/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Mzfluff Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 10:57:20 Id:f1f2a1 No. 114610 [Reply]
What ever happened to mzfluff? Like she was a ussbbw legend and she's 800 plus pounds and now no one talks about her at all. I can't even find any of her content at all. This is to remember her.
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>>114746 She is not at her highest anymore. Because of hospitaling several times, she possible lost some weight (even admitted it few years ago, when getting medical care in hospital bed). But her peak was probably 730lbs.
Proof of 859?
>>115654 Do you make these numbers by yourself? I have read her even claiming 891lbs...
>>115737 fuck it, she was 900 pounds. 1000. Until someone posts a pic of a scale, any hard numbers aren't to be believed, honestly.

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Randalin Anonymous 04/03/2023 (Mon) 21:20:02 Id:06e3e5 No. 77053 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread fell off, newest update is out and it's terrible even by her standards: https://coomer.party/data/6d/b1/6db1b5916e695291b375127283487df27153d7798eb8b51258da7632736db295.m4v?f=3f594e52-ac0b-4550-ab50-9184624356e9.m4v (warning: idiotic multi-coloured filter) https://coomer.party/data/e6/9b/e69b7ea6d44bb69f88a97e2f1a0b123f3a96ce90396991e874c8ca4ea0f130a5.m4v?f=dbaef6fb-4cff-44e8-885b-4467879c44ac.m4v (weigh in, [spoiler]now at 425lbs[/spoiler) https://coomer.party/data/b4/12/b41261e34ab99b0788cf460278ded8adc8b106dd63181c7165b9cce675cc3e15.m4v?f=74468279-d99e-439c-888a-8cc473a784f9.m4v (warning: moronic greenscreen filter) https://coomer.party/data/6d/78/6d78240b726058dc7bd5d803e37f1c0d615c5cf61dac51d992228f9ef746314a.m4v?f=1709f017-7aba-4fb4-84ce-e2d03bf942b1.m4v (warning: stupid outline filter) And an apology for the filters: "Sorry if you guys are not thrilled with my editing on this last update lmaooo I was just playing around with my editing app! Don’t get used to it! It DEFINITELY won’t be a regular thing! They were just new and I thought they were cool just something different! BUT another update in a week for EASTER! Haven’t decided if I wanna post the day of or the day before either way another update next weekend! 🫶🏼✨"
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>>118726 She even made a clothes try on video boring.
>>118870 She was more creative pre 2020. Walking videos, bouncy ball videos, using selfy sticks to get nice angles of her buty, balancing stuff on her butt while she clenches those cheeks, putting her butt on counters and different surfaces, etc now it’s just the same boring played out bs every time with occasional something somewhat different but the execution of it is not great and the fucking music is the salt on the wound. Fuck it, at this point if she went back to pre 2020 sizes but made better content I’d like that more than the current trajectory
>>118930 The music has always been the worst part of her videos. I can take dull ideas but the music ruins it.

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Big Booty liso and friends Fat king 01/22/2024 (Mon) 04:40:08 Id:dd8c14 No. 106811 [Reply]
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i wonder if ther trying to have me start a porn career or actually pay for videos looks like a day of filming wasted unless they have some uncut version coming out
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>>115623 choke on a fat dick, scammer,

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Divinely Buxom Red Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 17:14:26 Id:0f3a76 No. 112935 [Reply]
Here's a handful of videos and a few pics. Unknown model who showed up and was gone just as fast. https://mab.to/t/YuUTtbUrzEX/us2
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>>113587 Netttyylove on ig, she used to model for bbwroyalty. Shame we have no thread for her. Also >>113418 can you reupload this vid? Do you have more of her?
Reup of everything shared from Buxom Red so far, hoping for more. https://www.transfernow.net/dl/2024040131GarIR0/fw95qye9 https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20240401KHQwmskT/7jh03Nmq
no trades
Edited last time by probsty on 04/01/2024 (Mon) 17:59:11.
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>>113884 go exchange with Devil.
it wasn't a trade proposal, i'm just saying I won't upload content I bought for no reason. if you poorfags would enforce the no begging rule as hard as the no trade rule this board would be a dry desert. >>113888 lmao your photo collection has pics going back to the late 1990's, I know your life is like that dirty grandpa flick.
some reddit posts; https://porn7.net/user/divinelybuxomred

