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Annaoli - empressanna Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:43:32 Id:45349d No. 112070
How come she has no thread here? To start, some mix of videos https://we.tl/t-ivvnd16jQ3
well where has she gone?
almost 500 lbs and posting her gain on annaoli curvage.
if she keep like this, immobility will come sooner than after
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God shes huge
https://we.tl/t-f7TIDRdkiy Her revolt series of videos
>Almost 500 lbs Bruh. Naw. Don't be that guy
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here are some old and new ones mixed together. I will reupload the last post them later too. https://gofile.io/d/ycMsOK https://gofile.io/d/93fL07 https://gofile.io/d/wPZnT0
>>112389 reup. be quick. https://gofile.io/d/iTcxMF
more 10gb of her first years on onlyfans https://gofile.io/d/KjjVny
>>114041 >https://gofile.io/d/KjjVny >>114043 >https://gofile.io/d/KjjVny >>114044 >https://gofile.io/d/KjjVny >>114054 >https://gofile.io/d/KjjVny Holy shit. you are the MVP my guy. the giver in real life
>>112387 It's a humongous woman standing there smiling with a bag of gainer which confirms that these women really are bodybuilders.
>>116083 The only difference is a body builder ruins there health for muscle while a gainer ruins there health for fat
If the guy or girl who updated her coomer is here just know your a legend
>>117434 thanks mate. I would appreciate it if some of you guys can also get her newer content shared here.
>>117538 if the money comes in, will do boss man
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https://gofile.io/d/aBmC42 https://gofile.io/d/BQQ8Dk
Does anyone know if there is a Discord server for Brazilian FAs?
>>118118 whats the vid in the second link called? is that a newer weigh in?
>>118144 nah it's from 2022
>>118118 My guy
any heros out there? new stuff?
>>122770 We dont got the infamy of boberry or jackie
>>122791 Na this shit used to be active I remember most if not all her content at the time was uploaded here multiple times and frequent updates.
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fr we need more of her, shes too damn sexy and full of lard to not have stuff shared around. All her pics on curvage are instant turn ons
>122792 most of the content posted on go file, here, was posted by me. but I don't hot a credit card available at the moment and curvage don't accept any payment method that is supported by my country, so this is why content stoped to being uploaded by me. 11 bucks for each of her videos is actually a pretty nice price range, considering that she completely destroyed her body with fat and got completely deformed compared to her 2019 body. Fucking hot in a level that a can't explain in words. For me she is the best in the scene right now. Anyway, if more of you gentleman's are able to buy and post, I would be thankful. As soon as my cards are fine again, I"ll by some more but for now i can't.
>>122814 I am OP of the first anna board. as an OG. your contributions are respected. and as such. your request shall be fulfilled
>>122943 Forgot to put the link. my b
https://gofile.io/d/ugah3K god damn it, did it again
>>122979 Your the goat (along with the other guy)
>>122943 amazing drop. thank you so much. >>122986 thanks. made my day happier, bro.
i'm back but aint got anything much newer yet. https://gofile.io/d/GUF4RH https://gofile.io/d/Sv1vZ6 https://gofile.io/d/3bVZfM
>>123278 I'm sorry. The third one is a misupload i've done. She is @amandamarchiori on instagram. not a model. just a incredibly short and sexy chick from brazil.
>>123278 Video or pics A drop is s drop. Thank you bro. Dearly
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I cant get enough of models who used to be thin
Well, not a single post from her since June on curvage and I think that in only fans too.At least there is some Shein bullshit on her Instagram so we can see how much fatter she is now. It seems that she is very likely to gain until she can't take it anymore. There is no coming back from being so fucking huge like this and I don't think that she plains to stop right now. She is too much involved on this to the point of being part of her personality and big part of her sexual arousement. I believe she is going to get to 500 ou 550 eventually if her health doesn't give up https://gofile.io/d/21O8VL
I wonder what she’s weighing these days. Would kill for another weigh in, clearly she’s packing it on. iirc she was over 420 last time, she’s probably pushing 440 now. Wouldn’t it be nice to see her 450+ by the end of the year
Here's "Anna's Too Fat For Her Car" aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUZhODhOVWF2Y3c=
>>126006 Bbw wiki lists her as 436 lbs. I hope she's at least 450 by now
>>126017 Thank you hero
>>126017 Thank you hero God bless you Herron
>>126004 The only Brazilian model over 500 lbs I know is pandinhassbbw.
