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Dumplin thread Dumplin 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:40:32 Id:f83593 No. 101732
She can be considered a ssbbw now. Looking for her newest contnet. Here's the most recent weigh-in and two more videos to get started: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LThPUmZxMmp6S2w=
she is hot but damn her OF sucks, just IG reposts with DM videos for $12+ each. not at all worth it. the curvage videos aren't even great but better value
>>125592 Soooo are you selling that clip then? ive bought $100 clip from mary boberry i dont mind dishing out some cash for some cute dump truck dumplin clips. i only found out about you on here and ive probably bought every single one of your curvage clips in the last week. except this one, curvage wont let me buy ths curious clever clip. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/29872-curiouslyclever-dumplin-compare-bodies-part-1/ dont know if you have a part 2 or 3 but if theres a way to purchase directly from you i'm game
>>125592 where do i go to buy this clip? there no buying option
>>125665 you are of course all-knowing entity.. But seriously, calm your tits 🤦🏻‍♂️ Stop trying to always get the last word and acting cocky behind monitor screen.. When someone provides a single drop suddenly becomes a KING, DEITY AMONGST MEN etc. Every other anon is just toxic to each other..
>>125837 You are the toxic one here, I usually ignore autistic posts like yours when are just one or two, but you keep going on and on derailing the thread while adding zero value to it because not only your posts don't even make sense and your point goes anywhere, you are just arguing because you can, like the autists on this site. Please stop.
>>125439 Lol that's a very healthy relationship to have with your customer base
>>125837 It's so funny when retards like you get ultra-offensive Just accept that you're a retard and I'd at least have a shred of respect instead you're still trying to deflect from the fact that you don't know what simp means
>>125851 >>125872 bunch of hypocrites.. yeah sure I'm the toxic and ultra-offensive one when one of you keeps calling me retard in every post. We can call each other names, retards, etc. but what will it change ? Both of you are so easily triggered and I thought jacking off helps relax
>>125898 Autist.
>>125898 You like dropped out of a time capsule that never saw the internet yet
I wonder what it feels like to stick it in her belly button
>>125947 She has a couple of belly button videos where she uses her fingers. She can almost fit her entire hand in there since her fat is so soft, and it goes deep, all the way down to the knuckles
>>125898 Calling a retard a retard is even more cathartic than porn and you're probably the most retarded person on the board since kilotroll got permabanned
>>125960 He did? He at least gave me a good laugh. Unlike this mongoloid
>>125530 such a big baby wahhhh
(1.41 MB 1189x891 dumplin.PNG)
brooooooooooo god damn
>>126402 Did you get this from a clip? Bruh she’s so bad
Has anyone bought her new Health Update video?
(167.72 KB 1920x1080 1 (33).jpg)
Anyone have Daddy's Fatties with kaybearcutie95?
Does anyone have this video?
(901.82 KB 743x1044 Capture.PNG)
my god she's become a whale
>>128032 The video with her and Lauren Lush trying on each others clothes really highlights how huge she’s gotten. While Lauren’s deflated from her peak she’s still big for a woman…and Dumplin completed dwarfs her in every way. Love the contrast!
>>128035 Did ChatGPT write this?
Imagine being so addicted to food that you get WLS and somehow still manage to get this big. I don’t even know how that’s possible but holy shit I’m here for it.
>>128048 I can’t remember if she’s bigger than before she got WLS or not yet? If she is that’s absolutely insane… So hot.
>>128050 Yeah her peak pre WLS was 468 I think. Her last weigh in I saw was 492 but she posted another one with the title milestone weigh in so that pretty much confirms she’s in the 500 club now.
Her last lauralush fat camp was weird. She was with the Asian bbw and this other fat blond girl and they weirdly ignored the blond girl and focused entirely on dumpling. It was actually really awkward to watch. Why even have her in the video if they’re just focusing on dumplings ass. Understandably that what we all want to see. But ignoring the other girl was just weird.
https://gofile.io/d/H7ZFNk anybody have the piggy inspection one?
but yeah see how they just ignore the girl in the pink? why even have her in the video. they should of just filmed with Dumplin. That video is so fucking awkward. Totally killing my boner. dumplin is thick and fine but the entire focus is on her when theres three models in the video. You can argue the asian is just there for size comparison but then the other massive white woman is just completely ignored
can someone reply to me and give me their opionion? I'll post my dumplin collection. But only a bit at a time, That massive hog and her white knights lurk this thread no doubt. Its late in her town though so hopefully she asleep. Dumplin these people wouldnt have paid anyway so you techically havent lost any money and i'll probaby buy more so if anything this is a surplus
she once did this video with cece in another video where they stop acting because what they were doing actually turned them on by accident and it's one of the hottest things I've seen in a clip every other collaboration I've seen from dumpling has noticably not been that
Man we got shit to figure out, that link went down before it fucking went up lol.
>>128279 Folder is private
>>128280 https://gofile.io/d/qh4wdf
She doesn’t stand a lot, does she?
>>128350 must be kind of exhausting at 500~ pounds
https://gofile.io/d/TeO9fI I’m going to see if I can buy a custom of one of the skinny models performing Kancho/kamcho on Dumpling (the finger thing they do in Naruto) Would your whole hand disappear in an ass that big?
>>128478 Or give dumplin a wet Willy. But instead of licking her finger and putting it in her ear she fingers dumplings ass.
Later. She’s clearly lurking the thread now. I’ll sage it later. Maybe tomorrow Or maybe another can re-upload More than two people downloaded the last one at least.
This girl is truly an obesity prodigy
>>128515 >https://gofile.io/d/3vgl2N Many thanks btw, who's the brunette?
>>128541 Cece aka cecehectori aka lilsquishbaby She's also a curvage model and does of. Sadly she seems to have lost a bit of weight recently... :/
Thanks for sharing those videos - wow, she really has become an incredible SSBBW!
How often does she show her tits, and on what platform? Just on her onlyfans? Does she have any videos where other girls are worshiping or playing with her bare tits?
