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Slob stories Anonymous 02/14/2020 (Fri) 17:31:59 No. 156 >>2491
Anyone have any good slob or weight gain with gas mixed in? I have one that is a high elf’s slow decent into becoming a huge messy slob. Don’t be afraid to post stories with scat or other disgusting bodily functions as slobs are usually gross and disgusting. https://www.deviantart.com/quantativeeesing/art/Dungeons-and-Slobs-Slob-Uglification-Kink-RP-755208614 Another slob story I found https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/art/A-Slob-Girl-s-Lover-587373303
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20869445 Technically incomplete, but both the chapters are basically standalone fics.
Found this guy recently, his stuff isn't too bad. https://www.deviantart.com/chonkonyl/art/Slobs-in-the-Shadow-Realm-I-849735087
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/10221152/ If you don't mind furries this one is great, although it does have some shit eating.. albeit you can just skip over it.
Bump as I'm taking requests. I'm trying to break into writing fetish stories so if anyone wants a slob story written, leave as much or as little guidance for me as you want and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
>>1554 I've got two ideas, so do which one you like, if any. 1) Steven Universe: In order to help Lapis with nightmares; Peridot creates a machine that is supposed to induce soothing thoughts. Instead it subtly increases their desires to eat while reducing their cares for cleanliness. 2) Just a rather cliche prompt: A woman breaks her leg. Her partner (gender shouldn't matter in this case unless you have a personal preference) goes a bit...overboard with nursing them back to health, making her a fat slob who leaves her needs up to said partner, though her appetite gives time for little more than preparing her next meal. If you decide to do either, then I simply request that you don't do any bathroom wastes. Just messy eating, belching, farting and whatever degree lack of showering that you prefer. If you choose not to, then Happy New Year's! Actually, Happy New Year's regardless.
>>1556 Well I don't know much about Stephen Universe so I'll have a crack at prompt 2. I'm not that into bathroom stuff myself so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Though I plan to have it finished before then, Happy New Year to you too!
I am looking for zobstories ASOIAF and other of zob industry stories. I was on pastebin but it may have be deleted.
Any other zob stories?
Does anyone have one of Zob's old stories called "The Fattest Crimes of Gotham?"
(18.35 KB zob.txt)
>>1628 I *think* this is it, but I also think it's missing the first part. https://mega.nz/file/Jm4n3AoS#UCGQ2X_Akj_cf222xgkKMVNg2GfDYrrVGLMVIcvSncE
Does anyone have “Gamer Girl Extreme Slob” by Mollycoddles?
slob sorority story https://fantasyfeeder.com/stories/view?id=307817
>>2238 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/112422/post/5085503
https://www.deviantart.com/gravitysecretagent/gallery/all https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/gravitysecretagent/ Most of my stories involve slob or extreme slob in some way and I'm always making more so enjoy~!
>>2468 any pastebins? I have neither accounts.
>>2481 Sadly, no, Do you have a pixiv? I have some content on there>>2481
>>2484 You can just copy and paste them into pastebin.
>>2488 pastebin has new (((algorithms))) that attempt to autoremove sexual content now
>>2491 Bro. Just read the thread title and move on.
>>2492 Use 4Binz Do it.
Compilation of Charlotte fics. Warning: contains scat. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29546223/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30008901/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30009032/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33479940/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/35726856/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37716222/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41288805/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41777335/
Here's something originally posted on 4chan's /trash/ board. Title is "The Slob Duchess." https://pastebin.com/g2X6WHC0
>>2500 It's the Yuri stuff and scat that repulses me. I came here looking for farts, burping, and immobility.
https://pastebin.com/0kM3quze Dropping this Gaz Digzy (from Ballmastrz 9000) slob fic I wrote about a month ago for an anon on 4Chan. Looking for feedback or requests. I got alternate contact methods if you'd like to chat.
