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Mary- Missing Person Report Mary 03/31/2024 (Sun) 09:28:50 Id:f271ae No. 113760
Missing Mary…she was 384 in her last weigh in and then disappeared.
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She got so much cuter but getting fatter.
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She switched to LoyalFans. Not tried it since she switched. Her Tumblr has gone real quiet too
She switched to Loyal fans…posted once and hasn’t posted anything since. I figured one of you miscreants knows what’s up with her.
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If she kept on pace she’d be very close to 400 at this point.
>>113778 If I recall she said she was done with Tumblr. Can't find the post now but I recall her just getting frustrated
>>113786 Ah yes I remember now, over in the /gen gossip thread people were calling her a Zionist, someone claiming to be her popped in to try and get it to stop, this was last month so timeline matches up. I swear she had a post on Tumblr saying she was done with that account or something but I can't find it now. Anyway looks like bbwchan drove off another model
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Just as she was becoming the fat girl of her dreams
Can a hero post her last weight in
My hope is that she's just taking an extended break. With how shitty some people are to her (very undeservedly) she's earned some time away. Fingers crossed she comes back, because she's hands down my favourite gainer in terms of looks and personality, but if she doesn't return, we'll know that it was because a bunch of tools on here ruined it again.
If my memory is correct, she was really into talking about the ancient Greek pantheon, while stuffing herself. Talk about a breath of fresh air, her stuff was always very unique and genuine
>>113788 Her face really didn't take the weight well
Does anyone have her newest mutual gaining clip?
>>113838 You’re a moron. She looks amazing now.
>>113813 Her last recorded weight in her spreadsheet was 384 a/o 02/23/24
>>113844 She's got a greasy moon-face
>>113848 And you got a greasy 30 watt brain.
>>113848 Idiot
>>113864 She’s latina you fuckwit
>>113788 God I love blob Mary
what in the fuck is going on here
>>113876 general retardation
How the fuck does someone as outwardly kind as Mary inspire such a fucking parade of the worst people on the planet to come out and talk shit. It feels weird to say this on a fetish site, but some of you should honestly be ashamed.
>>113904 The weird sociological phenomenon I've noticed with this website in particular is the more a model or content creator interacts with this site, the more hate they get. CC, Mochii, and forget about the /draw/ threads - if you try to placate the people here and even give them free porn to deter them from sharing your shit, they only bite harder. Almost conversely the people that never mention this site, let alone visit, seem to be treated well by their fans that lurk here. That might just be a weird correlation and not causation.
After watching the april fools broadcast for adult swim, She looks like the fat version of the human chick from the shrimp episode of Smiling friends. This is a good thing
>>113904 Turns out, having massive porn addictions is the antithesis to stable mental health. Who would have guessed.
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>>113939 in That’s old news. she started up on loyal fans…made two posts over a month ago and then promptly disappeared without a trace. She wasn’t too fat to kidnap…not yet anyway.
>>113939 Ah yes thank you that was the post, so looks likes she's gone
she will be back eventually, i guess probably just taking a break. she has disappeared from posting before no? it's also not like people making feedee porn for onlyfans are the most disciplined and hardworking people in the world
>>113954 Who said she left. Sitting here watching you everyday
Last I heard she was really bothered by some people harassing her. There exists a contingent that continues to be an obstacle to her enjoying her work. She is a gift, have confidence she will return.
>>113838 You are a bug. An insect. Somebody should step on you and end your misery.
>>113981 Nah. It just sucks that the Pals KO’d Mary.
>>113980 I think it’s an excuse to stop gaining. The persons who bother her always happen bother her about a year of gaining where she is tired and doesn’t want to do it anymore. Why not at 3 weeks of gaining? If it’s not mean people on the internet ( big surprise ) it’s some illness after about a year of gaining where she has to call it quits. If she got nothing but props from everyone it would be the mental stress and needs some time. You pick your poison.