>>126017 Thank you bro
impressive to see that all my gofile links shared here from april are still working lol here a few reups in desperate need of this new video. by the comments on curvage, she is close to 460, but not there yet. seems like a plateou https://gofile.io/d/L4r0Pj
moar https://gofile.io/d/DEviVc
>>127602 Thanks for the upload!
I've never noticed this before but she has some really nice face fat.
Does anybody have her latest weigh in?
some hero pls post video
>>130150 Thx g
Could anybody share any recent videos please?
>>130150 God bless, bro. She's really starting to look and act over 400 pounds
This? https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/5077-enter-anna-a-chocolate-cake-introduction-and-weight-in/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/5479-annas-appetite-enhancer-the-burger-queen-binge/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/5524-annas-brazilian-hot-dog-dinner-time/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/5599-annas-winner-winner-chicken-dinner-challenge/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/50719-annas-youve-never-seen-this-piggy-so-big/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/47130-enormous-annas-in-first-mac-ncheese/ PLEASE
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/5599-desafio-do-jantar-de-galinha-vencedora-de-anna-/ https://www.tnaflix.com/bbw-porn/Whole-chicken/video4200980
>>130150 bro came from nothing and became the hero of the day. *generic superhero introduction music begins to play* Thank you
>>130337 Dident even say thank you fucking leach.
Fucking shit. I'm so pissed right now. The same route as all the fat girls. Its so over now guys.
>>130727 Don't overreact.
>>130727 I love how you guys are so dramatic HAHAHAHA I just need to strengthen my muscles because of the back pain, I don't plan on stopping gaining weight baby! ❤️🤣
>>130731 thank god
>>130731 oooff, thank god, really. the spergs can sleep now quiet.
>>130731 Strengthening your muscles while running? Yeah right we ain’t falling for that shit we are a legendary community.
>>130731 She’s been claiming to be 409 pounds while looking 335 max. She’s obviously gotten as fat as she ever plans to and is milking it for money.
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>>130761 Ding Ding Ding
>>130761 Wow I'm really surprised, this is the first time I've met toxic people like you in this community hahaha, I've always been encouraged to gain weight and embrace my lifestyle, in fact, I continue to make content precisely because of this, but nowadays I produce very few videos per month, because I don't have time, think what you want baby! It's okay! ❤️
>>130770 Shrinking. Selling what she can online. Hopefully she doesn’t cut weight in the laziest ways and continues to loss her ass, which was really only just starting to get fat.
thats hot anna fuck
>>130761 Yeah I saw a gym photo and went wait wtf?! I guess she is secretly losing
>>130731 I hope you can run something similer to another model named boberry. Took a couple years off gaining but exploded once she got back into the scene. But for now. Definitely a low blow
>>130817 These women didn’t get massive because of their great habits and phenomenal discipline. It’s basically impossible for them to sustain losing weight.
>>130760 Are you retarded? Look at how fat she is! Carrying 300+lbs on a run then eating a fuck load will strengthen muscles how are you this stupid?? This site is terrible and you all need to read a fucking book for once in your life.
>>130891 Just like re-burying Gobeklibtepe for 150 years is good for archeology. Ya sure
why are we even discussing women who are barely bbw here?
how the fuck every thread becomes derailed like this? Just share porn, occasionally some thoughts and move on.
>>130917 agreed. thanks for the porn you just shared.
>>130891 I will not have you insult this legendary site and community.
>>130904 Hilarious comment, love the archaeology angle lol.
>>130891 >>130891 How the hell did this shithead hear about this legendary site and spread seeds of hate everywhere? Should ban this wretch immediately.
>>130960 when i say this I almost shed a tear ngl, i dont want to lose another sexy ass ssbbw to weight loss and ozempic it would break my heart >>130731 strengthen your muscles by lifting the spoon to your mouth to get more food
>>130986 >130986 I hope everything doesn't happen like this. I consider her the most complete and genuine weight gain model in Brazil. The content is always relevant without the absurd prices of other models. Her body being completely deformed from 2020 until now is one of the best gains i saw in my life. But let's be honest: all of us who have had some kind of relationship with fat women know that when this game of posting photos of themselves working out begins and the excessive justifications that they are only exercising for x or y reason begins, it is almost always an indication of an imminent loss of weight coming soon. theory - tinfoil hat warning: after months of not posting anything she posted 2 or 3 videos in the same month. Either she has already lost weight and is desperately playing content to make a profit, or she plans to lose a little weight for some health reasons. I hope I'm wrong. She certainly has the potential to reach 500.