Any good extreme slob stories with vomit in them?
https://www.deviantart.com/cooly52/art/The-Idolmaster-More-Slob-Less-Fans-734092974 https://www.deviantart.com/a-magic-sandwhich/art/Becky-and-the-Cheerleaders-Pt-1-693443922 It don't get much more extreme than this mate. Short of death feederism that is.
>>2592 who's the autor of this story "The Slob Duchess". https://pastebin.com/g2X6WHC0 I want to see more of his stuff.
Reviving this thread with an old slob fic I eventually found in the archive https://web.archive.org/web/20150910185831/http://sibon13.deviantart.com:80/art/Fartageddon-257834235
Already posted in another thread but, hey here it is again DA ain't gonna let me post stories as gross as I write em anymore, so here: https://at.tumblr.com/slobbybowst/generic-fat-and-slobby-taco-bell-scenario/wzuthvs8b3cm Massive, maximumly gross girl shows off in a taco bell https://at.tumblr.com/slobbybowst/burden-of-wiping/v918tznxmzry First person story about burdening others with the task of wiping a fat slobby ass https://at.tumblr.com/slobbybowst/the-date/spi9jpde26mz FFA meets the fat slob boy of her dreams and has the best date she could hope for
Julia released another massive fart from her gargantuan cheeks as she shoved a gooey hot dog leaking of grease and fat into her mouth, the 22 year old was 560 pounds at this point and showed no signs of stopping, she smirked to herself as she began chugging the soda, she could feel her vast obese belly expanding across her lap, she tossed it aside as she let out a tripuhmant belch before stuffing another hot dog into her mouth and some chips, she groaned getting up but then groaned as her vast belly rumbled and she released another massive fart as she fanned the air "God i smell" she said waddling to the fridge, her thighs were like mini boulders, huge and fleshy and they jiggled with every move, she had been lucky as being an above average height girl the weight hadn't shown on her so.closely but as she gained more and more the weight became more noticeable, she grabbed two bags of chips from the pantry and a big soda before plopping back again on the couch, she could feel her several back rolls jiggling as she grabbed a handful of chips and crammed them in her mouth, she moaned chewing them up and gulped them down before cramming another handful in her mouth as her vast belly rumbled again and she spat out another gassy fart before she shoved more chips in her mouth, fanning the air "Auntie will not be pleased" Julia moaned cramming more chips into her mouth, the 22 year old lived with her 59 year old aunt in a small apartment just outside of a huge city, her aunt was gone most nights and barley there during the day, but Julia didn't care, all she cared about was eating
>>5186 The Date might be both your most disgusting and best story yet, happy to see you writing again!
So I stumbled upon this story from a while back because I've been getting into persona 5. Does anyone have access or a save to the even slobbier alt? Apparently the link doesn't seem to work for anyone and I don't even know if the writer put it on her Twitter. Thank you https://www.deviantart.com/haruisverytired/art/Is-Gardening-Really-That-Hard-863258390
>>5271 Never mind guys, I managed to find it. Here it is for those who got interested. I'm sure I'm not the only one new to persona 5 looking for the slob stories right now https://sta.sh/0cy4eobcpec
>>5187 This has potential, keep going
>>5682 Julia had raided the pantry and fridge the weekend of her aunts vacation, she had eaten herself into a food coma as she lay on the bed her vast gut out for the world to see as she groaned, grunting as another fart escaped her fleshy cheeks "God it smells in hear" Julia groaned fanning the air as she forced herself up, thundering onto the floor. She knew she had become the size of a rhino and she was loving every minute of it, her weight had increased to over 600 pounds and she was well on to getting even bigger. Ever breath of air she breathed was getting hoarse and some days she could not stand to walk for more then five minutes but she didn't care, she had become the fat girl of her dreams. She already planned on becoming huger and had pre ordered a mobility scooter off her aunts credit card that was due any day now, she waited with anticipation by plopping a lasagna in the oven and chugging down two liters of soda. As she lounged on the couch waiting for the lasanga to finish 2 more gassy farts escaped her huge checks as she groaned and fanned the air once again "I should probably stick to less gassy foods" she muttered before a triumphant belch escaped her mouth.
