/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Fat Bitch Fat Bitch 10/06/2024 (Sun) 03:16:21 Id:0e3e40 No. 133151 [Reply]
This bitch looks like she ate all the apple pie, peach pie, pecan pie, possum pie...
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Funniest thing abt this thread is the fact no one’s pointed out that OP’s pic is literally a morph of Juicy Jackie from like 10 years ago
>>133170 You think a black man shouldn't have been born for laughing at a black joke? What are you on about?
>>133274 Gotchu fam. I recognised it. Wasn’t expecting all the incoherent screeching, yet here we are.
>>133159 it is one (not so much younger), but stretched in the middle, like in a circus/ faire mirrow
>>133151 what the fuck is possum pie

SSBBW Jae 11/26/2024 (Tue) 20:33:17 Id:f39e67 No. 138287 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread got bumplocked a while back, so just posting to say that anyone worried she's dropped a bunch of weight just has to check recent tiktok posts to see that she's still massive
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>>140150 not normally one to hate but I have to agree, I'm out. cant do the new content
Thank you for posting! Nice to finally see recent vids. Jae looks better than ever in my opinion. There seems to be other recent OF vids that were never uploaded in full to coomer. Where is she posting content?..
>>140116 Well she caused partly the change by taking care for her son, with who she did regulary long drives (on her own)
not able to download/play with the new gofile update. Can you please upload to mab? thanks
>>140150 Love the skin actually. Discolored fat girl skin with dimples sores and whatever else > normal boring skin unmarked by fatness

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Harmonyhips comeback? Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 09:00:28 Id:9e3e90 No. 128850 [Reply] [Last]
Not sure why the thread got deleted before, but I was serious about her contemplating a comeback.
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I let my membership expire. Genuinely tempted to just re-up and have coomer extract whatever's there. Don't tease a comeback and just do nothing with it. You have fans. Just commit to this or don't.
>>131412 her weight 546.8lbs but what is her height?
>>134594 Exactly. That was the problem last time around too: she just never committed to running an OF page as you need to.
Any updates or has she vanished into darkness again without any notice to her fans?

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Kayleeskandy KayleesKandy 11/22/2024 (Fri) 21:54:39 Id:bf1919 No. 137867 [Reply]
Took a stroll through memory lane, and I still can't get over her. Just thought I'd share with you all here. https://gofile.io/d/lvHoAN
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>>138200 She lost it all. I came across her weight loss TikTok once. I’ll see if I can find it again. She’s back to how she was in that first photo in the before and after.
>>137872 I never believed that before and after. Still don't.
Missed this Thread. Made another and was called a "fucking retard" for doing so.
>>139908 Thats all you came here to say?
>>139930 Yes, I am dying of Cancer, remember?

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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 09:56:31 Id:d0240b No. 122163 [Reply] [Last]
Can we get a thread of girls who got WLS but bounced back? Mine is looking into gastric bypass, but I’m hoping her eating habits mitigate it. Curious to see how much a girl’s shape can change from it, too.
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Jenni Bombshell perhaps? Her ass looks so deflated here compared to usual. I get the vibe this pic is old. Like, it looks even smaller than her early modeling days, so I think at some point she lost weight then gained back and more
>>137521 Anyone know?
>>133645 I love the long drives to meet up with the supersized. Not 5 hours but ladies who are over 500lbs are often on the outskirts or far flung suburbs of my city. They tell you their weight and you have some pictures to go off but the anticipation of actually how fat is this woman im about to fuck. And then you get there and by golly what a fucking whale, well worth the long drive
>>139686 How do you find these huge women who are cool with someone driving over to fuck them without dating them first? I've always wondered if there was a site for people who just wanna fuck, no strings attached.
>>139698 I mean that’s kind of what Tinder is about. But all the ones I’ve found I fucked after the first or second date. I know it’s scary to be seen in public with a land whale, but I love the feeling of everyone looking at me and knowing they’re thinking she’s the fattest person they’ve ever seen.

Sharing what we have Sharing is caring 07/26/2024 (Fri) 14:42:51 Id:20a138 No. 125516 [Reply] [Last]
I have 160+ GB of bbw,ssbbw content. Would you guys like to have it? I'll delete most of my videos soon, so I encourage all of you to download everything you want and share if you can. Here are some random vids, a lot of them. https://gofile.io/d/Wg1J22
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>>135803 zach hadel will do anything for those tomar emeralds
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>>139440 Wow that really does look like him lmao
>>139440 "Tomar what would you do if I was in a BBW porno?"

