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Lost storys Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 01:59:12 No. 32
Need help finding a story about an immobile cat person in the future reminiscing about her days doing things like 'exploring the ship' and whatnot before falling in love with another immobile catperson she saw. hope thats specific enough. Also this is a thread for people who just need storys found.
hey! I'm looking for two stories by the same writer that were on deviantart a while ago. the first was called "Getting Out of Work" where this blonde wants to get out of work by getting really fat and has her mousy brunette friend help her out. the other story is either called "Charlie and Tracy" or "Tracy and Charlie" where charlie comes back from a two year trip to see his formerly fit soccer girlfriend got incredibly fat.
Anyone happen to have the story for "Mutya Buena" from the old Dimensions forums somewhere? Koudelka did a pic about it along time ago but the link is deader than John F. Kennedy https://www.deviantart.com/thekoudelka/art/Mutya-62785024 I ask because I wish to do a sequel to the story where her daughter follows in her footsteps after mutya passed
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>>7216 Here you go.
Anyone have a copy of "Huge Cruise" by Neversaywhen? Was originally on FantasyFeeder and DeviantArt.
hello yes i need story from deviantart about a woman in a future with a pro-fat government who is sentenced to temporary fattening for making fun of a 1000 pound coworker, but the feeding robot goes rogue and fattens her to 2000 pounds permanently.
>>7234 Sounds similar to this one: https://www.deviantart.com/weeb-lord/art/Continuing-Education-785652909
>>7237 Yes, that is it, thank you!
There was a story on DeviantArt about a guy who got hired to tutor his friends little sister. The girl is chubby and a bit slobby and the protagonist enables her. Eventual the girl is a full NEET by the end. I believe is was called "fattening my best friends little sister"
>>7242 Sorry dude. I know that story. It was Flabby Little Sister by Kariuk and he left, a while ago. I wish I had saved the story by some means. Alas.
I'm looking for a story where a guy is sent off to some mountain to restore a temple but winds up releasing some evil spirit girl who grows throughout the story. it should have multiple parts and art, the girl is dressed like a Japanese priestess
>>7221 Thank you so, so, SO much! I've been dying to read this one again and can't wait to make a sequel that pays respect to how dark the original was!
It was a story on fantasy feeder by the name of "Bad habits" I think. It was about a girl being punished by her parents for her having low grades. They forced her to eat a ton, if I remember correctly
>>7253 if only man, I even went through the waybackmachine to see if I could find it but sadly not
does anyone have the archive of Johan25's gallery that was going around on here a few years back?
>>6883 This please. Anyone?
Looking for a story called "Poor, Poor Violet" From a some guy called boilerroom on DA. Don't remember what happens, but violet beauregard is inflated and transformed into ice cream then gets shrunk down, can't remember the rest of what happens tho
Wondering if anything remains from Nick Bloom’s stuff? He either nuked or got nuked a year or two ago
Did anyone save the old dimensions weight room wonder woman story before they took it and the archive.org save down? It was called the final mission and I'd love to see it again
I vaguely remember this older story (early 2000s era?) where this girl was being held against her will in some secret factory somewhere. I can’t remember if it was BE or Body Inflation/fat but she was being fed something and slowly growing, filling a good part of the warehouse. They were using her to produce something so maybe it was BE with milk? Anyway some human rights activists sneak in to try to free her but accidentally turn the machine on full blast and she grows wayy bigger and possibly pops if IIRC? Anyone remember this?
Anybody have eatsmore deviantart galley? They nuked their account with out any warning
>>7306 Also any of iceblazethequick missing stories I'd like those too
https://web.archive.org/web/20191018012755/https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=43578 Anyone got a full copy of this one?
>>6306 https://web.archive.org/web/20150530025641/http://fantasyfeeder.com:80/stories/view?id=7767 got all parts except pt5
Story about a small time conman and his big time sister trying to kill off his rich wife for the estate/will?
>>7226 Did it get taken down? I have it up to the part where they spike the pancake syrup, but not the ending :/ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fz32xu8hvxh8rvdmxp7dv/hugecruise.txt?dl=0&rlkey=schu9vvny1a7ufynxm6112uol
>>6363 Seconding this request for the anonymous ones, specifically "Gaining Capabilities: Perspective 2"
>>7328 Thanks for this. Yeah, unfortunately, it appears the author took down all of their stories and deleted both their Deviantart and Fantasyfeeder accounts.
Guys help, i’m searching a story on deviantart about Elizabeth from Persona 3 gaining lots of weight with Makoto. If i’m not wrong, the same writer made another story with Yuko and Makoto.
>>5166 Seconding this, havent been able to find this one anywhere
Does anyone have any of the writings of Spurcell saved? I've found a couple archives of his art, but none of the accompanying stories.
Need help finding a story about Sherlock Holmes from Fate:GO logging his weight gain, it was also illustrated by adipose saleswoman on DA but I can't find the story with it anywhere. I think it was called "Holmes's Research Project"
>>5370 I've read this story too. Their deviantart username was something like xXx_WhaleWatcher_xXx
>>7098 Your third might be Neighbors by KomperaKlause on DA.
>>7098 I think this is your 2nd, about the witch's challenge: https://www.deviantart.com/princple/art/Catching-A-Sorceress-s-Eye-And-Her-Stomach-1-3-708172404
Does anyone have this story? I dont know why it was deleted. About a woman who observes in horrified fascination as her best friend's appetite, gluttony, and greed grow- and the world seems to be encouraging it.https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view/title/charisma
I'm looking for the story Paige's Roommate By The Studio, not the comic he drew but the actual written story.
Anyone have bluethroughnthrough’s stories before their deviantart was deactivated? Looking for My blueberry boy in particular.
Need help finding a DeviantArt story about Jenni Bombshell and Plump Princess eating some sort of gummy and growing to huge sizes and being rivals to a degree.
Did anyone manage to save this story? https://deviantart.com/renegadedeejay/art/Chie-s-new-life-XWG-928589261 The link doesn't go anywhere now, but I remember reading it not that long ago The writer for some reason deleted this one
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>>7423 Today is your lucky day, because I just so happen to have it saved. Check the attached text file.
>>7426 You a real one.
Anybody have eatsmore deviantart gallley or any of iceblazethequick missing stories?
>>7437 Eatsmore's gallery is at least on the wayback machine but it's all locked behind sign in to view so it's useless
>>7139 Could you renew the link once more? Thank you very much!
Anyone got anything from thedood77? Seems to have deactivated their accounts.
I had read a story on wattpad that deals with the following: "After a girl's friend passes away, the girl goes on vacation to try to get over his death, there she meets the demon of gluttony, which would enter the girl after seeing her eat a lot of food while drunk; Being at home she would begin to gain weight and she would realize her abilities, He would also realize that he became a demon, since he grew horns and his hair changed color; After some things he goes to the house of his deceased friend's mother's house,Since the girl had lost her home, then her deceased friend's mother lets her live in her house, this causes her to gain more weight, since the deceased friend's mother would attend her 24/7, the mother would also get fat by having the girl close, to take her out after a while; She then has a relationship with a guy who she fed her and he was very rich, and after a while he goes to visit the mother of his deceased friend, when he finds her he realizes how fat she is, and that she had hired several chefs to always have food, it also had an industrial refrigerator; The girl would discover from a diary of hers that her mother would give her that he was in love with her, and that he had died because of her, and she would argue with the spirit of her friend until they made peace, after which her mother takes her out of her house; After some events (which I don't remember) the girl and her boyfriend go to live in Japan, in which she would start to get fatter and her boyfriend would also get fatter, after a fact (which I don't remember) she admits in public that she is the Demon of gluttony, so he begins to have lots of servants, so the girl and her partner would become immobile, the story concludes by saying that: Japan became the country with the most obesity, as all their abilities are obese, from children to the elderly, they are all obese and worship obesity and the demon of gluttony " That's the story, I don't remember how many chapters it had, but I remember it had images, images of a weighty sequence of a demon girl, with orange hair, black horns, demon tail orange, and her eyes were also orange (Also the mother of the deceased friend had images of his weight gain, it was a girl with light blue underwear, shoulder-length hair and brown Also, I don't remember if the story was written in English or Spanish (I hope it's not a problem) That would be all, although I can't find the story, I would like to find the drawings, specifically the images of the demon girl's weight sequence, I don't know what the artist was but I know what it was Japanese or Korean (I don't remember)
Several versions of this very site ago, someone did some writefagging on the story board itself about some fairy tale girls being fattened up. I think Little Red Riding Hood was the main character, but Gretel shows up somewhere along the line, too. It's a long shot, but does anyone have it? Maybe in Pastebin format.
Trying to find a story that was posted on Dimensions Forum a little while back but has since been removed. I believe it was called Jess Steps Up, or something like that. It’s about a guys wife who becomes a feeder model online.
>>7442 https://we.tl/t-MbQn7OGrDC
It's a long shot but looking for the name of a story. Here's a brief summary. The main female protagonist is a unemployed English student graduate who meets a rich older women at a restaurant. She entices her to come back to her mansion using perfume that compels the protag to go. She uses perfume sprayed cleavage to hypnotize and lower the IQ of the protagonist to just stay in the guest room and eat nonstop till she becomes a horny slob.
>>7480 Pretty sure thats Sinking Motivation - by Panchatan Which I can no longer find by searching, so here's a copy of it (lol fuck pastebin, locked when I copied it before) https://rentry.org/k4mmb
Does anyone have a story form dimensions where a guy started a new job and the older Filipino ladies who worked there started fattening him up?
Does anyone know what I'm about to mention. So, first off, this story is more object vore-y. I think the title of it is Greed, or something like that, I read it on DA years ago, and I remember it being in the sims, or something like that. As far as I remember what happens is that the protag get filled with coins or something like that, been looking for weeks.
There's this story of a woman who had to watch her family farm while her parents were away and gets trapped and fattened by the livestock feeder. I think there was a sequel where she opened it up to other women?
I remember a story, which is about 3 girls who were kidnapped by a Russian (I remember that in the story they emphasized that he was Russian), who would take them to a subway that he had made under a lighthouse, where he would begin to fatten them, the girls they were: a dark-haired girl, a blonde and I think a redhead; The fact is that when they gained weight, the dark-haired girl gained more weight in her butt, the blonde more in her breasts, and the redhead more in her belly; And so, little by little the girls become more fond of their kidnapper. I remember reading it on Deviantart and that it consisted of 2 chapters
I remember this story about a Supermodel type lady trying a new perfume and being turned into a huge Blueberry. I haven't been able to find it recently.
There used to be a deviantart writer that went by grumblingut or grumblin-gut around 2-3 years ago. Their stories were some of my favorites and then suddenly they deactivated their account and I could never find their content again. They usually wrote stories about different fandoms, but one I remember fondly was about Ana from Overwatch being interrogated and inflated in the process. I don’t think they were very well-known in the community, so I’m not sure if anyone has any idea what I’m talking about, but if you do please let me know!!!
>>7537 Sounds like the mad feeder by cggo. https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=307686
Looking for two stories: 1)It was on deviantart, I don't remember the name but it was set in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss universe and was about an STD that made the main characters of the shows into fatties 2)It was on AO3, it was named Lazy Susan's Living Cooking, it was a Gravity Falls wg fanfic but now i can't find it on that site or in google
Looking for a DDLC story where MC and Yuri have a feeding session. MC feeds Yuri until she orgasms, and then begins forcefeeding her when she wants to stop eating. She almost explodes, but instead just breaks the chair under her. I remember seeing it on deviantart, but can't find it now.
Looking for stuffing/wg stories by Mutsumis-Loverboy/Iced-Equestria from their Deviantart before they nuked them.
This is really a shot in the dark. Im trying to find a DA story about a girl that ends up in some sort of experimental weight gain facility. She's there with about 4 other girls and they get fed. All of them have a unique fat body type. I think eventually she gets immobile and cant leave her own room and then follows a sex scene. I hope you guys can help!
I have a request for an author in general. There was an author on fantasyfeeder about 3 years ago that asked for likes before she added more chapters. Her profile name was "miaa". A lot of people took issue with the likes for chapter setup and although I did think it sucked I did think the stories were good. I talked to the author herself but she said she removed them from fantasyfeeder after the complaints and that she didn't post them anywhere else. You guys are the only way to get them now so if anyone has them saved I would appreciate it if you wanna post them here. Thanks!
There's an old FF story called"The Spoiled Wife." Anyone have it?