She gained almost 50 pounds from October to February so as far as I'm concerned all of you are on my shit list for running her off
>>113924 What is Mary masterbating to on deviant art? Also her face genuinely got prettier when she packed on weight idk how but she keeps getting cuter and more attractive.
>>113994 Stop being a faggot
>>113999 https://www.deviantart.com/chubbychiquita/favourites
>>114005 Holy shit. This is one of the most A+ favorites lists on all of DeviantArt.
>>113939 She should just leave the internet. Also, who is calling her a jew sympathizer?
Perhaps there is a Greek Goddess that comes to the aid of obese damsels?
tbh I think this whole thread should be nuked, but if we *are* going to have it, shouldn’t it be moved to /gen/? After all, no content is being shared here and it seems clear that there won’t be until something changes on her socials. Again, I’m on team “Quarantine Threads about Mary until she returns, because they all turn out shitty and have for years”, but if we’re going to have them, let’s move it to the appropriate board.
>>114073 Eh. Someone will just start a new one.
>>114073 It should 100% be nuked. She hates the threads, they produce very little value to anyone. Nothing good comes of it.
While this is up, does anyone have the “day with me video” she sent out to her OF subscribers back in December? I would really like to see it and it’s a few months old now
>>113994 dumbest shit i read all day
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Mary come back!
>>114540 Gets all of it. Fuck em. Take the cookies King
>>114542 English…do you speak it?
To Mary.. don’t be a drip and come back asap. That is all
she back
Yes now lets try not to make her run off again
Watching Mary get funneled by that other girl…the effort she made just sucking down gulp after gulp of fattening weight gain shake, despite the discomfort, all in the desperate desire to get fatter and fatter is just so fucking 🥵
Mary…if you’re reading this…I hope you notice that you’ve finally gotten fat enough to be permanently on the SSBBW board.
mary i will never unsub
>>114827 Where is this vid posted?
She says she's at 380 now :o
>>115032 She was at 384 back in Feb. Good she’s maintaining.
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S tier
Mary is the best.!! ❤️
I tried many time to sub on her loyalfan page... with a virtual creditcard and with my real creditcard, it failed at the CVV number or the bank decline... Anybody had issue on this website ? (reviews for this website is bad...). Or have an idea to resolve this problem ? I really want to see the new video !
>>115293 Same happened to me the website is a shitshow, “customer service” told me to turn my phone off and on and that will fix the issue lmfao.
>>115302 Speak English you fucking cretin.
>>115720 It is $5.
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>>115806 Yeah, poking at her like that when she just came back and we all know she autistically and compulsively reads this board is definitely keeping her mental health in mind
I pray to that porky goddess nearly every night.
Holy shit she's back
^ back where? on a website?
>>115836 In his imagination
>>115869 nah she's back on loyalfans
>>115793 Her hairline is fine just as it is, you’re just saying this because you’re a cretin who likes to ruin things.
>>115888 Her ass got huge. Then she lost some. Did she gain it back? Mrver seen ass so big soft & jiggly
>>115889 Shes at her fattest ever at 384.4
>>115974 Anyone with their head on straight knows there’s a difference between pointing things out and intentionally being a catty little freak for attention, the thing you are doing.
Mary’s latest drop…damn her legs are getting thick as fuck.
>>115032 >>115131 What a lady!
Imagine Mary with a feeder.
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Looking forward to seeing her spend days in bed in the futureShe’s one of only a handful thats authentic. A genuine treasure
How much is her loyal fans
>>117251 I've tried to buy it for that new comparison vid but it doesn't take any form of payment in the UK reeeee
>>117316 works fine for me -UK resident
>>117525 >>113844 Nah, the people criticizing her moon face are right. Slimmer faces will ALWAYS be more attracting than fat faces, regardless of body weight. There's a reason why someone like Jenni will always be more facially attractive than someone like Reina. You simps need to cope and cry more.
>>117527 I mean, speak for yourself. Personally I love how round her face has gotten. I also sincerely hope that as she reaches into the 500lb territory that she loses even more tone in her face and neck. Literally can't get enough
Mary is absolute gold in my book. definitely 11/10!
