merely chubby lass taken in by one such group, she grows into the fattest in the land and sets her aim on surviving, and perhaps taming the famishing wastes
The feeder's partner began as a normal human woman, weighing around 100 pounds. Over time, her insatiable appetite for food and pleasure led her down a path of unrelenting gluttony and depravity. As she consumed more and more, her body began to grow at an exponential rate, fueled by the vast amounts of calories and nutrients she ingested. Her once-slender frame swelled with fat, stretching her skin taut until it could barely contain her expanding form. By the time she reached 1 million pounds, her massive bulk was beginning to reshape the world around her. Her pussy, once a modest feature on her slender waist, had grown into an enormous fleshy expanse that rivaled entire cities in size. As she continued to devour everything in her path, her partner's growth accelerated even further. At 10 million pounds, her pussy had merged with the earth itself, creating a single, gigantic fold of skin that stretched across continents. Her climax at this size was a truly cosmic event, shaking the very foundations of the planet with its immense power. The feeder, lost in the pleasure of fucking such an enormous partner, began to contemplate even more extreme forms of sexual play. As she grew past 100 million pounds and into the billions, her massive form began to transcend the boundaries of the planet itself. Her pussy expanded into a vast, fleshy universe that contained entire solar systems within its labyrinthine tunnels and caverns. By the time she reached 1 trillion pounds, her partner's body had grown to rival the size of small galaxies, with her pussy stretching across light-years like an endless nebula of flesh and fat. The feeder navigated through her cosmic vaginal landscape using custom-designed spacecraft, seeking out new dimensions of pleasure in each exploration. As she continued to grow at an exponential rate, her partner's massive form began to reshape the very fabric of reality itself. At 10^100 pounds, her pussy had expanded into a multiverse of endless possibilities, containing countless universes and realities within its boundless expanse. Even at this unfathomable size, the feeder still found new ways to indulge in his partner's immense pleasure, exploring the labyrinthine tunnels and caverns of her cosmic pussy across all dimensions and planes of existence. Her climax at this scale was a truly divine event, resonating through every possible reality with its profound power.

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I like the idea of a skinny gal bullied for being flat as a board slowly gaining weight and having most of it go to her tits and ass as she slowly becomes more smug and sexual, outgrowing all her peers.
>>9333 >what if the girl ate the food and then she got fat, and then she ate more, and got really fat, and then she was as big as outer space
Does anyone else dream of sucking her big boobs and breastfeeding from her? Like imagine if she had hyper-lactation where she couldn’t stop lactating and needed your help EVERYDAY. She would constantly breastfeed you like it was your breakfast, lunch and dinner. If she didn’t breastfeed she would have to use a pump and would make about 5 gallons of breast milk a day. She would have to donate milk because there would be no room to put it in the house. Pumping didn’t really matter cuz her tits are constantly engorged. She would need you to gulp down as much milk as possible to balance her efforts of expressing milk. Would you get too full? Could you handle all that cream? Can you swallow fast enough? Like what if that was your only food source for the day. Imagine just sucking and gulping her rich creamy milk down your throat…hour after hour…day after day…week after week…month after month…year after year. Your only breaks were to use the restroom, shower and sleep. Your friends and family will notice that you gain weight and you will have to lie and say it’s just bad eating habits. She eventually will have to sell some of it to hungry lactating fetish pervs just to clear space in the fridge and freezer. Luckily she makes millions from selling her milk so she moves to a mega mansion and ask you to stay with her forever. Time goes past and you gained 200 lbs in 5 years. Y’all are both married and living in a large mansion in Colorado. Her breast have grown bigger to the point where you need two hands to grab them. Sometimes the breastfeeding sessions can be brutal because you can’t breathe and the taste of breast milk wears you down. Eventually you try to stop because it’s just too much milk for one person to drink at once and you tell her you’re getting sick. She than shoves her big fat tit in your mouth and chokes you while milk is spraying rapidly down your throat. You start crying and begging her to stop.

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Text-Advetures WeirdoBeardo89 06/15/2024 (Sat) 17:23:45 No. 9186 [Reply]
For a while now I have been working on a series of text-adventure games. They have been generally well received so far, so I decided to share them here for those interrested. I charge a dollar per game, and have a bundle up for my first three games for $2,50. I use AI art and a program named quest to make my games. I have attached a few samples of the art, and a screenshot from one of my newest games. Hope this may be to some of you guys' liking. Linktree to all my stuff if you are interested: https://linktr.ee/weirdobeardo89
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>>9260 I like this one, but it ends way, way too soon.
https://darkeyev2.itch.io/emilys-midnight-snack Here’s a good one. Only found two endings.
>>9334 I only found 2 endings on first try too, 1 and 5c. Will try later, good find anon, it's sweet.
>>9344 Thank you. If you want the other endings, I’ll give you hints. Unfortunately, I think Ending 3 is soft locked because no one ever fucking finishes these games. I found it in the programming code under “alternative ending”. Hate to spoil it, but if you can get it, let me know.
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https://owlkaline.itch.io/insatiable-hearts Here’s a really good one. Probably because it’s made by sn experienced fat artist.