Looking for Personal Growth by TotalObesity. Was a very long Life is Strange fic centered on Max gaining for Chloe. Was crossposted on AO3, Deviantart, and FF.net, but seems to be wiped
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>>7626 Blessed are the based.
Anybody have Borin's Naruto story "Road to Slob"? The prologue is still up, but the rest is missing from his Deviantart
Another desperate attempt to see if anyone has the missing works of iceblazethequick
>>7624 I guess I should come back and say I eventually found it. There's a very large archive of AO3 stuff. https://ia802207.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/11/items/AO3_final_location/queue07.zip&file=queue07%2FCompleted%2FPersonal%20Growth%20-%20TotalObesity%20-%2012494288.epub
>>7596 Thay's extremely vague and generic, but it could be The BL: enclosed revolution in deviantart. Its been deleted, but I think I have the text copied somewhere. Do you remember what the story's main girls were called? Zahra, Hollie, Tamara and Maria ring a bell?
Anyone have stuff from Doughtub or BBEncourgr
Does anybody have the final chapter for “The Sting” from Fantasy Feeder?
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Hello. Does somebody know why cant I access to this story? Is there a solution? If not, does somebody has an archive of his stories?
Anyone know this story? I think it was a spinoff of jp-1's "Mad Fattener" stories. I remember it being on DA but either it's gone or I just can't seem to find it with their awful search functionality. From what I remember, in it a reporter who wrote about the fattener is at home and reads either an email or letter and is then visited by him and proceeds to rapidly fatten up. Any help in locating it is appreciated.
>>7687 Nevermind. I did not know that there is a blocking option on DA. Sorry
Anyone know of a story where a woman lives in a world where robots make everyone overweight and tries to go to a normal restaurant? Found it on DA but forgot to like it.
Anyone know of a story about a fat woman trying to live in a world where automated robots are the norm and most people don’t / can’t leave their houses? I think it starts at an automated restaurant that is empty.
Does anybody know an old comic in which a teenager is left alone in her house while her parents go on a trip and leave her with a credit card with a lot of money that she then spends in food?
Anyone know of a story it was on tumblr a long time ago. Called Cabin in the woods xwg ssbhm aliens. dude was hugely fat in a cabin and some woman comes across him and the aliens hook her up they start fucking eachother fatter blah blah ?
Does anyone remember a persona 5 story on deviant art where Kawakami is romanced by the reader and gets very fat? I remember it was one chapter but had a side story thing where they went to the beach. I think I remember her getting stuck trying to squeeze into an escalator at one point. I thought it was by borin23 but I think it might have been deleted.
There was a story posted on here years ago about a sphinx that gets fat from eating stolen food from caravans and a knight is sent to kill her but let's her get so fat she gets stuck in her cave and he fucks her.
Fantasy Feeders search features are kind of ass now, but there's 2 male WG stories I'm after if anyone knows them - unfortunately I can only recall what happens not their names One was something like "mummy's boy", with a late teenager, the main parts I remember are him wetting the bed, his hot aunt being a nurse and fitting a catheter, and his doctor being into WG in the last chapter. The other was a guy who spends summer getting fat on a vacation with his aunt and cousin on an island, ends with him being the secret king of it
Looking for a Sakura (from Naruto) weight gain story by Borin23. If I recall correctly, the story was simply titled "Sakura WG". In the story, Ino and Hinata are jealous of Sakura for being so lean while the two of them have gained a bit of weight. Ino, with Hinata's help, traps Sakura in her mind body switch jutsu and eats a bunch of food while possessing Sakura's body to fatten her up. The jutsu backfires and Ino ends up getting super fat too. I can't find it on Deviantart for some reason and the Borin23 archive link posted earlier in this thread is dead. Anyone have a working link to the archive? There's a handful of other Borin23 stories I'm interested in that also went missing.
Looking for stories by Azurephoenixdragon on DeviantArt
>>6258 you should totally post it here
https://www.deviantart.com/montyisfat/art/Bulk-to-Blubber-592779691 does anyone have this, i'll return the favor in a deleted story series myself.
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere/Lordbgh/thiccfiction saved?
>>7737 I managed to find the URL for the fic but the story appears to be deleted. https://www.deviantart.com/borin23/art/Sakura-WG-Fic-143598066 There was a archived zip of Borin23 stories linked in post >>4857 but the website it was hosted on is now defunct.
>>7742 https://we.tl/t-a9liMNIfa8
>>7741 https://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=cache%3a%2f%2fwww.deviantart.com%2fmontyisfat%2fart%2fBulk-to-Blubber-592779691&d=4946196299916198&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=1Sc4ndF2USHJRX4nefO4JHwkhlD9fR-Q Managed to find a cached version in Bing search.
Looking for a story where the protagonist has a spell cast on them causing them to absorb the weight of people around them. I remember it starts with them going to the store and gaining some weight before returning home and they end up immobile
>>7747 First time using mab, but here is the Borin23 zip https://mab.to/t/D8GoAuQVEyJ/us3
Looking for some of Neversaywhen's stories. "The Huge Cruise," "the training of a fat lady," and "the deadly dozen"
fatty ninjas snakebit1995 Did anyone archive it at the time?
>>7759 Thanks anon. The story I was looking for was in there. >>7741 >>7750 I just noticed the Bing cache I linked earlier seems to be down now but the Google cache still seems to be up in case you haven't already saved it. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fmontyisfat%2Fart%2FBulk-to-Blubber-592779691&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 If you have the URL for a webpage you can often find a cached version of it in Google. Just enter the URL into Google search but add "cache:" to the front and it will take you to a cached version of the page if one exists. It doesn't always work (it didn't for the story I was looking for) but it does work a lot of the time. For example to find the story you were looking for I entered this into Google - cache:https://www.deviantart.com/montyisfat/art/Bulk-to-Blubber-592779691
need help finding a story that just got deleted on fantasy feeder. story was called "Charisma" where erica starts an onlyfans and slowly gets fatter, with her roommate/best friend helping her along the way. the stuffing scenes were some of the best i've ever read would love to figure out how to see it again or if someone has it
looking for a old story that had a raven getting feed by a fat starfire. It was on DA not pastebin. By the same guy how wrote about fat Starfire and Jinx I think
Yo does anyone have anything from banannasplitrevolt? He deleted his account or DA being the shit website it is suspended him. I'm mainly looking for Fair Food 1 and 2 and Oktoberfest Feeder but I would like as many as ya got. Thanks in advance
Anybody have any of Cold-cozy's stuff?
I remember this story that involved a SSBBW and her daughter, the boyfriend of the daughter had a slob/gas kink and ended up falling for the mom, all i remember is it started in an art room with the daughter and the boyfriend and by the end of the first or second part he told the mom he fell for her. Not a lot to go on but id love to read that again.
Looking for a feederism story about a rich, slobby "Karen" and a fast food worker. I think she ends up becoming immobile, and the guy moves in with her.
I could swear I read this story from a link in this page, but I cant find it. It (might) have been posted on the lost stories, fattening up to eat, or sci-fi WG threads, but I cannot find them. It featured 2 main girls, who were kidnapped and forced to gain weight to be eaten, The protagonist is strongly against it, while her friend instantly gives in and gets fat. a lot of emphasis is given to the resistance of the main character against her jailor, who is a named, important, female character. eventually, they attempt to escape, which is ruined by the weight of the friend which gave in, and the protagonist is taken to a different room where she is tube fed by the jailor, and the story ends there as it is an unfinished story. Other things I can highlight: -It was split into several chapters -It was probably on DA, or maybe FF. not in any other page -It is probably not deleted, as I read it less than 4 months ago -I believe the setting was on a spaceship, being fed by aliens. Strong use of fancy tech gadgets, and a cafeteria where other females ate to be eaten. Special jumpsuits are give to them as well. Any help finding it is welcome.
>>7748 Can someone reup this? I really want Thiccfiction stories
Does anyone remember a BG2 story where most of the main girls gained? It was called Feast of Amn or something along those lines. For the life of me I can't find it anywhere.
Yeah can someone re up please
>>7742 what the fuck this guy closed his DA too? man I'm glad I take the time to make all these damn local word docs. this also has some/all of his content from archive of our own. fyi if there were any serious and exclusively scat/fart stories, I don't have those. Anyone who likes these local Word doc files and has the programming ability consider writing some sort of script for me that would automate the process (including proper labeling and sorting!) https://www.mediafire.com/file/0vewunzrg4hnncs/lordBGH_-_Vanity%252C_tara_instagram%252C_archiveofowrown_collection.odt/file I hope this MediaFire link works I've never used them before there seems to be a whole wave of a file hosting sites shutting down
>>7737 In a similar vain to this, does anybody have Borin's Hinata series that he deleted? A couple months ago the first part was still up, but I think he might of recently deleted that one too. I'm fairly certain that "Slob" was in the title. If anyone has a full series that would be great. I didn't get the chance to see the borin zip so If someone can reup that, that would be great
Looking for a story I lost recently about to women who can't pay rent but they find an apartment where an elderly woman gives them cheap rent and free food for staying and eventually they get super fat eating the woman's food all day. It was on deviantart I just can't seem to find it.
Does anybody know the name of the story where a mother is talking to her daughter’s boyfriend about how he made her and her daughter fatten up? I know for a fact that it was on deviantart
Looking for a story I've seen off and on over the years. Starts with a Chick getting force fed chocolate cake, there's a part where she gets a meat grinder attached to her face and gets force fed. Really decent story, any help?
If y'all liked anything from nickeds0 on deviantArt, be sure to save it to your hard drive or the Wayback Machine ASAP. Their account was deactivated a couple of days ago.
is it possible anyone has the Borin23 zip?
Looking for a story on deviantart I remember it was part of a series, the protagonist ends up on a stage and an announcer teases them about being fat when they're not and whatever they say ends up becoming true
Anyone have two of Borin23's stories. They're "Rukia Kuchikia: Pro Taste-Tester, Ex-Shinigami", and Persona 4: The Fattening of Mayonaka Arena
>>7913 Those were written by chubby-chimaera, whose google drive link is here: >>7403 >>7915 <<5166 & others looking They are part of the Borin23 zip https://mab.to/t/FkbbePs7TZz/us3
Does anyone have the Danganronpa Feedee-cutions stories that had DR waifus going through various massive WG scenarios in the style of an execution?
>>7916 Thanks for the re-up !
It's pretty shitty that most of the dimensions story content is paywalled now. Free membership gets you everything but the fiction. Greedy boomers, knowing what I know about who runs dims, surprised they haven't keeled over from a heart attack.
nvm, actually all of it is. Every single fucking story everyone ever posted there if it's longer than one reply, they want money.
I don't suppose anyone saved part two of "I just want to grow" from thirstyaf on Deviantart. i can only see part 1 in their gallery. https://www.deviantart.com/thirstyaf/art/I-Just-Want-to-Grow-Working-WG-fic-699954053
Anyone have a loli water inflation story from deviantart where there was two little girls watching cartoons about some character getting a hose shoved in their pants and bursting, so they tried it out with help from their big brother(i think, it also could’ve been a baby sitter) and one of them bursts and the other floats away like a balloon?, i remember i had it faved on deviantart but the story or the creator got banned, creator was called something along the lines of chimera (?).
>>7932 Nvm i found it in the chubby chimera google drive
Can someone reup this? I really want Thiccfiction stories thank you
Looking for a story called Click. It was on Fantasy Feeder years ago, it was awesome. About a wife who buys a spell from a witch where whenever she snaps her fingers her husband gains 10 pounds. I found the first page on WayBackMachine, but lost it unfortunately. Appreciate the help. Cheers
Does anyone happen to have the Desmond stories from Fantasy Feeder? They were about a cannibal who fattened girls up to eat.
Looking for a series I found a little while ago about a heavily pregnant woman who is checked into a private clinic by her husband and gets fed by the nurses. Think it escalates into force feeding by the second chapter.
>>7917 I am asking once more. Does anyone have the Danganronpa Feedee-cutions?
May I ask for one last upload of the Borin stuff before the site goes down?
Does anyone have a saved version of the Steven Universe burping/stuffing fetish story, Trials Of The Stomach by crystal-queer-gems, which used to be on Archive of Our Own?
>>7949 It's the final days, so here it goes again: https://mab.to/t/0SyRV9ZWwvt/us3 >>7947 I believe they are in the chubby-chimarea google drive, linked here: >>7403
>>6294 Before leaving, anybody at least remembers the name of the writer?
