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ICD IZM JAV BBW Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 06:13:43 Id:e5e07c No. 89194
https://gofile.io/d/ecP5pj I am having some uploads there. Here is Miyabi Hayama, she can be seen in ICD-138. Check back regularly and maybe add your own contributions.
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If you want to know names, try javlibrary.com and look them up.
>>89195 Idek there names to look them up, but who's the Asian in the middle? Never seen an Asian ass that deep and thick
>>89205 The filename is her name, Juri Morozuki. How are you fellow debusen enjoying all those ICDs on that gofile?
Rose Ayoma is the only JAV actress I keep a (nearly) complete stash of none of the others really scrath that itch these never surfaced: tmgu00002 tmgu00009 zono00022
anyone have this? https://en.xcream.net/item/268921?rank=22 or other sara aikawa vids?
>>89225 can you please upload what you have?
does anyone have ICD-447?!
>>89276 OP here, I checked my list, and I don't have that one. However, if you have a request for another ICD, I will check, and then upload it. Same goes for any other debusen here.
>>89304 This upload is great, thank you. Any chance you have some of these? 402, 411, 434, 460
>>89326 based shizuko fujiki appreciator these are the ones i'm after as well, bar ICD-434 if OP doesn't have it, i can upload it tomorrow >>89194 thanks so much for all of these! there were a bunch of the earlier titles (<#100) i didn't have
>>89304 will add i'm after many of the newer ones, but particularly: 430, 436, 442, 444, 450, 455 as well as these ami fukumori ones 246, 302, 336, 425
OP here, I finished uploading every ICD I have. I am now uploading other IZUMU codes. I am not toaly sure what I have. >>89326 Sorry, I do not have those. Good luck, and if you don't see an ICD there, please start your own upload. I am grateful for your teamwork.
>>89419 Thank you for 434!!
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anyone have this? https://en.xcream.net/item/268921?rank=22
what are the IDs of all the Nicole (Dirty Little Diva) and Amazon Amanda vids?
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I think the woman in ICD-434 might be the same actress as the unamed pear in NINE-04 & BAR-003. I haven't seen anyone else make that link.
icd446 anyone?
>>89474 ICD 434 is Fujiki Shizuko The woman in the other two is unnamed as far I can tell, I've been looking for more of her too
>>89474 no she's not! 434 is shizuko fujiki, one of japan's greatest BBW. she has a filmography as massive and impressive as her fat ass. for whatever reason, she's credited as shizuko araki in the ICD films, perhaps an homage to nobuyoshi araki? https://www5.javmost.com/star/Shizuko%20Fujiki/ >>89494 I don't know the name of the actress in BAR-003/NINE-041, but she also appears in CHCH-02 >>89419 all good, the modern ICDs are quite hard to find in the spirit of team work, here are the 4 most recent titles i have aside from 434 i particularly recommend ICD-381 with the gorgeous ami fukumori, one of japans few true SSBBWs. there's even a belly-fucking scene https://gofile.io/d/1Zf8XT
>>89497 added CHCH-02 to that folder as well, since i assume people will be interested. her thighs are great, but its really impossible to compete with shizuko as far as ass & thighs go
btw, has anyone ever bought anything from this site? https://duga.jp/ppv/mercury-0720/ i have been trying to buy the above vid with no luck, because it won't send me the sms verfication. maybe because im not in japan, even though it allows me to select other countries i love this ball gut pig and am missing that video, will upload everything else i have to the drive in >>89497 this looks really good as well https://duga.jp/ppv/pochakawa-0026/
Huge thanks to OP and everyone else in this thread, it's one of the best drops to hit this site. May I ask how you managed to get these ICD videos? I've tried to buy a few that were available on xcream, but it didn't accept my CC for some reason.
