/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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SSBBW GF Thread Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 04:03:24 Id:5b37ac No. 122541
Not sure if this has or can be done, wanted to get a collection of pics/stories about bbw or ssbbw girlfriends, fwbs, whatever. Included pics are one of the larger girls Ive been with, can post a few more if there's interest.
>>128001 Do you know Wladimir Klitschko weighted around 108Kg during his career; so do you really think this small girl is heavier than him?!
>>128401 yes, because any normal person would know how fat distribution works and that everyone carries their weight differently i really, truly, do not understand where your arguments come from. like seriously, do you think these out before typing?
My wife isn’t an ssbbw, but I’ll put my story forward either way, maybe it can inspire some anon to lock down a fatty Started dating my wife when we were in our later college years (22ish). She was around 155 pounds at the time, not skinny, I’d say stacked but fit. Big tits and a thick but tight ass and the beginnings of a little tummy. Her main social circle was her college racquetball intramural team and she was really into it, not a gym rat but she definitely was into staying fit and active with her friends. I told her that I’d like if she put on weight pretty early on in the relationship and she was surprisingly really receptive and put on probably 40 pounds in like 4-6 months before we graduated. She was still pretty active at this time but just started eating more recklessly, she would have little salads and lite snacks throughout the day before we were together, but when she found out I’m into fat chicks we would get fast food all the time, doughnuts in the morning, the whole thing. It’s nice having a pig to feed when you have nothing to do besides school, part time work and being a food runner. After graduation we stuck around in our college town for awhile and she actually became the coach of the raquetball team, and told me more than once she got off on the fact that she got to be fat and lazy coach bossing all the skinny athletic girls around, I knew I’d do anything to keep her at that point lmao Her gains slowed out with life and a move, job changes, the whole thing, but with Covid she got up to a height of around 250. For awhile our relationship didn’t have as much of an emphasis on feeding her just cause we’re normal people with jobs and social lives and families and shit, which is honestly great cause thinking about this stuff all the time will turn you retarded, I think breaks are important. But her weight would go up and down for a few years fluctuating between 220 and 235ish, but she’s at the point where there’s no way she would get below 220 without some serious diet and exercise, which she is waaaay too lazy to do. I go on extended trips for work sometimes and when I got back from a two week period a few months ago she out of nowhere started talking about doing stuffings and wanting me to feed her more and stuff so things have geared up again, she’s talked about wanting to get to 260 in the short term and then see about 300 from there, I’ve been making sure she’s eating a lot more frequently and all that (on a McDonald’s run for her right now) and am trying to help her develop more greedy day-to-day habits cause she doesn’t always have the mindset of a fat person; still very independent, is the top performer at her job and makes pretty good money etc so she’ll get so caught up in work she forgets to eat and stuff. Overall I love my wife at any size and feel super lucky I can fatten her up at all, but I feel like this most recent push is going to result in some pretty significant gains. I always want her to be healthy and stuff cause reality is way more important than the fantasy (though we both dirty talk about making her too fat to move lmao) so who knows if she would go bigger than 300ish. But this all evolved slowly over time out of and along with a loving relationship so idk that is one option if you’re looking for a pig to help blow up. Not sharing pictures with you animals but her figure is similar to chubbycat666 when she was smaller and I hope that continues through the coming gains
>>128481 Here's what you gotta pray for my man because from my experience it's the best route to what you want. She needs to hit the threshold. It's different for every fatty but it's that weight that once they cross it, there no going back but for WLS or drugs. They just balloon after they hit it. You might not be able to do it by encouragement alone. But if you're lucky she'll have an accident or illness leading to non-permanent injuries or health consequences other than the extra 50, 100, or 200lbs she'll pack on in the few weeks or months she's bedridden. This will depress her activity and metabolism so you can keep her fat or take her to permanent immobility. Good luck my man!
>>128501 Dude doesn't want his wife to be immobile. She has a career, and sounds like a high-earner. He wants an extra 50 lbs on her, not an extra 200.
This thread has been great so I'll contribute some discussion; I have a sort-of-FWB who's 5'0" 235lbs, would that qualify here? Not super impressive numbers on their own, but she has absolutely insane thighs. like half her weight goes to them, followed by ass, followed by belly in that order. Not much in the boobs department unfortunately, but even so she's still one of the hottest girls I know of even when comparing against the wealth of online BBW models out there. I also got her into gaining, she started at 205 and trying to shoot for at least 250. If any anons are interested in seeing, I can ask her if she's cool with me sharing some anonymized pics. Also for any anons who've gotten someone into gaining, got any tips for encouraging her to keep up the good work and set higher goals?
My piggy
>>128651 I guess the front site could be sexier when the back (belly, breasts)...
>>128684 I thinks he’s pretty sexy
>>128688 So do you think this is a man?🧐🤨
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A wonderful weekend away with my girl. Her weight has been stable a while, but gravity keeps pulling that belly lower with each passing month.
>>128692 no, i don't think they think she's a man. i'd reckon OP doesn't speak English as a first language, some languages (eastern Europe notably) don't use masculine/feminine, "he" is neutral
>>128509 Yes, please.
>>128692 At least a “they”, leaning towards man because the jeans say “Josh”. Probably non-binary or trans.
>>128725 While this person does throw up some red flags of maybe being a man, I will say that it is possible that both partners were in a state of undress -- explaining why a naked lady could be next to mens' pants.
