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Morally Depraved Stories Thread: Rebirth Anomynous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 10:21:07 No. 3
"In this thread, let's post our most depraved weight gain story ideas, and see if anyone picks them up." New decade, new board, new thread.
>>7912 another idea >immobile woman dies at a young age from obesity related complications >she is reincarnated and given a chance at a second life >to her horror, she ends up falling back into her old habits and stuffs herself back into immobility
>>7923 This is an incredible premise. I'd love to see STC9892 take this on.
Here is one I did, Canola Oil company tests new product, has to find creative way to ensure compliance when test subject breaches NDA https://www.deviantart.com/youonlygetonebody/art/Acme-Canola-Oil-new-product-testing-presentation-993017274
>>8050 Do you take requests?
>>8056 I have not but what's your request maybe I can do it. I just faceapp and edit images so I really don't have the creativity to be too flexible with requests
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>>8057 I liked your fat daughter posts. Can you take one of these Echo photos (doesn't matter which one) and write about the fat daughter being frustrated about being bedbound? If none of the photos work well with faceapp I can send new ones.
>>8058 I didn't quite do that but I did a similar one, I'll remember this though for future use
>>4697 Goddamn that was a good story. I wish someone would continue it. It stopped right when it was getting good.
Anyone remember a deviantart story about a mobster sibling pair trying to kill off the brothers rich wife to get at her estate?
My latest story features a character who succumbs to their weight gain. In fact, they die from their heart literally exploding as they cum. Anyways, the boyfriend doesn't dispose of the deceased's body. Instead, he continues fucking the corpse, eventually doing his best to preserve the body so he can keep fucking it forever. It's also a furry-themed story, and both the characters are male. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54638866/
>>7681 Can u remember the prompt u used?
>>3462 god someone needs to do this
>>7912 I would love to see this one too
Something similar to "Shut Up and Damce" from Black Mirror, a girl in a coffee shop is shitty to customers or something, then one night she gets a message from a blackmailer. The message tells her it has nude photos of her and it will leak them to the public unless she does what he says. He tells her to start gaining weight and stuffing herself, he sends food to her house and she has to eat it on camera or else. Once she's fattened up to 300 lbs (or more, depending how depraved you wanna get), the guy releases the photos anyway, except now there's a comparison of her old fit body next to her obese nudes. Turns out she used to bully him inschool for his weight and he wanted revenge.
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I finally finished writing a story based on this picture I've always liked. It ends with Heather growing so large that she is trapped in a room and gets suffocated by her own fat and farts. Link here: https://www.deviantart.com/summitprinter/art/1018272190
>>8387 Not a bad concept
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
>>8387 Why stop there, have the guy end up courting the girl and act like a pillar from her troubles. All the while feeding and grooming her into a fat pet. Added sugar, protein powder and grease to every meal, exclude her from interactions with friends or family, maybe get her oblivious by having her watch movies or game everyday. Wait till she’s good an immobile before springing the trap, of course she’ll try and escape but by being extremely fat, her bones atrophied and dependent on outside help. She’ll inevitably fold and become submissive. Maybe even continue to take pictures of her flabby body and keep posting them to bully her. In the end the boyfriend could keep her alive, feed her till she dies or leave her to starve.
Does anyone have any Biggirlshere stories saved?
Story idea I’ve had for years - a man feeds his wife to death but gets her pregnant at points along the way. At one point she’s playing with her kids on the floor when she realizes she’s too big to get up. Her husband comes in to see her struggling and instead of helping her sends the kids off with the nanny and impregnates her right there on the floor.
“I love all this fat you’ve put on yourself. Imagine if you were even bigger? Like, too big to touch yourself? My big, fat, porker of a man, too weak to touch his dick, how sad. I’d have to do it for you then, lifting up your heavy belly as you lay back, ready and waiting for me. I tease your fat pad and kiss and suckle on the tender fat down there, always so neglected, such a shame. And then pulling back your fat pad to expose the little tip of your cock, touching it, feeling around its heavy fleshy prison… and then putting my lips around whatever is left exposed. And then almost being suffocated by your fat, just trying to please your little greedy cock. I would love watching you moan and gasp as I tease you. Oh, you’re so helpless and so very big, it’s just perfect. I’ve done a wonderful job with you, haven’t I? Always greedy and ready for more, nothing could ever be enough for you, could it? You’ll always want more, even if it requires being so fat that even I can’t reach your little nub. We will deal with that when it happens. In the meantime, keep eating and keep getting bigger, for me.”
