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Lady Sublime Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 15:30:40 Id:2381e0 No. 101590
New Thread :3 Honestly, she is one of my favs atm. I used to have another video of her stuffing fast food in a red bikini but after combing through my degen folders I cant find it, looking for a reupload or anything else Have these vids of her in return YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkl6U1hnM2RYVTVibWM9
>>101590 https://mab.to/t/BknLGsbGq1U/eu1
someone posted a bunch in another thread. https://mab.to/t/oBJ18fw7Hro/us2
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>>101600 amen.
>>101600 You, sir, are Randy Orton of this website.
Does anyone have the other weigh in video?
>>101610 I don't know what that means but thanks? I think...
What do you get access to if you join her site? Don’t wanna pay any extra besides sub fee
>>101642 She's uploaded tons of videos to her own website going back years, full length, all included in the sub. She also posts vids to her OnlyFans via PPV. And she posts on Curvage. And ManyVids. And Clips4Sale. And there's a lot of overlap but it's not 100% so don't expect everything on 1 site to also be somewhere else.
she is a top5 of all times for me
>>101926 right answer. she’s one of the sexiest women alive. few models seem more naturally into the fetish as her and she’s genuinely one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever seen
Her coomer got updated recently, mostly previews as you know but she's decent and makes them longer than moat
https://gofile.io/d/lRYYPR >>101646 i do have one non-overlap vid in this set from her OF, if my fellow enjoyers could help fill that out it'd be much appreciated. those as far as i can see would include So big I got stuck in the door! Your favorite fatty is strutting her stuff again. Your fat fitness instructor's powerful heavy stomps shake the groud and knock you off your feet! Fatass: 1, Lawn chair: 0 Stutting in black skinny jeans and jiggling out of them. Filling my fat gut with a whole box of ice cream sandwiches! You can't resist the jiggle! God I look hot jiggling around in lingerie and heels!
>>102688 could you please upload the donut stuffing video again? for some reason it redirects me and won't download. thanks.
>>102688 Havn't seen these before, thanks man.
>>102729 https://gofile.io/d/roLxqG
>>101598 Could a kind soul possibly reup?
>>101599 and this
>>102834 >>102922 Fantastic, thank you!
>>102688 thanks, best upload I've seen in months
Merry Christmas One of the best videos I've ever seen YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzkxTnpsMU9FcFBkRVpoTUM5bGRURT0=
That "Pie Hole" video in the gofile is incomplete...any chance of getting the complete file? She's so beautiful.
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>>103416 Anyone able to reup this? Also, I am looking for "SSBBW Gets Stuck in the Doorway" does anyone have it before I buy it?
>>105002 reup: https://mab.to/t/f4OGkhbgevp/eu1 pls upload the stuckage vid when you get it
>>105004 Thanks for the reup! As promised here is the stuck video https://gofile.io/d/repiu8 Does anyone else have anything recent from this goddess?
>>105025 Is this video just a Black Screen for anyone else?
>>105025 I have her card vid, the file size is very large so be warned. https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20240108PpPVUF9D/ZdeGSwH0
>>105041 You have to download it. Not sure why it doesn't load in the video player on gofile
Could you reduce the file size cuz its too large?
>>105025 This might be the hottest stuckage rp I've ever watched, but it's still not "downloading 3 gb" hot
>>105025 >>105044 Both of these don't play properly how to fix
>>105941 Here https://gofile.io/d/KmChTB
>>107000 It's just the stuck video tho
>>107000 This website is not working plz re-up in another website plz
Can’t you just look at and see it doesn’t work before making us look at your videos that just do nothing.
>>107025 https://we.tl/t-oMp88pQrv0
>>107065 Thanks my friend
Can someone re-upload her"Jiggly JOI Countdown" video?
She's looking pretty big in her latest video it seems. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/163455/28588941/fatty-soaps-her-body-in-bubbly-bathtub
joi stroke vid https://gofile.io/d/3Ub6JB
>>109286 Thanks but my god why is this one video is 4 gigs can someone compress this?