Bump for slob, bonus points for slow burn multi-parters of skinny-slob.
Anybody has this deviantart series? (I think it was deleted from the site): I think it was called "slob office" or "office job" and it is a 8-9 part series. It is about a group of woman forced to work overtime which causes them to eat more and become fatter. Near the end (part 8 i think) two of them end up messing themselves for not being able to enter the toilets and getting stuck. The author also wrote another series of a woman who was hypnotized into becoming a feedee for her boyfriend and ends up becoming a slob. Thanks for your attention.
>>6295 Im genuinely upset that got deleted, was a good story hooefully theres a copy somewhere.
>>5186 That Taco Bell one is one of the hottest things I have ever read. 10 out of 10 pls do more
>>6298 Damn didn’t realize it was deleted until just now I had when that happens. Any knowledge on why the author deleted it.
>>6295 I forgor to ask: Anybody know the name of the author? I think they deleted their account.
>>5186 Anybody save the Taco Bell story? Probably my favorite of all time.
>>6945 https://archiveofourown.org/works/42474210
"The rise of nancy henderson" was a good story for this
My latest story is a slobby one. It starts off with some general messy eating and poor hygiene, but it ends with some scat and piss stuff. Let me know what you think if you read it! https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Amber-Takes-the-Train-Extreme-Slob-SSBBW-979147739
>>7696 People over on DA seemed to like that story, so I wrote a sequel. If you want to see an obese, lactose-intolerant woman eat a bunch of ice cream and shit her guts out, give it a read! https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Amber-Hard-at-Work-Extreme-Slob-SSBBW-982069325
Would you guys like a story about a space-travel and a planet where a girl/boy is used for food disposal by a planet-wide fast food chain? Their gas would be used as a source of methane and their milk for milkshakes, blob sized
I've tried my hand at writing recently, and most of them have some slob mixed in, mainly sweat, gas and stained clothing, lemme know what you think: https://www.deviantart.com/curdencay18/art/Moving-in-With-the-Mother-In-Law-XWG-Slob-983108077 https://www.deviantart.com/curdencay18/art/The-Corpulent-Corporation-Mutual-WG-Slob-981279194 https://www.deviantart.com/curdencay18/art/Bad-Influence-WG-Nerd-Slob-981119568 https://www.deviantart.com/curdencay18/art/Clingy-Girlfriend-WG-Slob-980742346 https://www.deviantart.com/curdencay18/art/The-Weighty-Witch-of-the-Woods-WG-Pig-TF-Slob-980715992 https://www.deviantart.com/curdencay18/art/The-Baker-Next-Door-WG-Slob-980577733
Huge interest in a slob x Circus Fat Lady story- it’s so wild how few of these exist!
>>7805 Multi-part story I wrote, though the heaviest slob stuff is in the first chapter: https://www.deviantart.com/mrwrong1/art/Midway-1-830148701 Warning: I abandonded the story, not sure when/if I'll pick it up again.
I wrote another slob story. This one was by request. If you have an idea for a story, by the way, shoot me a message on Twitter or DeviantArt. Against my better judgment, I'm willing to work for free. https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/The-Decline-and-Fall-of-Jenna-and-Kim-Slob-984434411 Let me know what you think of the story!
>>1631 Anyone found earlier or latter part of this?
>>6298 >>6301 Do you remember the name of the author?
>>7791 I’d be interested in seeing a female version of this, you have a discord I can add?
My latest story has some light slob; a good amount of burps and farts, but nothing more extreme than that. Let me know what you think if you read it! https://www.deviantart.com/springbokkx/art/Crowning-the-Greatest-Glutton-XWG-Blob-Gas-1005805139
>>8234 They better sell it all. How could you sleep at night. Dont disrespect the boss.