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Sharing my own findings It belongs to all 04/09/2024 (Tue) 13:27:57 Id:273fe6 No. 114424 [Reply]
Hello there, I find myself in a position of a generous fellow these days so, yeah, let's live things up with another share thread! 1) https://gofile.io/d/lY3Hzp 2) https://gofile.io/d/OFnTI9 3) https://gofile.io/d/LYmSm3 These are the first to go. I shall try to post more later these days.
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>>115309 Sorry, but I am not quite follow what you've meant by that.
Any chance you have Luna content?
>>115338 Nope, sorry.
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Set's 140-159 https://gofile.io/d/PzOpY1
And now last one, more miscellaneous than the others. 160-169-208 https://gofile.io/d/lhTZwL I hope that you people found smth new or useful for yourself here. One more time: "I would like to ask you folks of a little favor. Basically I am looking for two videos that I want to add to my collection. To be more specific: 1) Ssbbwshannonmarie vid of her walking around while jiggling with her amazing rear. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/148401/22828437/walking-ssbbw-phoenix-outside-enjoying-herself 2) BBWLayla's vid that came not so long ago, new public stuffing to be exact (15 of December, something like that).

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Summer Marshmallow Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 17:09:29 Id:3bae2d No. 114548 [Reply]
Looking for these videos or any stuffing https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5108727/goldilocks-and-the-three-burgers https://www.manyvids.com/Video/3539308/big-fat-bimbo-struggle https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1763909/snack-and-ignore https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1403816/donut-stuffing https://www.manyvids.com/Video/1171950/sloppy-sub-slut https://mab.to/t/UK8eEUK5Uke/us2
She’s a trash baby but damn she is getting big.
>>114558 She takes after your sister
a honest and genuine question why do people dislike or hate summer marshmallow >>114558
>>114644 Because they have insecurities with women and like to take it out on people who have likely rejected them over social media. She’s fine as fuck and people always start her thread with some bs that no one cares about instead of posting content…
>>114656 When is vegas again. I could use the quiet time. Lol

Kellie Kay MC 03/06/2022 (Sun) 07:53:36 Id:ed4db4 No. 38916 [Reply] [Last]
I'm not seeing her thread here so I may as well start it off. I'm looking for the video pictured here: Tied Up in Bed and Force Fed. Does anyone have it? Here's some good stuff in return. https://mab.to/zulBgLb8a
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>>114654 Yep. Real one know. F*p*aTr**p*r (she googles herself/watches this place) sure was the lightest 460 pounds I've ever had on top of me.
>>114632 I've talked to her a few times and she told me something similar about wanting to shoot for 7 bills, but part of me thinks this is the superfat gainer model equivalent of 'pickme' behavior.
>>114681 U bitches never had anything. Worth while. Basic ass bitches
>>113691 Whole family while u morons hang out on bbwchan. Good thing you will never make over. $100 & hour(NET). Suck that..
Anyone have Kellie Kay facesitting video with the dude she has the squashing videos? I cant find it anywhere to purchase

Goddess Patty Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 04:46:09 Id:1fd7d2 No. 111916 [Reply]
Been a while since I've seen a Patty thread on here. Let's fix that. https://mab.to/t/Uc640KQU90a/us3
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>>113710 There's a photo of her getting fed by two dudes and woman. Don't know about a harem of men.
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>>114318 You seriously want something for posting a youtube link? lol My favorite Patty video, ripped off a DVD I bought last decade: https://gofile.io/d/2QAAyq
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>>114357 The point is that you're supposed to share rare files or stuff you've paid for, not 9 year old youtube links that come up in the first five search hits. If you found my video elsewhere it's because I've posted it before. Another video, that I paid for: https://we.tl/t-lNpE9bH5OT
>>114364first five search is good
>>114364 I doubt it, the second share is not on YouTube. Besides I’ve shared plenty of paid content on this site in the past. I don’t have a lot on her. And I’m looking for the hotel chair wedge vid. It’s less than 5 mins long

Ssbbw Natalia rudenko 04/04/2024 (Thu) 16:08:12 Id:6e473f No. 114102 [Reply]
Has anyone heard of her? I know she was on a russian news article and of course i was hoping to see more.
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According to Wikipedia Mayra Rosales passed away in February 16 2024. No known cause of death. RIP to a real GOAT
>>114278 The truth is that no, I was referring to another possible model apart from the one in the thread who is also Russian, an SSBBW and who seemed happier than the other
>>114282 RIP. Should have a separate thread
>>114282 > No known cause Gee, it's a real mystery, and no mistake
>>114313 You have officially been trolled.