>>109303 lmao 4K HDR porn xd
>>109286 >>109303 >>109308 >>109312 i took some load off that video: 332 MB instead of 4 GB. example quality attached. same file on two hosts: https://pixeldrain.com/u/d3znVvE3 https://gofile.io/d/qnbo1A
It’s 5 months old. Thanks, I guess it’s the newest we can hope for.
>>110235 https://gofile.io/d/3Ub6JB
>>110235 >>110428 my bad, grabbed the wrong link https://gofile.io/d/Od2olJ
>>110429 you're the king, thanks
Uploading my own collection hoping for a reup of the previous stuff posted here https://gofile.io/d/vsQFjV
Not a reup but is a nice weight gain progression video https://gofile.io/d/lUwD4P
This gofile doesn't exist. Care to try again?
>>111942 I mean this gofile doesn't exist
damnit...I mean the "uploading my own collection one" What a SNAFU.
>>112186 Went down. Reupped, but one of the files isn't cooperating. https://gofile.io/d/qZoHIN
>>112401 This folder is not found.
Is there a trick to prevent gofile folders from being deleted? Or is it better to use a different file share service.
>>112449 they're getting DMCA'd try pixeldrain.com instead. or maybe mab.to
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC96TTVpMjZmdGZhaS91czI= Some vids, I'm looking for her ice cream sandwich stuffing or her new breakfast stuffing if anyone has them. Thx
>>112660 Thank you for your contribution. It's a shame that her content isn't as shared as other models' content
>>112451 U know I got her videos lol
She sound so sexy when she moans her soft ass & soft voice. Hearing that booty clapppppoopp omg
>>112681 Nope but who ever was fucking her do. We heard it
>>112729 Thanks my friend
>>111942 Reup'd https://mab.to/t/m1RpvegWlDk/us3
>>113642 Chik fil a ass clap owwweee
She posted on Twitter that she's done an expansion video. Fuck yeah!
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when a dime compels you to propose ASAP
when is she going to get a man's face to sit on or a man to squeeze her fat on video? i really wanna see that so bad, instead of just JOI stuff, which still is great, but not as great.
https://gofile.io/d/zbw7ef Anyone got more stuffing videos of her?
>>114374 thanks for sharing but the folder is set to private
>>114375 Sorry. Try with this link: https://gofile.io/d/13Xc6o
>>114376 The link has been nuked. Maybe time to code the links here so they last longer than five minutes.
>>114419 She probably watch this place because she posted her weight gain comp on her ph channel
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Anybody know what her most recent weigh-in was? She looks fatter in every vid.
>>114562 Yep she is. She's into it all. She ain't gonna stop. Absolutely gorgeous.
>cucks you nothing personnel kiddo https://ladysublime.com/scene/9395505/cuckolded-by-your-feedee-girlfriend
>>115666 That's getting close to her doing a spe worship type video. Almost all the small cock videos models do are sph or cuck stuff. there's an untapped market and I'd be into seeing that. I get not everybody thinks it's kinky or whatever but if they can sell one fantasy they could sell another imo
>>115666 >https://ladysublime.com/scene/9395505/cuckolded-by-your-feedee-girlfriend lawd. the ass worship one...
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Has she done any weigh-ins recently? Dayum
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Jesus christ
>>116770 hottest woman in the world imo. shes so fucking fat, only getting fatter, and she's the perfect shape. those thighs, that belly, women shouldn't look that good
>>116770 damn she's filling out real nice, she'll join the 600 club before we know it
She’s actually the goat, such an underrated model.
>>116770 Omg. I need this video!