Hello, could someone upload the older biggirlshere stuff once again, please? Thanks in advance.
Anyone heard of a story titled "The Fate of Sara the Cunning"? It was a story on deviantart about a pirate who was captured by one of her enemies and fattened up?
Looking for a story about I think a cheerleader joining some nerds with DnD. She gains alot of weight and turns into a geek and becomes the girlfriend of one of the nerds. I remember it being posted on pastebin. Anyone know the story?
https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Nerd+wg That's about nerd girl wg
Given bbwchan is dying soon, this may be my last chance to ask this. So I'm gonna ask for something remarkably fucked up. A long time ago, way before Pastebin started going its censorship bullshit, I found this untitled story on there. For some ungodly reason I saved it and just never really thought about it again, though it was erased after censorship became a thing. I have no idea what its actual title is or if there are more parts to it, but it's...a thing. Definitely a thing.Also I edited it to make it more readable-it was a hot mess before. I want to know if anyone at all recognizes this...thing, knows what it's actually called, and knows if there are more parts to it. Be aware: it's got parasitic slugs that burst people. It's also got weight gain and stuff, but it's...weird.
Hello, I'm looking for a story. The author was HarlowVenus, the title was The Celebration Cake [100 Watcher Special]. It was about two guys eating cake and gaining a lot of weight. It looks like the author deactivated their DeviantArt account. Please let me know if anyone happens to have this story saved?
>>7951 Can you re upload it? I missed the window and I wanna see the stuff
Does anyone remember a story written on the board years ago about a brother hypnotizing his sister and feeding her weight gain shakes? It was written in three parts - the first part was when she was thin and into fitness, the second when she gained some weight (around 180) and was struggling, and the third was when she had given up completely and was around 300
>>7780 OP of this here. I went into wayback and found three stories from banannasplitrevolt. Fair Food, Fair Food 2, and Britney's Beach Trip If anyone has Oktoberfest feeder or any others from him i'd be very appreciative
>>7993 OK, you tried searching deviantart.com/bananasplitrevolt How about bananasplitrevolt.deviantart.com This works mainly for very old artists. But also isn't a guarantee for every story/image to be accesible.
May I ask once again if someone could reupload biggirlshere stories? Thank you very much.
Looking for a stuffing/preg story I found a little while back but have since lost. A guy checks his heavily pregnant wife into a private clinic where he's made a deal to have his wife fed by the nurses. Think it gets into forcefeeding by the second chapter. Any help is appreciated.
I have been driving myself insane the past month looking for this. Best-Recollection Synopsis: This is a 4 or 5 part story following a guy who gets a job at a fast food restaurant (named something like Artery Attack). He has a female coworker/supervisor who is a little curvy and a total bitch to him. Over the course of the story they both gain a huge amount of weight, mostly against his will. The supervisor woman keeps making fun of him, seemingly ignoring the fact that she's getting massive as well. It's eventually revealed she's turned on by their mutual gain, and she starts making huge feasts after work, and he can't help himself from eating. I think the series ends with him turning the tables on her, like getting her demoted or fired? Additionally, there's tons of little background scenes with the customers throughout the story, showing that everyone who eats at the establishment gets fucking massive, kinda like a 'fatter world' story. I read this a couple months ago, but I think it's been around for much longer. It was on Deviantart, and it among the author's earliest work I think. Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
Again, the Borin23 zip https://mab.to/t/pFo9c3aKVgg/us3 >>799 biggirlshere https://mab.to/t/v5laSyGDF5w/us3
Hey not really lost, I just can't for the damn life of me find it. The title was something like, "The biggest pair of sweat pants" and the plot was like this. A girl and her then boyfriend go to store. She sees a enormous pair of sweat pants and buys then as a gag gift. As times goes on she grows into them. At the end the boyfriend suggests she goes on a diet, to get bigger, and suggests buying an even bigger pair of sweatpants.
>>8035 found it https://www.deviantart.com/creaturefeep/art/The-Biggest-Pair-of-Pants-You-d-Ever-Seen-912460665
>>8030 >>8025 Hot damn, thank you so much!
>>7864 https://www.deviantart.com/thespookyend/art/Moving-Out-WG-POV-Immobility-967022680
I'm looking for old stories by "65926592", everything that can be found (but the interactive factory tour in particular) really. Also wondering if anyone remembers a story, not sure of the exact name, where a girl goes on a blueberry diet and then becomes a permanent blueberry, has a more or less happy ending.
can i get a reup of the biggirlshere file?
Probably a longshot, but does anyone have this story from a deleted deviantart account? Here is the old link: https://www.deviantart.com/derkurator/art/Lard-laden-Lumine-s-Lascivious-Lethargy-970491975
A story about a fat slob brother being taken to a fast food restaurant by his hot sister. I think she jacks him off in the disabled toilets. Was on FF like 15 years ago
>>8086 https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pXf_ihJ_2f4J:https://www.deviantart.com/derkurator/art/Lard-laden-Lumine-s-Lascivious-Lethargy-970491975 Quickly, before the cache is deleted.
>>8090 Oh shit, you are a true hero, anon. Pastebin link and associated image attached to this post for whoever comes after. https://pastebin.com/uLz36NDh
does anyone have the arrangement?
bumping an old request but does anyone have any archives of a Deviantart writer who went by the name "UnknownOverseerer?" I found Molly's Wish which was a favorite of mine, but there's a bunch more I haven't found yet. Just in case anyone was looking for it, I'll post Molly's Wish again: https://pastebin.com/ZNvfMC8m
Trying to find a story from back around 2006 or so. It was about a high school girl who decided to gain weight to spite her controlling mother by enlisting the help of a fat girl at her school. I remember her mom yelled at her for taking a drink of whole milk, and another part where she says she thinks 20 pounds would make her fat, but the girl she gets advice from shortly convinces her to gain 100 pounds.
I'm trying to find a story with many parts some of which were illustrated focusing on a college student and member of a sorority full of lesbians getting really fat with huge boobs. Should be pretty well-known.
>>8110 Was it Woot's Vander House series? It's a little light on story, but there is a narrative. https://www.deviantart.com/w-oo-t/art/Vander-House-pt1-343598916 That takes you to the first image, the description has links to the next pages (or just look at the 'scraps' folder in their gallery)
>>8111 Yes! Thank you so much, TGWDAT!
>>8034 Can you reupload the Borin23 zip again? How long does it usually stay up?
>>8074 I've found this while looking for 65926592 stories, it has everything BUT the CYOA. https://mega.nz/folder/L2hDTJoL#SnlTq-F-aOLoaPOxAWg61g I've been looking for the CYOA forever but pretty much no luck. This is the last remain of it, only one singular page of it. https://web.archive.org/web/20200316074021/https://sta.sh/0amtq8tsk17 By any chance if someone has this or any other info, it would be appreciated.
Does anyone have an archive of nickeds0 stories including Teaching a lesson?
anyone got makifan53 stories of all? thanks
Looking for a pig tf story from a few years ago. It involved a rich fat girl who always ate at a mexican resturant. She ends up cursed by a gypsy woman slowly turning into a pig. Pretty sure the story ended with her pig self wandering into the resturant and ending up on the menu.
I don't remember the autor but I am looking for a fgo story called "Gluttons of Chaldea", it was an Astolfo WG with some vore by the final
Does ANYONE remember a skullgirls story where valentine sneaks into the circus to catch a show and she sees cerebella as a ussbbw then afterwards gets flung into her dressing room, gets found out, nearly gets her ass whooped but gets out of it with her admitting she finds her hot and cerebella gives her a chance to make good on her compliments?
>>8176 Nevermind found it https://www.deviantart.com/bonebell/art/Skullgirls-Juggling-Hearts-ussbbw-yuri-pt1-895307195
>>8115 Borin23 https://we.tl/t-l9cnK0sldx If free, 3 days in MAB, 7 days in we.tl
A few months ago, I found this story about some girl getting isekai’d and turned into some goddess of beauty who gets fatter the more people worship her. I’m pretty confident that it’s still up, I just can’t remember the title for the life of me
>>7996 Late reply but OMFG I love you it worked! I can archive all of shit now me thinks. I will share it all with you when I get it all copied down
This is all I could get of bananasplitrevolt without doing a BUNCH of extra work in the developer console to bypass the mature gate with a really neat trick I learned. Ill prob do it later but it will take me a few hours. I couldn't get Big fat mexican, two singers, kylie's body, sensational gainer, Big Fat NM, Bard and the ritual, american experience, and maybe another story series or two because the second page wasn't archived. I got Oktoberfest feeder so I'm happy. You know looking back on his stories they were rough and short in some places but the way he conveyed characters and ideas always stuck with my own writing. It's hard to see someone that inspired you to create content just disappearing one day. He mentioned in his descriptions he had a big girlfriend irl that he took care of. I hope he is happy wherever he is and knows how much, even a nobody on DA, can completely change and inspire someone's life. If anyone has any adiprose stuff I'd be very appreciative for a link. I had the archive but I lost it when my old laptop burned in a housefire
(20.11 KB Two Singers.txt)
>>8187 Here is two singers. I don't know if I have more.
Do you guys know a way to gain acces to a Deviantart story that has been saved by the wayback machine but it has a log-in window? Or its a fool's errand.
I never caught the name but recently it looks like a bunch of CYA stories got nuked off DA. One was called the "world is your parchment" or something totally the degree. About a guy getting a magic book that he uses for kink shit. A personal white whale of mine is this slob story of a woman gaining weight with her brothers over the summer when their parents leave on a cruise. Not specific I know but it has been a long time since I've read it. Was about 5 years ago when I last saw it.
>>8196 That first one was a set of CYOA from Nickeds0.
looking for a story where a mom is horrified that her daughter treats fat people poorly so she decides to teach her a lesson by gaining weight. Also this one is a bit of a long shot a story where the main character sleeps with his friend's fat mom, I think it had a take on "milf mother I like to feed or something like that."
>>8197 Anyone archive it?
Does anyone have a really long weight gain story about life is strange called personal growth? i remember reading it on devianart, the account where it was uploaded was called TotalObesity
>>8192 Bless you, Friend
Does anyone have an archive of 'gvsgdude89's work before they deactivated?
>>7639 >>8203 An anon above found it. The author has other stories that continued Personal Growth, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find them so far. Shame, since I remember "The Difference 5 Years Can Make" being really good.
Borin23 doesn’t have his Raven, Sin of Gluttony personified anymore. Anyone got them?
I’m looking for this story on deviantart about this guy who starts going out with a girl who used to be really fat but lost a ton of weight. As they keep going out and the relationship continues, she begins to rapidly regain the weight.
Could you reupload the biggirlshere file? Thanks!
Does anyone have a copy of faye's bakery? It's not on fantasy feeder anymore.
Anyone have an archive of DevilGoLucky's stories? There used to be one on anonfiles, but it's dead.
Looking for the story about guy who met girl with massive ass in gym, then she went on a date to his place where he cooked for her and then fucked her. It was on deviantart and, i dont know if its the author, but i remember it being closely tied with the guy named XjarvisX, the author of another ass centered stories such as ample ass in my class or there she stands
>>8237 https://www.wattpad.com/1044569819-panader%C3%ADa-faye-capitulo-1
Does anyone have any of harlowvenus' stories? In particular, this one https://www.deviantart.com/harlowvenus/art/The-Christmas-Cookie-200-Watcher-Special-869061184
I swear I've asked this before, but amfyoyo... anybody got any of his shit? Something like half of his stories are still available on curvage but I stilll remember the one about a fat grad student getting much fatter and getting stuck in her bathroom door... I'd love to re-read. If you've got it/them I'd love to know. Happy new year!
anyone have the story “waddle to freedom” about a feedee kidnap victim escaping his captor? it was removed from deviantart
Two here that I'd love to find again. The first was about a family that had a curse put on them to make the women of the family fat. Their appetites were bigger than average and whatever they ate reappeared in front of them, making every meal on average about four times the size of a normal person's. The youngest was trying to stave off the curse and live a normal life, until she found a girl who liked her and she got fattened into oblivion. The second was a touch darker. It was a world where morbid obesity was considered the norm for women. The protagonist was a high school senior who just hit 500 pounds. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad. There was a bunch of stuff touching on mobility issues, and I swear she had a heart attack at the end of the first chapter Any leads on either would be much appreciated!
