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Writers deleting their accounts and removing all their content Anonymous 07/19/2021 (Mon) 04:48:57 No. 2621
Is there anything more frustrating? I feel like I need to start making an actual archive of my favourites as more and more good content gets deleted. JUKQ17 just deleted all of his content and I missed the 1 day a stash zip file containing it was up and now I'm sad. pic unrelated
>>8989 Alright https://we.tl/t-L8EuBZ1puE If only these transfers could last longer
>>8990 I just found out about this. If it isn't too much of a bother could you re-up one more time?
Anyone have that one story where a family gains weight during quarantine with a non binary adolescent, sister, and two gay moms? It might’ve been like a quarantine weight gain lockdown or weighty woes of lockdown title or something. But I can’t recall the artist or full name, and it’s really good and it also spawned a sequel.
Does anyone know of any of these stories? Story 1: Is Brendanruler8's story Revenge: BE Edition story? His DA account was deactivated. Story 2: Was this body inflation story (I think) where this girl was being held against her will in some secret factory somewhere. I can’t remember if it was BE or Body Inflation/fat but she was being fed something and slowly growing, filling a good part of the warehouse. They were using her to produce something so maybe it was BE with milk? Anyway some human rights activists sneak in to try to save her but accidentally turn the machine on full blast and she grows wayy bigger and possibly pops if IIRC? Story 3: This younger girl (she was 18 and in high school) finds a genie or something and makes a wish to stop ageing/be immortal. It is granted, however because she is still going through puberty this means her breasts will still slowly grow and develop forever because she will never stop being in puberty? It's a very slow BE story and she ends up outgrowing the planet I think.
does anyone have novasfatshack and novaatnite stories?
>>9061 https://archiveofourown.org/series/2451274
Does anyone have an archive of swivle-tree's health issues stuff?
>>9118 I copy and pasted some of his fics. Heres a very crude archive https://we.tl/t-CT5xWGGQlB Its a rush job so all the fics are in one document. Just control f 'Literature' if you bounce to the next fic
>>9070 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/deklqpqs34xu4t5f7l4ly/AJyEf1l_CrmHvBqhoJDxzJU?rlkey=k4vow9p5k6fg3arunu8hofi7i&e=1&st=0frqxrfg&dl=0
>>9209 What about the Pokemon sun and moon one he did with Dookus??? What happened to that one?
Does anyone have Borin23's The Legend of Zelda stories? He deleted them off his da a while ago and I can't find it.
>>8797 Yeh, I noticed after searching further that discusthrow’s account his still up and it just wasn’t appearing on my da searches. Can I just ask what you uploaded onto that link? You don’t have to reup, I’m just curious since the stories I was looking for are still on his da
Does anybody have the serena‘s weightgain Part 14 and 15 byiceblazethequick ?
>>9209 thank you
FF user called Yeet95 deleted 70+ his stories along with his account. They were more quantity than quality but I liked them. Any advice on getting deleted stories from ff?
Hey does anyone have the Life is Strange weight gain stories from TotalObesity (I think there name was)? They deleted their deviantart and ao3 account.
stuffer-chick-19 is gone. Specifically the story simply titled "Hermione and Ginny WG" is what I miss the most. Anyone have anything?
Does anyone got softerfatter's valla’s massive king and enormous queen?
Does anybody have the Life is Strange WG story "Life is Fattening by WildBigGirl? The account was nuked years ago and I've been looking for it for a long time
>>8990 Can you reupload it
If someone can reupload the Borin23 zip it would be much appreciated
Hey if anyone could link neversaywhen stories like the deadly dozen it would be much appreciated! Im about to give up hope of ever finding it
I'm looking for a story by Beableblob about a girl who is cursed to trade 1 inch of height against 1 inch of bustline every year for the rest of her life. By the end of the story, she has S cup tits. Beableblob's DA account was deleted a while back, but it looks like it came back, except with less stories than before. Does anyone have this story downloaded somewhere?
Does anyone have Nickeds0 old stories ?
Anyone have an archive of DevilGoLucky's old stuff?
Looking for wakkkwakkka's stories, anyone able to help? Thanks
Anyone have montyisfat stories? Keeping plump with the Kardashians?
(8.76 KB 100x100 cirque-de-kink.jpg)
Cirque-de-Kink deleted everything. There are a couple stories on the wayback machine, but behind a deviantart loging screen, which I obviously can't go through. Tips?
>>10097 The stories are still there, but to find them you'll need to know them by name, otherwise they're probably gonna go POOF in another few days.
>>10098 It worked, thank you.
This got me thinking, and perhaps this isn't the thread for it, but does anyone know any other dark feedism authors? i want to collect them before they vanish into the internet ether
>>10097 are you kidding me? I was JUST about to save all his works too. Whelp, would love it if someone here managed to save his stuff.
>>10100 Holy shit, save what you can. CdQ's shit was next-level.
>>10105 CdK, you get it though
Does Anyone have any lordbgh/biggirllishere/thicccfiction stories?? Can’t find the old archive of them anymore. Thanks!!
Does anyone have bananasplit revolt's Exchange Student story?
Does anybody have an archive of The42ndVacuumCleaner's stories?
I'm blanking on her name but there was a FF user who recently wrote a couple very hot stories about very sexual and intense vacation stuffings. Her pfp was the very hungry caterpiller, does anyone have anything archived?
(52.48 KB Office Drama.txt)
(25.67 KB Fit to Burst.txt)
(17.78 KB Greed.txt)
>>10097 I only had a few backed up for myself, but here's what I have. Anyone else who sees this and can chip in on the recovery effort, please do. This is one of the authors I'm most frustrated about suddenly closing up shop, lmao.
There was an artist called azurephoenixdragon that deleted all their stories, a series was about Palutena and Viridi getting fat off of Pit's cum and I cannot find it anymore.
>>10157 The account’s back up, my sincerest apologies for the catastrophising.
>>10165 I can't even be mad, thank you!
I've been trying to archive neversaywhen's stories ever since he disappeared off of the internet, I think he also went by a different name Mrcotyldon? or something like that. If anyone has any stories made by that person I'd greatly appreciate it!
Anybody have the stories by Princes Miyuki/ spoiledprincessmiyuk? Especially the Miyuki: The Living Goddess series
Does anyone have STC9892 grooming greg series?
Anyone have any of Tinrue's old stuff before they deleted everything?
Does anyone know how to find a deleted history from deviantart?The story is called: "violet parr in feeder attraction" by filmbrony. I read it when I wasn't even 16, when I wanted to see why I liked it so much, I realized that it had been deleted.
>>10541 Did you check the Scraps?
>>10543 Yeah, but it's barely anything. And the naming convention used in the scraps makes it impossible to tell which story was which
