/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Beautiful Faces Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 19:06:33 Id:ae0742 No. 101709 [Reply] [Last]
Who do you think has the prettiest face of any ssbbw model?
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she dont look sick just natural pale and she dont get out much
>>145472 >>145641 She was sick with something last year (maybe operation on leg? or broken leg?), so cut her some slack.
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Beautiful yet fat face. Love the double chin
>>147449 Happy to see Snow has only gotten bigger

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theillusiveham Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 16:08:50 Id:ee7c37 No. 133007 [Reply]
The most underrated gainer in the scene right now. Hands down the best belcher. Let’s see what we got here’s mine https://mega.nz/folder/TH5jxKIZ#L-fOH9VnyWdOoskMn9dwkQ
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>>145572 Also the shitty filter she turns on some vids is terrible
>>145575 If that's your criteria for moving to alt, we'd wipe out half of this board. You'd have to get rid of Layla, Margot, Eliza Allure, Reiina, MsFatBooty, Candy Godiva, FatMissT, Ella Eats, Ginger, Nickie, Pame, Ivy etc etc. Lots of them do it occassionally.
I just wish she made more actual videos. Most of what she posts is either pictures or clips that are like 20 seconds long.
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Thebigassssbbw new thread Anonymous 05/27/2023 (Sat) 12:29:16 Id:6a1397 No. 83522 [Reply] [Last]
Let’s get a new thread of hers started
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Recent out of breath belly play Any reups from her would be awesome https://gofile.io/d/pc80ty
Thanksgiving binge for an ssbbw https://we.tl/t-Vh1fuZY53M
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She’s so hot
Is there any sex scenes on her onlyfans?
She just posted a 7 min blowjob video

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ICD IZM JAV BBW Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 06:13:43 Id:e5e07c No. 89194 [Reply] [Last]
https://gofile.io/d/ecP5pj I am having some uploads there. Here is Miyabi Hayama, she can be seen in ICD-138. Check back regularly and maybe add your own contributions.
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she's my favorite too!!
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>>145735 here's everything i have of her: https://gofile.io/d/3gZVkU >>145717 I love Ami too, but in japan, her flatter ass and apple physiogonomy is less unique than Sara's massive, round butt. Perhaps more importantly, is that Sara debuted almost a decade younger than her too If anyone can fill the holes in my collection, I'd sincerely appreciate it!
>>145621 Miyata is just the name of the Amateur studio (Used to be Pochakawa) Here's a couple vids of Hinano-chan, added it to the same folder: https://gofile.io/d/3gZVkU She has 5 (!!!!!) new videos that came out in the last two months - does anyone have them? https://adult.contents.fc2.com/users/pochakawa/articles?sort=date&order=desc
God fucking bless you for the ami fukumori videos
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anyone got the sauce?

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Caitidee Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:02:09 Id:388ebc No. 105188 [Reply] [Last]
The lack of Caitidee content posted on this site should be criminal, time to change that. https://mab.to/t/u0FDOmrDGJN/us2 Post stuffing vids from c4s and bc, her of is mid and all on coomer anyways.
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>>147195 It’s a very nice vid but it’s a shame they didn’t have a camera operator to zoom in a bit. Then again maybe I should count my blessings because usually I’m complaining about retarded SSBBW videographers getting in so stupidly close that half the girl is cut off.
>>147360 you sir, are a jackass! take your meters and kilograms and get the hell out of here
>>147286 >>147333 I hear you on the overly close shots? I LOVE videos of an SSBBW walking, the more naked the better. But too often we just see close ups, which are good, but wider shots (pun intended) are better. Especially if shot in high res.
>>147369 its literally the kilotroll, i couldn't resist :/
>>147368 Go back to 1375, where you can use Inches, elbows, stones, handwaith or knifepeak as measures... You should be not live anymore in current times (but Long time burried)

grab bag - dropping some shit i dont care to have anymore Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 23:07:44 Id:375400 No. 110201 [Reply] [Last]
today im uploading mostly eating videos and fat chats (not really into that stuff, more for yall i guess lol), ill probably continue to just upload shit i dont care about having since im trying to free up some space (i have like 1.4 TB of videos and i dont know what most of it is). something something posterity, dont let media become lost, etc etc etc first drop https://we.tl/t-uE8YH5iABw https://we.tl/t-0CHEMk7VMG https://we.tl/t-S75CIbEwqc https://we.tl/t-DokGO9oU21 https://we.tl/t-xCnLrYs6bo more coming later probably dont bump limit or be annoying pls. i am not taking requests unless i have a change of heart because im way too lazy to post folders and all that, so just appreciate what im giving u. if anyone is feeling especially generous or dying to give back, share your best belly play / fucking videos from your favs.
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Who is she ?
>>147160 https://www.reddit.com/u/TelevisionDependent9/s/llgi2nJY5z
>>143802 This appears like Kass, the second pictures especially...
>>147210 No, that's fatbabe4ever, a fine British lass, perhaps one of the finest. She lurks in the shadows for now so we expect her to surface up again in a few days or in a decade, good as new and fat as never before.
Stuffing Kit superdump for anyone who's interested. Curious if anyone has any of her pre-Curvage/Manyvids/OF stuff. https://gofile.io/d/ZEQzHb

Sadie BigCutie (Thread 2) Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 17:49:00 Id:7d6d6a No. 126449 [Reply] [Last]
Yo! I’m creating another thread for this community, hopefully this one can be updated every single day, and I will share some vids from Sadie that I have so far. Heres the link: https://gofile.io/d/7gpDHW
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>>146646 Well Lexxxie Luxe did one VR video but other than that I think Sadi is the only other model that's dipped her toes in it
>>146650 What happened to the sadie reddit?!?!
>>147326 There was a subreddit for Sadie??
>>147348 Yea, but it got cleared out a while ago since it was like 90% just leaked Bigcuties content lol. Not shocked if it is gone.
>>147326 >>147348 >>147358 Everything keyed in Reddit ends up getting deleted sooner or later

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Squishygoblin on Tumblr / OF Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 15:02:04 Id:78d119 No. 146999 [Reply]
Heres some of her stuff, shes great! Even if its all a little short. https://gofile.io/d/iZ9QvN
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Good job everyone
Why are the people who come to this website now complaining about its very purpose?
>>147268 https://gofile.io/d/DiAMvE
>>147307 >https://gofile.io/d/DiAMvE it doesn't exist!