>>8262 Well, aren't I a silly goose? Checking another tread, #2 is definitely the Rebecca series by FC. Still, anyone got a clue for #1? https://www.deviantart.com/fc-punk/art/Rebecca-part-1-734984781
>>8262 You'll want it by Adipose-Rex?
>>8257 got like, one chapter of one story lol
Does anyone have the missing parts of Kobayashi's Maid Dragon WG Story by Dr-Black-Jack?
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
Looking for a story about a succubus venturing into the third ring of hell for her boss to make sure gluttony levels are kept in check. after about a week she begins to gain weight, but it's implied the same gluttony demoness is helping her along with gaining, and she slowly becomes more addicted to eating like a pig. I legitimately cannot remember if I saved this story or not, and I don't think I read it all the way through so this is the best I could give. Anyone have it?
Does anyone have an archive of Chubbadubdub's Fattened Faculty Chapter 11? It's completely gone from DA, prolly got shadow sniped. Tried the waybackmachine, but only their front page is archived, none of the actual stories are saved. For reference: https://www.deviantart.com/chubbadubdub/gallery/62054349/fattened-faculty
>>8182 can someone reupload this zip again?
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved? Would love the file reupload thank you
Been looking for a story with no success. The plot involved a husband with a time machine, who wanted his wife to be fatter. She would make an off-hand comment about a choice she had made in the past, then he would go back & alter it to make her gain weight. I remember one of them is that she talks about how quitting smoking made her gain weight, another was about her turning down a drug trial for breast growth. I believe there were a few others. Eventually, he catches her having used the time machine, to make him into BBWs/gaining women in the first place. I believe this was either on Changing Mirror, DeviantArt, or FictionMania, but could be wrong. Any help is appreciated!
>>8373 Timeline Thickening by elroycohen on DA.
I forget the name but until recently DeviantArt had this genie story where this lady wishes to be a huge success and ends up immobile and the genie has to wait ten years before granting another wish
The story of Molly Mulligan (saintx74, Deviantart) has been erased. Does anyone have it? Thanks in advance
Figuring nobody has this since I've asked tons of times but does anybody have the missing works of iceblazethequick? Mostly looking for Serena weight gain story last part it was like Part 13A or something? https://www.deviantart.com/iceblazethequick
There was a story removed from DA It was by the author Saintx74, about someone named Molly Collins. Basically she ends up following the path of her aunt and embraces feederism, and her family helps her out in doing so. Anyone happen to have a copy of it?
>>8220 I hope he is the one taking them down and not DA itself
anyone get fat that fat Starfire Raven story, I think it was for some guy called CaptainPencil on deviantart
Did anyone ever save SunsleptOS's ao3 stuff? Most of it got deleted. Mostly looking for Stuffing Sheena http://archiveofourown.org/works/27490303/ https://archiveofourown.org/works/30784541
>>8220 Raven had done all that she could to conceal it from the other Teen Titans, but in truth, she was not only Trigon's daughter, but also one of his seven 'vices'. Raven had six other sisters running about in both the mortal plane and the underworld. They were each sired by Trigon and a different mother, which resulted in them having wildly different appearances. However, aside from the blood of Satan himself running through their veins, the one other thing that connected them all was that they were each born to represent a physical embodiment of a deadly sin. One might have reasonably expected that Raven could potentially represent the sin of Sloth or maybe even Wrath given she was not hard to enrage, but that was not the case. Raven had two sisters, a younger and an older, that filled those roles. For Raven, she was the one sin that she wished that she had never been 'gifted' with...and that was Gluttony. Unlike her six siblings, Raven had managed to avoid the 'temptations' of her sin for as long as she had existed, and she had done well in restricting herself from becoming the woman that her father birthed her to be. She barely ever ate and when she did it was the least fattening, least addictive foods possible. Raven went so far as to cast multiple curses on her own body to lessen the need for eating and restrict her hunger pains. Yet that was all about to change, and she had no say in it whatsoever. "Father has been waiting a long, long time for you to come back, Sister Raven. It's rather cruel of you to have to make him wait. Even I would never have taken so long to get back in touch with him." Rook, the sin of Sloth, addressed her little sister as she dragged her along. Tall, slender, hourglass in shape, and possessing silky auburn hair that draped down far enough to reach her backside, Rook took her time with everything that she did in life. Nothing was seen as too urgent to act immediately upon, even paying taxes or getting her makeup done. It made Raven feel rather foolish for having let her guard down enough that she could be caught by someone so lethargic. Tried as she might, the Teen Titan couldn't cast the necessary incantations to undo the bindings that impeded both her arms and legs. The rope tied around her neck prevented her from uttering more than a few helpless moans. "Can I stab her for betraying Dad? Just a little?"
>>8405 Carrion hopped into view with a wild and menacing grin plastered on her round face. She may have been younger than Raven by a whole year, and pretty portly-looking to boot, but the embodiment of Wrath was by no means someone to take lightly. Carrion traveled around the world as a nomad and she performed numerous serial killings in her life. Over two hundred so far, and there was no set of rules or anything that she personally followed. She simply took out whoever she felt like, whether it was man, woman or child. It took barely anything to make her snap. If she so much as IMAGINED someone was giving her an odd look, she wouldn't hesitate to mutilate them. It was joked by the other sisters that Carrion had an 'Electra complex', but Carrion would always state that she simply appreciated Trigon more than any of them did. "No, no, we need to keep her alive and healthy. There's much that she needs to do if we're going to make her 'proper'." Rook shook her head. "Geez! Fine! Then after we fatten her up, I'll stab her! Is that better?" "Actually, Father did say that he would prefer if we didn't fight with one another. He wants us to work together. That is the reason he brought us into this world, after all." "Oh...oh...well, if that's what Dad says...I'll have to go back to stabbing my Raven-shaped pillow instead..." When Raven was brought into the feeding room, the other siblings were already there and waiting. A chair and a machine had been prepared. Raven wanted to protest, but the rope would dig itself even deeper into the tender flesh of her jugular if she dared to utter so much as a single vowel. The 'leader' of the group was Corvus, the oldest sister and the one who represented the sin of Pride. She wore a fur cape and black robes that covered her entire body. She kept her black hair tied back in a ponytail and she wore a great deal of makeup to hide her true age. The most telling feature of what her sin was and how she embodied it was the small crown she had sitting atop her cranium. Coated in numerous jewels and made out of genuine gold, she had once retrieved it from the grave of an old and respected European king. Now she wore it wherever she went as a way to symbolize her 'authority'. No one ever talked about how childish it made her appear, because she was powerful enough to easily decimate anyone that did not respect her properly. Corvus believed herself to be a queen and no one was allowed to question that, not even Father. She was the only one brave enough to actually speak up against his decisions from time to time. Corvus raised a gloved hand as if she were cupping something invisible in the air. Without even chanting a spell, Corvus broke the hold that Rook had on Raven and instead took control of the situation for herself. She 'pulled' Raven over towards her with naught but a gesture. She gave Raven a quick look over. The longer that she stared, the more her face contorted with contempt and disgust. "You really are a failure as a sin, Raven. Gluttony? Please! You're nearly as thin as Jackdaw! We can't have you seeing Trigon while you're like this! You need to fatten up!" Raven glowered back, but the famous stare that could have made any human's blood run ice-cold did nothing to someone of Corvus' supernatural nature. "We're going to have to begin immediately. We'll make you the proper sin of Gluttony soon enough!" There was also Jackdaw of Greed, Hood of Envy and Magpie of Lust. They went to work preparing everything. Rook sat down to take what she felt was a much-needed break. Carrion was practically bouncing with anticipation to see Raven's figure be ruined. Jackdaw and Hood pulled Raven out of the air and strapped her arms down with chains. The copper-skinned Magpie removed the rope that was wrapped around Raven's neck. She kissed her little sister on the cheek before stepping away. More greedy than any other, Jackdaw was a very talented, and very shrewd, business woman. She already owned several large corporations from completely behind the scenes. Even the CEOs who actually ran those companies had no idea of her presence or the extent of her manipulation. However, they would sometimes experience very odd and realistic nightmares that were usually involving a bone-thin woman whispering sweet nothings into their ears. Jackdaw barely cut her jet-black hair, so it was already hanging down far enough to conceal her face most of the time. She was the one who used her money to purchase the items from the human world that would be used to make Raven swell. She had the best luck out of all of the sisters, so Jackdaw's presence alone was enough to increase their overall chances of success with converting their sister. The one that despised Jackdaw the most was probably her twin sister Hood. Granted, she hated everyone equally. Being the one born to embody Envy, she had to live without anything and always wanting because of it. She was dedicated to her role and she stuck to it thick and thin. It made her miserable, though. Terribly, terribly miserable. Unlike her twin, Hood had her hair in a bowl-cut style. She literally had to use a bowl to cut it since she had no money of her own to afford a barber. Hood lived alone in the depths of Hell with Trigon, her bedroom being located in the basement. She couldn't move out of her father's house because if she did it would mean that she would have one less thing to be envious about. Wavy-haired Magpie of Lust was a woman who basically lived her days away in the bedroom. She had many lovers in Hell as well as in the human world. She used her magic mostly for the sake of seducing men and preventing pregnancies, but because she performed the sin of Lust so accurately, Trigon had no complaints about her. Magpie was very motherly to everyone including her lovers. She was also very curvy; her breasts were probably the softest thing to ever exist in any dimension. She loved everyone and everything in the world. She was actually born as a 'mistake' between Trigon and a one-night tryst with an Indian prostitute. Yet after Corvus and Magpie were brought into the world, they were the ones who ultimately inspired Trigon to go through with his 'seven sins conception' plan. Magpie adored every single one of her sisters, including the traitorous Raven. She dearly wanted Raven to be happy as the sin of Gluttony. "So? Are we ready to begin?" Corvus asked, and once she was given the go-ahead, she snapped her fingers. The food that they were going to serve Raven was really only food by name. It might have physically appeared in the form of numerous decadent sweets, like those one would find at any well-stocked, high-end bakery, but they had been given a few extra ingredients that would help enhance their flavor...as well as their effects on Raven's lithe body. They were cursed with a powerful brand of magic that would increase their caloric content several-fold once eaten and digested. They were made to be so addicting that it would become next to impossible to stop eating them once the first few had been consumed. This would be topped off with more fattening 'sludge' than they probably needed, but Corvus was the kind of woman who was willing to consider every precaution. On top of that, the other sisters would begin to chant a spell upon Raven. This spell would sink itself into the deepest reaches of Raven's brain until its 'claws' have become too embedded for them to be removed anymore. It would be a much faster brainwashing process than just the treats alone would do. Though she had little hope left for herself at this point, Raven still had to try and speak up now that the rope was gone from her throat. "Corvus, you really don't have to do this, you know. There's many better things you could be doing...like sticking your head inside a broiling oven, for instance..." "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You can't talk to me that way! I'm the older sibling here! You impudent brat!" Corvus shrieked at the top of her lungs, stomping her feet like a child. She noticed that the others were staring at her. It only took a split-second for the eldest sister to center herself again. "Raven, you're going to be speaking much differently when we're done here. Now shut up and eat your dessert properly, like a good Glutton should." Corvus was the one who oversaw the feeding while the others took it upon themselves to cast the spell. Raven didn't try to struggle. When she ate the first cream-filled pastry, her taste-buds were struck with such a burst of sensational flavor that it nearly knocked her unconscious. Really, it almost did. Then that incredible burst came again and again. With her magic, Corvus was able to levitate the treats over Raven's head and have them fly inside her awaiting maw one by one. The chanting of the sisters' spell grew louder in volume until Raven could not even hear herself chew anymore. Her ears were ringing, and her head was swirling, but all she could do was keep eating and not complain. Cream, vanilla, chocolate-flavored and otherwise, dribbled down Raven's chin and pooled above her chest. Her throat bulged with every swallow. Corvus didn't show any reluctance or hesitation in playing her part despite the familial relation they shared. With the brainwashing and the fattening food both at work, Raven started to succumb fairly quickly. She had liked to believe that she was strong enough to repel their manipulations, but in the end, she was not able to withstand their cooperative assault on her psyche. Raven's stomach started to express the aching signs of tautness, but her actual growth had yet to begin.
