/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Letakelsie / scotiansmiles Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 14:54:55 Id:4dfd01 No. 79392 [Reply] [Last]
Leta’s thread went down again. Any idea why? Someone posted a link I didn’t get to just yet.
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>>139138 There isn't a single picture in this thread that contains what you are describing.
>>139133 Does she do erotical content as well, like camshows or at least bikini pictures? She appears familar to me and them seems lookalikes of each other
Gigi and her sister are very similar to each other as well
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Annaoli - empressanna Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:43:32 Id:45349d No. 112070 [Reply] [Last]
How come she has no thread here? To start, some mix of videos https://we.tl/t-ivvnd16jQ3
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>>148512 top 10 most incel-minded reactions
>>148512 >>148475 Fat girls with smaller boobs are the pinnacle of human evolution. Ones who can't see the marvel those are are just sorry aesthetically challenged clowns.
>>148549 Yeah like what even is that opinion? Aside from absolute genetic freaks of nature like Lexxxi/Anorei and Norma, girls generally don't even reach SSBBW status until their bellies go far past their tits. People who think that's "gross" are retards for even being on /ssbbw/, go to /bbw/ or /tits/ lmao
>>148475 of course we need therapy. this board is full of autistic guys who likes fat woman and likes do get woman fatter. what do you expect raging about some of those guys saying some bullshit if you are so confident? focus on the other guys that really likes you job, your art and your gain and just ignore the rest ffs
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Beccabae Beccabae 2.0 06/18/2024 (Tue) 17:30:50 Id:791fb1 No. 121423 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread croaked…Becca’s still phoning it in but is still really fucking fat .
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>>148538 she's taking a break from modeling/focusing on herself after breaking up with her furry gymbro bf. no clue if she's ever coming back, but modeling isn't a priority for her atm.
her last BC vids please...
>>148965 Considering that her resume is completely blank I doubt thats going to last.
>>148997 She aint got a resume. She got a menu lmao
>>148965 Since when was modeling a priority? It was just a way to make a few bucks give that she is too fat to work. Maybe she met a new guy who doesn’t like his lady’s caboose being paraded around the internet

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Caitidee Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:02:09 Id:388ebc No. 105188 [Reply] [Last]
The lack of Caitidee content posted on this site should be criminal, time to change that. https://mab.to/t/u0FDOmrDGJN/us2 Post stuffing vids from c4s and bc, her of is mid and all on coomer anyways.
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>>147286 >>147333 I hear you on the overly close shots? I LOVE videos of an SSBBW walking, the more naked the better. But too often we just see close ups, which are good, but wider shots (pun intended) are better. Especially if shot in high res.
>>147369 its literally the kilotroll, i couldn't resist :/
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Wtf is this
>>148991 It's "fatty fucks grabber"
>>148991 It's hot is what it is

Favourite Videos Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 10:51:09 Id:51f96d No. 129054 [Reply] [Last]
What are your all time favourite videos? Or maybe the video isn't your favourite, but there's a particular moment or aspect of it you really like. What video have you jacked off to the most? I feel like I am wasting too much time and effort jacking off and looking for porn, so this is an attempt at curtailing that. This is not a begging thread. I feel this belongs here and not /gen/, because I am looking for ssbbw content. If you think the question is too general, perhaps you could say what your favourite videos are for each model.
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More bc aurora 😭 What ever happened to her
Here's mine. https://gofile.io/d/GbXogz
I could upload some more that I would choose if anyone is interested.
>>148970 I want the newest Foxy Roxxie vids...
>>129054 Here are some of my favorites! https://gofile.io/d/ipXjJz

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Rapid/ spontaneus weight gain tread Road to immobility 05/23/2024 (Thu) 08:10:17 Id:074e8d No. 118658 [Reply] [Last]
If you have videos or content of spontaneus weight gain, here Is the place where you can share it!
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Something to bump this thread because I'm into this stuff. Cursed c00kie jar has two girls rapidly fattening up but fat suits. Audio quality is horrendous. https://gofile.io/d/CSzF6T
>>126522 Looks like the link is dead, anyone know where else this audio/artist can be found?
>>147846 link appears to be empty.
>>147898 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57618159/
I’ve been looking for two clips that nika/scarlett venom did with hfgmultimedia. One is called the paw: three wishes, and the other is called The Cursed Compass. Here is a link of one of my fav clips to share though, it’s a bratty girl rapidly gaining weight. https://tr.spankbang.com/5366q/video/bbw+eating

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Lisalou Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 23:09:41 Id:d3b30f No. 115222 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread got bumplocked. Kicking this one off with 3 newer videos. Hoping someone has the new strap on video. https://gofile.io/d/kxmUM0
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>>148197 It's unreal how fast it goes down the toilet this day...
>>148197 The best reup in this board's history is about to be made! To fight the radical left, the link has been encoded using special Dark MAGA magic by a level 50 DOGE lizard squad ex-marine gooner mage. Q - "Follow the White Rabbit" with enough drops it will be TRVMP 2028! QFLLWTHEWITRBITQWVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVlqSmFjR0pIVlhWaFZ6aDJXa001U21Oc1duVlJNRVU5VkZKV1RWQXlNREk0
I swear this thread updates literally the moment I stop actively checking every time. Here's every lisalou vid I have. Someone please reup the huge vid dump again or at least the vids not here. https://gofile.io/d/85H9Rl
>>148478 >https://gofile.io/d/85H9Rl down already radical left is watching
Anyone seen "I BARELY moved in 2024!"? I want to see how little of a change immobility is really going to be for Lisalou!