Lady wears this outfit in squirty first date. Any more pics or beginning video from Sqirty? Or the black leather pants?
https://gofile.io/d/Hr7l01 throwing this here since i just dropped it in the bbw thread. nothing new, just some of my favorites
Does anyone have her new pizza stuffing/cumming video? In exchange, I have a couple videos of hers I’ll upload. If they get taken down, I’ll reup in hopes of receiving the video I’m looking for. Enjoy: https://gofile.io/d/HkkCBI https://www.manyvids.com/Video/5608057/ssbbw-stuffs-pizza-while-vibing-pussy https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/163455/lady-sublime-ssbbw
>>117634 Reup since the link was taken down. Again, if anyone has anything they’re willing to share it’d be greatly appreciated! Especially if it’s the stuffing video that was requested. https://mab.to/t/nLxDTTYWlSt/us2
>>117006 >https://gofile.io/d/HkkCBI >>117634 >https://gofile.io/d/HkkCBI folder not found
>>117734 I reuped the second link you have here in MAB. That one is still good!
her gain feels to good to be true for some reason if we're still on a upwards trajectory by the end of the year then I guess she'll keep pushing towards the regions of 600lbs
From the first clip she showed herself at 500 I see a big change from her clips from 3 years ago. I haven’t seen that much of a change since the 500 pound clip. My eyes tell me this and her not doing any weigh ins support this.
Love her bikini
She’s not half bad.
>>118448 don't abuse her generosity bruh
Goddamn, I love her.
(3.66 MB 443x250 ty_finally.gif)
>>118448 best /ssbbw/ post this year
>>118448 Most generous post of all time
>>118448 >taken down you are a king for uploading all of that
>>118448 >https://gofile.io/d/UBrJta already down please reup
>>118448 Thank you for the drop! If you have time, could you reupload it to MAB so it stays up longer?
links might last longer if coded
>>118448 >https://gofile.io/d/UBrJta What was this? Missed it =(
>>118664 it was a dump of 10-15 vids hope some hero reups
>>118680 I only managed to grab 2 stuffings, I will reup them in a few hours
Anyone with this lovely ladies newer content willing to share? I have a lot of other plus sized model's content. Make a request and I probably have it and will share the appropriate area.
>>118748 Thanks brother
>>118748 Looks like she’s got an Adeline-tier DMCA searcher now.
>>118748 Thnx a lot king, can you pls upload "voyeur watching me dress tho", i meant to download it later but it was gone 😔.
https://mab.to/t/1mBEmc9UcOV/us2 Save this one fast af because it's a banger vid
>>118814 THANK YOU
>>118814 thank you! Best kind of videos from any feedee imho
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Friendly reminder
>>118952 in the past, she didn‘t wore glasses and now she does?
The link with the Videos is down pls can someone send them again
>>118958 It's for a RP vid and for all we know she always wears glasses. Just doesn't for most content
>>119213 What surgery? You got me curious now.
>>119216 She had a BBL??
>>118958 She wore glasses for the video. They are a prop. She doesn't need glasses. >>120347 You're retarded.
Looking at her latest vid on june 7th it seems like she definitely gained but it's not proven by the number yet, she needs to make a measurements and weigh in
>>120471 She looks the same or thinner to me.
Is there any site where one can upload more than 2 GB without it taking ages to upload? I had to squeeze what I could so it doesn't take me a whole 15 hours. https://mab.to/t/MxXsnB8SQE6/us2
>>122073 gofile
She's 6 feet tall and thick as hell so she has to lose or gain a lot for it to really show. She disappeared for a while and same back about 80 pounds bigger a couple of years back. THAT was noticeable. Since then, it looks like she's been either maintaining or gaining a little.
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New pics. Even her calves & feet are thickening up.
please provide some of her content.really appreciate
>>123005 God daammn do I wanna wife her up
>>123005 damn she juicy as hell
I prefer women MUCH more bottom heavy than Sublime, but her gain really gets me going. And she keeps getting bigger. I'm a fan.
>>123005 Hot. She used beauty filter/ photoshop on basically all of her skin showing which is why her skin looks kinda blurry. It's easy to notice because the rest of the items in the picture are crystal clear (the chair, rug, her watch, even her hair) but the skin and particularly her face are kind hazy. Hot as hell tho.