>>8406 "You're filling UP well..." Corvus reached out and gently applied pressure to Raven's turgid tummy with her palm. A devilish grin sprouted across her plump lips. "So now it's time for you to fill OUT!" Corvus used one hand to continue ushering more and more sweets and fat-filled cream into Raven's mouth. Raven's stomach was bulging out far enough that it could have been placed side by side with a bowling ball and the resemblance would have been uncanny. Small rips and tears started to pop up all over her latex suit. Raven moaned when she gulped down what might have been her fifth, sixth, maybe tenth pastry roll filled with cream. With her other hand, the one still grasping Raven's belly, the eldest daughter of Trigon began to enact an entirely new spell. That spell went directly through Raven's pores and spread throughout her body, almost like some kind of virus. Corvus took control of the most minute functions within Raven's organs. She FORCED them to do as she commanded. This way, Raven would grow all the more speedily. In only a few minutes' time, Raven's abdomen had already started to feel softer. Everything about Raven was becoming softer, really. Her hips flared outwards and her gloriously bubbly buttocks rose her a few inches out of the chair. Her arms tore through their sleeves as the fat bulged forth, enough to the point where she developed wrist-rolls as well. The cream that was originally gathering on Raven's chest was now gathering in the small gap between the woman's two new chins. Her cheeks puffed out into a set of meaty jowls. Raven moaned again and Corvus noted that her sister's voice had gotten a mite deeper too. Raven's chunky legs began to squirm in the chair, but they were strapped down by the ankles so she couldn't actually kick them around like she wanted. Her inner-thighs were pushed together by flab alone. They squeezed into her crotch too. Corvus snickered as she watched the expansion continue on. Raven was nearly about to hit the zenith of her growth. The other sisters were almost done with the brainwashing spell too. Raven had to inhale through her nose because her mouth was constantly being filled with something sweet and fattening. Raven's whole face was a mess, slathered in the cream, and her chins were caught in a consistent tremor. Raven's big bosom was no stranger to bouncing either. Fatter, fatter, fatter, and the signs of it stopping didn't seem to show. Raven's engorged belly gradually sagged its way over her thunder thighs inch by inch. Her sweat gave her gray-colored skin a lustrous sheen akin to a doughnut's glaze. With a loud SNAP, the red gems on Raven's belt were scattered across the floor. All of that pulpy, slushy fat on her person, it was as soft as the cream that she kept devouring. Raven didn't want to protest or curse her sisters' name or anything like that. If she had been able to speak, if her mouth wasn't currently stuffed to the brim, she would have probably begged them to give her more. She knew it was the wrong thing to want, but Raven's mind had long since cracked already.
>>8407 Her eyes rolled straight back into her head when her massively overfed stomach finally came in contact with the tips of her chubby knees. Her gut was a singular mound with her love-handles split up into rolls on her sides. Raven's uniform split open in the middle, exposing her now-popped belly button for all to see. The chair was concealed underneath her gigantic hips. There was little left of her uniform to destroy with her blubber anymore. She was looking mighty fine, Corvus thought, as a representation of the sin of Gluttony. "I think she's done." Corvus stepped back. She undid her spells and halted the flow of the cream. Done eating for the time being, Raven was left lying in the chair with her head dangling back. She was wheezing for breath, badly, and was over 300 pounds heavier than when all of this had started. The other sisters ceased chanting too. They collectively gathered around the second youngest child of Trigon to inspect her body. Carrion cackled every time she poked her finger into Raven's doughy love-handle. Rook wiped down Raven's multiple chins, wanting to clean her up so she could look more presentable for their meeting with father. Jackdaw and Hood were both mildly fascinated by the directions in which the ripples on Raven's pronounced stomach would travel. Hood's uncontrollable envy prompted her to curse under her breath over a desire to be fed lots and lots of tasty sweets too. Magpie wanted to smother Raven's exposed tummy with kisses, but she didn't think that would be very appropriate for the situation. "Raven, sister, how do you feel?" asked Corvus. Raven blinked a few times. She moaned a little before shutting her eyes. She grabbed at her stomach and she tried to lift it, but the whole thing was so damn heavy. Tried as she might, her fatty arms were far too weak to heave up such a bulbous wad of flesh. Instead of attempting to walk around like this, Raven began to concentrate. Slowly, very slowly, she lifted herself into the air with her magical powers. The chair shattered, no longer able to sustain itself after supporting such a hefty figure. Raven summoned the gems left from her destroyed belt and levitated them over to her. She had them float around her waist, but they never moved in close enough to actually touch the young woman's stomach. Rook and Magpie began to clap. Corvus tipped her crown slightly forward. When Raven opened her eyes again, there was something new in them that had not been there before. Her eyes were glowing bright red. Raven's jowls spread apart as a grin cracked its way across her mouth to expose all of her teeth. Raven rested both hands on her stomach and started to rub it all over. So smooth, so plump, so...fitting. So very fitting to who she was. She dipped her hand down, letting the skin bend to her whim, and then she let it rise back to the surface once more. Yes, this was most DEFINITELY what she wanted. Raven's chins, breasts, stomach and backside jiggled in perfect accord as she made her announcement followed after a bout of booming laughter. "Sisters, I am feeling much...MUCH...better now. I think I am ready to meet with Father." "She was easier to break than I thought." Carrion was mildly disappointed that this whole thing didn't devolve into full-on torture. "She's going to be slower than me now, though she will probably eat much, much faster." Rook dully noted. "Ah, it makes me so happy when she's happy!" Magpie let out a dreamy sigh. "Damn, it would take days just to properly calculate all of the calories she'd ingested so far," Jackdaw nibbled on her thumb's nail in frustration. "Wow, I'm SO happy for her...really, I am very pleased that my little sister got so much more pampering than I ever did..." mumbled Hood under her breath. "So you've come to your senses about your true identity?" Corvus wanted to assure everything had gone completely as intended. "You are truly ready to accept yourself as the one to represent Gluttony?" Raven floated in closely. She bumped Corvus with the curve of her stomach and laughed again. "I think my new body and my positive attitude towards it right now says enough, but if you want me to REALLY prove it, then let me tell you one simple thing..." Corvus waited to hear it. The others did as well, with bated breath. Raven smirked. Her stomach let out a roar loud enough for it to echo against the chamber's hollow walls. GWOOOOORRRUUUUOORRP! "I'm still hungry."
Hey all - looking for a Deviantart story from a couple years back featuring a lesbian couple who start doing pet play that involves feedism. Gaining character is a sort of high-powered business lady who is hyper-stressed and gradually finds equillibrium with her girlfriend being a pet at home, and kicking ass outside. There's a similar one that involves a straight couple here (https://www.deviantart.com/muffintopmanor/art/My-Fat-Puppy-Girl-850373354), but this one I think had 2-3 parts to it. I'm worried I made this one up, so, curious if anyone knows it!
Does anyone have borin23's "Cynthia Stuffing Agenda" series? Either I've developed a blind spot or he's deleted it.
>>8409 Is this it? https://www.deviantart.com/crudeatoms/art/Fat-Cat-859660013
Anyone have any luck with "Obese new world" ? i've been combing over the internet and all i can find is what >>6693 posted about, im kind of losing hope that it will be found.
>>8414 YES! Thank you so much!
Looking for a Persona 4 pregnancy fic where Rise gets pregnant and fat and decides to become a bbw model. Has her dress up in her dancing all night long outfit towards the end.
>>8421 Hope she becomes bbw again. Its totally acceptable
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I don't expect anyone to know what niche story I'm talking about, but I suppose I'll give a crack at asking for it anyway. Basically, I remember there being a BBW story about the Manga (And now anime) which is called 'Shy'. I don't think this story is deleted, but given the name of the series, it's unfortunately borderline impossible to search for. I do know that this story was created before the anime adaptation came out, and I believe it was before the adaption was even announced as well. I really wish I could divulge on more details on the fic itself, but truth be told, I have zero recollection of the fic. I don't even remember what characters were in it. The only thing I have to go on was that the writer wasn't super duper popular or anything, but I'm also pretty sure they had written more stories other than this one (And I think they indulge in more 'hard kinks' if I recall correctly). If anyone knows anything, I would greatly appreciate it. >>5697 >Hell, I thought the Shouta Dragon Maid story would get more flak. Honestly I think it's just a thing where you can get away with young male stuff more than young female stuff. I would say its because female stuff is more popular? (Then again, male stuff has been on the rise more and more over the years) Shouta Dragon maid in particular I have seen people write half a dozen stories of, and I don't think I have seen a single complaint towards any of them (Which is extra funny considering that his name is one letter off from Shota). It's a silly world I'll tell ya.
Might be a long shot here, but does anyone know of the Green text that talked about “Phantom gaining” ? It was an instruction guide story about how to get your SO fat without them realizing it. Like adding extra shit to their protein shakes and similar. It had a back shot of a thick white chick in a black or dark blue sweater. If that helps.
Does anyone have “Now Wii’re Cooking with Gas”? I believe it was made by novasfatshack
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
Does anyone remember a blueberry inflation story where this girl takes her roommate to a lab then infects her with a blueberry virus. It wasn’t on deviant art from what I remember and I’ve been looking for it for years.
Did the current incest thread get wiped or am I going blind? Vigilante comes back and then we wipe them out?
Does anyone have that old A Song Of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones slob story? I think it was posted on 8chan's /slob/ board back in the day. Main gainers were Danerys, Sansa, and Cersei, and they all got quite fat while pooping a lot. There's a memorable scene where Dany christens a chamber pot that was pretty hot.
>>8466 No, but pls post when you find it. Sounds hot as fuck. There is something similar on da, but lower quality https://www.deviantart.com/soapmw3/art/Game-of-Fats-Cersei-Lannister-693067507 https://www.deviantart.com/soapmw3/art/Game-of-Fats-Ygritte-693529557 >>8427 https://gofile.io/d/ZoyQAd>>8427 There you go.
Anyone got (kinda) league of legends story, where Shyvana is a queen, and due to sickness concerning the whole kingdom, she gains massive weight? Some doctor wants to help her, but trought the night she gains even more. Jarvann IV is her husband, and wishes to see her. It got 2 parts, I don't remember what was the name of it, but I do remember that it was great.
There was this one deviantart story about Mercy from Overwatch being disgusted by Roadhog and Junkrat eating, so they make her eat one of Roadhog's meals and she's like enjoying it, they're egging her on, etc. I believe it got deleted, maybe some anon has it?
I have two requests, one that's most likely gone and one that's still probably up but I can't find, both on Deviantart First one is a story about a fat girl who wants to get this anti gravity belt but I think her mom disapproves of it Second is a story about a guy meeting this normal girl at a bar, but he ends up waking up the next morning with her sleeping over and figures out that she's really fat only from the waist down. Mostly looking for the second one but that first one always stuck with me for some reason
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>>8513 Oh hey I can help with both of these! The first one is the Fitting by Onion88. Parts one and two: https://www.deviantart.com/onion88/art/Fitting-140519674 https://www.deviantart.com/onion88/art/Fitting-Physical-Exam-624580935 Also, Onion88 is a greatest writer, check out the rest of their catalog. The second one is More Than Meets the Eye by ChubbaDubDub: https://www.deviantart.com/chubbadubdub/art/More-Than-Meets-the-Eye-592519741
Yeah those are right, thank you!
>>8466 Second this one, sounds hot af
Just found out Discusthrow's deviantArt was deactivated, so I archived all their stuff before it was wiped off the face of the internet. Thank god deviantArt waits a couple of days before it deletes things. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1amPwT3-79C-lKndLExlX_8KDm55z04JV/view?usp=sharing For the unfamiliar, they largely wrote weight gain/slob stuff in a world where such things are increasingly normalised featuring real-world celebrities, but there's a single blueberry fic in here too (it's short and not especially good).
need help finding a deviant art story about two guys at a coffee shop. one is a FA and secretly fattens a girl with a long distance boyfriend by tempting her with sugary coffee drinks.
>>8533 Plumping Spice Lattes by BratwurstGuy: https://www.deviantart.com/bratwurstguy/art/Plumping-Spice-Lattes-989718639 Personally I was hoping for a different ending, but it's quite well written.
Need help finding an office slob story. Basic plot is a group of women are forced to work on a project that means they have to be in the office alot. They start putting on weight, few slobby bits in there. Finally they get the job done and are able to black mail there boss into letting them work in a big mansion with personal nurses as they are now immobile. Anyone know what story im talking about? Think it was on deviantart.
>>8530 thank you for this
I think this story got deleted from Deviantart. It was about a woman allying with a fast food company to become president. It ends with her becoming president but with her two female friends talking about an obesity crisis.
