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SSBBW Jae Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 18:39:44 Id:160678 No. 140565
Last thread got locked. Restarting with her newest Livestream and the one before that! 2nd Livestream: https://gofile.io/d/IXM15d Sadly it's just a bunch of her rolling around in bed. But I guess that's what you should more or less expect going forward. At least I didn't have to tip her a second time, as she was ever so generous as to allow previous tippers who tipped over 1$ to request the 2nd Livestream recording free of charge ;) 1st Livestream: https://gofile.io/d/C6gJ50
Can you pls re-up to mab? Gofile doesn't work for me. Thanks
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>>140582 Op this is you from the future, whatever you do DO NOT UPLOAD THIS STUFF TO MAB!!!
>>140582 Feeling nice today: https://mab.to/t/jPBR9Yqx02Y/eu1
>>140583 Already to late didn't refresh the page in time...
She is hott as fuck in that first livestream damn
>>140661 Yeah until she takes her shirt off and looks like fuckin Immortan Joe.
>>140671 Mediocre
>>140565 Since it doesn't seem like anyone's talked about what she said in the livestreams, I'm partway through the first one, and she's pretty emphatic about not expecting more gaining. She said she was bedbound for a bit (presumably when she was around 700) and is working on getting her mobility back. So my guess is she's lost some and is down closer to 650 or so, and is trying not to blow back up to 700. Whether that happens or not, we'll see, but she's pretty clear about her intention.
>>140745 I didn't say anything about her age
>>140739 Definitely wish she'd blow back up to that near bed bound stage though or at least wish we would've gotten more content from that size than her one (hot as fuck) weigh in struggle
Jae 36y 1988
>>140739 I get that this is her intention, but she's done a tremendously bad job at keeping her weight in check. Sure being bedbound is a huge wakeup call, but this is JAE we're talking about.
>>140827 I hear you—she clearly piled on several hundred pounds despite never wanting to do that—but it also seems clear that she has lost some weight and regained some mobility. Whether that trend continues, who knows, but that at least seems to be the trend line she’s on right now.
>>140864 >>140749 >>140739 Lets be real, her peak was at 570, around that time with Biranna... That bedbound bullshit is just not worth to watch, as it says: "bedbound" miss the old Jae
>>140864 if it's a positive journey, let's positive with her we can get our rocks off while being happy somebody's fixing themself
Does anyone have her latest weigh in?
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>>140864 She tweeted this like a week ago. Can’t be sure what direction she’s trending
>>140916 ngl makes me hungry
Any guess about her weight now!?
>>140916 Hope she pulls it together but she needs wls or she's fucked.
>>140940 let's just hope she gathers video documentation speeding towards the unavoidable wonderfuk "fucked" goal
First time I actually went through a model's livestream. It was was interesting.
>>141150 maybe if theres a next time, you can join while its live
Here my collection of Jae videos (BIGCUTIES) https://gofile.io/d/HLQ8pH HAVE FUN :D
>>141150 Bruh tf she look like a crack rat in these shots?
>>141398 it's the knotty shitty hair. other than that she looks fairly put together in the plane pic
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>>140565 Hail to the Queen!
>>140565 A bunch of her best scenes https://bunkr.ph/a/uv74nf1n
>>141438 i love that some humans can eat for fun and getting fat for fun/fetish while at the beginning of 2025 there are still people who hunger day in day out...
>>141515 is different Situations they not steal the starving peoples food
>>141515 Love how in 2025 we have coon troons from gossip guru shitposting on /ssbbw/. At least it breaks up the deluge of ESL posts and brain addled coomer spam
>>141623 i can read the words you wrote, but i dont understand a fucking thing >>141515 i guess he means that there is 2 section of humans, the one who eat for fun (because they can) and get fatter by the day because of a fetish, AND then there are people who can only barely eat to survive till the next day and have no easy source of food...
I might be crazy but she asks for your CashApp and you dont answer
Why didn’t you give her your cashapp? Also why are you still on about $20?
>>142005 Gave her al my money then she divorced me
Yeah just like that other chick who did all the podcasts blaming the feeders and online people for being 500+ lbs. Nah bitch, you like to eat, you got connected with a bunch of dudes who cum to you eating and being a whale, and one day the money dried up.
>>142003 Dude you a fucking looser ..l.. Jae even tried to call you little bitch, shut yo mout h over 20 bucks
>>142003 Why didn't you give her your chashapp? How is she gonna give you the money? What a fucking idiot.