>>9156 Can you reverse the genders?
first day stuffed to brim second day stuffed until first puke, remove nozzel, all she can say is beg for "more" over and over while vomiting we tell her first she must learn to keep hold of what she was already given. hold her chin and neck up so it can receed while she continues begging "more . more" it receeds and she keeps looking up begging but the begging gets softer and she gets sleepy third day wakes up "im starving whens lunch" drooling drool stops, belly begins receeding day four quiet. hose. she moans, intensifying waiting for it to flow through the hose. day 5 she is trained now so that she keeps her mouth agappe pointed directly up all day when she begins "juggling" (reaching the point where her entire esophagus is full of liquid, waiting for it to drain (any normal person would have vomited by now) when it drains there is room, she is topped off with a splash in her mouth. (moans the same as when the tube was in her mouth on day 4) sometimes the liquid "splashes" onto her face when in this "splash zone", sometimes before the liquid comes out the tube while she is in waiting, you cum in her mouth / on her face. she can't tell the difference any more.
Not super morally depraved, per se, but lately I've been thinking about writing a story with a significant racial component - specifically someone who's black, african-american, being fattened by their family to keep them out of gang trouble - any thoughts on writing 1) a fairly stereotypical character without being pure cliche/racist fantasy, 2) writing a character who is a whole world away from any of your lived experience (I'm a white European)
>>9774 Does it have to be a gang? If you´re worried about being correct, it could be a fascist movement, like skinheads or something. Or could be one of those white wannabe gangters. Alternatively, you could make it about italians and the mob during the 30´s. Unless the race is part of the fetish you want to write, you could do something like that.
>>9774 I'm white but I've lived in cities all my life and have had black friends since childhood. (That said, there are gangs in small towns and rural areas too.) Offhand I'd say parents who'd go that far to "protect" their child would be religious. Compared to Europe religion is a much bigger deal in the US in general, and black people are more religious than most other groups. Most black people are Baptist though I knew some Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics (Carribean blacks, like Haitians), and Muslims (Nation of Islam, which is a different sect from the Wahabism you see among Arabs). So prayer would be a big factor as well as a life centered around the church. This would include not just worship services but parties, meals, swap meets, fashion shows, talent shows, etc. I've been to black services and they're just as crazy as you've seen in movies. A lot of singing, dancing, yelling, laughing, crying. Good for your story, it's a very food-oriented, fat-accepting culture. Some of my best FA memories are seeing gigantic "church ladies" walking around on Sunday mornings, all dressed up. Even in the North (where I'm from) black food is Southern-inspired: greasy and caloric. Pork and fried chicken are stereotypical but also 100% accurate. Black people also love grits (like loose polenta), collard greens (like chard stewed in pork fat), yams, black eyed peas, and cornbread. Fried fish and New Orleans/Low Country sea food too — gumbos, crab, shrimp. Google "soul food" for more examples. Black hair is its own subject... Black people spend more money and time on their hair than any other group I'm familiar with. Frankly hair texture and skin color are also ways they judge each other. Black kids at my school used "black" as an insult — like "look how black he is." It's a weird paradox that lighter skin and less-kinky hair is considered more attractive, even among black people who are otherwise proud of their race. Don't laugh but the movie Boyz n the Hood is a pretty balanced look at working class black LA. The only problem is that it's from the early 90s and so it's dated — the slang, clothes, and lack of cell phones and such. But the plot has a lot to do with what you're proposing, as the film is about Cuba Gooding's parents desperately trying to keep him off the street after his brother (Ice Cube) became a gangster. Spike Lee's movies are stylized and idealized but there are some very true to life families and situations in movies like Crooklyn, Jungle Fever, She's Gotta Have It, School Daze, etc. Hope this helps. I look forward to reading your story, it's a great concept.
>>9775 This is a good point, organized crime exists everywhere. Rather than faking it with a foreign culture, move the scenario closer to home.
>>7565 damn, this is so fucked up, any uptate regarding this story? I would love to read it!
feed her so fat she pops dead then kill blue whale and stuff the fat her under skin with the whale fat and everybody jerks it and fucks her holes and rolls
>>9774 Ngl, this idea is making me want to try to edit the first girl to make her look something closer to second one. I already did some cheap magic to make her sweatier, now am tryin to figure out how to maybe change the hair, face and skin tone, maybe ill add some food stains. Ive never done this but i have some inmense faith on me being able to pull it off
>>9777 Thanks, that's actually really helpful. I hadn't even really considered religion, that's a good aspect to add - mainly I was thinking a gangster gets put on home arrest, possibly with an ankle tracker, and mom enlisting her own mother and "aunties" (literal and the family friend type) to fatten and slow down their child - possibly going as far as to Fresh Prince them, except to Grandma in a small town rather than a posh cousin. I was also wondering about weed, as a classic way to make someone hungry and lazy - aka great for getting fat and not causing trouble? Might be at odds with the "fixing", but it's a drastic measure. Not going to lie, as well as Fresh Prince, pic related was definitely an inspiration - while I don't find "Kendra" types particularly hot (bit too mature for me*), their capacity for being feeders is great. * though making a young black woman prematurely a fat saggy "mama" type before her time is an interesting idea...