Can somebody pls repost ?:/
Anything new? Here newest upload looks fire https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/49273-boss-makes-you-worship-belly-to-keep-your-job-😈/
Does anyone know the best way to contact her for a custom?
>>124975 Damn this looks 🔥
>>118814 Anybody actually saved this one? I uploaded it and lost it lol It was her pizza stuffing and cumming clip
It has nice, longer previews than clips4sale. https://ladysublime.com/
Just as a comparison, one of her first videos, she has definitely grown! https://mab.to/t/0UYczCW0wLT/eu1
She is hypnotic, and she seems to enjoy the bigger she gets
It's not very common see her content here Are her latest videos worth watching?
She’s huge. Hope she keeps going!
https://gofile.io/d/xM2j7M 2 relatively new videos I bought on curvage to keep the thread, hope for more heros to share new stuffs
I'm sorry man I have no Lady Sublime to add but I have to say those two videos are straight fire. Thanks man great drop
I wish she did more videos like the smoking/clothes try-on, mixing in natural, everyday-style, Day in the Life of a fat babe vids to the more overt fetish stuff. She's God Tier but could use more variety IMO.
>>127604 Thanks for the share! Is it just me or the try on video isn't playing? Could someone share it in another way? please
Anybody have something to upload? Idc if it’s anything new
>>115666 I thought it was about that she getting fed by another guy but it actually sph/cuck video Never saw her doing that
>>127798 Thanks bro u r great man .. If u have more plz upload them
>>127855 Youre welcome, Can someone Please re Up the Smoking Try on Vid That got corrupted on GoFile
https://ladysublime.com/scene/9395505/cuckolded-by-your-feedee-girlfriend Does anybody have this one
>>127939 download it, plays fine.
Damn I missed it. Anyone able to upload the last one onto gofile?
I will Upload more Videos Can Someone Please re Up The Smoking Try On. for myself and others the file is corrupted, It does not play without this Lag
>>128031 https://pixeldrain.com/l/fRxs9CLj There u go my brotha, plus a re-up of other vids.
>>128044 >https://pixeldrain.com/l/fRxs9CLj 3rd one is broken :(
>>128044 Thanks for the re-up. The video of her smoking is pretty hot. She isn’t faking it and knows what she is doing.
>>128045 My bad, I just realized that plays until 5:04, to compensate I just re-uploaded another vid to the folder. Maybe someone has the full version of that corrupted vid and could do a re-up?
everything i got YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5NlEyZ3laSFU9
>>128261 Nice! Thx.
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>>128261 Holy shit, this very well may be the best drop of the year! Thanks dude!
>>128261 /ssbbw/'s drop of the year nominee
She was some months ago claiming to live in Berlin, for several years, not sure if it was true Now is she at a very different place staying
>>130403 she is as camgirl active, since many years
4 vids
Is she on a break or something? Hasn’t posted anything new in over a month. Really like her because she seems like she wants to get really big.
nvke dropping tonight, 20220507-20240615 lmk if you have other requests while i have eyes on the thread because i've got just about everything before that
>>131627 you got the one where she sits on some plastic chair and crushes it?
https://gofile.io/d/QS3wWO https://gofile.io/d/stUsm0 >>131647 85gb takes some time to upload believe it or not >>131655 >>131676 will be included in the drop >>131669 don't have that but here's all the other stuffing vids i have that aren't in the drop, there's like another 5+ in there. https://gofile.io/d/f0I0Yu >>131672 >>131675 >>131693 don't have these unfortunately
>>131701 nice drop, thank you! >>131669 >KFC I have this one https://gofile.io/d/BXbPoz
That's the most legendary drop on this page Get it while it's hot!!
Seems like most of you haven't figured it out yet. She's watching this page. Anything not encoded gets shot down super fast. What's the point of even posting if you don't do it right? You went to the trouble of making the folder and it got deleted right away.
>>131701 >>131724 yeah like i just downloaded one vid and the site just got taken down but thanks for uploading man
Can hardly blame her for the takedowns. I could probably power a decade of orgasms with the couple videos I was able to grab. Primo content.