>>89579 i've managed to buy stuff on xcream before, but is there a way to get the raw .mp4 file/get around xcream's DRM? the only way i've figured so far is record the screen while the vid plays, which is not feasible for 90 minute videos probably a long shot, but i really want ICD-365 https://www.xcream.net/item/232833?rank=3
>>89611 firefox => videodownloadhelper extension
I added https://gofile.io/d/79SJYV if someone could add to that group folder thatd be nice; dunno the ID though; looking for more. her tits are massive
>>89622 that's Ai Hiiragi, the particular film is GAS-428 i agree, she's gorgeous, and she can really put away food! unfortunately, she has quite a small filmography. i'll upload what i have of her tomorrow
>>89194 >shizuko fujiki shizuko fujiki ICD-460
ICD-460 anyone got the latest Fujiki Shizuko video?? how the fuck do you even buy online???
>>89497 Thanks man.
>>89660 I am sorry, I uploaded every ICD I have to that gofile, then uploaded every Izumu JAV I have.
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Does anyone have an ICD-351?
Can someone name a different JAV code they would like? I might have some and I will share.
More Miyabi Hayama would be great
Ok guys i’m searching for Min-e May-u-ri… She is the best of the best in tall bbw. I have some of her recent clip but i search for these ones : icd-360, icd-382, icd-394, icd-413. If anyone want some icd clips tell me and i will see what i can do to direct you’all to them
How can you buy them?!
the only one I know is xcream
>>91102 Some of them you can get if you buy rapidgator and use javlibrary or xbbwx.
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anyone have this?
Can’t help for that sorry bro Do you search something else ?
>>91165 Bump for this.
here's something rare https://we.tl/t-NNG8gFNppB excellent 140kg bbw "natsumi", she has an amazing ball gut would anyone have her other film, or anything else from this studio? https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/2696415/
can’t see the code name, what is it ?
>>91231 It has no regular code because it's from fc2 but it has a item number FC2PPV 2735059
Sorry bud no idea how to get it
>>89474 Shizuko has gotten enormous over the years. Any legends out there have her more recent ICD clips? I remember the 2012-ish maguro 029 of her and was impressed then--she's filled out even more since
>>91356 Check OP's link, ICD-434 is nearly her recent. What's got me more excited is that the video art indicates her ass is 9cm *bigger* in ICD-460, and the low-res video preview from ICD's page appears to bear that out. Lord, I hope she keeps going.
>>91404 Damn, excellent. Yeah, I've always loved how belly is + how fat that ass is. Good to see her continuing to produce content as she's gotten older, too
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Does anyone know how to download a widevine drm video? I have this new(?) Miyata Hinano but can't DL it https://www.miyatavideo.com/2023/07/19/myt230003_06/
>>91712 How do you even get that shit to play? All I see is a preview. Unless this is a store
>>91715 You have to click through and pay for it. I bought it but can't DL because of the DRM. Happy to share if anyone knows how. I looked into getwvkeys.cc but doesn't look like they are allowing signups rn
>>91717 i know how....it took me forever to figure it out tho and its hella complicated. I bought some from this same director (his shit is insane and knows how to capture and shoot big bellys) if your willing to give login info i can download it and upload for everyone here
>>91743 No chance, just tell me how. I’m a software engineer can figure it out
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here's a bunch more Miyata stuff, definitely an underrated director. Of these, my favourite models are Poyuru and Michiru https://gofile.io/d/EExgl8 the only other maker i've seen work with some of these models is izumu to whit, does anyone have the ICD titles with Poyuru (430, 436, 444, 450) or Natsumi (414, 432, 458)? I have ICD-151 with Natsumi that I can upload if people need
>>91782 all good, actually i went and checked last night, it was the dmmco.jp site (use vpn for japan) where i finally downloaded. i bought the same video twice cause i couldnt download it from xcream. BUT.... there is always use obs the streaming software, and just run it realtime. It sucks but probably the only way. dmmco.jp suprisingly doesnt have this scene yet. otherwise i would have bought it last night and shared.
>>91810 thanks for these. Yea man, this director gets it....ive never seen anybody film like this. He is def one of us. plumperpass has gotten more belly obsessed over the past few years, but man.....i wish they would go all in like this director does.