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BigBootyAsshley BigBootyAsshley 12/07/2024 (Sat) 20:22:02 Id:ba9df7 No. 139684 [Reply] [Last]
She had a cute face and a massive booty. Here are all the pic sets I have:https://gofile.io/d/ZLVCSY Here are the vids I have: https://gofile.io/d/UyYfRM
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>>147714 How can I see the vids I can’t watch them even when I download them
You patriQts want a 201 video drop with a side of MAGA? https://gofile.io/d/eNI6AV
>>148708 My president. thanks again
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https://gofile.io/d/WNpnET I'm throwing in a couple of my favourite videos that i never see floating around that are both really hot, Asshley at her best. You even get a tiny little peak at her pussy in one of them. This woman has been my favorite for years, i just absolutely love the way she's built and that big fat ass! Enjoy the vidoes.
>>148708 Those face sitting vids are so hot. Love watching this absolute l goddess get worshipped by black men 🥵🥵

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Erotika Anonymous 11/03/2023 (Fri) 03:16:38 Id:c54d9c No. 98699 [Reply] [Last]
Just wanted to bring some attention to Erotika. Started producing content 504lbs in late 2020, gained to 547lbs late 2022 before being admitted to a hospital for an infection that required surgery.Once she got out slowly gained right back to 547 let’s hope she continues on to 600+lbs
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>>146952 This is no bath at all in my view...but a shower!
>>147013 Sad really, I would sub if she was active.
Can finally check out what she's posted over the last year. As others have said, it's not much, but there are a few things worth checking out. Here's a nugget.
Probably a longshot but if anyone happens to have her bellybutton fucking video from OF, I would be eternally grateful. And I have this in return, a belly fucking great https://gofile.io/d/aPQ5ii

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Spanish Beauties Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 00:45:12 Id:a3f1ef No. 136641 [Reply]
sweetgoddessana/immobilesoon & _fatvenusbelly These 2 seem to get little to no attention yet they are both IMO some of the best in the game. Spain is producing some real talent https://gofile.io/d/NmrSIc
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>>143788 instagram: @anabelguerrero10
>>143805 _clariortizaragoza_ isn't.
>>143769 who is the first one?
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Messy Fatties Anonymous 06/13/2023 (Tue) 06:47:48 Id:de0155 No. 84818 [Reply] [Last]
Basically just share any vids, pics, etc. of models and the like stuffing themselves to the point where their face, body, etc. is covered with food and food residue Some example vids: https://mab.to/t/JtPnQylUrkB/us2
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Does anyone have this video by Jloves? (Birthday cake punishment, fron Ivy Davenport's store). Also here's some content: https://gofile.io/d/KP7DxM
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fatvenusbabyyyy anon 11/11/2024 (Mon) 02:39:02 Id:feda4b No. 138357 [Reply] [Last]
This is ‘fatvenusbellyyyy’ she has a free OF w PPV videos, but a fair lot of them are on coomer under the same name. She claims to be 18 but weights around 450lbs (her most recent weigh in her scale literally broke…) She’s honestly such a pig. here’s one video of hers but upload anything else you find!! https://gofile.io/d/9MmXwp
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Can somebody reup the bellies bumping on gofile Thought we all swore off wetransfer
>>146983 bruh are you dumb? she is clearly 18/19ish, look at her skin and facial features
>>146022 That weigh in was pretty suspicious. She covers up the number as she climbs on it and then it cuts to 235. inb4 someone asks for the vid, it's on coomer.
>>148828 That's funny that's my upload....😝

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Juicy Jackie Anonymous 02/25/2025 (Tue) 07:51:10 Id:062945 No. 148255 [Reply]
Last thread got bump blocked so lets start this again! https://gofile.io/d/O25t7L (220GB Upload!)
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Was it Jackie who has the video of hee gettung fucked while wearing a CPAP mask or was that someone else?
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>>148868 I can’t remember if Jackie ever made a clip like that, but I’m pretty sure you might be confusing her with SpanxBeluga
>>148868 not jackie. maybe it was naughty nickie? not sure
Pt 1 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1Gk6c7voJ9xVGAyhnk7nTPvWFhI7Xrk99?usp=sharing Pt 2 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1MpBwhOspu2GT0bRId0VMo-aKkMInlM3N?usp=sharing Old site rips uploaded in the old thread
>>148897 Thanks, man

Sadie BigCutie (Thread 2) Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 17:49:00 Id:7d6d6a No. 126449 [Reply] [Last]
Yo! I’m creating another thread for this community, hopefully this one can be updated every single day, and I will share some vids from Sadie that I have so far. Heres the link: https://gofile.io/d/7gpDHW
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>>148608 I thought it was about that VR thing, but since that immediately stumbled on launch, I don't think I've heard anything else about it lol
>>148583 Is this a full length video??
VRfatties is out but no Sadie video as of now
Does anyone know how to update coomer or can update it?

Snowangelcake 07/18/2024 (Thu) 05:26:14 Id:3c30d7 No. 124598 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone have any content on this chick that isn't already on coomer? She has an amazing set of legs and belly but asymmetrical tits, but if you don't care about that she's not bad. https://gofile.io/d/Jnjivw
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>>148393 It’s really cool to see how much fat she’s gained since her Peachyqueen days.
>>148393 god bless you mr president
>>148436 its not like she doesnt change her online alias every three months.
>>148393 Tyvm!!!!
>>148393 Now this is what I voted for.