Guess gotta take this as a lesson learned. To those wanting a reup, expect not to get it. 85 gigs is a LOT.
>>131859 MAB is really only 2 gigs per, but it's atleast 2 days
Anyone have "Your Wife Accidently Gains"? Someone posted it on another site, but I am having no luck getting it to load/download. Y2FtYnJvLnR2LzEyNDkxNDcvbGFkeS1zdWJsaW1lLWZhdHRlci8=
>>133797 >Anonymous Don't know how to download off there but here's the 4k version.>>133797 https://gofile.io/d/ajA9Ws
I love this woman. Thx
She hasn't uploaded anything new for months now, is she on vacation or something?
Last time she disappeared for a while, she came back about 80 pounds heavier so here's hoping we get a redux.
>>133863 her previous big gap between updates was roughly 100 days. today exactly 80 days have passed since her last update. so I think around nn november we'll see how well shes been fed
>>134323 And you pay for every of these 198 days were you got nothing for it?!
she just post "sbbw girlfriend grows into 14foot giantes" this looks grate
>>135326 This should end the speculation that she might ge losing weight. She's definitely gotten BIGGER!
>>135432 Her belly does look flabbier in the new video. She has the potential to get really big and I certainly hope she does.
>third video released this week she's on a roll
>>135432 I don’t see it. She looks the same as she has since the big gain years ago. She was gigantic in those videos and she is gigantic in new ones.
>>136761 I can only get stuff here cause my stupid ass states online rules…
>>136766 holy shit- you're in one of those? Like oklahoma or something (whose government wants to teach the bible in public school- despicable hick shit.) I thought the legislation made some aspects of porn onerous but not outright unobtainable. that's fucked, and entirely contrary to the basic ideals of this nation
>>136766 use a vpn
>>136766 There are still plenty of porn sites that ignore the age restriction shit. Even still just use protonVPN its completely free and totally usable for just watching porn. >>136838 Its not quite that bad lol. The laws are framed around preventing children from accessing porn. In reality only some of the major sites (Spankbang, Pornhub, etc....) have actually done anything. Now they have a very clunky and poorly made age verification system using drivers licenses and shit. Its incredibly difficult to access those sites even as an adult. Unless you just use a VPN, or, you know, just use a site that doesnt have age verification. The laws do nothing but make a few out of touch MAGA evangelicals feel good about themselves. And maybe a few high schoolers will have a harder time finding material the first time they search "big boobies"
>>136966 "maybe a few high schoolers will have a harder time finding material the first time they search "big boobies"" not even, I just searched big boobies rn and the first thing that comes up is xvideos which isnt blocked with verification
Whoever requested that vore video THANK YOU.
>>137833 Sorry just a picture
>>137831 hmm on a weird note I like her new makeup style she looks very attractive with this more subtle natural look
She is so perfect. Her in a b/g scene would be the pinnacle of SSBBW porn. I could not even imagine a hotter woman
>>138648 But she is a BBW, not a SSBBW....🤫
>>138771 Pretty sure she’s like 6ft or sum so she actually weighs a lot more than she looks
>>137901 She looks tired af here. Was probably up all night working. Consistently does long stints of no posting broken up by lots of vids dropping... chick is as bipolar as they come. Hot
>>138773 Her latest weigh in was some time ago, but back then she was 500+lbs, so yeah she's tall and massive ;)
>>138771 Look at that wrist. Definitely a SSBBW.
>>138899 definetly a BBW yes, do you know there difference (also to chubby)? >>138773 her BMI is below 50, possible less than 40, so even If she weight close to 150, she would be not recognized as supersized, she is no Jazz or Vanilla Hippo, rather a bit more than Plump Princess or Becca, so a typical sample for BBW
>>138901 you're genuinely retarded
>>138899 It’s hot seeing women who can barely wear a regular watch because forearm is that fat. Then just gets fatter as you go up arm.