>>91810 Thanks so much!
>>91810 I do not have ICD-151, thanks.
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>>91859 done also adding a few more vids from miyata, the actress' name is Sana - it's basically her completel filmography, except for this - if anyone has it, please upload! https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/2353709/ also, does anyone of have any of maki suzukawa's vids? for miyata or otherwise, this one looks really good https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/3075272/ this too https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/1743459/ i have her in GAS-480 plus an uncensored FC2 vid [1664016], but i'd love anything else
>>91926 Thanks so much.
>>92392 what did he upload?i dont see it
>>91782 any luck figuring this out?
>>92416 nah, the only method I've been able to find requires access to this: https://getwvkeys.cc
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>>92415 ICD-151, it's in my original gofile >>91810 i also uploaded the earliest (AFAIK) non-ICD sara aikawa video. there are quite a few good vids in the TIA series really puts in perspective how much she gained, but she's gorgeous at all sizes IMO
Where are the files located, OP? ICD-434
They were on the OP -- may have timed out. Honestly, Shizuko's new size is truly breathtaking. Hopefully, someone can reup for posterity.
Can someone share ICD-434 again?
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icd359 anyone?
>>92420 not seeing this Sara Aikawa video in the gofile, did it expire somehow?
Any miyata hina
now uploading, hope it uploads and you can see: https://gofile.io/d/18d7cea8-3443-4384-9074-391db44c7803
>>96526 This file is not public... :'(
There is a legend who posted a bunch of ICD vids 300's into 400's on Spank bang if you search under "ICD BBW" hope it stays up forever lol
>>96621 Which service should I use other than gofile? It seems other people get the "This file is not public" error.
>>97553 Just use anything else pls
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Does anyone have these two, IOD-22 and ICD-252? My contribution in exchange: https://we.tl/t-OB3HmmNQXX
>>100214 I missed out on the contribution. I hope you can reup. Here is 252 https://we.tl/t-BSfOFqSzJg
>>100943 Can anyone reupload 252?
I meant 246
Have an IKD-20 Giant Lady Lena https://we.tl/t-yIu17vf8R3 >>100214 I don't know what I missed, please reup.
more ami fukomori love please , if anyone have her latest videos
>>101826 Do you know which ones she was in? Maybe I could find one.
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longshot but anyone can id this lactating vid? trying to find the original model without the overlays
@b82d16 How do I even translate this page? I went to Google translation webpage and I couldn't find anything. Can you please help me I will definitely buy these, these women are amazing.
@ Id:b82d16 Which ones do you have bro from this site ? https://www.miyatavideo.com/2023/07/19/myt230003_06/ I'm willing to make sum trades with you. I have alot of these. http://www.izumu.net/s_main.htm
>>101842 holyshit! i actually found it https://en.javmix.tv/video/h_1636myt230003/ im downloading it now, its tricky to download....you have to choose a different server. but you can watch it right away.....when you click play it will force an ad to open, but after the 3rd time it works imma see what else they have
dude im so happy lol
>>101880 >https://en.javmix.tv/video/h_1636myt230003/ Could you please share it? When I try downloading it I always get 403 (forbidden)
>>101908 >>101880 >>101842 >>101879 Uploading now https://mab.to/t/8ePMJYZSUZw/us3 give it awhile
Link will be up for 2 days, hopefully there wont be any issues, ill reup if its taken down
>>100943 Daaaamn sorry, let me reup again🫡
>>101921 She’s sexy as hell. My favorite body type, short with fat distributed equally. Smooth skin, cute as fuck. Would absolutely break my dick off in her.
we need the whole miyata studios collection ...especially the Hinano vids. the way this guy films and directs is the best i have ever seen!! hes a true fat lover.. the angles, the way he focuses on the fat rolls and everything....fuck this shit is so good
>>101957 bro i was ready to bust in that intro part with her in the grey outfit lol
>>101842 can you give us some missing Hinano vids in exchange for the new one i found yesterday? please
>>101797 https://we.tl/t-mcIJUElQ4B thank you! >>100943 Ready and reuploaded Can you reup icd-252 please?