>>8535 Thanks so much. Agreed about the ending but I usually bust before anyway. Incidentally, I hate 99 percent of AI shit but your work is impressive as hell.
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>>8556 Mighty kind of you, and 100% unexpected outside of /bbwai/. Without getting into boring details, I can confirm the stuff I'm doing goes way beyond bashing "fat of she, gigantic belly, fat, sexy" into a prompt and calling it a day. it's a little closer to photobashing than anything. To keep things on topic, here's some shameless shilling: Four stories that are a part of an art trade I did with Kodos11 (who you should definitely check out if you haven't before). Images inspired by stories: https://www.deviantart.com/kodos11/art/Art-Trade-with-TheGuyWhoDidAThing-976993854 https://www.deviantart.com/kodos11/art/Art-Trade-TheGuyWhoDidAThing-Ponderous-Princess-2-982274088 The Ponderous Princess stories include breast growth, lactation, some weight gain. Stories inspired by generated images: https://www.deviantart.com/theguywhodidathing/art/Leying-it-on-Thiccc-Art-Trade-with-Kodos11-982279844 Leying it on Thiccc includes magic/fast weight gain and belly fucking. https://www.deviantart.com/theguywhodidathing/art/ART-TRADE-KODOS11-NPR-After-Dark-Dr-Jones-976997996 NPR After Dark is hard to describe, but includes magic weight gain and general shenanigans. Also, these images are a little old at this point, my work has improved since then.
>>8466 I’m pretty sure this is the one https://mega.nz/folder/zMtjgYzQ#Qvu6AwsQlX_kiW3K_O_9iA
>>8571 This is it! Thank you! The Danerys bits are as good as I remember.
Does anyone have an archive of Vanilla’s Shameful Desire, if I remember correctly that's the one about Vanilla having a dilemma with Cream getting fatter and is of two minds about wanting her to be thin and wanting her to be fat.
DeviantArt I can’t remember too many details of the story, but basically a plant is brought into the house and a woman/mother becomes a bit obsessed with it just watching it insisting it be kept in the bedroom so it can be near at all times. The plant gets bigger and she is no longer eating but just drinking it’s nectar. Over time plant is getting monstrously big and “handsy” with the woman, at which point the plant kills the husband/father (story was at least partially told from a daughter’s POV I think?) when he tries to break the wife free. Eventually discovered that all the houses in this area had plants that did similar and the women are basically becoming incubators gaining weight with each new ‘pregnancy’, so government quarantines the entire area and scientists proceed to study it. Years later daughter eventually returns to talk to her mother behind protective glass wall/barrier, but it was a trick and the scientists basically let her be captured/transformed by the mother. Other random details, I think the account had maybe 10-50 stories as a whole, think the account was a good number of years old with not too many followers for how old it was. Shot in the dark but hoping someone may happen to know it.
>>8578 https://www.deviantart.com/johnmooney6022/art/House-Plant-983441806
I'm looking for a story from deviantart. It's about two college girls, one girl uses a photo of the other to curse her. The curse causes anyone that touches her to transfer any of their unwanted fat to her body instead. There is one scene where everyone on campus is lined up to transfer their fat to her. Eventually she is so fat that she takes up almost an entire warehouse. At the end of the story the first girl takes off her glove to be the last bit of fat that transfers to the other girl but it turns out that her arm was in the cursed photograph too so all the fat from the second girl ends up on her instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>8579 Holy shit that was quick. Thank you!
Been looking for this story for so long. But it is now just a deactivated account. Was about a girl who could make people bigger just by touch. Have the link, but wayback machine couldnt help :( https://chartreusealligator.deviantart.com/art/The-Touch-624694330 Even found reference: https://www.deviantart.com/kynesart/art/The-Touch-624990408
This is an old one from the Dimensions story archive days. A couple orders a special set of lingerie that, with typical fetish-fic ambiguity, promises to magically make a wife look like her husband's ideal woman while wearing. Although she's initially distraught and worried that something has gone wrong when wearing them makes her fat, but her husband confesses and reassures her. Eventually they get a visit from a representative from the company who further explains how it works: the couple pictures an "ideal" size together, then they can say "Set" and the clothes will remember that size and bring the wearer to it whenever they are worn. This is done for those who fantasize about enormous sizes but still need day-to-day mobility, the rep reveals that although she is simply pleasantly plump her special pair expands her by hundreds of pounds.
>>8603 That sounds like "Clothes Make The Woman" by AlanFA. https://bbw.wiki/stories/stories/clothes_make.html
>>8606 That's it! Thanks.
Asking again for the umpteenth time. Does any kind soul happen to have the 3rd and final part to the story "More 2 Love, More 2 Gain" by Big Chris. It cannot be found anywhere. It used to e on Dimensions Story Archive, but it has since been taken down. I found another website that housed the story, but only the first 2 parts were available. If anyone managed to save the story in its entirety, it would be very much appreciated.
does anybody have iceblazethequick's stuff saved?
Looking for a story that was on DA. Was about a lazy witch/mage at an academy who discovered magic that let her produce a bunch of small dolls/golems that would do her work for her and feed her. Ends with her teacher discovering her in her room immobilized.
Can anyone re up this?? Wasn’t able to get it in time. Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
Does anyone have Brendanruler8's story Revenge: BE Edition story? His DA account was deactivated. Also, I vaguely remember this older story (early 2000s era?) where this girl was being held against her will in some secret factory somewhere. I can’t remember if it was BE or Body Inflation/fat but she was being fed something and slowly growing, filling a good part of the warehouse. They were using her to produce something so maybe it was BE with milk? Anyway some human rights activists sneak in to try to save her but accidentally turn the machine on full blast and she grows wayy bigger and possibly pops if IIRC? Anyone remember this?
>>7937 Checking on this again. Anybody have any leads on any of these old deleted stories?
I'm looking for a Deltarune story where a very obese and ashamed Noelle enters a diner and finds difficulty with the seats. iirc Catty was there too. It might have been on furaffinity but not too sure
Does anyone have the Serena Weight gain story ch. 14 and ch. 15b?
>>8654 seconding this
There was a Persona fanfic where the Phantom Thieves end up going into Hanako Ohtani's palace, and Ann ends up really fat. Surprisingly well written; I'm like 90% sure it was on Deviantart
There was a story on fantasy feeder back in the day about a mom fattening up her son to immobility to stop him going away to college. I think the title was something to do with "apron strings" but I can't find it anywhere
i think was from DA i remember little about this story but wast about a cientist who wanna search for the limit of the human body And he did experiments to make people even fatter, one of his experiments was on a rat that was gigantic because he had tested a serum on it that allowed it to keep getting fatter and then use it on humans to make them even fatter.
>>7764 >>7741 Looks like both cache's are now down. Anyone manage to save the story beforehand?
ONce upon a time, there was an mazing WG story about a Super Sonico management game. I believe by one MafiaPuppet. It was never finished, but I've found the 2015 archive on the Wayback machine, and I want to share it in case someone else has spent a decade thinking about this freaking unfinished masterpiece. https://web.archive.org/web/20151121121326/http://bbw-chan.net/elite/res/3038.html I've also copied it, in case someone wants to save it: https://we.tl/t-ALkp60neBo May it be finished someday
>>8656 thirding this
Can someone give me all of borin23 work included deleted ones
Need help finding: A woman is fattened by an AI on a spaceship. She believes she's there to do maintenance, but is being fattened up by aliens instead.
Looking for a story that I can't seem to find. It was a fat revision of the "I have no mouth and I must scream" to "My mouth is full and I must scream." Five people are trapped in a digital world and forced to be fat by the overlord AI. A glitch happens and they have the chance to escape. Four of them do but the portal closes up leaving one behind. The remaining person becomes hyperfat as punishment. That's all I remember.
I've got a super specific one I believe is from pre-2010. It starts off with a girl's friend and mom coming back from another country, I believe in Africa. And they're quite a bit fatter. They then invite the main character to their house, who loves their food, and starts gaining weight. As memory serves, she then starts noticing and disliking the gain, so next time she visits her neighbour and mom force feed her and make her enormously fatter, I'm pretty sure to immobile.
Does anyone have a copy of the original book 2 Korra story by fartboner? He deleted years ago and then reuploaded but for some reason changed the ending. I've been looking for a long time
Does anyone have the story from Persona 5 where Akira and Kawakami went on a date at a restaurant in Hawaii when Shujin Academy organized a vacation there, I remember it was a secret date so the two couldn't be seen together? The story was from Borin23.
>>8722 Are you sure you're not thinking of the one by SirWales? He did a story with that exact same premise.
>>8722 It's up on AO3 along with another Kawakami Story https://archiveofourown.org/works/51936883
>>8728 I did though on an aside I took down a few things today for various reasons. If they're things people want, just hit me up on DA.
>>8736 Ayo what? Which ones did you take down exactly?
>>8736 Ah nevermind I saw the post on deviantart. Could you not make a stash with a zip of the deleted stories or something like that? Heck, considering that this literally is the lost stories thread, could you perhaps have a download link to the stories here? That's kinda what this thread is for. . On a similar-but-different note, would you still accept prompt/drabble commissions of said characters like that? Even if you wouldn't exactly have a way to really post that kind of stuff.
>>8738 Yeah though I'll do that later on. My schedule has been crazy this week and things have been one disaster after another that I've had to handle. And the answer to your second question is yes. Just it'll be private stuff.
>>8743 Ok cool. The reason I ask the second thing is that I have considered either commissioning or subbing something like "that". . And yeah fair enough. Get things sorted before you deal with archives and whatnot.
>>8745 Yeah if you have something in mind just ping me on DA or discord. I'll try to do it either tonight or tomorrow. Was about 12 stories including the Violet Beauregarde ones, Shouta Dragon Feeder and anything with Nanako.
Anyone have the full story of this? Pudgyprose had it as part of a kofi but that has since stopped and it hasn't been posted anywhere else. https://www.deviantart.com/pudgyprose/art/Daily-2-Julia-s-Angels-891514241
anyone remember the name of this silverpathfinder short story where the mc was forced to become a taste tester as punishment for her family's crimes. I'm pretty sure it ended with her blocking the escape route when there was some revolution. I'm not 100% sure it was a silverpathfinder story but that's my best guess for the author
>>8767 nvm I found it, it was a collab
Looking for a story where in order to spend more time with a currently away king, a group of his wives decides to fatten the favorite, but they all end up super heavy. I think it was a part of some series since I remember being able to Google references for the characters but I might be wrong.
can anyone reupload the borin23 zip
Would anyone happen to have that old ZOB-Industries adult Coraline story?
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
Looking for two stories that may or may not have been deleted on deviantart. The first one was about a wife and husband with a strained relationship and the wife gaining weight. And the second was about a woman who gains weight until she’s immobile. Until she decides to get surgery so that she can live a normal life with her family. Sorry for the vague descriptions but that’s what I remember from them.
Anyone has a story about princess Zelda becoming a bokoblin because of a curse? I remember she arrived at Link's house and she was a slob.
i 'm looking for a fairly recent story on dA that i can't find anymore. i think the focus was on selena gomez, and she was on a beach, and then billie eilish shows up on a ship towards the end? i don't remember the name and i can't find it anywhere.
>>8798 I know exactly what you're talking about. I believe it was "Selena's Calorie Cruise". Seems like it was deleted, unsure of how we could find it again
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/g8kjh49rvarw9yuoyzch2/AEKZSKSYWJkr1RYAV4HFP5g?rlkey=95cg7pdvn5s0a2y37j4n2xugj&dl=0 This should be all the stuff I took down but if I'm missing something just let me know and I'll take care of it.
>>8802 Based, thank you.
>>8802 Don't know if there are other missing ones, but I know for certain that this folder is missing the most recent Nanako story (The Blueberry one) and is also missing the Nanako story that was deleted ages ago (The one called "Nanako's pudgy picture book)
>>8806 Oops. I knew I was missing stuff. Check back later tonight
Hello! I'm looking for a story deviantart about two these two anime idols at the beach, leaned heavily on the health issues, and I believed ended with the other girl stuffing the other one through a heart attack. Thank you
Hello! I've been looking for a story on devianyart about these two anime idols going to the beach. It leaned heavily into health issues and I believe ended with one of the girls stiffing the other one through a heart attack. Thank you!