>>142036 just look at the screenshot instead of trashtalk, asshole she answered me at 20h51, she blocked me at 20h54, so I tried but she already blocked me
>>142005 as I said I answered (5 minutes after her last message) but she already blocked me
>>142003 This is likely a fake (scam), just someone stole her identity, maybe a Nigerian dude or little Phillipino
>>142053 >>142052 you fucking moon, YOU LEFT HER HANGING WITH A RUDE FUCKING DM you deserve DUST, buddy
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>>142126 No answer when I talked to her nicely about that so shut your fucking mouth when you don't know what you're talking about, buddy
>>142159 dont know why these models take so long to put out a weigh in? i mean thats a huge moneygrab for them, just to get on a scale, lol even at 700pounds its not that "hard"
>>142303 she doesn't want to
>>142313 Imagine the trauma of being a food addict whose seven times larger than some women and barely able to care for herself or kids and being asked to pretend to celebrate it online for sick perverts who want her to eat herself to death to satisfy our demented fantasies.
>>142313 lol you had to spell it out
>>142331 Imagine thinking food addiction is real. Just literally close your mouth fatso lol it actively takes effort and money to get food, cook it, eat etc
Alright fuck all that, are we thinking she gained weight?
Such a pity she stopped. Imagine the food it takes to keep a hog like this satisfied. A feeder's dream!
>>142343 she should do 1 last hurrah to 800 pounds and THEN lose the weight 😂 she'd make an absolute killing off weigh-ins and live chats alone...def enough for the WLS and prob live comfortably for a couple years until she could get a real job
>>142338 >Food adicción Lol I don't think it exists. It's just eating when you're hungry.
>>142406 They’re something pathological about these women that’s turned them into compulsive food inhalers. Chocoholism is real and destroys families idiot.
>>142338 Just stop looking at porn, no actual benefit and it takes up more time and effort than not looking at it, ez
>>142425 Dear, I've been feeling something strange on the couch all day. Could you please check? >It's My candy
>>142159 >>142338 >>142406 Jae's thread is extra mentally ill today I see
Anyone got any content from when she was around 550-600 or so?
>>142469 That's what you think, she's actually Pearl, from Blade.
>>142338 >Money is required for practically all addictions Are you retarded or just stupid?
>>142159 >i ran into ussbbw jae at a grocery store in Los Angeles today Based esl tard
>>142126 Found the guy that ruins the good things for us by being a white knight and telling on themselves to their beloved models.
>>142659 Pay attention to what actually happens. The white knights don't ruin shit, it's the usual chan type bullshit that annoy or scare models into vanishing. It is crazy how much more content there would be if fuckers would take their meds instead of having an episode and ruining things for all the sane enjoyers of content
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>>141438 Her weight gain over the years was something to behold.
>>142662 As someone who is friends with a coupe models, that have quit, that bbw Chan has, not even more than a week ago quite literally lamented their quitting and wish they would get back into the game ... This could not be more true. The pants on head retards of Bbw Chan have ended more gainer runs than health scares have
>>142662 THIS THOUGH. Between the misinformation, breaching people's privacy, and unrealistic feeder harassing it just fucks things up... Most models who are trying this out are already sketched and don't wanna wanna hear how they should become immobile and eat themselves to death. The chan-tards gotta learn to simply make them feel comfortable/confident and not repulsed.
>>142666 Have a few model friends and same - they monitor this place and a number of them feel compelled to respond. There's no making the entitled complainers of this site happy, so they either soldier on and become unhappy with their work or quit. There's no constructive criticism to be had here. It's all shit talking and begging.
>>142392 God dam what video is that screenshot from?
>>142665 I forgot how small she started out. She was always pretty but I didn't feel attraction until she grew more and I'm not even into feeding. >>142662 The fact that these people don't realise it tells you enough. They're a few bricks short of a house is all. They either get off on humiliation and/or their self-loathing infects everything they do.
>>142744 > Most models who are trying this out are already sketched and don't wanna wanna hear how they should become immobile and eat themselves to death And without their service we’d be getting scammed by fluffy ladies who want us to pay for their WLS while faking interest in our fetish.
>>142765 Yes, the noble chan fighters, keeping us all safe!
>>142665 Her dedication to high calorie intake was astounding for awhile there o7. IMO Jae was probably the most stunningly attractive ssbbw/ussbbw around when she’s active. You can argue boberry has a supernatural power to turn heads and have guys who normally wouldn’t spontaneously turn into blue collar construction workers as she passes, but I think Jae has a universally awe inspiring practically verging on mesmerizing aura and physique irl. Like if you turn to look at her, your mind and attention gets sucked in and absorbed trying to take her all in at once. She made an unironic “and then everyone clapped” post awhile back about getting weighed publicly in Vegas and if any model could elicit that response unironically, she fits the bill. tldr Jae is a special kind of archetypical beauty, generational level stuff, and honestly probably a pillar of the entire scene on top of being an avatar like figure of said particularly definitively demonstrative expression of the idea, platonic ideal and a qualitative existence all of said figment of divinely inspired feminine beauty in the collective conscious and subconscious of humanity (which is kind of tragicly hilarious because didn’t she recently try and troon out recently lololololololol)
>>142778 This. Jae is a goddess in her own right and just a walkaway would have people admire that fat is beautiful. Jae has it all. Glad she is making progress in her healing.