Can someone please reup ICD-246?
>>102058 >>102058 https://we.tl/t-ELm9OhdXyG Okay, thanks. Hope we get some more BBW. Perhaps you have some from ICD-350 or higher?
ICD-408 https://we.tl/t-1QXV7syNwz
need Hinano movies
>>102216 Thank you very much!
Anyone have an ICD-351?
I am really hoping somebody’s got the Shizuko Fujiki vids… I dunno what it is about her, but she’s sexy as hell.
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Anyone have any Mayuri Mine videos?
Anyone have any sara aikawa videos? I remember an anon posted a couple of them months ago but i never got it saved
Here is your Op debusen, have ICD-381 https://we.tl/t-XFyIg2ZFsL One thing that always surprised me was that there was never any sumo from izumu. Anyway, if someone has ICD-55, that would be great, since Miyabi Hayama is my favorite BBW of all.
I need icd 246. Where can you buy these vids, I'll get it myself and share it here
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>>93867 Not sure if this was allready posted but anyway... here you go: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvdHAwaEVRaFIjWURFOG95U1h1b0ZPQkxTLVFUZVdXbFhxWWM3TVF0VndVaENiVVBvc1FzYw== Any of these would be great
>>102732 Thanks, I never got to see ICD-359
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>>102732 Looking for IQD-02 as well, seems to be very hard to find Givinging IQD-01 in return, enjoy guys: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvTjBrMmpSVEojbkl2cjJiVmF5bEctaHlxY2F2MEVjUXVxb3NtOE5raFl0T1FqQ2VGdFo5QQ==
>>89194 Guys i just saw a part of icd 244 and 245... someone have it ?
>>101880 >https://mab.to/t/8ePMJYZSUZw/us3 name? and reup plz
>>102836 ICD-244: https://we.tl/t-N2K1KVPkc6
>>102587 need these so badly
>>103291 Same!
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Can someone re up this! I want it so bad :(
>>106063 Fuck outt here lmao
But why bro? I just want watch that Junko Videos
>>106066 Im the only one busting nut to that spanish booty
Poor me :( i think i can upload ICD-408. If you to trade with ICD-433
Reup of ICD-408 https://we.tl/t-Cd2kYDjPpq
ICD-359 https://we.tl/t-z1uHTBxbsr If someone has ICD-55 or ICD-150, I would especially like that. I like anything ICD with F/F action. I like anything with Hayama Miyabi.
I think it’s would be great to had ICD-355 or ICD-433. Especially Japanese BBW Junko :)
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anyone have this? https://en.xcream.net/item/264885?rank=1
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And Icd-332 https://en.xcream.net/item/203365?rank=1
>>102732 link is dead (369, 442, 419) Is it possible to reupload?
I love the one with Sara aikawa in it they know how to make videos for actual fat admirers who loved to be smothered to death.
Does anyone have ICD 411? in exchange for ICD 434
Can i got ssbbw Big Dee lifting videos from Rosadix Production?
Here is an ICD 226 reup because I want to keep this alive: https://we.tl/t-oHZ2TYSDT3 If anyone has ICD-55, I'd love that.
>>102586 She's got a hot face and an even hotter body. That + knowing she's just gonna keep gaining and getting rounder as she gets older is hot asf. Check the preview for ICD-471. She's looking enormous now
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Does anyone have an ICD-351?
>>89474 The 434 woman is ridiculous (Shizuko). Anyone have her more current content with larger hip size listed?
Looking for 347
Does anyone have any content from her? Or knows if she has any content outside of that website? https://hime-channel.com/profile/r2e5gr
>>108887 Speaking of 434… any chance someone could re up? Been looking for new Shizuko forever.