>>8810 I know the one you're talking about. It was by an account called "Blesshonkers" that deleted for some reason, but came back as "Yohanethesinful". The story you're referring to was a Love Live Story featuring Chika Takami and You Watanabe called "Takami Heart". . While the writer, for some reason, deleted their deviantart only to make a new one, they still have an EKAS account or whatever the site is called, called BStone which still has the story up: https://aryion.com/g4/view/811303
Looking for deviantart story that was a fake reddit AITAH post about a bf liking his gfs fatter sister
>>8814 https://www.deviantart.com/bobothehobowrites/art/r-AITA-for-being-Jealous-of-my-Fat-Sister-957083457
Anyone would buy that offert 'Earthbound Earthday weekend Sale' and share the files? Pleease https://itch.io/s/122338/earthbound-earthday-weekend-sale
>>8776 Found it https://www.deviantart.com/anonymousfa/art/Unreleastic-WG-for-a-Realistic-Hero-s-Wives-935994288
>>8812 Thank you so much you!
I'm looking for a story from deviantart. It's about two college girls, one girl uses a photo of the other to curse her. The curse causes anyone that touches her to transfer any of their unwanted fat to her body instead. There is one scene where everyone on campus is lined up to transfer their fat to her. Eventually she is so fat that she takes up almost an entire warehouse. At the end of the story the first girl takes off her glove to be the last bit of fat that transfers to the other girl but it turns out that her arm was in the cursed photograph too so all the fat from the second girl ends up on her instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I remember a story on Deviantart of a retired Spy getting fat, then being called to infiltrate somewhere and being in denial of how her weight was affecting her job. It ended with her raiding the target's kitchen but escaping just before he arrived. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Could someone upload another Borin zip link?
Anyone have tank ass from dimensions? trying to read it but it’s locked behind a paywall now
Can you help me people, I have searched far and wide. I'm looking for a story, probably on Deviantart, about two girls finding a small cake on a kitchen table. As they cut it and take a slice, the cake gets bigger. So and so the cake becomes bigger and bigger for each slice the girls take, which also makes them hungrier. It ends with the cake being as big as the table, or even bigger. Please help!
>>8859 Is this the one? https://www.deviantart.com/verucagloop/art/The-Cake-Stories-from-20-Years-Ago-968951653
>>8861 Omg, you really found it! That's insane! Thank you so much. Although I'm a bit surprised, I didn't remember about the blimp bit.
Trying to find this one for a friend whos into the horror aspect of vore. This shit must be ancient and I won't go into huge detail but it starts with a husband and wife who are married and the wife is pregnant. The husband does not love the wife at all but did this all for his huge disgusting slob of a mother. They go to visit said mother and thats where I'll stop for peoples sake. If anyone has any leads it'd help.
>>8878 I think I know the one you mean. I don't have a link, but it's by biggirlshere.
>>8888 Fuck, is there an archive of their works somewhere?
There is a story I recall that was a Final Fantasy story where Tifa kept fattening up ladies from other FF games. Eventually she meets Fran from FF12 that takes to this like a fish to water and gets bigger and more gluttonous. I think it all ended with Fran eating a stuffed and imobile Tifa.
Does anyone have any of gaygordonians deleted stories? https://www.deviantart.com/gaygordonian
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
https://www.deviantart.com/borin23/art/Attack-On-Titan-WG-For-Christa-s-Love-389024901 Does anyone have this story? is from Borin23, but was not included in the zip file.
>>8715 Rylees a growing girl, it was a bananasplitrevolt joint. Guessing got nuked with his other stuff
Sorry to be repetitive, but looking for any Borin archives. Not sure if there's a more permanent way to host them. In particular, I swear there were some good ones about Shippuden Ino. Wish I could offer something in return but the writers I've saved are mercifully still online...
>>7098 The first one is a story by David Sladky. Link: https://www.bodyinflation.org/node/295 Copy/Paste: Tamara closed the door to her apartment and sighed as she tossed her jacket on the chair. Her first week at the Lab, and she gets locked in when a spill happens. It wasn't like she was worried, the Lab techs told her that the BioFlex formula was for anti-aging, not virulent at all. She went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. Tall, shapely, green eyes and coco colored skin. She was fine, even if she said so. She let the water run and took off her shirt, her large breasts, stood out from her ribcage. She ran her hands over her full hips, her slim belly showed she worked out. Not one ounce of fat she was happy to say. That jerk Jamain didn't know what he was missing, leaving her for some fat white girl. She shuddered, god I don't know what I would do if I got fat, a blimp begging to be screwed. She slipped out of her pants and left her silk underwear on. Something in the back of her mind said drink something. She walked into the kitchen and took out a bottle of spring water from the fridge. She took a long drink, and thought about her job. The money was too good to give up. This spill was more of a nuisance then anything, she just happened to be standing near the vile as it hit the floor, she'd never get the stains out of her jeans. She looked into the fridge, nothing but diet this and local that, a good figure was hard to keep. Unlike her 200 pound sister who didn't give a damn how she looked, after the first baby she blew up like a balloon, and that was five kids ago. Tamara smiled and rubbed her firm belly, no babies are going to blow me up anytime soon. She looked down and saw the bottle was dry. One quart? she thought. Must have been open. She took another bottle out and started to drink. Going back to the front room, her thighs rubbed together. She started to feel strange. She looked and the bottle was drained again. She rubbed her belly, it felt full and round, her skin felt like rubber. It can't be my time yet, she thought, and I've never swelled up this much, maybe there was some MSG in the Lo Main this afternoon. She heard a sloshing sound coming from somewhere, must have been the shower. She walked back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her beautiful, brown body was swollen. Her eyes were wide as she looked at her round form. Her slim legs were round at the thigh, her hips flared out dramatically, making her look like a large, brown pear. What the hell? she said to herself. Her breasts had swelled and now rolled back and forth as she moved, she cupped them in her hands, they felt like the water balloons she used to plat with as a child, her dark nipples stood out like tootsie rolls, she felt bloated. The sound of the running water seemed to mesmerize her. She turned and stepped in. Taking the shower head off the stand, she opened her mouth and drank deeply. Her body swelled rapidly, her breast's filled and sagged, her hips widened, she was being filled with water and she was helpless to stop it. Her belly pushed out and touched the shower wall, water rushed into her legs, and her butt pushed out, water swelled every part of her body, her feet and toes plumped, her belly swelled up like a round ball pushing her heavy breasts up and to the sides, her skin looked like shiny brown rubber. Then next door, somebody flushed the toilet, sending a wave of cold water in Tamara's face. She broke out of her spell, and dropped the shower head. She took a sloshing step, and walked out of the bathroom. The water rippled in her massively swollen body, she let out a moan as the heavy water pressed on her skin. She looked in the mirror and saw her once lean face, round and swollen, her lips looked like a mad doctor had went insane with collagen. She put her hands on her back and leaned back, her massive breasts and belly almost pulling her forward off her feet. She had a hard time moving, as the water in her sloshed back and forth. She sat on the couch and was about to call the lab, when she felt her panties cutting into her big belly and road painfully up the crack of her ass. She couldn't see them, as her swollen gut sat almost to her knees. She reached down and slid the panties off, as she did this, the water in her body rushed forward, and she rolled onto the floor, landing on her back. Her inflated boobs, bobbed like twin water balloons on her chest. She heard a faint hiss, and looked in horror as she started to swell up even more! The phone rang and her answering machine came on. "Hi Tamara, it's the lab, we found a problem with the spill and need you to come back, the spill may have affected your body in a strange way. And don't drink any water, it will be converted to gas, we don't want you to pop." Tamara would have screamed if she could have caught her breath. Her legs were forced apart by her swelling thighs, she saw her dome like belly raise higher and higher in the air, her two beachball size breasts, blocked her view after a while. Her arms stuck out at her sides, she was a helpless blimp. She watched in horror as honey colored stretch marks formed on her swelling breasts. Her bloated ass, pushed her off the ground. The sloshing water pressed harder with every passing second, then she felt water. No! she thought, she's going to explode, pop like the water balloons she used to overfill when she was young. She looked up as water started to dribble from her distended nipples. She let out a sigh. She knew the pressure was going to wane, but it didn't, the dribble flowed harder and faster as the pressure in her body increased, it started to spray out of her like a garden hose, she heard the sound of a Balloon popping, just before she passed out......... The Lab was able to keep the strange explosion at one of their lab tech's apartments out of the papers. Mary came home and took off her coat. It was a shame that Tamara left, oh well. God I need a drink...
There was this one story where a gym teacher finds a bbw genie and they become girlfriends and the genie ends up making her immobile before pulling her into an immobile harem
I'm looking for two stories. One of them is very much like Slither. A bunch of friends go to visit someone who just returned from a trip abroad. Both she and her mother are massive. We find out later they have some alien parasites that make them eat relentlessly. Another comic was part of a series. It involved a lot of bimbos getting inflated by wildlife. One I happen to remember particularly vividly was a girl wearing a skirt in a foreign ecosystem and a crocodile thing slowly emerges from the water, launches a tube-ish tentacle into her butt, and blows her up to immobilize her.
Since this seems to be a "looking for" thread I was wondering if anyone happens to have one of two stories involving Violet Beauregarde's dad? One has him become a blueberry instead of Violet and the other I think he gets very fat on the tour.
Looking for a story where a girl confronts her immobility. She tries to get up, realizes she can’t, and begs her GF to move her to their bedroom because it’s comfier in there, knowing it’s the only place she’ll be again. Pretty sure she gets stuck in the doorway after this.
Here’s a story from superscoopsoup who is no longer on deviantart The Warriors of Hope had always been focused on ridding themselves of the adults in their lives, but what were they to do now that they were the adults? Whereas they once had a common enemy to unite against and torment, they were now left without a cause, leading to infighting. It seemed that now they were constantly at each other's throats now. It seemed that the only two who weren't bickering were Kotoko and Masaru. They seemed to be the most well adjusted to their adult lives as they bonded over the new challenges and tribulations they faced. Monaca, the group's leader, had grown tired of everyone's arguing and had begun to hatch a scheme. She was going to prepare a large feast for the organization with the help of The Servant. "Do you have the special ingredient we discussed?" Monaca inquired. "Of course. Here it is." The Servant handed her a vial of green liquid. "Thanks! They won't know what hit them!" Monaca grinned. She quickly got to work cooking a large feast, making sure to add in a generous amount of the serum to ensure some interesting results. Soon the feast was complete and now it was time for the plan to truly be set in motion. Monaca beckoned the rest of the Warriors of Hope into the dining hall, to which they all arrived and sat down. Kotoko and Masaru sat down right next to each other while Nagisa sat next to Monaca, his face buried in a dictionary. Jataro sat down away from the others, brooding quietly. Monaca snapped her fingers and the Servant brought out several dishes filled with a vast array of food. "I hope you all enjoy this meal I've made for you!" Monaca smiled as she awaited eagerly for them to dig into the tainted food. Masaru quickly began eating, devouring the morsels on his plate. "Thanks, Monaca! I didn't know you could cook something delicious! This is great after a long workout like I had today!" He managed to say in between bites. Kotoko looked up from her plate after a couple bites. "Yeah this really is good! You even peeled the chestnuts!" She said as she tossed a handful into her mouth. Jataro even seemed to enjoy the feast as he ate with reckless abandon, bits of food landing on his mask and clothes. Nagisa was now more enthralled in the food than his readings as he too seemed to enjoy the meal. "Wow, Monaca, you really are a talented chef! Servant! You must try this!" The Servant's face shifted from a calm one to a look of concern as he gazed towards Monaca. She grinned as she gazed back at the Servant. "Well go ahead, try some. Unless you don't like my cooking?" The Servant reluctantly got a plate of his own and began eating, at first pecking at the food but then finding that he could not restrain himself. What none of the Warriors seemed to notice was that as they were eating, they were beginning to pack on weight, growing soft and pudgy around their middles. None of them had seemed to notice so far as they continued to stuff themselves. Masaru was growing quite the pot belly while Kotoko's middle was now quite round and bloated. Jataro's apron was beginning to feel snug as his gut bulged with fat. Nagisa's suitcoat was being strained as well, with the buttons looking fit to burst. Even the Servant was growing a gut as he continued to wolf down the addictive feast. Monaca grinned as she saw just how much they were all ballooning. Masaru continued to eat, his thighs growing rotund and his butt beginning to poke out through the back of his chair. "Wow, Masaru, getting a little chubby there~" Kotoko teased. "Well so are you, bubble butt!" Masaru chuckled as he slapped Kotoko's now plump ass. It wobbled as she yelped in surprise. "You're so naughty!" She whined as the two began to poke and prod at each other's growing bodies, becoming more infatuated with each other. Nagisa was too distracted by the happy couple's teasing to notice how fat he was becoming. He would soon realize this, however, as the buttons of his coat finally burst, allowing his heavy belly to surge forward. "I may have overdone it, but it's hard when I've been given such amazing food to eat…" He blushed as he glanced at Monaca. Jataro was becoming quite the pig as well, with him having to loosen his apron strap to accommodate his blubber. He was a total slob as his outfit and mask were stained with food. Giggling at the sight of the Warriors becoming rounder and softer, Monaca couldn't help but snicker at how the Servant had managed to pack on more weight than any of them. He just couldn't restrain himself as he fell prey to the very serum he had procured. The buttons of his shirt had popped off long ago and now allowed his round stomach to jiggle and grow freely. With all of the eating and the smell of food in the air, Monaca had begun to feel a strange but not unexpected feeling well up within her: hunger! Her stomach began to growl as she tried her best to resist her own cooking. Eventually, this became too much to bear and she began to stuff handfuls of food into her mouth, moaning in delight. Speaking of moaning, Kotoko and Masaru were now making out, kissing each other passionately as they fondled each other's newly acquired curves. "Well, Monaca, it seems like you're going to join me soon!" Nagisa giggled as Monaca continued to devour the feast, her belly bloating outwards and her thighs and arms becoming chubby. Everyone was becoming so fat and bloated from the meal, their clothes ripping and tearing from the strain of their gluttony. With how much the two had eaten, Kotoko and Masaru were now naked blobs of adipose, completely and utterly infatuated with their gelatinous bodies. The Servant's wide ass had completely split open his pants as his plump cheeks bulged out through the opening like two bubbles. Nagisa was completely shirtless as his moobs had grown so plump that they tore it off, resting on his belly like it was a shelf. Jataro had disrobed a while ago, allowing himself to scarf down more food in his gluttonous rampage. Monaca could feel her skirt begin to stretch and her wheelchair sagging down as she grew heavier and fatter. The buttons on her coat popped off one by one in a humiliating display of overindulgence as her shirt tore at the seams, letting her massive ass flood her chair with its soft cellulite. Her thighs were spread out with how fat they had become, leaving her wedged in her chair. Laying over her lap was her gargantuan tummy, groaning and bubbling as it digested the mountains of food she had crammed into it. It wasn't long before the ravenous group had completely devoured the entire meal, leaving them all half naked and painfully stuffed, unable to move in their fattened states. "Huff…oh wow, Monaca…you've really outdone yourself with this feast. I can't remember the last time we were all in one room and weren't at each other's throats!" Nagisa chuckled as he patted his pudgy belly. "I'm just…huff…happy you all enjoyed my little plan-I mean feast!" Monaca sheepishly smiled as she gazed down at her massive breasts and distended gut. "Perhaps we should do this again sometime?"