Marzipan Anonymous 02/02/2025 (Sun) 03:15:01 Id:621c0e No. 145974 [Reply]
One of my all time favorites, haven't had a thread about her in a while. Looking for some content I don't have on her, here is a drop of all the stuff I have on her. Should include some ripped content off her coomer as well as some rarer videos. https://gofile.io/d/2K7mwb
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Someone said she joined the circus but it was probably some kind of figure of speech.
>>146183 I would take anything said on this board with a grain of salt unless proven beyond doubt.
>>146183 >>146273 Yeah I think that is something they said sarcastically.
>>146183 loooool can't believe you took that even a little bit serious
Didn't see this here yet https://gofile.io/d/6iWGvH

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Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 00:43:55 Id:417926 No. 146277 [Reply]
Dankii thread
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>>147194 yes i heard that too now you mention it. a lot of fat women seemed were hating tess with some good reason but that was some years ago. i think it freaked tess out and now she behaves better.
Other Asian ssbbw?
>>147245 Mestiza
>>146668 Youre a fucking retard bruh
>>147245 She is not asian she mexican to say the least in her bio

Ssbbw Carlys Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 17:46:39 Id:2a3700 No. 144293 [Reply]
She doesn't seem to have her own thread and that's a damn shame. This stuffing is incredibly hot. https://gofile.io/d/msOHH8
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>>144343 So much belly lard ... love it. Thanks so much. Btw: what happened to her left lower leg?
>>144563 Looks like a burn/chemical burn but a really old one. Also could be a result of total skin loss in that area.
https://gofile.io/d/PkhrHF Newest video. 20,000 calories of ice cream
>>146522 thank ye broski
Anybody have this one? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/39159-i-help-my-petite-friend-to-gain-weight-with-donuts-weigh-in-measures/

kniveschow/flutteringfanny/butterball_b0ki thread Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 16:42:10 Id:efe168 No. 147004 [Reply]
I think she's extremely underrated
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She is and will forever be underrated, this girl is pure scam, dont even bother yourself, there are a lot of models much more nicer than her, she scammed me for 15 dollar claiming her "sister" claimed the money from her paypal...and even tho telling me this she had the balls to block me, twice...shes not good bro
>>147050 >>147056 >>147058 Damn. Is that why she has a fuckton of names too?
She’s from Sioux Falls…she told me once that the reason she got so fat is that there’s really nothing to do there but eat …which is fair enough. She used to be nicer but my guess is that she realized that she didn’t have to be to get money.
she probably made this thread herself. she scammed me out of $100 a couple years back, sent a couple 3-4 second long videos despite an arrangement. currently 'bby' on feabie so am guessing she's scammed someone else recently. face pic is morphed. can confirm she's a total headcase, has been the same weight for ages too. low effort saddo. she should get a real job instead grifting people over
Idk why this thread was allowed. No content shared. It should be deleted for begging, or maybe even advertising

Honeybiscuit Anonymous 01/02/2023 (Mon) 08:53:39 Id:52f397 No. 66893 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have anything about this stunning beauty? I discovered her on TikTok a while ago and honestly she's the hottest ssbbw around to me Here's the only vid I found of her : https://we.tl/t-WbMGIDdYvo Any content would be much appreciated
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>>145604 Morphed. IRL attached
>>146312 still huge as fuck hehehe
does anyone have anything new? from me you have https://gofile.io/d/zK2gYu

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Pame Pear Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 04:28:34 Id:71e72f No. 140434 [Reply]
There hasn't been a thread about her in a while. Does anyone have something to share please :) thanks in advance
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>>146811 there are people actually paying for content this short...this woman is fucking delusional oh my god
She continues to get hotter and bigger. Her booty is first place in the world.
>>146901 Her ass is nice but thats it. For whatever reason, she sticks telegram. You would think she would post herself more with something that massive.
Looks like she's just into other women. Too bad...she would look awesome doing cowgirl...riding that pony!

SunShine Traysa she’s back!!! Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 22:41:11 Id:7a297d No. 136707 [Reply]
OMG, Traysa is getting back in plus size model! It been sooo fucking years she didn’t give no more content, but now she created a new one, and she’s incredibly beautiful as always! I couldn’t believe in my eyes it’s really her when I my Instagram account just popped up on notification, she started to follow me and I followed her back (I was wondering if it’s fake or not) but that’s her real account and she now has (OnlyFans) which is good start (I guess lol). I can show her content here: https://www.instagram.com/sunshinetraysa?igsh=MWZocG00a285b29ldA== https://onlyfans.com/sunshinetraysa Soon… I will share some of her oldest vids I have in my file
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>>146972 Now she looks familiar. The hotel chair photo Is legendary. Where did her ass go though?! Hope she gets back to this size but from what I'm seeing she isn't committed to doing any content or growing.
Is there a Coomer page of her?
>>147018 Actually, she’s still quite activate in this year, but I remember she started to make her own OnlyFans page now, but idk if it’s worth it to see her content. Also, I know she did change a little bit from her Instagram page (unfortunately she’s not much activated there).
>>147020 Nope!
