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Loli Stories Thread: Lardy Lass Edition Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 15:45:43 No. 7833
Since the other thread is bump locked, here’s another one since the old thread is gonna get either buried or deleted. The other thread >>202
Are there places to find stories that aren’t here? Like any good websites?
>>9756 > oppai loli. the best kind imo right there with shortstacks
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>>9900 With the fat only going there or just enough to keep it the biggest part of her fat body? Innocent personality or a tease? Huge tits cause the loli trouble or not? Would you like most to focus on the oppai loli, including her friends whose bodytpes exploded in the same way, or would you rather have they all differ for a full set of the three Bs? How big are the breasts?
>>9879 YES! <3
What is the best AI to use to help with writing these?
Does anybody remember a story on writing.com that includes something about a fox god, I remember it was coupled with other stories under the name nsfw 18+ loli or something like that?
>>8550 seconded! i can’t find it anywhere- it’s the one where Vanilla’s purposefully letting Cream pile on weight and very nervous about how she’s getting away with it yet can’t stop making her heavier. It starts off with them weighing her.. does anyone have it?
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>>8550 >>10019 https://pastebin.com/UhR0HB2L
>>9894 I am once again asking for help finding places for stories besides this thread
>>10041 Seconded. Deviantart has been removing so many loli stories in the last two years. Like I get removing loli hentai, but stories, especially stories that don't that don't have any sexual themes besides feederism (no reference to privates, etc) should absolutely not be removed :/ So if there's any website that protects loli stories, I'd really love to know
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>>10043 You only really have Pixiv and AO3. I don't know how good PIxiv is with uploading stories but I still see AO3 as something that's just borrowed time and will eventually wipe everything out when the loli writers turn their backs. In all honesty, the only real hope you have is uploading and everyone saving it and occasionally reposting it besides of just when someone's specifically asking for it.
Any slow build/slow burn stories e.g. doesn't instantly jump to like 500lbs+ Doesn't even have to be loli, just something you enjoy
>>10041 Inkbunny seems to not give a fuck about loli stuff. >>10022 I would kill to see this stretched out into a slow build story of Vanilla struggling with her demons from the start with a slightly chubby Cream, all the way to her being completely bed bound.
>>10055 That would be godlike if someone wrote that
>>10055 Oh thanks, I thought they were just a furry community but I see they have human lolis too
>>10064 links?
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>>10060 I agree.
Where did everybody go ?
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>>10231 To watch or play something they can think about the loli becoming a butterball. Anyone you were hoping to read about her fattening up?
>>10251 Well since the thread was already talking about Cream I'd love to find a story for Maria
The most we can hope for these days are "stories that feature characters that are definitely lolis but the story doesn't really draw attention to it and the character is far enough away from main stream recognisability that something sus with their name draws little scrutiny" With RNG gone, Miss Becca going M.I.A. and Weeblord being more interested in fapping while wearing a dress, Heriyasuki is the last line of defense still fighting the good fight. https://www.deviantart.com/heriyasuki/art/Piggy-s-Little-Prank-1138267454
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>>10267 >Heriyasuki >Loli Beyond Madoka and idols for stories and immobile Lyria in the header, he never really felt like someone who cared about loli unless it aligned with said interests. There's also paying Wales for a story. >>10261 Is there much of any story for Maria aside for her and Shadow being friends and her death?
>>10269 Can confirm. After some stuff last year, it's very much behind closed doors/private stuff I do. Ask and receive, worst I can do is say no.
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>>10270 >After some stuff last year, it's very much behind closed doors/private stuff I do The hit gets even harder with the fact the closed doors likely belong to Discord.
>>10271 So what's to stop you from hitting up my Discord to ask? It's posted on almost all my accounts.
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>>10272 My hatred for Discord.
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>>10273 Well you got me there. Can always message me on Da or whatever and see what I can do.
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>>10274 Gotta recover my expenses after Christmas before I eat crow and set up a pay pal. Either that or let everyone drive me mad enough to make my own fat content and flood the net with plump lolis and even more after that, with de-aged women; just out of pure spite.
>>10269 I guess I just kind of assumed so since their Retrospring description is literally "WAISTLINE CORRECTION UOOOOHHH" and they've at the very least not shied away from pointing out how some of the characters they write about are middle schoolers before. . Is there much fan stuff of anything Maria at all that extends beyond "The kid that got shot"? I know there's a surprising amount of pretty cute fanart of her, but human characters in sonic seem to not get even a fraction of the love they would if they were animals like the rest of the cast. Considering that there's probably less than 5 tolerable fat arts of her, I extremely doubt anyone has written any fetish stuff of her. >>10273 Yeah pretty much this. Discord gives me sepsis. Especially in this community. >>10270 On the topic, you think you'll have to take down more of your stuff? I know you already took down pretty much every loli/sho centered thing you made, but I ask this question since you're one of the few writers I've seen that incorporated fattening up young characters in the background adult/non-loli fics (For example, one of the Eureka Seven fics, and the 2-part fat Rise fic). I feel like since they feature loli/sho, but the "draw" to the fic is the adult character in the title of the fic, they'd almost be a magnet to more scrutiny. Granted, I'm not really sure if those fics are even visited a whole lot nowadays, especially by new people that haven't read them before, so I don't know if that would even be something worth putting thought into worrying about. . But yeah, even besides the topic of worrying about it, I do like how matter of fact the writing in your stories were when for kid characters. You didn't try and do the whole "refuse to mention the character is obviously a kid" while also not "lolicon-ify" the language/story. Given how much more no-no loli/sho is considered nowadays, the seamless integration of young characters being giving the fetish treatment in the same lane as the adults is refreshing to look back upon. >>10274 How bad is the backlog rn? Would it be worth waiting for things to clear up?