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>>138901 Lady Sublime BMI: 70.5 Plump Princess BMI: 65.7 Vanilla Hippo (Current) BMI: 57.8 All heights and current weights sourced from the BBW wiki. Not sure in what world a 6” 520 lb+ foot woman is a “typical bbw”, she dwarfs most of the ladies on this page, as well as 99.9% of dudes. Name ten active SSBBW’s both taller and heavier than her if it’s so typical.
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>>138902 He is wrong, but in all fairness I feel it can be difficult to gauge how genuinely massive these women are sometimes. She maintains incredible curves for her weight, whereas 500lbs on 5’0” gal usually renders them a blob, which we might mistakenly perceive to be larger. She also just has amazing mobility for her size. For my money nobody clears her.
>>138910 No offense, but you sound like you might be a German with a poor grasp of the imperial system? And also someone who’s probably never seen or interacted with an actual SSBBW? Candy Godiva is nearly a FOOT shorter than her. Lady Sublime used to escort as well as strip and appears at conventions occasionally. Her size and weight gain is independently VERIFIABLE, whereas your ramblings sound emotional and moronic.
>>138910 Amazing. Every word of what you said was wrong.
is this ya'lls first time dealing with kilotroll? this is what he does, he only posts here to argue that models dont weigh what they say they do and then make ridiculously impossible claims about what he thinks they do weigh. Plump Princess having a BMI of 30 should have been your first clue that the guy is not well mentally.
>>138945 For real, guy has nothing else going for him.
Anyone have and can reup the Fatass vs lawn chair vid?
No content in over 3 months and the kilotroll is overtaking it This thread must get nuked
>>139007 Halt die fresse, Kilotroll!!!
>>139047 You should know that you are adding to the bother. Whenever the one euro retard says his usual bullshit, you spam this. It’s just more spam.
>>139052 I genuinely don't understand being more upset at the one guy who says the one thing to get under a notorious troll's skin than the troll itself. Like you're getting mad at someone for slapping an arsonist after he starts yet another fire.
>>139053 i don't know why anyone gets upset at either one of them period. maybe it's because newcomers don't know kilotroll's bit and get roped into nonsense arguments, but still, just ignore stupidity and obvious baiting across the board, no?
Please tell me someone has that new thanksgiving stuffing or any other of her new stuff this thread is too littered with retards arguing over nothing lol
Any kind person able to re-up the pizza soda masturbation vid? Many thanks in advance!
>>140375 >extremely high quality >half an hour >smoking for the smoking fetishists If the were like 100 pounds fatter she'd probably get the amount of fanfare Roxxie and Jackie do/did. She's a fucking bombshell and her content is great.
>>140375 Absolutely amazing. Thanks so much for the drop.
>>140375 She’s amazing. Fast becoming a favorite. I don’t normally like smoking, but certain girls can pull it off depending on cleanliness, style, etc. She looks awesome smoking, she’s not faking it and is all in.
She's gunning for GOAT status. Her weight's been holding steady for awhile, which is impressive enough at this size, but if she pushes through and keeps getting bigger, she'll be on a level by herself. Beautiful face at any size.
>>140375 Am I tripping or is this DRM protected? I am getting nothing but a black screen when I try and play the video (downloaded) on my end.
Huge fan of the smoking videos she's starting to put out, especially the clothes try-on one she did. That level of casual hedonism is rarer than I'd expect.
>>139446 Seconding this
>>139446 https://gofile.io/d/jDwLBb Is this it? Also can someone post her recent burp vid?
>>140384 Extremely high quality is understating it. Her last few videos are no joke in 4K 120fps Dolby Vision HDR. Didn't even know that shit was possible, never seen any model let alone studio release content like that. GOAT.
>>133797 >Anyone have "Your Wife Accidently Gains"? Second this, please
>>133797 Was this it? https://gofile.io/d/jDwLBb I just added it to the previous link
>>137831 >https://gofile.io/d/jDwLBb Can you provide the video please sir?
>>140476 Maybe I was thinking of a different one. It starts with her trying to talk with her boyfriend (the POV) and then she goes "You know what, why don't you just fuck me, because it's clear you're not listening" You know the one?