>>131036 Yeah she does look a little smaller compared to her curvage videos in her instagram story. I just hope this is angles and positioning. I hope she at least gets to 500 lbs before going weight loss mode. It's a shame, she was one of the sexiest ssbbws
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Cute! You guys look like concerned boyfriends 🤣❤️ Considering that I'm single, I'm actually enjoying all this extra attention because of a photo after riding my bike haha
>>131036 Living with 500 pounds isn't as easy outside of Murica.
Or less hard
>>131054 Don't lose weight please Eat eat and keep on eating!!!! We want you fat!!!
>>131054 You do you. Fuck the haters.
Anna is a beautiful ssbbw, but also a beautiful woman. a great feeding model, but also a great model. sometimes (if not most of them) this community is a hell lot of mysogynistic. I love her as a ssbbw, and will still love her as a bbw. e como brasileiro, sou especialista em mulher gostosa
Anna is a beautiful ssbbw, but first of a beautiful woman. a great feendism model, but also a great model. sometimes (if not most of them) this community can be so gay (I mean come on you like women or not?). I love her as a ssbbw, and will still love her as a bbw. e como brasileiro, sou especialista em mulher gostosa
>>131054 Anna how much money would you ask to make boy/girl content.
>>131075 >>131073 >>131222 you know, you guys are most likely talking to a dude LARPing as anna. Dont trust strangers lol Also whenever a feedee loses her feeder the weight goes with him.
>>131053 Still would.
>>131210 The least simpy Brazilian
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She looks slot deflated. She is in a different car also. Before it was a Chevrolet agile, now it seems like a VW polo or some car that uses the same platform as the polo. Maybe some SUV. Don't know if this means a different feeder or the breakup never happened anyways Seems like the breakup made her lost a considerable amount of Weight. As i Said a few days Ago, either shes sick or aborted It all
>>131806 no way shes losing weigh
>>131806 It's always sad to see your favourite gainer lose weight.
Why is she losing weight????
>>132003 its only some local thinking so. That statement is as questionable as it gets and isn't worth attention.
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So is she losing weight and doing exercise? Is she no longer a feedee? What's going on here??? She looking smaller????
>>131054 Please gain the weight back
>>132100 This is definitely not "muscle tonnage" like she said. Proof is right here.
oh yeah, i was not wrong with this theory lol She followed the same path as everyone other model when they change theirs minds whatever the reason is.. We shouldn't find this strange. You need to have psychological problems to have a fetish like ours and the same psychological problems make these crazy woman quit their fetish overnight without any warning or mock the community saying that they are not losing weight when in fact it is clear that they are. If there's one thing that irritates me, it's being made a fool of. Do what has to be done for your good, your health, whatever it is. Fuck that. I put the person well being above it all; but don't underestimate people's intelligence. Thats a no way out choice and you break everyone's confidence on your job.
She thought we weren't going to notice. It's a sad day indeed ...
Honestly nothing wrong w her loosing weight it was bound to happen eventually it’s the fact that she’s trying to deny loosing it when it’s incredibly obvious that she is if she was just honest abt it I’m sure ppl wouldn’t b so pissed off
Why she lose weigh
>>132282 Ozempic, frens
>>132284 I wouldn't doubt it. The boyfriend/guy who spoils and supports her probably has a very good living condition. Good enough to pay the price of an ampoule of ozempic. In Brazil this costs practically a minimum wage. Ifs she still with him, he must earn at least 8 or 12 times a minimal wage to support her living stile and the moving they've done recently to a bigger flat. So, I could imagine that something happened that made her get scared and decide to stop out of nowhere and start with this tactic of posting old videos like other models have done before. Maybe she had a health problem, or they broke up, or whatever, she just saw that she was gigantic and decided to lose weight for her health. She monitors this thread. She just hasn't taken a position yet because she doesn't want to. I'm sure she's seen all the posts here, but at curvage everyone still thinks she's gaining weight. And I'll say more: part of the fame she gained was thanks to our community. I don't think it's fair to follow this path of lying that you're not losing weight. just be honest.