>>142778 When she was in that 550-600 or so range she was stunning. Anyone got any content from then?
>>142779 > just a walkaway would have people admire that fat is beautiful This is the real problem here. 1% of porn consumers are simps who look at these women like models/pinups, it sets an expectation of that these women aren’t some weird slob/humiliation fetish for freakshow.
>>142750 Her 680+ weigh in. Legendary. >>142789 Kys
>>142789 Broken clown.
https://gofile.io/d/15UbiN Here most of her squashing content from Jae I managed to collect over time.
Shut the fuck up and share some content
Anyone remember what video it is where she talks about having broken a dates bed twice?
>>142789 Ha! If you think that, says a lot about you doesn’t it lol You're too weak to control yourself around hot fat chicks. It’s ok your about half a fag anyway
Did she come back or... just 2 live streams and thats it?
>>144729 She retired
>>144763 How do you know ?
She publicly said she was retiring. It's not that hard to find out.
>>144763 she might not have been all together there mentally but not sure if you're allowed to say that
>>144729 So it looks like her twitter is gone. Her tiktok is for tarot readings only now. Her onlyfans is still up. Not sure if those two recent livestreams will be it, but I'm not holding my breath given her history.
>>144808 I'm not the biggest Jae fan but it's probably because she promised a comeback of sorts and didn't really do much, and now she's gone again. Which, I don't really know why you'd hitch your wagon to someone as unstable as her. Anyone with a clear head would have seen she wasn't going to be coming back in any real capacity - maybe a clip or two to cash in and then be done. Anything more is a bonus.
>>142665 I feel like this is the prime example of someone who was built for hundreds of pounds, when she first started that physique looked weirds as hell
There was a video of Jae that I found on SpankBang about 2 years ago, had it downloaded then deleted it. It was a sex vid where it was a dark room with only purple mood lighting. She started on all 4s then rode the guy. Iirc it was titled something along the lines of "thanks be to our leaker" or similar. I checked all of her clips stores and OF and couldn't even find a reference to it. Does anyone happen to still have it? I also posted in the lost media thread but I want to cover all my bases.
I think she's still is gaining. I wonder why. Just look at how beautifull fatter she has gotten. How big her cheeks has gotten. Her schouders are now so big, it almost touches her ears. And look at her chin. Damn this woman is beautifull...
Just pure love for this woman... <3
I hope she's doing well these days, but it wouldn't surprise me if she's half if not completely immobile nowadays
>>146677 I know exactly the video you’re talking about. I thought I had it but sadly do not…and even more sad it appears to have been scrubbed from Spankbang and other places. The way the bed sounded like she was grinding it to sawdust, the lighting and ambiance just seemed real and not acting or fake. When she climbs on top is just about when I explode every time.
>>146921 >>146677 I have it. https://mab.to/t/K4eritcBHrb/us2
She's such an prized obese fat pig. Hope she eventually reaches 500 lbs. She's a hog!
>>146940 Bruh, she's pushing 700.
>>146940 People under a rock got access to internet these days?
>>146937 Thank you sir!
>>146937 Thank you! Amazing video, though a bit creepy how she kept looking at the camera.
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>>144846 She just matured and got hotter Her ass and thighs grew so well, and her face got prettier. Some people suit being fatter, lookswise I hope she's doing well too. Fuck all the trolls and morbid fetishists. (I still wanna hit though)
>>147402 Where’s this picture from ?
>>147432 Her comeback livestream. It's the link OP used to start the thread
shes live on instagram right now answering questions https://www.instagram.com/jessteacakes/
>>147609 too bad you guys missed out
She’s literally at her hottest right now and we see basically nothing
>>147633 do people just ignore the red infected skin or am I just too vanilla for this fetish?
>>147650 it is a little gross but besides that she is very hot right now, you either just ignore it or you can't
Do You have pics sets or stuffing videos? Tnks
She looks the best when she was pregnant. Love her then honestly
>>147652 Idk I kinda like it
>>147609 >>147612 >>147633 why the fucq did nobody download it
>>147669 How exactly do you download an Instagram livestream....?
Since Jae frequents this board perhaps we should be saying hi, welcoming her to this crazy place. Regardless if she is 700lbs+ or not she has had a legendary career. Really hope this is the year she breaks out of her mental block.
>>147701 Welcoming? She's been a part of this scene for 15+ years. She's been "welcomed" many times over. But I do enjoy her presence here and hope that she sticks around
>>147701 She knows this place is here but only really intervenes when someone crosses the line and goes into her personal life. It's probably best for her sanity if she doesn't engage.
Let's start a thread for this underrated bbw https://gofile.io/d/RnVs9K
>>147748 Sorry I accidently posted this in the wrong board, feel free to delete this