>>128651 >>128725 >>128746 If this is a chick… dude must be really regretting posting this picture now. God damn fellas! He was proud and now…
>>128762 I mean, there are two options here --- his lady is a dude and didn't want us to know, or he shared a pic of his lady without consent (which is why he snuck it from behind). Either way, not great!
>>128710 That could be rather an Arab language, as Marocconian or Algerian Maybe was the gender th reason why the front side is hidden...🤔
>>128777 It’s clear the OP is a Hebrew language speaker. Being Israeli might explain his attraction to man-ass. Eitherway, there’s not a spec of feminine fat on this beast, he/him/they/her…beat is beat.
>>128765 > his lady is a dude and didn't want us to know, or he shared a pic of his lady without consent This.
>>128785 One Feabie wrote me a man, who is apparently from northern Africa (Arabic) the mixed up the gender pronomes as well, he pointed to not know it is different and thanked me for clerifyiang this
>>128762 >>128765 I now reckon it was likely a trap, that we are supposed to get horny on a man (which wouldn't have been later exposed)... But the feeder/ partner of whom, which uploaded this could be a woman
girlfriend of 1.5 years (5’0 256)
>>128651 She's hot, and clearly female. >>128688 >>128725 >>128746 Retarded niggas. They're clearly these jeans, the 𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑻𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒓, 𝑱𝒐𝒔𝒉 𝑹𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝑺𝒍𝒊𝒎 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔: https://www.instagram.com/brandministry.shop/p/C-Xgo51K0KK/?img_index=1 It's homosexual retards like you who can't tell a man from a woman and simp for guys in wigs like CarnivalousWalt. You seriously thought it's a guy with monogrammed jeans with his name in huge bold letters? Holy shit, I never say this because it's overused, but actually touch grass.
>>128765 >he shared a pic of his lady without consent I'd never do it either, but you're blissfully ignorant if you think even half of the people posting pictures in this thread got consent to do it. People are way less considerate than you realize.
>>128785 >Eitherway, there’s not a spec of feminine fat on this beast "Either way" is two words, and it's spelled "speck," you retarded, anti-Semitic faggot.
>>129623 Of course the Zionist is against consent and for stealing photos of women for your illegal pornographic kibbutz of sexual assault. >>129624 > anti-Semitic faggot. Oh, now it’s anti-semitism and gay to be opposed to raping male POWs.
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My little girlfriend. 5"2/350lbs Arms-25" Thighs-40"
>>129635 >>129624 There's a reason they've been kicked out of every country since 733bc
Lucky sob, those arms are to die for, any more?
Arabs and Israelis are actual both semits (so genetical related to each other)
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>>129647 If you’re derailing a thread on SSBBW girlfriends because of your fixation with Jews, the problem might be you. >>129647 >>129647
>>129709 This seems created by an AI...
>>129645 Amazing thighs
>>129709 > If you’re derailing a thread on SSBBW girlfriends because of your fixation with Jews Fuck off faggot, the Zionists made this thread about themselves. God probably promised them this fetish board and they’re “settling it” for later genocides.
>>122541 Damn, I wish I had an ssbbw girlfriend... or at least a girlfriend in general...
>>129933 Pathetic
These kids have made the word genocide lose all it's meaning, nowadays it's just a buzzword
>>129755 Fuck the Jews and your false gods. Fuck off to church or whatever Charles Manson shit you do stop derailing the thread bible bashing turd burglar
>>129945 Uy vey!
>>123490 >>125407 I have been in love with a skinny girl before. I didn’t know any chubby girls at that time and internet did not yet exist, so maybe that is why my fetish was more in the background. Luckily it was not mutual, because I don’t think I would have been able to have a satisfying sex life with her. I would not be able to be in a non-fat relationship because it would sexually be so unsatisfactory. Maybe I would try to get fat myself to have some fat in my life. Or I would need to be allowed to have some fat sex on the side. But even that would not make up for not waking up to a soft wife, not cuddling a soft body when you feel like it etc. But I am not you. You need to decide if you can live without it. Just know that your fetish will always be there. It will never go away. You might be lucky that she gets bigger, but there is no guarantee, and she already indicated she does not want to get bigger. You need to think if you can and are willing to sacrifice that part of you to be with her.
>>125191 My first wife did not let me even touch her belly, which for me is the most erogenous zone. Very frustrating! My current wife doesn’t mind. It does not turn her on like it turns me on, so I try not to overdo it. She is just happy that I like the way she is, and that is ok. But secretly I do fantasize about being with someone who is equally as turned on by her fat as I am. In my fantasy, sex where you can shamelessly grope fat rolls, say the fat word and know that it turns her on, must be next level.
>>129755 This is what they do, use any pretext to launch an aggression with the plan to steal your thread, land and blood. It’s a rotten culture. Savage, warlike and dishonorable thieves.
>>129961 Honestly of all the retardation I’ve seen on this board I’m 100% for shit-talking the Jews, fuck Zionism and all their Epstein pedophile rings. Extremely bloodthirsty and completely morally depraved as a people
>>129966 Please go kill yourself but before you do please post some vids
>>129966 Seriously dude. Stop bitching and start posting about your GF.
>>129966 Stop derailing the thread retard, but also you're completely right and I pray for Israel's downfall
>>129955 In all my relationships and hookups I've found that girls who grew up fat have so much developmental baggage that they just can't accept anything close to FA or enjoying their body together. Less of a problem generally with girls who get fatter in adult life in my experience, some even like having a fuller figure
Few more, she's really piling on the pounds lately
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Few more she's really piling on the pounds lately