>>131054 >Considering that I'm single ah i see, so shes losing weight because shes single now. i always presumed the guys who filmed was her bf
Honestly if she reached 500 and then decided to lose the weight I'd get it, but really building up the fact you want to reach 500 and then quiting at 460 is lame. But we also have to keep in mind that something could have happened like a health issue or something more personal, so let's avoid schizo posting to hard.
Yep she lost weight guys https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/52215-annas-new-fattening-shake/
>>132333 thats a lot of sagging considering that she maybe be losing weight, for what? 1, 2 months? kinda exciting to realize that not even a surgery can fix her now. Its hot how much her belly button got destroyed and her belly its starting to hang worryingly lower. but definitely she was beautier fatter. specially the arms and the face. she looks like a fucking doll and acts so cute. maybe in a few years the metabolism will act and she will blow up again. but im not buying any of this shit again with this "i'm still fat, i' didint lose weight and i am on my way to 500" bullshit. i've been though that shit too many times to tolerate that. When there is finnally a superb brazilian model, we dont deserve to be foolished.
when do you guys think was her actual fattest?
>>132351 >https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/52215-annas-new-fattening-shake/ Anna's Nothing fits in this whale! Enormous Anna's in First Mac n'cheese! Anna's Weight in 11 On the way to 500 lb!!! Anna's You've never seen this piggy so big! over those ones. probably were shot 2 months ago or more. you can notice the black hair. on instagram stories, she is not using this hair color from theses videos for more than 2 months.
>>132320 because most people noticed she was below 130Kg Always...
Honestly, she doesn't look smaller to me in the new vid. Hopefully if she's lost some, it's minor and she'll still get up to 500!!!
i guess the weigh loss was really because of her break up. she's been pretty low vibes recently on instagram. Fuck, she's so cute that i feel sad for her.
She's looking pretty huge here so it's good to know the weight scare was unwarranted, I'm excited for her latest weigh in! Would anybody be willing to post her new video or update her coomer?
>>137954 yeah, looks like they engaged firmly now (her new ring) and that her feeder got back even more intense about her gain. she barely posts anything now but in some stories she looks a bit bigger. i love how her legs are starting to look destroyed. so fucking hot. I don't think she will stop now. Seems like all she does is eating. dont doubt that she can get to 500 and then 550, maybe. i didnt bought the last videos because they seen so uninspired. i love her content but all models seemed to get that 14 bucks is the new normal price for a video. thats fucking to much. thats why people pirate it. put a normal price so everyone can buy it. i think that 7, 8 bucks is a reasonable value.
>>138008 500 is kinda unlikely. The only Brazilian model that heavy I know is pandinhassbbw.
>>137954 woah she looks big asf in these new pics! looks like she did a total regain. I was scared in her nurse video she looked a bit smaller. Lets see if she does one last weigh in before the end of the year
>not even a single nip out Into the trash it goes!
What is this? Doesn't work
https://gofile.io/d/QmOJcg In this week's Instagram reels she bought some clothes, including stretchy pants for pregnant women. You can also clearly see that she used the iPhone's AI filter to slim her waist, arms and face, but the filter can't handle the rapid movements of her face, in some moments her face becomes disproportionate and too artificially slim but with flab huge double neck, but in other times the filter comes off completely and it is possible to see for a few seconds how immense it is. practically neckless. It happens a lot of times during this video length. She seems to have gained a lot of weight since I panicked thinking she had lost weight.(lol, im sorry about that but at the time i was pretty much conviced) Too bad I couldn't buy the latest videos. It looks like she's tracking users who shared her videos here on Chan. Is there any way to bypass this? I don't think it's worth fighting piracy since bbwchan certainly brings a lot of new people to her curvage page. thats exactly how i met her profile online in 2020.
BBW Wiki says she's apple-shaped. I think it's wrong.
>>140741 Wow i was wrong too, she did a complete 180 and looks to have gained everything back. Shes also been silent on posting gym pics so its looking like shes back to her fatty ways. I dont understand why shes using that filter it just makes her face look weirder, we all know shes huge and has a beautiful double chin so it just so distracting.