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Goddess Mary BoBerry 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:52:35 Id:7d7a52 No. 135681 [Reply] [Last]
A new Mary BoBerry thread was needed. Please share her most recent content, here's what I have aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTZ2NGZZRDZiRVA=
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>>146982 I can find anyone's home address with a face pic. I can usually find a lot about them without a face pic too. I've been doing OSINT for a number of years now and have gotten quite good at it and so have the creeps. I'd love to turn the tables on them but they're super careful because they know it can be done. The freak who bothered her probably frequented this very thread.
>>146851 >>/gen/ Bbw-chan.link/gen
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>>147284 Are you sure about that or you're just accusing me?! Because look what I found around the internet: They even made an AI version on https://www.talkie-ai.com/ just to say:
Guys, look at this thread LMAO: https://bbw-chan.link/gen/res/58577.html#footer

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Post ethnic bbws/ssbbws Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 17:00:59 Id:5386db No. 131276 [Reply]
I like non-white fatties. I found this girl's pics, anyone know her name?
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Many lovely "ethnic" bbws, although it took me awhile to come around. I still can't get into most asian's, something about the doll faces.
>>131552 You make no sense, you talk about being a racist then talk negatively about a group of people. Post a good video instead of trying to put groups down.
BOberry is ethnics that’s why she has an ass She’s just wearing whiteface
Ethnic must be the most white american word ever, what a country of uncultured swines
>>139511 Ponce.

>>138849 why do they make it so obvious? I mean, don't they have meta-cognition abilities?
>>138849 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a pathetic girl
>>138869 u sadde cyko
If she actually would properly respond I would probably buy more content she always ghosts.
>>133416 Spicy like a habanero margarita?

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Google Drive 11/26/2024 (Tue) 19:29:58 Id:0af85b No. 138271 [Reply]
Google drive with my porn collection (PFP is my GF lmk if we should make content)
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>>138320 looks like just a regular bathroom
Anyone managed to get anything yet or stuff from the drive
Selling our first commission order right now email me at [email protected]
https://we.tl/t-cmtPisetjy Some more stuff
https://we.tl/t-UIT65nchM8 Some videos never seen on this app from many vids

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Miss red white and beautiful Content Miss red white and beautiful 11/09/2024 (Sat) 12:40:30 Id:1a117b No. 136486 [Reply]
Anyone happen to have any videos or pics of Miss red white and beautiful. One of the first big girls I started following when I was younger. Beauty
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>>137488 Unless someone posts them they are on a site called TaylorMadeClips. You will need to do some digging as their feedist content has practically vanished now a days.
yeh the cj wright stuff was some of the best content out there
Just remembered I had some UltimateBBW https://gofile.io/d/cphKLl
could you share them as individual files. wont let me bulk download for free

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New Superdome Vid Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 15:01:33 Id:3b55a8 No. 131752 [Reply]
preview: http://mssuperdomebooty.com/viewvideo.php?g=1153 the most recent vids that got uploaded here: https://mab.to/t/sqhduuGfKgl/eu1
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>>138748 D'oh!
>>138748 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNpNXpheTloTDFBMmFrcFlNWFZ3 Ok so clicking on the image worked, it has a working mirror link. But the vast majority of torrent links on this site are some compressed version of that, which no one still has insight on how to open. When someone posts this: YUhSMGNITTZMeTlpZFc1cmNpNXpheTloTDFBMmFrcFlNWFZ3 and not an image that links to a full magnet link, how are people able to use those links? people must be using them because everyone says thanks after they get posted and only a few of us retards are left in the dark wondering what's going on lol
>>138778 That's not a magnet link. Google base64 and put it in the converter, repeat until you get a normal link
>>138811 Thank you thank you thank you

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MissSquishSsbbw 12/01/2024 (Sun) 16:31:26 Id:b3bb78 No. 138887 [Reply]
https: //gofile.io /d/eaYKAL
link is missing a digit or something.
Op put two spaces in the link https://gofile.io/d/eaYKAL
>>138887 She has an amazing JOI vid
She has pretty extensive coomer already. Even better if some champ would update it
This chick is hot as fuck, hoping there's more to post because her prices are crazy high

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Cotton Candi Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 00:57:20 Id:c9f1f2 No. 131685 [Reply]
looking to expand my collection with some hi-quality vids. sharing what i have. :D https://gofile.io/d/gP9dpH
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>>132815 The real reason plumperpass sucks now is because of leaks on spankbang. Literally every video got leaked at some point- By an insider, because videos that didn't even appear on site got leaked before the release. It felt great during the time(2021-2022), but it led to the site's decline
>>138724 The models are not as pretty and they don’t get bbw girls with a name. They used to update 3 times a week with Fridays the girl being extra hot. Now the girls are like 5 and 4s. The Friday hot girl has been replaced with a reup of and old clip. I would say they used to spend 2 to 7k a week on talent. Now it’s $300 to $1,500.00. This is just a guess.
The issue is lack of money
Anyone know what’s with that streaming thing she has linked to her Twitter account? I think it’s called fat you love or something
Did she ever do anything remotely related to the feederism or even fat fetishes? Closest I can think of is a video of her and Lexxxi Luxe getting messy with either cake or cupcakes and I think licking it off of each other. I can upload it later if anyone needs it.