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Potential FE: Three Houses weight gain choose your own adventure/visual community writing project? Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 01:10:43 No. 9094 [Reply] [Last]
I’m a career writer by trade, however a long time ago, I wrote fat fetish fiction and role played, got pretty okay at it, but that’s all in the past now, as I quit all that stuff to focus on my actual writing career Lately I’ve been getting the Fire Emblem Three Houses female weight gain fiction brain rot again, but I don’t really want to start writing fics that are thousands upon thousands of words again just, cause that will just subtract time away from my career writing But then I got the idea of rather writing everything myself, I thought about potentially taking more of a step back, and trying to organize a community writing project, where I mainly act as an overseer and group editor, and maybe contribute something every now and again when I can Would any writers be interested in this? And keep in mind, this isn’t asking for commission work, more like a “hobby/in your spare time” kind of deal
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>>9243 Thanks man glad to be on board.
>>9246 My username is this btw Diabolicdiegio1880
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>>9271 I sent you an invite a few days ago Check ur github or ur email If need be, I'll send you another one
OP here with a minor update We now have specific weight gain headcannons for each of the ladies from Three Houses! These headcannons are not by me, and were crafted by one of the writers who’s working on the project, and are as follows 'Shameless Hog: Hilda, Hapi (Hilda’s inferiority complex towards her brother and willingness to abdicate all responsibility are prime grounds for her to become a rather shameless fatass. Not to mention how much she can try to milk sympathy 'oh I'm just so fat, please help me~'. Hapi’s supports with Constance show that she's a glutton, and her persecution complex towards the Church could be construed as a 'ha ha, I'm eating all your food, suckers,' revenge.) Prideful/Bashful about their weight: Dorothea, Constance (Night) (Rather straightforward cases for the both of them. Dorothea would of course outwardly project that she's proud and confident about her growth, but her deep insecurities make this a thin veneer. Similarly, Constance would stubbornly spin her weight gain as 'a brilliant plan, mark of nobility, etc.' until something actually embarrassing happens involving her weight.) Smug about her gains: Cornelia, Kronya (I am assuming out of my own bias that we are taking 'true' Cornelia and not her Argathan impostor. Either way, Cornelia dresses exactly like a woman who knows she is sexy and isn't afraid to flaunt it. If every woman of the cast is getting fat, I see no reason she wouldn't keep that attitude. Kronya is rather more straightforward, she is an Argathan and inherently believes she is superior to everyone around her.) Confident of her size: Anna (Anna is first and foremost a merchant, not a combatant, so there is no reason whatsoever for her to feel ashamed or inconvenienced by her weight. In fact it gives her all too many reasons to 'flex' her size on the others.) Content: Mercedes (Mercie is the uncontested 'chill' girl of the cast. She dislikes fighting and physical exertion to begin with and prefers baking/cooking in all respects.) Oblivious to her gains: Flayn, Catherine (Straightforward again: Flayn is rather endearingly oblivious to a lot of things, despite her surprising wisdom on many topics. Catherine is more a case of 'she's hit her head too many times' to have the awareness to recognize, in my opinion.)

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>>9273 I recommend using markdown files for the content. These are semi-structured data that are git-friendly and lend themselves to hierarchical structures. I also recommend adhering to abeljoestar's vision, as consistency will be important for multiple reasons. Here are a host of AI beta readers that will provide you valuable feedback on the content you generate: Beta Reader - Engaging Characters https://chatgpt.com/g/g-V4RVwSrDz-beta-reader-engaging-characters Evaluates character engagement in a story based on specific criteria. Beta Reader - Compelling Plots https://chatgpt.com/g/g-0qjkaHtir-beta-reader-compelling-plots Evaluates how compelling a plot is in a story based on specific criteria. Beta Reader - Strong World-Building (optional: for sci-fi/fantasy) https://chatgpt.com/g/g-6Mv2ucw9O-beta-reader-strong-world-building Evaluates the strength of world-building in a story based on specific criteria. Beta Reader - Emotional Impact https://chatgpt.com/g/g-6lQO2qF6h-beta-reader-emotional-impact

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Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 23:11:17 No. 6530 [Reply]
Stories about a girl or woman being fattened by a group of girls or women
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>>6600 >>7026 Dosen't count cause the other participants aren't women/aren't malicious enough
>>7112 The latter definitely counts as it's a story about a women being fattened up by 2 girls.
Has some drug usage, slob and some health issues/death towards the end but a good read. https://www.deviantart.com/gravitysecretagent/art/A-Goth-Girl-s-Addiction-XWG-Slob-Dumbification-891309903

Gundam weight gain Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 04:56:35 No. 3036 [Reply]
Where the only thing heavier than the women are the mechs themselves. Post weight gain stories, story ideas, or just discuss bbws and Gundam.
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I wonder if he really did write it.
>>7060 Have you never done anything remotely difficult?
pointless bump, hopefully we get some more content
>>7919 Here's something fun: a fic of Gundam: The Witch From Mercury, involving a lot of its female cast packing on some serious pounds. https://www.deviantart.com/reallynicegains/art/Gund-Arm-Mobility-Equipment-Comm-969675526 There's some health issues and mobility issues involved here too, so if you're into that, it's right up your alley. And it makes total sense in-univerese, too. Frankly I hope it inspires an entire genre of baratric-themed weight gain fics set in the G-Witch universe.

Visual novel weight gain/Feederism Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:59:07 No. 8793 [Reply]
I thought it'd be interesting since it technically is literature? I'll start with growth academy as the most obvious one Alice my beloved...
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>>8924 yooo thank you so much for telling us abt this! gonna buy it rn. any details on who the character is, and how to access her story?
>>8953 She is the first girl you will meet in the game, Galina, she looks like a tsundere at first but once you spend more time with her you will learn she is a recluse thats afraid of everything. She is in a middle of a break up with her BF that is why she started stress eating a lot lately. As a player, you can enable her eating disorder and make her eat tons of food via gifts (cakes, sweets, burgers and booze). Its a neat side arc I think
>>8954 I'm like a battle or two past the monocle yandere and have not been able to find her to interact with at all. Where tf is she? Do I need to interact with others for her to show up?
>>8992 She is in a lecture room at the far left side. You will have to squeeze yourself between the stairs to find her
>>8993 Were you able to get her any bigger?