She is so fucking fine
>>117527 Slimmer faces will ALWAYS be more attractive than fat faces Unless you're only speaking for the constant nature of your own tastes, you are incorrect.
>>117527 Ok but people who don’t have a fat fetish would say thinner bodies are ALWAYS more attractive than fat bodies. Conventional beauty standards say being fat is objectively unattractive, but obviously that’s not true. If you’re here, you should know that beauty is subjective. Your personal preference is just for thinner faces.
>>117527 it's inbreds like you that lead to reiina getting face lipo. burn.
I remember reading how she used to be much fatter? What's the story here - was she huge when she was younger and now she's regaining or did she already reach that peak and is gaining past it?
>>117866 That's totally bullshit. You may feel that way. But even twig-lovers prefer puffier faces. Sure, not all of them will chase proper moons with fine double chins. But they'd choose puffier face more often than not. As skinny face tends to look old. And you don't want your girlfriend to look fucking fifty in low lights or clubs.
>>117996 She was mid 200’s then lost to about 170ish and has now more than doubled that.
>>117996 She blew past her highest weight over 120 lbs ago
>>118016 For real? She barely looks past the high 200s.
>>118064 She’s tall, I think
She last weighed in a 384.4 a couple of months ago. I assume she hasn’t been trying very hard to gain because Mary can gain very quickly when she’s in the mood to
>>118065 she is 5'7, definitely on the taller side
She seems in a funk. Not much posting of anything. Could be seasonal…she was the same last year until she turned on the jets after the summer and blew up like a zeppelin. She went from down year to MVP in the second half.
>>118881 You could check her twitter and find out she's raising very young orphan kittens. They're the seasonal thing. She's said she did it last year, I think she's done it before.
Anytime she drops something new, it’s pure fire. Patience, gentlemen.
anyone get that 180 vs 380 weigh in video? Is it worth it?
>>118947 Of course it’s worth it!
If she had only kept up with her prior gaining trajectory she would have hit 400 already. Perhaps it’s a birthday present to herself.
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I fucking love Mary ❤️ ♥️ 💜
Is she bbw or ssbbw? I see her cross posted sometimes and I’m unsure what board to post in.
>>118947 It’s incredible. >>119337 She’s well over 350 at an average height, she’s certified supersized.
>>119355 > She’s well over 350 at an average height, she’s certified supersized. Damn is she 6’ talll or something?
>>119369 bbwwiki says 5'7
>>119337 She last weighed in at 384.4 back in Feb.
>>119405 Do we really know if her scale is precise enough to make the claim of pound decimal
>>119410 The girl has an absolute obsession with getting fatter. I believe her when she says she is 384.4.
>>117911 True. Reiina used to look so good
a morbidly obese chiquita just flew over my house
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Can you imagine?
>>119484 >>119355 Seems unimpressive when you remember she's 5'11
>>120042 She's 5'7. (Go look at her Tumblr's FAQ).
>>120047 Do you remember that sweaty collab she did with reiina and all of those other models? She's easily almost a foot taller than all of them. So unless they're all 4'11, I'm gonna go with she's on the taller side. Nothin' wrong with a tall lady though. Just means she'd need to gain more weight for it to look like anything.
She’s 5’7”. Also Mary has gained a lot since she collabed with them.
>>120050 If you check the shower vid you can see she’s close to 175cm assuming that’s a standard-issue open backed commode.
>>120087 Looks the same to me tbh
>>120119 I’m sure it does but that’s just because you’re an idiot.
Several blind men in the thread.
>>120128 Stunning. Brave.
Mary is in a funk.
>>120509 She got death threats over that insane lie. She switched to Loyalfans because the onlyfans CEO gives millions to the settler apartheid state, and the freaks on here who can’t seem to enjoy a good thing quietly decided to start spreading the opposite story. Buddy, I hope you find god before he finds you.