There’s no way she’s really 445 she’s small for some one so big
>>140751 A few years ago I would have called her a ass model but her figure is pretty balanced as of late so don't think you can really categorise her.
>>140741 I dont really know what method she uses for tracking the videos. Perhaps you could either screen recording the videos or just buying them on a alt could work. I'm not sure though
She posted on Tumblr that she will start streaming on Twitch, does anyone know when it will start?
The first picture was her a year ago.
More than of any of these girls, I've been following Anna the closest, more than any other model, and to see her start dropping the weight is beyond upsetting. In the first picture she can hardly even fit in the seat but in the second that's clearly not the case. Even if this is porn it is engaging and fun to watch your favourite model grow and change as a person and seeing her saying she enjoys the weight gain while slimming herself down with filters, and also losing the weight while lieing to our faces on this very thread is so draining. Believe it or not we are fans of her and at this point I'd prefer it if she just went radio silent and lost the weight in private instead of lieing to us and treating her fans like pay pigs. I understand wanting to lose the weight but at the same time we as her fans and followers deserve to atleast not be lied to and lead on.
Do you have any recent vids that she the difference? The preview for her latest curvage vid made her look pretty big, and it's been a long time since her coomer was updated, so I can't really tell what changed. I thought she had generally regained what she lost during the summer...
No end of the year weigh in is so suspicious making it look like she's not gaining anymore. Sad to see her lose weigh and lie
I suspicious there are many morons here
news flash, people put on and lose weight. What a group of utter lonely, mentally unstable, psychotic fking weirdos there is on here. U act like ur her fking keeper. jesus fk if u dont like it dont buy her videos
>>143845 You don't drop 50 pounds without actively trying to lose weight, especially when your telling your fans your actively trying to gain weight. The problem is Anna is lieing to us, that's why we're upset.
>>143845 The weight isent the problem, it isent sustainable and any body worth listening to will recognise that. The problem is the lies and the fact she's leading us on.
Anna oli is a liar and is losing weight. Supposably she's on a weight loss journey according to her instagram story but is lying on everything else about it. SHES A LIAR!
>>143856 What? No she's not lol.
>>143846 why are you impersonating me? My theory about her losing weight was proved wrong by myself a few messages ago ( >>140741,138008, 132352 it was me) and now you seem to have taken that stupid idea i've had about her getting slimmer and you are trying to force the idea that she has lost weight, when in fact she is the same. she just didn't gain weight but she didn't lose weight either. what is the purpose of this?
>>143884 Well this could all be solved if she posted a weight in couldent it.
>>143884 Also I'm not impersonating anybody, and like the other guy said you can clearly see she's gotten smaller, it's the exact same car but in one picture she's exploding out of the seat while in the second she fits in relatively fine. I don't know her weight and she hasent done a weight in for about a year so I'm going to speculate.
>>143980 This is beyond retarded
Pathetic shit you clowns talk about on here. If you think she's lying just get a life. The models are so much better than your whining.
What the fuck happened here lmao?
She's getting bigger again! New weigh in available, and another video with 2025 goals...
>>144670 It was posted but mod deleted it
>>144674 I posted it on Dumplin's thread already https://we.tl/t-rqkD50kaVp
Enjoy https://gofile.io/d/UGVHBv If she actually took this recently then it’s very good news. Is a bit weird how much smaller she looks on insta but that could just be her editing and purposely using angles to do it. Who knows lol
She looks a lot bigger here, but the number isn't much higher. What was her previous highest weight? And sure anybody have her 2025 goals video? Thanks!!!
>>144690 She's gained a little under 10 lbs in over a year which is disappointing but it looks like she's maintaining the weight. Atleast she hasent lost anything.
This chicks a fraud imo
>>144730 lol everyones a fraud or fake or scammer on here. a life is needed
>>144730 I agree cause her instagram recently she looks a lot smaller
>>144686 Thanks for sharing! Honestly the video was a bit depressing because it just felt like she was bullied into making this video. There wasent really anything sexy and it dident look like she was having much fun, I think we should start being more appreciative of Anna because we have proof now that she hasent lost anything, and now that she isent on vacation and is likely loafing around at home she will probably be eating alot so we should expect more gains this year.