Does anyone have an archive of all the deleted borin23 stories. I remember there was a deleted one of toph in the future.
Does anyone know of the artist or know where I can find the story about a waiter that serves a table of two SSBBWs who flirt with him then winds up having dinner with them after his shift ends and finally winds up going home with the bigger of the two and it turns into a squashing/sex story? It was on deviantart but I can't find it anywhere, the author had several really good stories but I can't recall the name.
Does anyone have Zelda's Culinary Journey from RisenRenegade? They said they were going to reupload it but I never did see the reupload
Does anybody have "Star Volleyball Player." I believe it's on dimensions.... Thanks!
Looking for an old deviantart story about a woman going to a resort and becoming an orange that gets juiced by the pool. I remember there being an image someone drew for it as well but cannot find either.
Does anyone remember a preg story about a girl that gets left home alone and over the course of 3-4 days she goes from barely showing to going into labour? There was aline of her calling herself the new virgin mary?
Need help finding a deviantart story about a woman who walks into a movie theater to prove a point. She eats a shit ton of popcorn and then gets stuck in the seat because of her belly. The audience laughs at her and she cries until the janitor (?) comes to comfort her.
does anyone have a story where a son makes a wish for his hot mom to get an acting role and she becomes the mascot to a fast food company. she becomes really fat and slobby. i cant find it anywhere
>>9052 thanks a lot. :/
A story from fantasy feeder about a woman (I think her name is Emma) who starts with a good situation, and is arrogant, but then lost her job, had to go on benefits, and gains weight, her boyfriend leaves her and she spirals, ending with her fat low-income neighbour she used to look down on becoming something of a dom, while she's a fat, unemployed, dole-using, takeaway-eating slob
>>6810 Seconding this please. Looked around but coult not find anything.
Does anyone have the stories from Biggirlshere who used to be on Deviant art. Looking specifically for GIAunt and Mommy dearest
Did anyone save all of SlyAdam work?
Did anyone save SlyAdam work? https://archiveofourown.org/users/SlyAdam/pseuds/SlyAdam
>>32 Alright, I'm going out of my mind trying to find this. Does anybody know what the name of the story that went like this is? >Cosplay princess goes to convention >Girl with the ability to manipulate reality sees cosplay princess and decides to continuously makes her fatter and fatter >Cosplay princess freaks out as her social standing in the changing reality deteriorates before her very eyes >By the end she's barely able to stand she's so fat >People borderline feel bad for her because of how gross she looks I can't for the life of me find it. I saw it on Deviantart like a year or two ago. I fear it's gotten deleted but if anyone knows wtf I'm talking about PLEASE help me
A sci-fi world where girls are getting obese by around high school age and have these little machine bots that lift them up making them able to walk around. Without them most people have become unable to walk on their own. The story follows a girl as she grows up and gains weight, eventually becoming immobile. This was one I read several years ago but have never been able to find it again. AFAICR there were two long parts in total, posted to DA
>>9088 https://www.deviantart.com/weeb-lord/art/REUP-My-Kind-of-Convention-763008732 This?
>>9091 I agree it has to be this, but just in case, there's a sequel they might be thinking of. https://www.deviantart.com/weeb-lord/art/The-Photo-Shoot-765425644
(352.30 KB 780x929 lifechangingapp.jpg)
>>9091 THIS IS IT Holy shit, thank you Anon. I was going actually insane trying to find this. Deviantart's search feature is dogshit
>>9093 source on that image please?
Does anyone have the deleted stories from snakebit1995?
Either a dark, health issues story, or a fattening virus-type thing. All I remember is a description of violent coughing ripping too-tight seams.
>>9101 Artist is Honi-san https://x.com/lowproteinhighf/status/1431988437913985024 Translation came from e-hentai gallery https://e-hentai.org/g/2349011/b48cff9630/
Does anyone know where I can find an old SirWales story, I think it was called "mother knows best"
Anyone have a link to Biggirlshere stories
There's a story called "Love Live: Takami Heart!!" that was on deviantart a while back, but the account was deleted. I eventually found it posted on another site (https://aryion.com/g4/view/811303), but this was also recently deleted. It still shows the description of it in the Google search for it (just search "takami heart feederism" or something), so is there a way to possibly retrieve it even if the site says it's deleted? Thanks!
>>9145 Didn't know they went as far as to delete literally all their accounts. Damn. Was discussed a little here: >>8812 I managed to get the fic tho.
I have this vague memory of some story where someone is captured by a Hutt in the Star Wars universe and they are inflated against their will, turning all spherical. I don't remember if its normal inflation or cum inflation. Anyone know which story I might be referring to or remember something similar?
Anyone have any thiccfiction stories saved? I would especially love the one about the talent show
I’d also love any of his stories.
can someone reup the borin23 archive?
Anyone has "oborokun" stories from deviantart, his page got deleted
Hi all, might be a huge long shot on this one, I've tried to find it everywhere I can think of, but no luck. Does anyone remember the magazine that chubbygirlvideos used to produce, with featured stories? I'm after a particular story that was featured once, which I think was about a woman running for an election - she found some cursed item (I think an hourglass?) by a harbour, and it made her gain a pound an hour or something like that. Actually, maybe she knocked something into the harbour which caused the curse, and they had to fish it out in the end to stop it? Would be amazed if anyone can find it, I've already tried the way back machine to her site, but no luck (unless I missed something).
Does anybody have the last Parts of the Serena weight gain story by iceblazethequick ?
Does anyone have Borin23's The Legend of Zelda stories? He deleted them off his da a while ago and I can't find it.
>>9205 you can always message the man him selve
>>9214 I did, he said da forcefully deleted them
Did anybody happen to save anything from a dA account named Qaldo3? I wouldn't be surprised if not, they weren't very well written, but they scratched an itch.
Can someone upload the biggirlshere archive
>>9225 Please
Does anyone have a copy of rent due by wakkkwakkka? Been looking for it everywhere, but no wins... Thanks!
>>9225 There you go. https://we.tl/t-R8LA6f3HDM Do you have any deleted deviantart writer's stories archived? I am trying to find a way to acess deleted deviantart accounts without waybackmachine.
>>8182 Can someone reupload the Borin23 files from this zip?
(137.97 KB 1065x820 h61f1622jy8d1.jpeg)
i swear to fucking got this is literally the plot of a story i read on da like a year ago or something, does anyone know what im talking about
Does anyone have the Desert Island Decadence from chickenshack?
I have a story saved, "To Be Fed" by Hedonistic Purity. Did they ever write anything else? Its probably the hottest thing ive ever read
>>9280 Can't seem to find it, can you share it?
Does anyone have the hermione and ginny wg stories from stuffer-chick-19 on deviantart. They deactivated their account
(53.50 KB Tbf.txt)
Anyone remembers a pokemon weight gain story called "Rosa's bad end"? It's about Rosa from BW2 who lost to the elite four and got into a slump, becoming immobile because of it. I remember it was on deviantart but i can't find it anymore.
It was made by a writer called Zerpz. There's an archive of his stuff here: https://www.deviantart.com/dropbear2448/art/Zerpz-Archive-V3-VA-11-Hall-A-mod-now-in-desc-932421585 What I'm still looking for is the partner-fic made by Novaatnite that was basically the same thing but with Roxie instead
>>9295 nvm found his stuff in the deleted stories thread, it was by Zerpz.
Been trying to find a Deviantart story I read all the time in high school. I think it was called "Home Alone Stuffed", don't remember the username. It was about a girl whose parents go out of town for the weekend and after her brother leaves to go hang out with friends, she stuffs herself. Pretty basic, but the fact I read it as a teen makes it kind of nostalgic. Couldn't find it on google or searching on DA itself so it might have been deleted. But yeah, any help would be appreciated.
I remember reading a story on deviantart, it was a pdf if I am remembering it well, maybe a year or so ago, about a warrior noble princess being kidnapped from her father by the enemy, who turns out to be her mother, and gets slowly corrupted by the mother's hedonism, I also remember her joining the enemy's side to civilize her father's resistance or smth. Iirc she also had some kinda knight lady protector with a beer belly. Anyone knows the title/author?
>>9306 I think the author is SICstories
Yup, that's it, thanks mate
I'm looking for a mult-part story on deviantart, there was a man and a woman, cosmic weight gain and penis expansion, explicit sex, and an AI was involved
Does anyone have a collection of Kittycourt34’s stories before the account was deleted?!?
Anyone save steve-aka/adiprose's works?
Also looking for Biggirlshere
Looking for an old morbid story where a girl moves in with her mother and slowly gains weight the mother starts to ridicule her for getting fat and she eventually dies in the hospital from her fat I remember two scenes specifically where the mom calls a doctor into her room at her house because she is too fat to meet them and one where the mother demands she gets on the scale and the daughter admits she can't even see the scale over her belly any help would be appreciated
Anybody got an archive of Borin23's stories?
Anybody know any good Persona stories?
>>9090 Fitting by Onion88?
Has anyone got any of these saves particularly the peter ones?
Was looking for a Mass Effect story where the whole crew gets pregnant and has two endings one with burst
looking for the name of a story on deviantart where a women hooks up with a man several times. the man only ever eats her out and he gets fatter every time they meet. at the end he cums in her and she gains a ton of weight.
Does anyone have a now deleted story called Spider-Gwen Water Weigh Gain or something similar to that? It was about how Spider-Gwen gets injected with a serum developed by AIM making her absorb water and gain weight. At one point is locked inside a Shield facility for a month, where she then breaks out and jumps into lake making her go planet size.
