/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Model ID Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 07/10/2020 (Fri) 03:02:45 No. 1281 [Reply] [Last]
Don't know who this chick is? Post her here.
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Begging Thread BananaMan ##AMp2yG 07/10/2020 (Fri) 03:05:30 No. 1504 [Reply] [Last]
If you want to beg, do it here. Any other begging thread will be deleted.
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Please, someone upload photos of the user Contramundi

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SITE UPDATED: FUNDING SECURED LtBarclay##vOgLqq 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:16:48 Id:63d47b No. 137108 [Reply]
>>>/gen/56560 The site has once again been funded. Please leave your thanks for donators in the above post. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:39:20.

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Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 00:43:55 Id:417926 No. 146277 [Reply]
Dankii thread
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>>146670 Whoa whoa whoa she disavowed the community?! She was alllll over this community and met her man through it so... that's kind of fucked up. I remember her being one of the kindness models. Her content wasn't the best but when she teamed up with others it was gold. Plus she had Jenni as a mentor.
>>146303 Without question the most beautiful of all time like jesus christ I do anything to fuck her
>>146670 >>146668 And she's just lived and like bought a house with this gay guy?
what is this "disavow the community" bullshit. she stopped modeling long time ago, moved out of the scene, has a life and she loves feeders. get uno life.
>>146842 She's said a while back her fans got too creepy and she doesn't like the modeling community. She also had a vendetta against Tess Holliday. She doesn't want to be associated with the community, it's more than just departing from it. There's no need to mald over it.

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SSBBW Super Soft SSBBW Super Soft 10/17/2024 (Thu) 15:09:38 Id:3210a2 No. 134400 [Reply] [Last]
Do you guys have any content of SSBBW Super Soft? Especially the latest mobility video. Here is what I have. https://we.tl/t-CxjAOqGnJL
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>>146512 Hey, it's not a thing you see every day
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clips4sale updated on the 6th. if you are so sure she's going to disappear each one of you should buy whatever you can and keep a few backups. hold it for 5 years when it's almost lost media and you'll be holding gold
She just posted this on Twitter ngl that death feederism video is gonna be on point. I don't normally go that dark but idk if it's because she's already so far gone or what bud I'd genuinely feed this woman right into a heart attack
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>>146617 are you a simp, or just her handler? she hasn't posted anything worthwhile in weeks, and is presumably dead; so let's reserve our judgements until AFTER we've seen those supposedly "on point" videos

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SSBBW Jae Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 18:39:44 Id:160678 No. 140565 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread got locked. Restarting with her newest Livestream and the one before that! 2nd Livestream: https://gofile.io/d/IXM15d Sadly it's just a bunch of her rolling around in bed. But I guess that's what you should more or less expect going forward. At least I didn't have to tip her a second time, as she was ever so generous as to allow previous tippers who tipped over 1$ to request the 2nd Livestream recording free of charge ;) 1st Livestream: https://gofile.io/d/C6gJ50
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Just pure love for this woman... <3
I hope she's doing well these days, but it wouldn't surprise me if she's half if not completely immobile nowadays
>>145450 parasocial relationship victim
>>146756 everything's parasocial if the only human you ever met in person in your life is your mom; like at least half of this board
>>146863 Baldwin

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GingerBunny Hayley Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 15:35:00 Id:3b52b0 No. 132236 [Reply] [Last]
The last thread hit the limit. Starting a new one with two pictures that show what this new Hayley era is all about.
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>>145514 Bruh, Barclay’s like the one cool mod what’re talking about?
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>>145288 Embrace Immobile Lump Blobs
Back to Hayley. Has anyone heard anything from her lately? Nothing on paid OF for four weeks and social media has been silent for longer. Hope all is ok.
>>146770 obviously peak female form; unless of course she's able to grow even fatter, formless and helpless
>>146861 Do it. Let me inspect the body in person with my hands when you reach peak lol

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Caitidee Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:02:09 Id:388ebc No. 105188 [Reply] [Last]
The lack of Caitidee content posted on this site should be criminal, time to change that. https://mab.to/t/u0FDOmrDGJN/us2 Post stuffing vids from c4s and bc, her of is mid and all on coomer anyways.
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>>146782 Where did this pic come from????
>>146782 Wow she’s fat like really fat… bless her heart…
>>146797 passed 500 some ltime ago. probably low 500s. caiti is the best. 3 look at her scarfing down that fast food.
Yeah she looks low 500’s. 530ish. Would be great to see her kick onto 600. She has a great figure!
>>146840 Cannot disagree, but man I wish she had left her lips well enough alone. She would have been even hotter with the only plumping on her being grain-fed!

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SSBBW in Media Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 03:42:27 Id:86890a No. 145644 [Reply] [Last]
Nothing better than obese women with fat rolls getting fat roles. And I stress that they be REAL fat women, no make-up, no padding, no CGI. Translation: NO FAT SUITS. No silicone, just cellulite. No rubber, just blubber. Fat body-doubles being the one exception. Because they are still real even if you can’t see their face.
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>>146814 does anyone have a higher resolution quality version of these clips?
There is a movie called Blubberella, directed by Uwe Boll (yes, him!) Plot: an obese half vampire hunts Nazis. And Uwe Boll is nothing else than the fuhrer himself
>>146814 Is that Amber Daniels' sister?
>>146818 Damn if you're not right! Not her though - I don't think Amber was that fat at the time (she was fat even then, but not that rotund), and she doesn't have that level of back fat. Also, Amber's upper arms are fatter than the woman in this video (goddamn them for covering up her name!) and her accent was never southern like this woman's. Would still love to find her and see how big a ball of fat she is!!
>>146857 Meant to add: but that was close enough that I had to really look hard to spot the differences (labor of love, mind you), so again, good call!