If there’s one person who has earned the right to be in a funk sometimes, it’s her. The abuse she has endured from people who seem pathologically incapable of being either nice or silent, I dont know how some of these freaks sleep. Gratitude brings inner peace. Every day is a blessing, every Mary post is gift we arguably have not earned. Our cup runneth over.
>>120518 I mean, you gotta admit it was pretty funny. If you can't cook, stay out of the kitchen yaddayaddayadda Almost makes you wonder what other innocuous things you can get her/ her base to believe.
>>120538 Some people on here would tie firecrackers to a cat and say “it’s just a joke, lighten up” when they’re rightfully derided. Absolutely fatherless behavior
>>120538 Yeah, I don't condone harassing models (especially not young and hot ones), but by now Mary should realize that she's giving her trolls what they want by letting on that it gets to her. People post this kind of shit talk about Mary specifically because they know she lurks here and that they'll get a public reaction from her. I'm not saying that this is a good thing, but anyone creating content professionally has to develop a thick skin and some self-awareness about the social dynamics that come with being a public figure on the Internet. If she were a streamer or Youtuber it would be the exact same shit. (And I'd bet that she makes most of her income doing customs for whales, anyway.)
>>120540 >>120519 >every Mary post is gift we arguably have not earned And frankly, people also do it to get a rise out of guys like this. She's just a girl posting porn on the internet, bro.
>>120541 We can sit here and moralize all day about the need for thick skins online, but at the end of the day, the vast majority of us, and people in general, don’t have the luxury of the narcissism that a widely public presence requires to not be upset by it. I don’t like to envision a world where only the thickest skinned people are visible. I realize people also go after her to get attention from other people, but that’s secondary to whatever personal grievance they have with her. She’s been harassed, threatened, and outed to people close to her. I’m not some sycophant, my brain has an itch, and she scratches it. I can admit that to myself unlike some folks. She’s also said that honest statements of support are helpful in the face of that shit. I’ll sleep fine if I let people know what I think of them if it reminds her that the freaks are in the slim minority. The fact she’s continued to share with and interact with her audience is a sign of strength, not weakness. And the fact that losers are playing roulette with stupid bits accusing her of being a Zionist that they know she doesn’t find funny, I don’t know what they’re trying to win other than driving her away. Gratitude and empathy go a long way, and the ability to express both with strangers is similarly not a sign of weakness. She’s awesome, and I pity the people who can’t just enjoy her.
Well said anon
>>120545 What a bizarre line of work to choose if someone doesn't have the fortitude to handle the "minority" of left field trolls. Oh well. She seems fine anyway.
>>120558 let's see you spread those ass cheeks with "fortitude" and take it up the butt from blood-thirsty trolls & see how you fair. She's fine enough to make scrumptious content anywhere she likes & we're grateful to her dedicated approach to the fetish.
Like I said, I feel bad for you. Your brain is broken in a much less fun way than mine. Empathy and gratitude.
>>120558 Forgot to put the post #.
>>120576 I actually read some way back up the thread without for one second figuring out what you idiots are arguing about. She's a sexy girl, she posts sexy pictures if she decides to, yay. Glad I was able to sort that out for you.
>>120558 It’s also like, she’s a standard Becky. These white feminists would be laughing their ass off if one of us got cyber bullied into disconnecting from the internet or roping yourself.
Is there a way to view her loyal fans content? Similar to coomer?
>>120567 She's a'ight. I don't think she's the best, but I'm not going to knock someone else's tastes. >>120572 Idk man for every one of her there are ten more. I'm thankful that there's an endless glut of free niche internet porn if that's what you're getting at. If she decides to jump off a bridge because someone called her names on Tumblr that says more about her mental instability than mine. >>120590 Bingo.
>>120567 "I love the fetish model who routinely gets abused online and comes back for more abuse for some reason. She's a true martyr." Weird. Imo she just reeks of low self esteem, and that's what keeps the trolls coming. I think it gives y'all some sort of Christ complex.
