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Caitidee Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:02:09 Id:388ebc No. 105188
The lack of Caitidee content posted on this site should be criminal, time to change that. https://mab.to/t/u0FDOmrDGJN/us2 Post stuffing vids from c4s and bc, her of is mid and all on coomer anyways.
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This bitch fell off so hard w/ the botched lip job, short hair, and SJW shit instead of making content. Still, used to be pretty hot... https://gofile.io/d/DpYDvY https://gofile.io/d/X2mmeX https://gofile.io/d/Jbmjqm https://gofile.io/d/8Ii3r6
caitidee so fine yes
>>116944 good drop
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Does anyone have these ? https://mab.to/t/TywqSYnKTyI/us2
>>109032 I need closure on this topic. Any experts?
>>120547 FFS this is like 50% of white girls, not a "condition." They have really short asses and big hips/lovehandles above them. >>109032 lol
>>120454 Thanks for the photo king. She's beautiful!
>>120454 That third pic is fucking great
caitidee got da rump yes
>>120547 I know her personally, in the sense that I’ve been in her bed, and her ass crack is actually weird. She told me she had surgery on her ass crack and that she’s extremely self conscious about it. It’s short and if you look closely you can see a scar right above it.
Lot of very angry no-pussy-getting retards in this thread.
How much does she weigh these days?
She's a nice girl, can ya'll leave her asscrack alone?
When she was smaller she had kind of a bubble butt and her love handles grew into it because the fat starts just going all over the place. That's morbid obesity for ya.
>>120787 > Lot of very angry no-pussy-getting retards in this thread. You’re the one being uncivil. It’s reasonable to ask why her ass crack looks like it was made by GenAI art.
>>120959 If you get too fat the body needs to make a bigger anus. The old crack and hole start to dissolve to make way for the new one. She is in that transition.
Caitidee ass is fucking great. stop this nonsense.
>>120977 >If you get too fat the body needs to make a bigger anus. The old crack and hole start to dissolve to make way for the new one. She is in that transition. I used to be in Team Cloaca but this is now my leading pet theory. Do you have any sources? (I’ve seen this with numerous women in my predominantly white midwestern community.)
>>120997 >If you get too fat the body needs to make a bigger anus. The old crack and hole start to dissolve to make way for the new one. She is in that transition. I used to be in Team Cloaca but this is now my leading pet theory. Do you have any sources? (I’ve seen this with numerous women in my predominantly white midwestern community.) As far as it being with certain group the question should be what group doesn’t have it. "It is the cocooning of the anus, not well known, but it has been with us. Statues from ancient Egypt have no rectum and no crack. Although they are not depicted as obese, it is clearly a transition to a larger anus. I am a physician, but I have been met with ridicule and career sabotage because they are clearly afraid of new discoveries that contradict what they have learned.
>>121003 It makes sense give the lifestyle of luxurious foods rich in calories and low in fiber.
I came here for porn not an anatomy lesson. Can y’all shut the fuck up and move on this is all that’s been talked about here for months.
>>120949 100% accurate. The other notable change is she used to have a real cleft in her chin (super turn on for me), but the double chin spread out and now she has barely a dimple there. But DAMN does the extra weight look good on her!
Here's a weigh in from last year to refocus the thread... share your stuff boys https://gofile.io/d/7SLH7a
>>125842 Yumm! she went supreme!
>>125842 Holy shit she is OBESE
>>125842 Wow❤️❤️
>>125842 Do you have more récent photos
Always wondered just how fat she was willing to get. Looks like she’s trying to really gain again which would be great. She has always been a nice woman to talk to.
>>125879 https://gofile.io/d/i1eG6c Post any stuffing videos please
>>125887 348 downloads and not even a damn thank you 😢
>>125842 she's finally hogging out
>>125842 Fatter and fatter she so sexy fat fat fat pig omg fatass!!!
>>125887 Thanks, bro. Big ups.
thanks fam, still up sorry, it must have been too good people forgot to thank you haha
How much does she weigh?
>>127149 295 last weigh in. She’s really short tho.
>>127152 Are you dumb ? You could visibly tell just from looking at her that’s not true. Her wi from last july she was 526…
>>127154 would that be July 2024 or July 2023. also do you know any other of her weigh in's and what month and year those were
>>127174 It was 2023 and no I don’t sorry that’s the only recent vid of hers I have which was uploaded here not too long ago
>>127174 Seeing her most recent photo here>>125842 Makes me thinks she has got to be pushing or past 600 now from how she looked last year.
>>127182 I hope we get a weigh in soon then
>>127216 Since you think every model is lying about their weight, has a non-model huge woman ever told you how much she weighs? She'd have no spurious reason to lie.
>>127216 I mean in the sense of exaggerating her weight.
>>127216 Anyone with an eye and a brain can tell she’s not faking shit. Don’t start this bs here too idiot.
It seems about time we saw a 600lb Caitidee
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She is seriously massive and I sure hope she keeps getting bigger