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Eliza Why was it deleted? 06/19/2024 (Wed) 05:17:05 Id:6bc09b No. 143088 [Reply] [Last]
Seriously guys why do threads of her get nuked??
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>>143565 She's not preggers I can guarantee you that she's just FAT
>>145347 I had sex with a girl who was like 8 months and it was funny cause my body got all confused. her belly was big, but she wasn't fat. it was like when a magician fucks with you and you know it can't be, yet all your eyes see is a successful magic trick
>>143685 Hard agree!
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New recent pics
Biggest pet peeve right now is that the last few posts on both her OF pages focus on her friends and not her. Like if I wanted to see them, I'd sub to them.

Snowangelcake 07/18/2024 (Thu) 05:26:14 Id:3c30d7 No. 124598 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any content on this chick that isn't already on coomer? She has an amazing set of legs and belly but asymmetrical tits, but if you don't care about that she's not bad. https://gofile.io/d/Jnjivw
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>>146148 God I love giant women
Does anyone know if shes a gainer or just big?
>>146834 she's definitely gained quite a bit of weight since she first started posting but idk if its deliberate or just incidental. She doesnt really talk about weight gain on her socials/coomer so i doubt its intentional.
>>146845 >Anonymous Of course it is not intentional. You guys are nuts believing the victims of your fetish are willingly embracing it only to feel accompanied in your weirdness. No woman wants to be 400 lbs. Not a single one on this planet.
Bruv This is literally a site for them fetish ha. Wrong audience. Well I hope she is and gets bigger

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Lisalou Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 23:09:41 Id:d3b30f No. 115222 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread got bumplocked. Kicking this one off with 3 newer videos. Hoping someone has the new strap on video. https://gofile.io/d/kxmUM0
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>>146784 Do people enjoy uploading just over 2GB to MAB on purpose? If you had uploaded the 1.75GB video or the other two videos separately, everything'd be fine. But because you and >>146700 deliberately pack in too much, free users can't download at an even remotely reasonable speed.
>>146785 I know right, just use GoFile, or at the very least use MEGA because you can use a VPN to get around their bullshit.
>>146785 People use MAB for Lisa because she has people doing DMCA for her that scan this thread all day. MAB doesn't respond to DMCA claims until after the files are auto deleted anyway so it's the most you can do to get the files to stay up, even if it is for only two days that's still better than only being up for 30 minutes.
>>146790 >>146785 I used MAB because she DMCAs almost instantly you ungrateful silly billies. Don't take something I'm giving you for free then, I guess.
>>146790 ok lets try a little experiment https://gofile.io/d/dDWAiK YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5MU56WnhPSEU9 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVBITTBiSFJ7cm1We1s1S1dJeVduQmlSMVYxWVZjNGRscEdjM1pZV0djeFlVaENjV0ZuUFQwPQ==

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share what ever you have Ssbbw adeline 08/30/2024 (Fri) 10:45:36 Id:40eb8e No. 129163 [Reply] [Last]
A new Adeline threat due to the previous one dying. Here is 4.5gb of video's, most of them during her peak weight. Does anyone have her b/g video and/or any new video? https://gofile.io/d/W8g5zX
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>>146580 It looks like she also deleted this video (On the right, out of breath waddling) from her MV. Strange.
>>146024 Fat people eat at the same rate as others just more and longer
>>146802 Obv you never saw Delilah/Lilbigmama eat pizza. Or Juliet Summers eat anything.
>>146802 some of them kinda inhale it. just depends on the person
>>146764 its still there just removed for sale i guess so not deleted entirely

Glow up? SpanxBeluga 01/02/2025 (Thu) 23:26:37 Id:f32c38 No. 142363 [Reply] [Last]
I stumbled accross this video: >GIF related https://www.clips4sale.com/de/studio/64833/30291529/spanxbelugas-650-lbs-vs-the-board-view-1-mp4 Like when did she became so heavy? Shes underrated af, but GODDAMN did she blow up... Heres a look at her belly (from Coomer) https://gofile.io/d/PUVggf
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>>146476 >>146438 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ienU1d1Q=
>>146524 >Did we ever get that second trampling video? +++++ Its greate! Impossible clip
>>146510 >>146508 The question wasn’t if your gay, it’s weather or not you’d find anything attractive at this sorta weight. She’s manly as fuck and my obese brother has bigger tits.
>>146476 >aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ienU1d1Q= Not sure I would say she looks manly, but would admit she is not the most beautiful woman (but not ugly either). Would dispute that her body is manly: not the biggest tits, true, but I have never seen a dude with thighs like that. Those are DEFINITELY all woman.
The gofile with the trample vids doesn’t work :(

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Pame Pear Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 04:28:34 Id:71e72f No. 140434 [Reply]
There hasn't been a thread about her in a while. Does anyone have something to share please :) thanks in advance
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>>146658 That is a truly beautiful free-form poem.
>>146707 Thank you bro 👽
>>146811 there are people actually paying for content this short...this woman is fucking delusional oh my god