>>120590 That is pathological, dude. “These women are all the same, and they actually want me dead because they won’t talk to me.” Get help. Not how a normal brain thinks. >>120597 It sounds like that’s what keeps you coming back. She’s been very up front about how she finds the death threats, outing and harassment hurtful. It’s not a Christ complex. She’s not a martyr. She just enjoys expressing the fetish. She’s around in spite of the freaks. I respect her for it.
>>120611 I'm talking you guys, not her. Clearly she's fine???? It's not like she's 1) cutting herself over it and 2) in an inpatient psychiatric hospital. She can turn anon asks off on Tumblr and maybe not lurk on the dumpster porn theft website if it's that "detrimental" to her.
Man, you’re very catty.
>>120614 You know she has a history of cutting right? And when she first started out she came here threatening that she'd stop modeling if people didn't stop sharing her content, lol
>>120885 They always say that but never do, The woman came back after being doxxed simply cause she gets off so I'm not sure this would stop her lol
>>120029 Chubby to overweight mart was so good ngl
What’s up with her? Usually she gives notice if she’s going to take a hiatus.
Fools, the lot of you. Leave her be.
There's no way you unironically said that lmao
>>120885 Color me shocked- a manic depresso went from razor blades to UberEats. I supposed that's one way to practice harm reduction.
>>121198 Is it surprising though? You have to be cuckoo in the head to ruin your health by overfeeding and enjoy it
>>121200 As opposed to you, who deals with your life by wriggling around in the dirt. Like a worm. Neck yourself, bozo. Someone should nuke the thread, nothing worth keeping.
>>121272 What the fuck are you waffling about? Nothing you said there was coherent
never knew they let gave mental ward patients access to the internet
She makes 10K+ a month without even having to do anything lol, why should she
Bunch of cranky infants
>>120595 I tried to find something but loyalfans leak sites don't exist.
Wonder what Mary is up to these days…
is it just me or has Mary fallen off the face of the Earth again?
>>121814 It’s just you.
>>121310 You just pulled that number out of your ass lmao. Her loyal fans is $5 and LF takes a 20% cut, which means she would need 2500 monthly subscribers every month to make 10k a month before taxes. And that would push her into a higher tax bracket, so she’d need to make way more than that to take home 10k after taxes. There’s no way she is making six figures off this very niche amateur fetish content. I mean, look at her house and clothes and camera equipment. She’s doing fine, but she’s not rich.
>>121833 In fairness, she hasn't posted in almost a month. I don't know what her socials are like, but loyalfans has been quiet. I'm not complaining, she's entitled to have some time off, just interested in what's going on. Hope she's ok.
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/47844-%F0%9F%94%A5-dessert-feed-date-w-chubbychiquita/ She’s back, boys and girls.
>>121983 That looks old.
>>121992 The vid is dated June 15th so maybe it isn't
>>122016 what year?
>>122018 No way. My mom isn’t into needle dicks like yours. She likes a real man joystick.
>>121983 definitely an old video. there were screenshots of it posted to her coomer months ago, maybe even a year ago.
Mary just gave us a POL. Her 7 kittens are all sick and wrecking her house. And she thanks some guy for buying her some roses and gummy bears.
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She post yesterday a story ! She is alive (on internet !), do u think she kept her weight ?
>>122027 calm down oediupus
If I had to guess…she’s down a few pounds. Not that much but maybe 10-15
Nothing but love to her
She’s super hot and super nice. Love her too.
>>122232 Nah she looks fatter than ever in her new storyv
>>122222 Did she kick around an old engine block lmfao
>>122577 She’s farming engagement off the waffle rumours.
>>122579 Speak english dipshit.
>>122577 The best fruit bruises the easiest. Spend any time around women and you’d know that. >>122579 You are an insect, one of god’s cruel jokes, and the only showershitter here.
She looks round as hell.
>>122592 "The best women bruise easily" "How could you suggest she shits in the shower" Weird. You're all fucking weird. The people who are into her are insane so I have to assume she's as bad as her audience.
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now on Tumblr
>>122642 Looks awesome!
>>122633 DUde of course we are fucking weird look where you are.
>>122595 God, this girl gets cuter with every pound.