Bumping because these are some of my favorite beauties You can find tons of full vids here: https://missav.com/en
>>107861 What else do you want in order to share 312, 322, 349, 434, or 452? I have a lot of earlier ICDs. I am the OP debusen and willing to help.
don't turn this into trading
>>109751 Sorry I want Videos of 332, 369, 403 or madam sakura I'm not interested in earlier ICD videos
Does anyone reup ICD-433 please :(
I’m looking for very long time for ICD-245. Can anyone help brother out?
>>110686 https://gofile.io/d/T8IbKD Anyone have ICD-150 or ICD-355? Will love you forever
Who's the fattest model in these videos?
>>111491 going off weight alone, i believe it is Sakura Himena who tips the scale at ~218kg she appears in ICD-279 and ICD-343 love the clip of her smothering some lucky bastard while she gobbles down a bunch of different pastries
>>111517 althought a favourable mention to one of my all time favourites, Ami Fukumori she weighed about 40kg less than than Sakura at ~177kg but she is also shorter and looks absolutely corpulent Sadly she appears to have lost weight from her peak nowadays
Does anyone re up ICD-230, ICD-355, or ICD-433?
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>>111517 I guess Oomori Masakou is second biggest. She is 204 KG. She was only in ICD-62 from what I understand. Well, this was made in 2008, according to Javlibarty, and their ICD collection isn't nearly full. https://we.tl/t-4xqlS7R3H4
are there any that actually have them eating i know there was one out there with too japanese bbws eating french bread
>>111559 ICD-230 I do not have the others you want. https://wetransfer.com/downloads/fcf44427d366aba04c18f7dc0c17587920240305144529/8d7d14
>>111567 She was in four further ICD videos. Was probably like 10 years after the first.
>>111585 Thanks bro, appreciate that
Does anyone help me? I’m looking for very longtime ICD-301. The Model is Yuki Debushen with glasses
>>111518 do you have any ami fukumori to share please ? especially the 300+ and beyond i guess the only videos i saw of her are the old one that can be googled
Any suggestions for videos with bigger girls dominating or facesitting or squashing other smaller girls? All I see are guys getting squashed.
>>112532 I think ICD-150 has it, but I can't find anywhere to download.
>>112596 Where could one go to actually buy these? Where are they sold? And hopefully with us currency. I don't even know what ICD even stands for lol.
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Anyone? RE-36 or RE-33 and RE-26?
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Does anyone reup this video? I’ve been searching for a long time :(
Can anyone ID the girl in this video? https://we.tl/t-zXpzKOXTsE
>>113741 I think Miyata Hinano is her name
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Does anyone have this video of Miyata Hinano? https://adult.contents.fc2.com/article/1875066/
>>111518 >>112466 I'm interested as well. I never beg for shit but ICD-302 looks insane. surprisingly good dicking down for a JAV. https://duga.jp/ppv/izumu-0412/
>>114788 for someone reason no one care about her . i guess most are not into shy lusty girls like her they prefer the dominatrice ones like Sara aikawa or the more vanilla ones bith big boobs but if we wanna speak Fatness i think Ami is the best around
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>>114800 >>114788 >>112466 she's one of my favourites personally, here's everything i have from her https://gofile.io/d/fWSMjU would really appreciate her other titles if anyone has them: ICD-336, ICD-302, & ICD-246
>>114821 thanks dude you are the MVP been here for years but finally i see some Ami love
Anyone got higher quality versions of these? Randomly came across some on some trashy streaming sites. Also looking for ICD-407, ICD-401, ICD-387 ICD-395 - https://gofile.io/d/I0QTHJ ICD-408 - https://gofile.io/d/4BYCUp
Anyone got higher quality versions of these? Randomly came across some on some trashy streaming sites. Also looking for ICD-407, ICD-401, ICD-387 ICD-395 - https://gofile.io/d/I0QTHJ ICD-408 - https://gofile.io/d/4BYCUp
>>114821 awesome, thanks man. much appreciated.