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>>9786 err actually, im not sure how to go about this the face is being troublesome, i cant recall how black noses look and its being hard to shade the belly
>>9787 I don't think a religious aspect is necessary, I was just trying to give realistic scenarios — that a family who's especially concerned with keeping their kid away from gangs would likely be religious. There seems to be only two paths in that community. And Fresh Prince would be a great framing device for it. I actually know a kid who was sent to his grandma's in rural North Carolina to get him away from bad influences. Anyway glad I could help.
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>>7133 >>7153 >>7360 >>7429 And so, it is written: "Jeffrey's Gamble" 11,680 words Summary: Jeffrey, once a promising college student, descends into a dark, addictive world of excess to recover from the loss of his scholarship. Enticed by the financial rewards of a niche OnlyFans account, he becomes the star of his own twisted show, indulging in extreme weight gain and food-related challenges that push the boundaries of his physical and mental limits. His devoted fanbase, a sea of hungry eyes eager for more, drives him to ever more outrageous feats of gluttony. But as he spirals deeper into this abyss of self-destructive behavior, Jeffrey finds himself the puppet of a mysterious benefactor named Victor. His life is now a tragic symphony of pain and pleasure, dictated by the whims of his viewers and the cold, calculated directives of his enigmatic patron. The once-private sanctity of his apartment is transformed into a stage of degradation, a place where he's forced to confront the monstrous reflection of his own excess. Each new chapter brings with it a more extreme challenge, a darker twist in his desperate struggle for relevance and survival, until finally, he's reduced to the ultimate act of submission before the cold, unblinking eye of the camera. His body now a prison of flesh, Jeffrey is lost in the thrill of his own demise, his fate sealed by the very hand that feeds him. The story of Jeffrey's transformation is a cautionary tale of desperation and greed, a salacious journey through the depths of human desire that leaves no appetite untouched.
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>>9816 Epilogue. 2,525 words.
https://www.deviantart.com/dania201/art/Moment-on-the-Lips-1106301233 Anyone got other good stories with realistic depictions of food addiction?
What happens when you combine a toxic feeder/feedee relationship with the naivety of teen love? >Morbidly obese high school girl >As her weight becomes more of a burden and health risk, her doctor and parents urge her to consider weight loss surgery >She refuses, but hides the true reason why from her mom >Earlier, her boyfriend had urged her to not lose weight, and she went along, this being both of their first relationship >Later on, they break up for a typical teen love reason unrelated to her weight >But now she is so fat, every surgeon she talks to says weight loss surgery would be too risky
>>9995 Barely mobile high school junior
>>9777 bro, doughboy is tre's friend. Ricky is doughboys half brother.
I've always been a fan of weight gain/corruption; like the personification of innocence being twisted into this perverse monster. >medieval kingdom is in its most prosperous age >benevolent ruler kicks the bucket with no direct heir >they discover that the last heir to the throne is a young 15-16-year-old peasant girl >she is quickly made queen of the kingdom >because she's from the people, she treats everyone with the utmost respect and kindness >polite to all her workers, benevolent to all her citizens >her time on the throne begins to take its toll on her physically >all that fine dining that comes with being queen causes her to grow fatter and fatter >when she first sat on the throne she looked absolutely tiny, but now her fat ass overflows off the seat >the fatter she gets the hornier she becomes >no longer leaves the castle to speak to the people, rather spending her time eating and fucking >as time progresses she becomes more and more entitled, rude, selfish and narcissistic >she's rude and cruel to her staff >she's even worse to the peasants >she gives up on her hygiene, starting to smell absolutely rancid >despite being the queen with the whole kingdom at her fingertips she wants more >taxes get raised for the peasants, and work days are elongated >all the while the queen spends less and less time actually doing anything for the kingdom >she becomes more depraved, her lust going through the roof >she no longer cares about consent, if she wants to fuck someone she will no matter what >the kingdom falls into the worst state it's ever been, because of this rude, arrogant blob >she doesn't care, too busy jerking off and feasting on substantial meals, all while the peasants can barely feed their families >she starts to genuinely take pride in how badly she's fucked up her own kingdom >the story ends with this spoiled brat of a girl sitting on her far too-small throne, excited about how she's only going to get worse from here
Don't know how active this thread is but I got nothing to lose by posting here. I'm a smut writer currently stuck without any inspiration and I'd like to get back into it, drop your story requests and if I like them I'll expand them into a longer story. I'm personally really into extreme slobification so you've a higher chance of getting your prompt picked up if it includes that, on the other hand I generally don't do well when adapting other IPs. I appreciate any story idea tho, and of course, in the spirit of the thread, the more depraved the better.