>>10275 Don't let the spite destroy you anon! New content of fat little chonkers is always appreciated, but it hurts a little when it's fueled by hate. We must endeavour to heal the fat loli micro-community with passion and comradery! We can't tarnish our forefathers legacy like that!
>>10275 I take payment in the form of internet upvotes. Living like I'm Sam Bridge-man >>10276 On your first question: no. Nothing else will get taken down unless DA mods decide something is worth striking. I haven't lost anything like that since my last page hit in April. That's when (among other reasons included) I decided just to take it all down to be safe. I feel like the background thing is a decent enough compromise. For example, with the "Year of Doughy Dragon" I did with Lucoa last year, there's a bit that acknowledges Shouta being twice as massive. In terms of "visited", they get decent traffic. (Not so much the Eureka Seven one since it's a niche series that I still love. Even without fetish stuff, it's still one of my favorite anime). I try to be straightforward when it comes to my stories so thats where the 'matter of fact' stuff comes in. No need to beat around the bush. You know what's here. I know what's here. Simple as that. Now onto question two (backlog), its about 10 stories. However, I can slot something in if it's A) an idea I like/gel with and B) on the shorter side (no more than ten pages) Apologies for the long-winded reply.
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>>10276 >human characters in sonic seem to not get even a fraction of the love they would if they were animals like the rest of the cast Anon doesn't know what the Sonic fanbase are; it was a miracle Cosmo got so much but I guess with her, she at least was in a Sonic anime back when people weren't trying to force others to do what they wanted. >>10277 >Don't let the spite destroy you anon They never do, I always end up using it as fuel but this is becoming a permanent full blown grudge, and the last one I developed years ago, didn't keep me from talking with my friends, I just knew not to trust them to stick a knife in my back when it comes to sucking mod dick. >it's fueled by hate I don't have the ability to hate anyone for more than a half an hour. >We must endeavour to heal the fat loli micro-community with passion and comradery Fat loli community = FUBAR It seems to have become a rarity of anyone focusing on the innate cuteness of a loli. >OG Precure Why'd it have to be cursed with futa? >>10278 Do you know the longest story you've written and how much it cost the commissioner?
>>10279 Longest story...hmm... I've never really measured. Maybe the My Hero Factory one though I gave him a decent discount. The best way to look at my rate is about 8.75 a page (which is around 500 words). I take payment only after you're 100% satisfied with a piece. Everything is negotiable, including price.
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>>10276 Best I have in terms of art is just this unfortunately im missing the other colbob111 art (the two spoilers are for slob/gas) but as far as any potential for a story would probably just be her getting turned into an immobile lardpile up on the ark or something like time travel to move her into present day
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>>10287 Dude, just clone her and use the genetic memory excuse as the reason why her memories are still intact. You can wipe out her expiration date and put in a way to make it easier to fatten her up, in one go. I can't believe Maria has more fat art than Nobeta.
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Does Anyone has ever made a God Eater Female Weight Gain FanFic starting Alisa Ilinichina Amiella before?!?!
>>10289 Should be something but it's likely garbage if it hasn't been deleted/stuck on a closed down account. Also... >Alisa >loli Hell, if God Eater is anything like Code Vein and Scarlet Nexus, it's looking like far more of a shota territory.
>>10288 Or you change history so that she dies from being fattened instead of being shot but your idea is also a great choice
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>>10291 >change history so that she dies from being fattened instead of being shot If you're gonna go such a half assed route, you might as well just cut it all out and have her simply exist during current year without ever having developed her fatal disease and severe case of lead poisoning.
>>10289 Including other Female Characters from God Eater Series?
To be fair I put like one minute Into the thought but I probably could come up with a better reason/explanation
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>God Eater fans start posting >Get curious >Find out there's a good handful of lolis >They've been only posting the adults and blatant teenagers Why here instead of any of the other threads you're more likely to get traction?
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>>10297 Including Claire from God Eater 3.
Does anyone have the full Zoey series? It's gone from Pixiv
No it's not? Just search up "Miss Becca" and you can still find it. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/67396252 You probably can't see it because you're either not logged in or you need to switch your location to japan. Pretty sure the loli tag is banned everywhere else. I've got the stories saved for if they ever are fully taken down though.
>>10427 dude please just post them.
"Dude" they're literally not even deleted. They are STILL THERE on pixiv.
>>10433 I got that. after making an account, going through verification checks, hunting for the option to display 18+ content etc I was able to access it. If you had the story accessible as a document and tossed it up, that would have been appreciated. I don't know if that was too great a request, or you were simply more inclined to post your unhelpful condescension instead