I got alot of JAV BBW/AMAZON collection I love the ICD-IFD-IOD series. I'm new to this site and it's amazing and you guys are amazing but should we enthuast of the Jav BBW-genre try to make a group and share together videos, a lot more easier and essential. There is many Social-Media Apps that can make groups and share contents.
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>>114821 to follow this up, here's two hitherto unseen Hinano videos https://gofile.io/d/eNiSZe wondering if anyone has any videos from Big Beautiful Bondage, other than 3182429 which I already have? Particularly interested in the videos with Mitsuru Itabashi who also appears in a number of Miyata videos https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/BBBondage/articles?sort=date&order=desc
>>115138 Thanks man. Awesome. Can you get her videos like as export? Noticed one was censored and the other wasn't.
>>115138 thank you. she's gotta be the best shaped BBW in JAV and cute as hell too
>>115172 both are censored, as is everything else i have from her >>115138 added two more videos to the gofile https://gofile.io/d/eNiSZe MMND-189 AV Impossible 111cmK Cup Heavy Class Meat Mass Overwhelming Huge Breasts Modest Women 22 Years Old [Natsuki Hayama] and MKD-232 Giant Plump Fifty [Katori Mako, Sanjou Rikako, Hiraoka Chieko, Sachiko] The latter is especially great - Sachiko is a particular favourite of mine (and likely recognizable to ICD conneisseurs) the age and body diversity in JAV is pretty phenomenal. I've got about 1,500 titles that range from "just a bit chubby" all the way up to 200+ kilograms
>>115358 Im looking for some Shokora Minami's videos, i have only few old. Do you have something new of her in your collection?
>>115369 added ICD-352, which is the most recent of hers I've got wouldn't say she's my favourite actress in the IZUMU stable, but she's got a great ass
>>115138 so Miyata, the studio responsible for the Hinano videos, recently made a film with Miura Kana Very happy about this because MVG-020 is one of my favourite titles. It's great to see her back after almost a decade-long hiatus, and she's fatter than ever Adding all four of her videos to Gofile https://gofile.io/d/eNiSZe
>>115430 You are a legend! Thanks :D
>>115358 Excellent, thanks.
Does anyone have icd-352 and ice-377 minami shokora and icd-285
>>115939 I added ICD-352 to the gofile earlier, refer to >>115424 i don't have ICD-377 or ICD-284 anyway, made a new gofile and i'm uploading the filmography of the greatest talent active in in JAV at the moment (IMO): Reo Fujisawa I have everything except the two VR titles. All the non-JUNY titles are already uploaded, and I'm adding all of the JUNY titles over the course of today https://gofile.io/d/zHLYOl its great to see her accumulate mass over the course of her career
>>115964 she literally went from a conventionally attractive pawg to a full-blown bbw with a huge belly, nice
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Anyone knows who this is?
>>117063 short-lived actress sadly, she doesn't really have a screen name amazing body though, she's an absolute blimp. adding her entire oeuvre to this gofile https://gofile.io/d/9WDjIx
>>117067 Godbless you anon.
>>115964 >https://gofile.io/d/zHLYOl >>115964 Simply incredible! Wow! I can only hope more will come. Is she still active?
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>>117450 >Is she still active yep, here's her most recent video: JUNY-116 love the stretch marks on the underside of her belly, it's really starting to hang https://gofile.io/d/VgEq8y
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Going to make a request of my own: does anyone have IMD-01 or IMD-02? short lived IZUMU series and seemingly hard to track down online, except for XCREAM with their garbage DRM
someone was asking for ICD-192 right? dunno why that was deleted anyway, here it is, with along with the other 5 Masaki Amamiya ICD titles, as well IOD-25 and IOD-27 which she stars in https://www.instagram.com/hugetulip/
>>118738 sorry wrong link haha https://gofile.io/d/ZcoIOt
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Does anybody has icd-410 of sara aikawa
sorry i don't have it but it's not sara
>>118833 I think its her, but never mind. But do you have some videos with Osako Naoko, im looking for her ICD's videos. I found only some old ones.