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Mary is the Quizatz Haderech
Fuck, she’s gotta be close to 400 by now. She looks ROTUND
>>123193 She looks like a fat will byers
>>123350 Omg she does
Blind men in the chat
anyone got her videos
she will overtake Queen Mary Bobbery. I announce it in advance, she is capable of it. The fatter she becomes, the more beautiful she becomes. Its fat distribution is perfect. We encourage you Mary!
>>125218 Blob Mary here we come!
>>125218 where is the pic on the right from?
>>125285 Her Instagram and Twitter today.
Really fucking hope she gets that triple belly that looks like it's coming in nicely
>>125269 she doesnt even have a similar body to Bo she looks more like roxxie
>>125218 She's swelling up so fast! Anyone with recent videos please share.
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Honestly didn’t think her figure would work for massive weight gain but I was wrong it’s literally perfect. Just imagine this shape with another 200 pounds on it…everything is so well proportioned.
I have a sub to LF if someone wants to lmk best way to record vids and where/how to upload im retarded but have skimmed vids from y'all for years so i can try to give back
Video DownloadHelper and Gofile
>>126081 https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalpiracy/comments/16jzohq/downloading_from_loyalfans/?force_seo=1 found this reddit post explaining how. I haven't tried it idk if it works or not
>>126086 >>126091 Tried this and the above extension re DownloadHelper, neither work without me trying to actually figure it out. Anyone gives me EZ instructions I will legit upload all content to gofile
>>126108 use OBS and screen record the videos
>>126081 I heard loyal fans puts digital watermarks on things that are linked to your account and that’s why it’s not as common. It makes it real easy to get lawyers involved.
>>126129 VPNs?
>>126155 VPN won't help. In fact, VPNs are not worth the cost and overhead for home use. Most every site these days runs https SSL (often when you enter a site by "http:" it will reply with "https:") . You can get into a technical argument (if you know IT) and use a VPN if you want to hide from your ISP that you frequent bbw-chan.
>>126129 This would be very easy to test: download the same video from two different accounts using the same method and run diff over both of them. Any watermarking should become very apparent, as the files will be different.
>>126325 After research, loyalfans is notorious for getting lawyers involved, completely separate from the creators input. Between the fingerprinting and how difficult it is to download anything, it makes more sense to just sub. It’s for loyal fans, you see
>>126474 its also super cheap so might as well
"It's for loyal fans you see" 🤓
Can we get some clips posted, maybe any mutual gaining ones?
>>126474 The whole laywer thing sounds like bs to me. Unless someone is posting hundreds of dollars of content the amount of lawyer fees it would take them to prosecute every random anon on the chan would greatly exceed the loss in profit margin.
>>126608 No freebies from Mary right now as she’s got money problems. I just joined her LF but everyone on here should help a sister out and give something so she can continue to survive and get fatter.
>>126608 Not every. Only takes one. Not looking to get a summons in the mail. it’s $5, plus she’s uploading more now.
Can anyone who is subbed to her loyalfans at least confirm how good her videos on there are? Does she masturbate in any of them? I know it's only $5, but I'd still like to have an idea of what I'm paying for before I get it.
>>126958 they're very good. There's two masturbation clips
You will nut.
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Turning into the blimp cat lady. Is Blimpism a thing?
>>127160 She's going from plus sized to multiplication sized
she's exponentiel weight now ! double-triple dose of food
>>127160 Once Mary reaches 600lbs, humanity will reach the dawn of a new age.
>>127160 Good lord her arms from her wrist to shoulder look so soft and fluffy 🥵 and her hips are getting WIDE.
>>127369 I have become so enamored with swollen, soft arms... my second favorite fat-accumulating body part. that pic of her in the shower looks great too.
>>127093 Does she do hardcore?
>>128421 Kinda? She eats while using a vibrator if that qualifies. It’s all very tasteful.
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Does anyone have a gofile folder full of videos of her? UWU
>>129020 tfw no dirigible gf
We need some of her new videos please!