>>10033 Not super depraved, but a skinny girl feeder becoming a bossy, oversexed feedee. Male goes from tubby feedee to thin-ish, overworked feeder.
>>10033 How about a story where the mc wants to manipulate and use their boss or popular coworker for their own gain. They would fatten them up and make them slobbier. She would hate it and not be into it. She wouldn't like it at any point of the story it would just be her being depressed and sad and wants it to stop but the MC doesn't let her and is good at manipulating her. Not too extreme in terms of size and the slob would be up to you.
Link to archive of the previous thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20150720020523/http://bbw-chan.net/elite/res/6026.html
>>10033 I have a whole vault of written ideas I don't want to bombard you with, but let me know if you like this one and want more. use it or change it or toss it if you like :) A too beautiful, clean, perfectionist, a blonde bombshell - the type who made popularity and being "homecoming queen" her whole life and now is adrift after highschool - is now mostly lonely and "the fat friend" is now pretty much her only friend after highschool. The fat friend has been in love with her since highschool. They are both lesbians, and it's a small town, and she doesn't have many other options so maybe... but she doesn't find her attractive. While at Mcdonalds, she can't help but stare at the fat people and the food in disgust. She finds the food greasy and fattening, and makes rude comments (backpedalling after she realises who she is speaking to) She ordered food originally, but decides not to eat it - she goes to the counter and lies, saying it's overcooked for a refund. Instead of just giving a refund, the manager comes out - and our protagonist is instantly star-struck. it's love at first sight. This woman looks stunning in her black manager outfit. You've seen a girl like this before, i'm sure. She doesn't just give a refund - she flirts a little, and comes over to her table with a whole new meal - and lets her keep the old meal too. She sheepishly eats the food, and keeps sharing glances with the manager. But after coming to her table the manager has been less flirty - She realises it's because she is there with "the fat friend". So she dismisses her. her friend is confused, so she is cruel to get her to go. why would she be with a fatty like her? She regrets it immediately after, that's her only friend - but the manager seems interested again now she is alone. So as to have a reason to stay, she ends up eating all the disgusting, greasy food - and orders extra just for more time, sharing a smile at the counter. As the restaurant comes to a close, the manager sits with her for a while. So she starts coming back more often - at first a few times a week, but eventually daily. Staying longer and longer each time. Eating more and more. She often gets given free meals or extra food - which at first she sheepishly eats, but eventually comes to crave the food. Eventually she isn't sure if she is here for the manager, or because she is addicted to the food. Every time she is there she remarks on the fatties around her. How out of control they are, how could they let themselves get like that? Even to the manager, who just smiles and nods - the irony is she has begun becoming a fat, slobby mess - and the window of people "who are so fat" is getting smaller and smaller as she catches up to them. The manager makes little comments about how maybe they don't realize how fat they were getting, or how maybe it crept up on them, or they justified it by talking about people even fatter than them - clearly this is directed at our pov, but she doesn't notice and is still mean and oblivious - rationalizing away her own size. The manager is less and less flirty over time but still seems to have an interest in her. Eventually "the fat friend" comes back and finds her here, almost not recognising her. She comes over and tries to be forgiving and friendly, and she and the manager seem to both be overly flirty with her - but eventually becomes obvious they are flirting with each other. pov makes a mean comment about how manager would never be interested in such a fatty - but "the fat friend" is crueller back calling pov a fat cow and eventually it hits her that she is far fatter than she friend ever was. After several weeks of depressive eating and feeling miserable she sees this incredibly disgusting, helplessly fat blob taking up a whole booth. She relentlessly mocks her the whole time to the manager, trying to feel better, and uses her to justify her own size. Pov could never get as bad as that at least! The manager plays along a little, making sort of forgiving comments but being more cruel than usual, agreeing how disgusting and fat the woman is. Eventually she begins to realise she has been looking over at a mirror - the woman she is mocking is herself. She breaks down, but the manager comforts her with food, after all - she could never let her go hungry, she's her favourite customer. She is a little controlling and sadistic towards her at this point - but pov does anything to get her affection. It's very toxic - Maybe manager decides to use her, or maybe manager just enjoys stringing her along at this point.
>>10065 Writer guy here, this one is definitely my favourite so far. Gonna make some notes, organise the story a bit in my head and start writing in the next couple of days or so. Not promising anything timewise since I'm lazy and inconsistent. In the mean time feel free to drop any more ideas.
>>10092 Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Deepseek R1 is shockingly good at coming up with morally depraved fetish fiction. In fact, if you ask it to be "realistic" it will insert morally depraved stuff without you having to ask.