>>118739 Thanks dude, god bless you. Btw do you have ICD-433, ICD-402, ICD-355, or maybe ICD-301?
>>119381 >do you have ICD-433, ICD-402, ICD-355, or maybe ICD-301 no on all counts sorry I'm definitely also interested in any of the Shizuko ICD titles other than ICD-124 and ICD-434 I've got a lot of Izumu (and posted a lot in this thread) but those are impossible to get other than XCREAM, which is a garbage store
>>119445 No problem dude, you’re legend. Thanks for your information, but sadly my country isn’t avilalable payment for XCREAM.net
Sorry if I format this wrongly, but here's a couple of vids involving Sakura Himena (?), namely ICDs 343 and 279. https://gofile.io/d/EOfxqB I myself am interested in ICD-321 with Erika in it, or perhaps any of the vids where the actresses are more dominant than usual.
>>119454 >any of the vids where the actresses are more dominant than usual ICD-103 came to mind immediately, they really put these poor guys through the ringer - slaps to the face, throwing him around like a ragdoll, absolutely grinding his body into the mattress, and some heavy drops. death by snu snu - but since it's Sara Aikawa, there are definitely worse ways to go https://gofile.io/d/OIj8lR
>>119470 Indeed, an amazing classic. Shame Sara only went this hard earlier in her career, and was a little more tame (if you could even say that) in her later appearances. Erika's later 321 appearance was truly legendary, I don't think Izumu's models go this hard this often. Anyway, here's a couple more vids up - 439 and 447 if anyone's still looking for them. https://gofile.io/d/3Bs4K6
The gofile folder isn't public
>>119489 Apologies, it should be now.
>>119557 fridareny4 on Instagram
>>119621 ssbbw asian twitter lied to me again, she's not japanese... thanks and sorry
>>119483 Thanks for sharing bro, god bless you
>>119454 Finally, ICD-343! Thanks bro
https://gofile.io/d/UnGvAQ ICD-453 4 the comunity =)
>>120324 Thank you! If possible to get ICD-479?
IFD-09 Gaijin hunters? Why not have the gaijin do the hunting? It has Lexxi Luxxe and other white BBWs: https://we.tl/t-0tk4CZ9BwK
ICD-342 I think this is Miyabi Hayama https://we.tl/t-Ut0xN4eqDv
Thanks for everyone's contributions! Here's ICD-389, featuring that 181kg behemoth of a girl - https://gofile.io/d/ZAIruB Does anyone have any new modern-ish ICDs featuring girls of this size?
Here’s a relatively new Shizuko in hopes of adding more. You can really tell she’s bigger here. https://gofile.io/d/cq8mTt
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>>118169 Honestly amazed at how big she's gotten
>>121247 Thank you
>>121578 what a porker~ must be hard being an obese girl in japan, but with every new fatty comes the hope of it becoming more normal to see japanese waddlers.
>>121645 >Not as difficult as one may think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrgAMlfIdtk&list=PLIapEdn_8ON5vRWayoXphkFp0-LaCBRZ5
>>121654 Wow. What a good fatty. It’s amazing how 220lbs is considered an obscene weight.
>>121654 Yeah its pretty normal just like everywhere. Nevermind the fat girls who are actually pretty, I see the ugliest fattest slobs pushing strollers with 4-5 kids in it every single day where i live. In japan you only hear about the weird asian dudes who make their gfs fat so nobody else will date them in some kind of weird asian mentality thing.
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Does anyone please have IFD-03, 04, 05, 06, 08? Or at least where can I go to buy them online in the
>>125785 Not public. Can you fix please?
should be public now https://gofile.io/d/SttFrR any yui igarashi would be appreciated
anyone know how to get icd 246 without ordering it from xcream
OP you're a legend >>102587 out of all the new ICDs im most desperate for these
one of these videos had Amazon Cinthia in it. cant track it down now. while id love an upload, id be just as psyched if someone could name which one it was so i can track it down if need be
https://gofile.io/d/tcoqOL icd 231 Anybody have 372?