>>144761 Can't you fucking read what i've said a few time already? >>140741 she is using photo editing skills and an iphone camera filter to remove the double chin and change the shape of the body, most of girls do this nowdowns. even weight gain models doo this. being a woman is beeing completely unhappy with your body no mather how much you change. All of girls i've met have body image issues. from 100 lbs ones to fatters, all of then hate thenselfs all the time. clearly she is having some image issues due to the weight and as she uses her instagram as a personal instagram too, i dont think she wants to show everyone how much fatter she is compared to 7 months ago. you can cleary see filtering by ai in most of her recent stories and pics. her weight might be only 205 kg for months, but her body is clearly losing muscle and converting every single cell to pure fat. the changes can be seen especially with the cellulite over the arms and the fat gained to her back and calves.
>>145041 Why are you speaking for her. Also relax the weight in has told us that she's the same weight, there isent a issue anymore and the people who are still going on about it are schizo's or trying to bait a response and shit stir.
>>143845 >dont buy her videos I never do and it stays shit nonetheless
>>145301 She's looking good!
>>147674 Really hoping this is recent. If so she is looking huge again!
Any nudes or it's just that vanilla bullshit?
>>147678 It's a public image that's up on her curvage. Here's a link to her coomer. https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/empressanna And while we're on this topic could anybody update it? I'd really appreciate it!
Trying to keep this thread alive, if you follow her properly you’ll see she tries to play down the weight gain on her insta cos it’s not a festish insta. You can tell she’s gained and still gaining from her recent posts. https://gofile.io/d/Judqd9
>>147863 It'll get more active once a new video comes out, it's just been a bit quiet on her curvage atleast. Hopefully she's using this time to get fatter haha.
>>147863 Also thank you for sharing!
>>147919 I know the drought is killing me. Shes one of my favs in terms of fat distribution. She’s gains everywhere lol even like her for arms it’s so hot. Need more comparisons of her
Yeah, she's really great, and it's nicer to see she hasn't lost. Has she been updating her of? No curvage posts in a while...
>>147863 thank you so much, hero.
No updates to Tumblr or curvage for a month. On Tumblr in. early Jan she says she was newly single. Any updates happening on of?
>>148365 i doubt very much she is single. she just want attention from men. who do you think records her videos? a friend? i mean, here in brazil this fetish is considered "harmful and self destrctive more than on others countries, not a lot a people outside the fetish would be positive about recording a super fat chick getting fatter. i think her BF is her pimp, but its clear that she works also. Her bf or something similar cleary facilitates her acess to indulging fat attitudes.. in a lot a pics from her instagram she is wearing a compromise ring. on her curvage videos she removes it,
i might be coping hard. but she does look bigger in the new weigh in
>>148376 Go back to the boberry thread you schizo.
>>148431 i dont even post there. You don't need to be schizophrenic, you just need to know how to look and pay attention to small details. These photos were posted on the same day. One on Instagram, the other on Curvage
1- Actually, both were posted on Instagram—one at night and the other in the morning before I left for work. 2- This is my 15th birthday ring, I wear it sometimes 3- It had been a long time since I came here, and I’m shocked by what I read. Luckily, I’m extremely confident and go to therapy. You guys should too—go find a therapist, you need it. Some of you urgently need professional help.
>>148475 is this the real Anna? Can you show us your belly as proof please
>>148475 Hey Anna, just fyi fat girls with small tits are disgusting.
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>>148475 Well thats a fast way to lose a erection.
>>148512 Facts
>>148475 True >>148512 False
>>148512 top 10 most incel-minded reactions
>>148512 >>148475 Fat girls with smaller boobs are the pinnacle of human evolution. Ones who can't see the marvel those are are just sorry aesthetically challenged clowns.
>>148549 Yeah like what even is that opinion? Aside from absolute genetic freaks of nature like Lexxxi/Anorei and Norma, girls generally don't even reach SSBBW status until their bellies go far past their tits. People who think that's "gross" are retards for even being on /ssbbw/, go to /bbw/ or /tits/ lmao
>>148475 of course we need therapy. this board is full of autistic guys who likes fat woman and likes do get woman fatter. what do you expect raging about some of those guys saying some bullshit if you are so confident? focus on the other guys that really likes you job, your art and your gain and just ignore the rest ffs
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