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Annaoli - empressanna Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:43:32 Id:45349d No. 112070
How come she has no thread here? To start, some mix of videos https://we.tl/t-ivvnd16jQ3
news flash, people put on and lose weight. What a group of utter lonely, mentally unstable, psychotic fking weirdos there is on here. U act like ur her fking keeper. jesus fk if u dont like it dont buy her videos
>>143845 You don't drop 50 pounds without actively trying to lose weight, especially when your telling your fans your actively trying to gain weight. The problem is Anna is lieing to us, that's why we're upset.
>>143845 The weight isent the problem, it isent sustainable and any body worth listening to will recognise that. The problem is the lies and the fact she's leading us on.
Anna oli is a liar and is losing weight. Supposably she's on a weight loss journey according to her instagram story but is lying on everything else about it. SHES A LIAR!
>>143856 What? No she's not lol.
>>143846 why are you impersonating me? My theory about her losing weight was proved wrong by myself a few messages ago ( >>140741,138008, 132352 it was me) and now you seem to have taken that stupid idea i've had about her getting slimmer and you are trying to force the idea that she has lost weight, when in fact she is the same. she just didn't gain weight but she didn't lose weight either. what is the purpose of this?
>>143884 Well this could all be solved if she posted a weight in couldent it.
>>143884 Also I'm not impersonating anybody, and like the other guy said you can clearly see she's gotten smaller, it's the exact same car but in one picture she's exploding out of the seat while in the second she fits in relatively fine. I don't know her weight and she hasent done a weight in for about a year so I'm going to speculate.
>>143980 This is beyond retarded
Pathetic shit you clowns talk about on here. If you think she's lying just get a life. The models are so much better than your whining.
What the fuck happened here lmao?
She's getting bigger again! New weigh in available, and another video with 2025 goals...
>>144670 It was posted but mod deleted it
>>144674 I posted it on Dumplin's thread already https://we.tl/t-rqkD50kaVp
Enjoy https://gofile.io/d/UGVHBv If she actually took this recently then it’s very good news. Is a bit weird how much smaller she looks on insta but that could just be her editing and purposely using angles to do it. Who knows lol
She looks a lot bigger here, but the number isn't much higher. What was her previous highest weight? And sure anybody have her 2025 goals video? Thanks!!!
>>144690 She's gained a little under 10 lbs in over a year which is disappointing but it looks like she's maintaining the weight. Atleast she hasent lost anything.
This chicks a fraud imo
>>144730 lol everyones a fraud or fake or scammer on here. a life is needed
>>144730 I agree cause her instagram recently she looks a lot smaller
>>144686 Thanks for sharing! Honestly the video was a bit depressing because it just felt like she was bullied into making this video. There wasent really anything sexy and it dident look like she was having much fun, I think we should start being more appreciative of Anna because we have proof now that she hasent lost anything, and now that she isent on vacation and is likely loafing around at home she will probably be eating alot so we should expect more gains this year.
>>144761 Can't you fucking read what i've said a few time already? >>140741 she is using photo editing skills and an iphone camera filter to remove the double chin and change the shape of the body, most of girls do this nowdowns. even weight gain models doo this. being a woman is beeing completely unhappy with your body no mather how much you change. All of girls i've met have body image issues. from 100 lbs ones to fatters, all of then hate thenselfs all the time. clearly she is having some image issues due to the weight and as she uses her instagram as a personal instagram too, i dont think she wants to show everyone how much fatter she is compared to 7 months ago. you can cleary see filtering by ai in most of her recent stories and pics. her weight might be only 205 kg for months, but her body is clearly losing muscle and converting every single cell to pure fat. the changes can be seen especially with the cellulite over the arms and the fat gained to her back and calves.
>>145041 Why are you speaking for her. Also relax the weight in has told us that she's the same weight, there isent a issue anymore and the people who are still going on about it are schizo's or trying to bait a response and shit stir.
>>143845 >dont buy her videos I never do and it stays shit nonetheless
>>145301 She's looking good!
>>147674 Really hoping this is recent. If so she is looking huge again!
Any nudes or it's just that vanilla bullshit?
>>147678 It's a public image that's up on her curvage. Here's a link to her coomer. https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/empressanna And while we're on this topic could anybody update it? I'd really appreciate it!
Trying to keep this thread alive, if you follow her properly you’ll see she tries to play down the weight gain on her insta cos it’s not a festish insta. You can tell she’s gained and still gaining from her recent posts. https://gofile.io/d/Judqd9
>>147863 It'll get more active once a new video comes out, it's just been a bit quiet on her curvage atleast. Hopefully she's using this time to get fatter haha.
>>147863 Also thank you for sharing!
>>147919 I know the drought is killing me. Shes one of my favs in terms of fat distribution. She’s gains everywhere lol even like her for arms it’s so hot. Need more comparisons of her
Yeah, she's really great, and it's nicer to see she hasn't lost. Has she been updating her of? No curvage posts in a while...
>>147863 thank you so much, hero.
No updates to Tumblr or curvage for a month. On Tumblr in. early Jan she says she was newly single. Any updates happening on of?
>>148365 i doubt very much she is single. she just want attention from men. who do you think records her videos? a friend? i mean, here in brazil this fetish is considered "harmful and self destrctive more than on others countries, not a lot a people outside the fetish would be positive about recording a super fat chick getting fatter. i think her BF is her pimp, but its clear that she works also. Her bf or something similar cleary facilitates her acess to indulging fat attitudes.. in a lot a pics from her instagram she is wearing a compromise ring. on her curvage videos she removes it,
i might be coping hard. but she does look bigger in the new weigh in
>>148376 Go back to the boberry thread you schizo.
>>148431 i dont even post there. You don't need to be schizophrenic, you just need to know how to look and pay attention to small details. These photos were posted on the same day. One on Instagram, the other on Curvage
1- Actually, both were posted on Instagram—one at night and the other in the morning before I left for work. 2- This is my 15th birthday ring, I wear it sometimes 3- It had been a long time since I came here, and I’m shocked by what I read. Luckily, I’m extremely confident and go to therapy. You guys should too—go find a therapist, you need it. Some of you urgently need professional help.
>>148475 is this the real Anna? Can you show us your belly as proof please
>>148475 Hey Anna, just fyi fat girls with small tits are disgusting.
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>>148475 Well thats a fast way to lose a erection.
>>148512 Facts
>>148475 True >>148512 False
>>148512 top 10 most incel-minded reactions
>>148512 >>148475 Fat girls with smaller boobs are the pinnacle of human evolution. Ones who can't see the marvel those are are just sorry aesthetically challenged clowns.
>>148549 Yeah like what even is that opinion? Aside from absolute genetic freaks of nature like Lexxxi/Anorei and Norma, girls generally don't even reach SSBBW status until their bellies go far past their tits. People who think that's "gross" are retards for even being on /ssbbw/, go to /bbw/ or /tits/ lmao
>>148475 of course we need therapy. this board is full of autistic guys who likes fat woman and likes do get woman fatter. what do you expect raging about some of those guys saying some bullshit if you are so confident? focus on the other guys that really likes you job, your art and your gain and just ignore the rest ffs
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