>>127081 do you mind reuploading this or something? the file seems to be corrupted, there’s huge parts in the middle of the video where it just freezes and there’s no audio playing. it’s essentially only the beginning and the end of it that works
Looks like the file got corrupted transferring it to an SD card. No longer have a copy of 231 that isn't fucked.
>>131933 https://mega.nz/folder/8yBhlIgI#JwGfidWJ8kTozTSRB_3cdw
Is there anywhere I can see recent stuff from Shizuko Fujiki, or any sites her recent videos are released on? I know about xCream but wondering if there's anywhere else. If not, any other jav stars like her? Going through this thread but wanted to see if anyone got some recommendations
>>135880 not sure, If I have them I'll put them in. My hard drives aren't exactly organized sadly so I just put up what I find
https://duga.jp/ppv/izumu-0020/ Does anyone know if there’s a way I can find this full video for free?
>>135880 I do have ICD-326 I could not find any of the other ones in my collections. https://we.tl/t-R2aZe9veVZ
>>135990 Sir, this is /ssbbw/
>>136088 NTA, but hopefully she makes it to 150-250kgs eventually
>>136175 I hope she gets to "ICD" level size
>>125668 https://xgf.nu/6xin8 https://xgf.nu/ZDXT0
>>137382 >>137382 I have ICD-434 but not ICD-402 https://we.tl/t-BzgRSaNgLJ
>>137520 thank you so much dude, you’re legend!
>>137799 IFD-09 https://we.tl/t-KlHQ86yJzZ
>>137520 How do I miss this every time?!? Grumble
>>135842 wow that site is full stop unusable
I heard Rose Aoyama was making recent content under a different name, anyone know what her alt name is if true?
>>138252 Neo-505 Mika Aoyama
https://www.xcream.net/actress/%E9%8F%A1%E7%B4%AB%E7%A9%82 Found out Sara Aikawa has been making vids under a different name .. Will try to buy and post here at some point
I’ve got over 200 IZM pieces y’all can’t even touch—pretty much everything that’s ever been dropped online, no joke.
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>>145480 Anything that's particularly fetish focused and not sex focused among those?
>>145511 Thanks Tony Awesome work man
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Anyone knows what video this Pic is from? I'm almost sure it's from an old ICD video but idk which >>145519 ICD 117 is more fat and squashing focused, I can upload it later
>>145519 >>145597 Here you go (plus some extra videos that I had) https://gofile.io/d/rfwTZp
>>145510 Downloads are blocked.
>>89194 I need more vids of Miyata Hinano. She is one of the hottest models I have ever seen. Reposting a previous upload of hers as an offering. https://gofile.io/d/oTnwD2 Miyata Hinano
Ami fukomori is so underrated , she is only viral in videos where Sara or someone else is there too . i dont understand how all that fat can be ignored she probably have the biggest belly of them all and her ass is as big as that of Sara
Ami fukumori is probably my favorite jav actress, cant get enough of her body shape. If anyone has any of her videos id be very thankful
she's my favorite too!!
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>>145735 here's everything i have of her: https://gofile.io/d/3gZVkU >>145717 I love Ami too, but in japan, her flatter ass and apple physiogonomy is less unique than Sara's massive, round butt. Perhaps more importantly, is that Sara debuted almost a decade younger than her too If anyone can fill the holes in my collection, I'd sincerely appreciate it!
>>145621 Miyata is just the name of the Amateur studio (Used to be Pochakawa) Here's a couple vids of Hinano-chan, added it to the same folder: https://gofile.io/d/3gZVkU She has 5 (!!!!!) new videos that came out in the last two months - does anyone have them? https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/pochakawa/articles?sort=date&order=desc
God fucking bless you for the ami fukumori videos
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anyone got the sauce?
