“Wait, there’s enough for everyone” he stammered. The woman shook her arm, and avalanches of flesh bounced up and down. Closer, Ethan could see she was young. Her hair was in short, golden locks, and her cheeks were rosy and chubby, although smeared with bits of food. She took a large bite of turkey leg, and burped.
“No there’s not. I’m tired of dieting and celery. I’m hungry, it’s the end of the world, I’m gonna EAT!”
She scooted to one of the buffets and began grabbing burgers from it. She shoved an entire burger into her mouth and gulped it down, following it a few seconds later by another. She snatched up fistfuls of fries with flabby fingers, forcing them into her pink-lipsticked mouth. Ethan watched in shock as the woman gorged herself. His pulse quicked as his pants tighted.
As she crammed the last burger into her mouth and washed it down with the last of the fries, she turned her attention to a tray of eggrolls. One by one she popped them into her mouth, slurping them down without a chew. As she wrapped her pink lips around the crispy pork treats, Ethan imagined his dick in the eggrolls place.
The woman threw the empty tray to the ground and then picked up a trough of mac and cheese. Ethan looked in shock. She hefted the trough in the air and began gulping it down. Her roll of neckfat bounced up and down as her belly gurgled so loudly that Ethan could hear it.
The morbidly obese woman threw the container of mac and cheese to the ground. It landed next to Ethan, spilling cheese sauce across the floor. The woman clutched her stomach, leaving prints of ketchup and grease across her belly. Her gut groaned like there were boulders clashing about in it.
Her stomach heaved, and her breasts bounced up and down. Her cheeks bulged, and then:
From the depths of her overstuffed gut came a room-shaking bletch. She moaned, and tenderly rubbed her belly. As her bout of indigestion subsided, she realized that the man was still there, and was looking at her hungrily. She saw that there was a sizable tent in his pants...