>>7791 hell yeah id prefer the boy version personally
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
>>9008 THIS
Sort of taking requests as I try to get into writing fetish stories. Give me prompts/advice/pretty much anything you want as I'm totally new to writing stories.
>>7791 Any news on this? >>9049 Can you write: Pipkin pippa (vtuber) being a neet slob or Atom eve just making food out of nowhere and eating it?
Does anyone have Borin23's The Legend of Zelda stories? He deleted them off his da a while ago and I can't find it.
>>7791 >>7960 >>9007 >>9054 Ask and ye shall receive! "Luna's Trip to Terra-Burg" 3789 words. Join young Luna as she embarks on an adventure from her quiet, pastoral planet to the bustling fast-food utopia of Terra-Burg. Initially a dream come true, Luna's journey quickly descends into a nightmare when she's abducted for a twisted alien experiment. Forced to consume unspeakable amounts of food, her body transforms into a monstrous, farting machine of gluttonous proportions. Her breasts inflate to massive sizes and become a source of unbearable pleasure as they're relentlessly milked, while her stomach balloons with every new feeding. Dive into the darkest corners of Terra-Burg and experience Luna's descent into a world of pain, pleasure, and food in a way you never thought possible. This story will leave you breathless and craving more, as the lines between fear and arousal are blurred in this unique and shocking slob-themed odyssey.
Here's a few stories I wrote that have slob elements in them. Wonder Woman: https://www.deviantart.com/persondudemanguy/art/Wonder-Woman-Uncle-J-s-Pudgy-Pies-Part-1-1026979989 Karlach: https://www.deviantart.com/persondudemanguy/art/Baldur-s-Gate-3-Infernal-Insulation-Part-1-1069487011 Vanessa (FNAF Security Breach): https://www.deviantart.com/persondudemanguy/art/Five-Bites-at-Freddy-s-Night-1-998454330
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Does anyone have these supposed Elsa stories (or any Frozen fanfics in general)? I'm assuming that anon meant this site by "the forbidden chan"
>>10257 It's old, but I remember it https://pastebin.com/n2zAqF4M
Some Slob GOATS: My New Roommate: https://thechangingmirror.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4895 Recent, Annabelle’s Alarms: https://www.deviantart.com/dartista1/art/Annabelle-s-Alarms-Part-One-1134708379 Marlene’s Diet Failure: https://www.deviantart.com/haxcall/art/Malene-s-Diet-Failure-595279511 A Summer of Slob: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/art/A-Summer-of-Slob-594341650 Courtney’s Weight Gain (shameless self plug): https://fantasyfeeder.com/weight-gain-stories/view/title/courtney%E2%80%99s+weight+gain/author/Longname12345 I’d also echo the pinned thread that I miss ‘Flabby Little Sister and would appreciate it if anybody has that saved. Cheers!
do you mean the story by kairuk- that's no longer online? Makes the hours I spend saving stories to word docs worthwhile I suppose. https://gofile.io/d/sYav29
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>>10422 King right here
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Anyone have this?https://sicstories.gumroad.com/l/AmpleArcane?layout=profile
>>10522 Secpnd this
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20869445 Very long, very hard slob story
>>10584 Sadly unfinished
>>10587 Nah it's done and I wrote it. I might do spin offs later but all 34 chapters are there.
>>10588 Wait what? Did you maybe link the wrong story? The link is for an SU slob story that's 2 chapters
>>10621 No shit. I've never even seen that story so I have no idea how I managed to copy paste that. In any case, this is what I meant to link https://archiveofourown.org/works/63686803/chapters/163259974
>>10623 Thank you for sharing
This has some, the sequel has more, and it will get progressively slobbier/morbid as more parts are written https://www.deviantart.com/omric/art/Another-Day-at-the-Office-1172563685

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