>>140541 https://gofile.io/d/i0UIOC I’m not sure but is this it? By the way does anyone have the recent burping vid?
>>140541 >>140546 better quality https://gofile.io/d/AtNl6O
Does anyone have the SSBBW Gets Stuck in the Doorway"? I know it was uploaded a while ago, but I was wondering if someone could re-up
>>140375 >>140415 >>140476 >>140546 >>140626 Can you all reupload in MAB?
Did anyone watch her new weigh in video?
>>140958 Yeah, 526 pounds. She did a weigh-in last summer where I think she was around 480 so she's definitely gained over the last year and a half.
>>140960 Would you help a brother out by sharing? Here are some Dumplin vids I recently bought and uploaded: https://gofile.io/d/czO7dx This includes newest weigh in, measurments and try on vid.
Why would you post dumplin vids in this thread and not hers?…
>>140971 IIRC these were on the Dumplin thread too
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>>141325 At least this one and another where she acts as your wife (dressed with a brown dress)
Happy New Year fellas! Let's hope these reuploads stay up for a while. https://gofile.io/d/Eb2pcf
>>142135 God DAMN. Thx
god i wish she did porn with a man. would love to see her get fat squeezed by a man while she sits on him
>>142404 If she did a squashing/facesitting video...omg
Damn I think I could get used to having her everyday mmmmm should show what she does to me 🥵🥵😋😋
>>142135 Reup, grab it while you can! https://gofile.io/d/gR01se
>>142604 damn down already they must be lurking
>>142604 use mab to avoid dmca
Wow, she looks very fat here https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/56046-new-weigh-in-and-measurements-%F0%9F%98%8D/
Anyone know what her last weigh in before the vid she just put up was?
>>142762 I don't remember the exact number but it was between 500 and 510 lbs
>>145360 Damn She's twice as big as she was in that stripes video
>>145360 >https://mab.to/t/4hpqAnwRIUt/us2 Website apparently is a privacy error?
Please someone share her new vore video https://mab.to/t/FIkk3YsedEv/us3
(298.60 KB 1280x1353 ladysublime weight gain.jpg)
>>145360 >https://mab.to/t/4hpqAnwRIUt/us2
>>145360 The person who put the video up didn’t even check to see if it worked.
>>145541 no thats what youre here for
>>145541 works fine 4 me. hot as fuck too. vlc player
What's funny was that fat clapping video was the one I requested. Glad she posted it for everyone else!
Man the transfer is down already
(61.46 KB 968x538 20250117_133223.jpg)
>>145499 This may actually be the hottest image to have ever been posted here
>>145952 >https://mab.to/t/UvJaZGKmE67/us2 How do I access this? Google says its a privacy error
>>145982 it's on your end. working fine for me.
>>146018 Seems to be down for me
>>145961 Ayy I just found out how to respond to people! Yea you got me to thank for the bottom image XD - Paid 100 bucks for that custom, and I've requested a lot of customs - She did EXACTLY what I said. No one else has lol
100 dollars for how many minutes ?
Here's your request rephrased with the links included: Hey everyone, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I’m looking for these videos that were shared before: [https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/163455/26444779/bbw-squirts-in-the-bathroom](https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/163455/26444779/bbw-squirts-in-the-bathroom) [https://ladysublime.com/product/148280?refCode=nM9eYGVc&utm_source=pbw](https://ladysublime.com/product/148280?refCode=nM9eYGVc&utm_source=pbw) Unfortunately, I lost them, so I was wondering if anyone could kindly reupload and share them again. I’d really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance!
>>147433 "Here's your request rephrased with the links included:" did you ask chatgpt to write this?
Anyone got a reup?
Her shits just too damn expensive tbh, aint noway charging 30+ dollars for a vid, though they are great value.
Anyone have the thanksgiving video?
Anyone have her burp vids? The mods don’t like it when we ask for those specifically
>>147809 Join her site she has most of her stuff on it.