Real immobile girls 01/31/2024 (Wed) 00:15:51 Id:e0c4f7 No. 108119 [Reply]
I've always saw many people saying that they want to be immobile and stuff, but i still don't know many people that claim to have achieved real immobility, post pictures about legit immobile women
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>>113640 Drop the video!
if thats real id love to hear more about your hookup with hippo. Id love to see the video too shes my favorite model
>>113640 So where is this video?
>>114048 Doesn't exist man,

Who’s this new SSBBW chick and Any Informations? anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 09:05:52 Id:c80da2 No. 100440 [Reply]
Currently, I just found this fat young lady on (Reddit) and which is this platform from a other community. https://www.reddit.com/r/ussbbws/comments/184nrci/worship_me/ She does already have her own account in there, I think she’s starting to showing off her massive body, and let’s give her some opportunity in this thread.
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>>103733 Idk, im not gonna get all salty or defensive over it like you and the guy saying shes real, but what little there still is of creamymalaya/ssbbwmalaya that i can find with just google, she has notably darker skin than this cheap application chick. Name discrepency with cashapp is sus, but that could just be a dumbass trying to stay anonymous while not realizing her real name is on cashapp. Regardless, the reddit stuff is good enough for me so no skin off my back if shes fake lol
All this arguing over if she's real or fake when all you gotta do is check that reddit comment history to realize this is indeed an account piloted by a 19 year old girl
How can a 19 yo have such bad skin?
>>107068 so, you're the one to necro-bump this old thread into the new year, just to continue the arguing? >>107089 maybe it was on sale.
any new pics of her?

Anonymous 01/11/2022 (Tue) 12:39:07 Id:c20184 No. 34515 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have shannonmarie file?
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>>109992 >>109992 I think you're missing the point. Heterosexual porn paradoxically isn't really 100% 'straight', if we're being pedantic. If you prefer her solo content entirely, instead of making it an issue of sexual attraction you should do as >>109999 said. In past threads and here to an extent, the issue people have is the incredibly visually unappealing person she films porn with. Sure, a similar argument could be made for her using conventional standards, but the composition of the scenes she has shot are literal goblin ass lmao. Her content could be improved immensely with nearly anyone else and less obstructive angles
Ya'll hatin on Igor/Davi like I've never seen LOL
>>88817 Ya don't want his life. He got all these kids from dif baby mommas without that football,baseball, music money
>>113385 WHAT? And WHERE HOLY SHIT!!!! Yeah fuck me right
>>113384 Oh yes I definitely want to be an average height, overweight, balding, can't grow facial hair, show my hairy ass and balls in videos-lookin-ass nigga just because he fucked 2 well known SSBBWs, and 1 that's not in her prime anymore Meanwhile I'm over here, 6'4, fit, and in a committed relationship with a feeder and we make our own amateur content that isnt on OF Yeah, I'm totally envious :/

LisaLou SSBBW Anonymous 10/04/2023 (Wed) 16:13:33 Id:55e9e1 No. 95906 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread hit the limit. Restarting with some stuff I found here and in /gen/ aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9rc1BEMmRXODA3Wi91czI=
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>>113824 https://gofile.io/d/Dzepwr
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>>113978 Could you send us videos of these?
>>113978 thanks king!
Massive make out 2. Can someone please upload the new strap on vid? https://gofile.io/d/Ya75V6
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Does anyone have this video?

Firme Chikana Anonymous 12/24/2023 (Sun) 10:17:34 Id:ace88d No. 103288 [Reply]
Praise God, Praise Jesus and shake dat ASS
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>>113220 It's because she doesn't have those stupid eyelashes in the second pic.
>>113273 Booty shaking in the snow
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Letakelsie / scotiansmiles Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 14:54:55 Id:4dfd01 No. 79392 [Reply] [Last]
Leta’s thread went down again. Any idea why? Someone posted a link I didn’t get to just yet.
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Without WLS Leta is a 700 pounder for sure.
>>112735 I don't think she has had WLS. She's bigger again now, compared to last year. I think she has periods where she focuses really hard and drops weight, and then she gives up. She definitely doesn't like being fat -- but she is fat, and she loves the attention. If you gave her a magic button to be skinny she'd push it for sure.
>>112736 I think >>112735 meant she's destined to just get bigger as a net result of weight gain/loss unless she gets WLS. I'd go conservative with 600, but the point still stands: she's such an addict that she won't be able to help herself but blow up.
I just hope she shares with us all
Is she fatter in person?
